He asked me a lot of questions about my goals. Then he asked...

>He asked me a lot of questions about my goals. Then he asked, ‘Would you like to do steroids or HGH to get you where you want to go?’ ‘I immediately said no.’ And he said, ‘Good, because if you did, I wouldn’t train you.’

>-Henry Cavill on his training for Man of Steel

is there a more based man in holywood?

Attached: henry-cavill-photo-u57.jpg (650x364, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Left looks so much better.

fuck off twink

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>those dyel forearms and wrists

Yeah if you're a woman maybe

how the fuck is this fair? fuck
it's like him and me are two different species. how are we even supposed to try and live in the same world as him bros?

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Right looks like a dirty caveman beast. Left looks like a smooth, attractive clean shaven civilized man.

>im a faggot
One post would've sufficed for us to figure it out.

90% of women would rather be fucked hard by the guy on the right.

well you can always combine colors better than him apparently.

It is possible to achieve this natty. Keep in mind he likely spent 2 hours a day in the gym, had 9 hours of sleep (for full recovery) and had access to the best nutrition money could buy.

forearms, calves, wrists, ankles are mostly genetic

This. I'd take him any day.


Who cares. Women aren't even real people, they're animals.

who are these arabs

he was already a good size for Immortals. the pic on the left is much older

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how do I get this body

This is what achievable nutty.

You don't know what women want.

>Yes I'd like to take trenbolone instead

Pushups, Pullups everday
run 3 times a week
don't over eat


Women don’t even know what they want. They complain about toxic masculinity yet still want to get sexually degraded and dominated by masculine robust chads

and them he change is mind, because he looks like a rob liefeld drawing on the witcher trailer.

why would you when bloatmaxxing the the optimal way to achieve success, in and outside the gym?

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>being self-righteously vocal about not taking steroids and HARD WORK and DEDICATION
Yeah, he juiced.

100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
10 km run

do this everyday

I feel like youre being ironic but majority of /fit/ does this unironically

>believing any hollywood musclehead

Pretty boys will always be more popular amongs women.

He didn't take steroids, he took Smarties.

Faggots burn.

Not when it comes to raw sex appeal, studies support this

You first, Ahmed

Yeah, among teens maybe. Actual women prefer chads.

He trained with Mark Twight from Gym Jones right ? That dude is legit wouldn’t shock me if he asked him some shit like that.

Citation needed

Actual women have no choice because of social stigma. If they could go back to their teenage bodies and being fucked by attractive teenage boys they'd do it anytime.

if he took steroids he wouldn't need you to train him
grow a brain moran eat a fish its brain steroid

>le ebin Chad meme

You cant hire the personal trainer who makes people look like Cavil looks right? Even if you do I bet he asking for fucking lot of money.

2 hours a day in the gym without roids is catabolic.

yeah he also trained the 300 actors.

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>this body fucks your wife

Attached: heh.jpg (308x334, 21K)

He's not natty. Sooner you realize the fitness industry is built on coaches lying about roids so they can sell coaching and supplements sooner you'll get realistic expectations about what a low test faggot like you can achieve.

I thought so. I remember reading about him working with those guys for the movie. He did a great job. I’d love to go to his gym or train with him one day but I’d get my ass stomped.

If there's millions of dollars on the line they're taking steroids.

>that dodge by the PT after offering HGH and roids


daily reminder there are people who think mark cavill and Dwayne Johnson are natty

>Why yes I'm 100% natty how could u tell?

Attached: witcher-crop.jpg (1024x683, 51K)

good genetics + any random routine

Pretty sure he is on TRT for a long time.

He is? I'm watching those behind the scenes stuff right now for 300 and the trainers say they don't give the same exercise to the actors so the body don't adapt, and keep intensifying their workouts.

What about test?

can I achieve this body without going to the gym?

somewhat yes with pushups, pull ups and running


Just do like 10 or 15 pushups a day, run half a mile. You got it bro


honestly, no

Trt is still considered cheating/wrong by normies. Its only socially acceptable to take testosterone if you are a mentally ill woman who thinks she is a man


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you need rest days for recovery you fucking retard

yeah buy a barbell and some weights and use them in your house

What would you do if Henry Cavill asked to fuck your wife/gf? Would you let him

Gym shills pls go

Only if he becomes a true bro and invites me to his sessions with his cute and funny girls.

try the Jason Genova method

If you have high test you can have that body from just calisthenics

My what now?

Yes. Yeah that’s a big staple of what they do or did at GJ. But it was more based on what you need to be able to do with your body vs looking good thus some stuff had to be altered for the actors and how they looked on screen.

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Women don't fuck teenage boys because it's illegal and other people find it creepy.

>Men treated with testosterone who did not work out (T+NoE) gained nearly double the muscle mass as did those who received placebo injections but regularly exercised (NoT+E; 3.2 kg vs 1.9 kg increase). Of course, the increase in muscle mass among the men in the testosterone-plus-exercise group dwarfed both these groups, averaging 6.1 kg.
forever a gainlet. its not fair bros.

He says he will

but in reality he never speaks to you again and you have the sneaking suspicion he is still fucking her

Just pretend user

I wouldn't tell him my gf has a dick, I would record it and blackmail him forever with it, Superman btfo

they all take some form of steriods. is this not known? the time vs effort, do the math, helps to start with such a canvas tho


Don’t be offended guys, but Henry Cavill has a bone structure which allows him to have that build, but his body is not perfect, just look at his legs from behind they are awfully big. The best body is the body of a Chris Hemsworth, he has naturally more fibres in his muscles, so even if he wouldn’t eat for weeks, he would still maintain mass, but Henry Cavill will fizzle like a balloon.

That's unfortunate. Some teenage guys can be quite beautiful.

Wii fit and zumba on the weekends

100% organic potion supplements

This is insane. Why did nature have to make it so hard for men to maintain and gain muscle?
>testosterone starts declining rapidly once you hit your mid twenties
>by 30, muscle mass decreases very year
>sarcopenis quickly kicks in

Also, the best body is the body of Brad Pitt, his ligaments are strong enough to keep him toned even without exercises. Nebraska milk, Brad Pitt from nebraska?

People like to fantasize that these kinds of bodies can be achieved naturally since they see them so often in the media. When raelly even is a pretty challenging feat for a guy.

give all to the bloatlord

user wants to never go to the gym and see results, not the other way around

Who would win in a battle? Cavill or Gigachad?

Attached: OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ.jpg (1080x1331, 109K)

Gigachad, if he was a real person.


Cavill is a demigod.

Rich people are literally all on miracle de aging medicine right now. Seeing 70 year olds with 30 year old bodies and you realize these fuckers are already doing transhumanism

>hover hands the tits

To let Chads rule the world.

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>this is what /fit/ believe to be the ideal physique

Attached: 1551532386321.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

>70 year olds with 30 year old bodies
post 1 (one) example

>Gigachad, if he was a real person.
user I...

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Cavill is 36, m8. Stop making excuses for yourself.

>dirty caveman beast
but this is based

You are naive if you think henry cavill a worldwide famous celebrity isn't on gear.

not much of a chad if someone's got him on a leash


Maybe it's just SARMs.

imb4 some coping manlet accuses him of being photoshopped

hes on steroids, has his own private gym and professional trainer and dietitian

If you divided the brows among the roasties they'd both have normal ones.

Oh please.

but it is

>imb4 some coping manlet accuses him of being photoshopped

>he thinks people in their 30s can gain that much muscle mass in a short amount of time

it is not.
that Kyriakos guy is a fucking fat bastard.
I'll give him some respect though he can do chin ups and weighing over 200kg thats impressive

the 10km run is what kills you, it'll fuck up your knees if you do it for 3 years straight

Prison routine will get you Man of Steel physique.

It's impressive because it's peak performance

no one got it. i'm sorry

In theory they can on a minmaxer diet but i can't think of anyone other than raymond peat that would know how to plan such diet

>thinking any of these hollywood dudes are natty

They put on 30 lbs of muscle then lose it like 4 months after the movie is out. Get fucking real

Its a goal to strive towards.
Even if you can’t reach his peak doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.


My little brother looks like that and he’s been to the gym for 6 months. Lmao

Why should I do cardio if I'm trying to build muscle



Life is too short wasting it n a gym and giving blowjobs to our fag friends

Women always wanna fuck a guy who reminds them of their dad. Smoking, drinking, swearing and sometimes slapping.

You think some art hoe want to feel your six pack? They want you to grab them firmly, push them against the wall, whisper some degrading shit into their ear and the rest is history, man.

>mid 20's

only for beta soys who dont work out and age prematurely, for heathy men its mid 30's


> ‘I immediately said no.’

In all seriousness if we're gonna talk unhealthy body standards from instagram photoshopping why the fuck can't we get some realism about what muscle gains are possible natty? They're ALL juicing. The amount gained and lost isn't natural in the slightest even if they had god tier genetics (oh yeah all Hollywood actors just happened to be genetically gifted bodybuilders).

Cmon. Even the juiciest of sluts like Arnold and Sly were said to be natty and perceived as such well into the 90s by normies. There's fucking zero awareness.
Even now they talk as if Arnie has gone natty in old age. As if his natural test would bounce back after blast and cruise for decades.

It's fucking ridiculous.

Attached: fgdfds.png (480x480, 278K)

>You think some art hoe want to feel your six pack?
Maybe not, but the vast majority of women do

He obviously is on steroids in Man of Steel.

How do I achieve this?

Attached: bane_pod_image_01.jpg (2049x3153, 1.08M)

Thanks uncle Ben. I'll remember it.

>You think some art hoe want to feel your six pack? They want you to grab them firmly, push them against the wall, whisper some degrading shit into their ear and the rest is history, man.
This guy gets it.

he roided to achieve this body just look at all the acne covered up with makeup


Hunt and gather keeps you muscular but you stopped doing that you farmerfag.

Eat 50 hotdogs per day

only if you are super rich and unemployed.

you need a specialist that literally counts the single digit calories of the carrot you eat before triceps training

tfw i have that at 30 and dont even lift

Just a reminder this was considered the peak of masculinity back in the day and now you have to be a fitness model to be considered hot.

Women have the audacity to complain about unfair body image when a woman is below 160lbs, then turn around and jack off to chris hemsworth's thor.

Attached: 71I+9OTLtxL._SX425_[1].jpg (425x531, 29K)

that's steroids

post body

say goodbye to your knees

His trainer, Mark Twight, is bad ass and redpilled as fuck.

Attached: Momoa_MFT_REFUGE_by_Delila-Causevic.jpg (1200x800, 295K)

That's the 1 punch man workout

It's mostly fags who like the shredded look. Women like shit like Adam Driver's body. Also dadbod is a thing.

He was also one of the best alpine climbers in the world. He has a great podcast.


nice argument

Keep telling yourself these lies.

The /r9k/ fake chad threads clearly demonstrate that women overwhelmingly prefer jacked shredded topless men. Dad bod is fucking cope. Adam Driver is famous for playing a "tortured emo bad boy" , which is more why they like him.


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why do actors pretend they dont do steroids? its clear they do, but they keep denying and dont share what they do and in what cycles so no one can get to where they are. Is it just sponsorship? Its not like its a sport

>why do actors pretend they dont do steroids?
To maintain the illusion they are special and you should try fruitlessly to model your life after them

Adam Driver is big. he's both tall and muscular and his bodyfat percentage is low enough that you can see some abs when he flexes them. if he lost like 10 pounds at most he'd be "shredded".

shut the fuck up

I don't know what goes on on /r9k/ so I can't comment but it's not as bad as you think. As long as you're tall that is.

>but it's not as bad as you think. As long as you're tall that is.

>you dont really have to be chad as long as your [chad quality]

Get a single 35lb kettlebell and you can look like Cavill in MOS in a few months if you follow intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet and semen retention/transmutation of sexual energy.

quit being a fag

If you're chad by height you don't have to be double chad and be shredded too at least.

You're still chad then arent ya?

and your back

Because being super jacked isn't our natural state.

The lanklet or otter mode is what evolution wants.

It is your natural state when you're active lifting heavy shit all the time

So for builders in the ancient world, im sure a lot of them had pretty joocy physiques

That's assuming low class laborers had the caloric surplus to get huge.

It takes a lot of eating to get massive.

Guys in prison get fucking yacked on moderate calorie meals. I think being in competition with other men floods your body with test and increases muscle growth in response

Kinda like a pig turning into a boar when it escapes into the wild and goes feral

>giving a shit what women want
If you are improving yourself for anyone but yourself you have already failed.

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>giving a shit what women want
That's literally the whole purpose of life you delusional bastard.

Every animal in the fucking animal kingdom centers their ENTIRE EXISTENCE over finding out what the female of their species wants so they can breed. IT'S CALLED NATURAL SELECTION

There's your life in metaphor. It's the game we're all forced to play, even if you dont want it.

you are the sole occupier of your universe. you live in what the brain makes real

prison food is high calorie slop meant to pacify the prisoners though

It isnt high calorie. It's just enough calories to keep them alive because prisons run on a budget

>Cavill is natty

Holy shit how retarded do you have to be? Every one of these Hollywood fucks juices. Nearly all athletes do as well, certainly the great ones.

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I am not an animal nigger

>lol were animals bro
This is why you will always be subhuman. The entire purpose of human existence iand civilization is to better yourself beyond base animal bullshit.

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I hate this trend of short beards with perfectly straight lines. Looks like it was painted on

And yet he took steroids and HGH anyways...

>The entire purpose of human existence iand civilization is to better yourself beyond base animal bullshit.
No the entire purpose of civilization WAS to facilitate breeding and raising children.

Notice how I said WAS

>mfw no matter how much I lift, I'll never have hueg forearms and thick wrists
regardless, I won't give up

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teleological fallacy

>Notice how I said WAS
consider it noticed

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> ‘Good, because if you did, I wouldn’t train you.’
garbage. If he said 'yes' the trainer would have opened the bookcase and led him to a dungeon full of steroids

Sounds like a made up story to cover up the fact that he took HGH. Why even bring it up?

That doesnt make sense

HGH is used for coming off cycle, primarily. Cavill is on a high test dose and probably dbol and tren.

We literally are.

Just like my Japanese animes

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The jail in the next county over tends to run their meals at about 1600kcal/day to keep their inmates too hungry to riot so it is sort of true, but it totally depends on the budget/place. Nearly all jails and prisons, however, will offer commissary/canteen - an inhouse shop where inmates can buy junk food and other items using money put onto the inmates books by work duty or somebody on the outside.
Go look up what a jail mix is. If you're not a complete outcast and can hustle up $.40/day, you're probably eating a mix every night. I did the math once: the food offered by the state was between 1800-2200 kcal per day, depending on the meal and the mixes were usually at least another 1500kcal on top of that. That's also ignoring the fact that you can buy oatmeal, peanut butter, and various types of packaged fish on canteen for snacking in between so by trading and hustling you never HAD to eat state food. Also there was a MASSIVE abundance of state "bread" and baked potatoes that nearly everybody was willing to give away for free so if you wanted to bulk on bread and potatoes after you got your protein that was an option too.

Lies if you lived like most humans pre-agricultural revolution like God and nature intended your daily survival routine and lean diet would keep your fit and strong till the day you died of animal attack at the ripe old age of 40. But unironically though even old men in tribal societies are strong and fit.

Attached: actual humans.jpg (342x262, 29K)

I think the consensus is that people lived quite long IF they made it past the filters like early childhood diseases and warfare. either you were mostly fine or you died harshly and early.

With a workout that intense,
you could probably defeat anyone with one punch!

Yeah. Like if nothing traumatic happened and resources were stable I can imagine that hunter gatherers would live at least as long as the modern man or even longer because they would fall for the diabetes or heart disease meme. Maybe Ted was right.

>dude were just animals bro there's no reason to be anything better
Just file yourself in with the average nigger than chief.

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natural selection is only the mechanism by which evolution occurs.
you're making a teleological fallacy by saying that because animals end in reproduction (despite the fact that many just die) their purpose is to reproduce
anyway any discussion of purpose is pure ideology

There is something unnatural going on here. It just doesn't look right.

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Studios highering trainers and chefs to keep you sculpted.

Japanese fops acting tough and masculine is pure fucking cringe.

Yes, by going to jail

body like a greek statue



user, I...

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you cant change your bone structure lol

The Bloatlord cometh


Your position in life is a direct byproduct of your own weakness.

Is there anything more pathetic than jealousy?


Quit moping and start improving yourself. Thats how you live in the same world as him. Don't look at him with spite, look at him as a role model

Cavill, Gigachad is dehydrated as fuck and would pass out

Attached: succ.png (215x136, 65K)

>literally looks like a god
>has a golden heart
You can't even hate him.

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>He's so much of a Chad she has to dechad him in photoshop

not every but close enough

what a natty legend we can all make it bros easily!

Those titties, mmmmmm

Cavill is so juiced up his balls are never coming back. The guy has the work ethic of a fat prostitute. Fuck him. I dont even like Affleck but his "transformation" is believably drug free.

lmao he clearly is on fucking test

No you don't

What does this means?

Not the steroid body but the other body isn't that hard for anyone dedicated to going to the gym. And is willing to watch their diet.

>‘I immediately said no.

lol does anyone actually believe this?

That's lack of body fat rather than building yuge muscles. It is attainable by anyone with the willpower.

No air con in the summer, no heating in winter.

>10 km run
I know this is a meem, but, you could get the same results doing 10 km biking, right?



You clearly don’t either because the point isn’t even to figure out what they want in the first place. Your job as a man is to be creative and consistent with what you want and be charming enough for her to want the same thing as you. So if you sit in a basement with no goals or motives, its no wonder why any woman would be interested in you, you fucking absolute socialet.


user, a good fight is its own reward. Just because you can't win doesn't mean you should give up. I say fighting a losing battle knowing you can't win but fighting nonetheless is beautiful and admirable.


Calistenics + sprints/jogging with nutrition will get you jacked

this still doesn't make sense

It doesn't matter, his pic in the OP is very obtainable. Would take 3-4 years and a commitment to good nutrition.

He's actually not wrong about the 10k runs. I did them for a few years when I was running marathons and I ended up jacking up my knee and needing an ACL surgery and patella-realignment.

I don't believe for one second he got that way naturally.


Yeah, you're better off swimming for cardio. Much less impact on your knees and just as effective.

its called pumping
before a shoot you pump some iron so that your muscles and veins bulge out
arnie has told everyone this countless times

>being this jelly
Fucking gymcels kek


you need to go to a trainer who sells WEAKER STEROIDS

This is projection. No part of recognizing your limits directly implies that you have to give up on everything.
but yes, you are praising him for his looks, so it is important to realize that getting ripped and huge does not change your bone structure. this is not a good motivator to "work towards", because you are just feeding a delusion.
now if you imply im saying to just give up im going to kick you in the shins

Lol, stick to watching movies. You don't know what is achievable natty.

If you believed this you wouldn't be on 4channel talking to other people.

Being fit is better than not so fuck bone structure.

Dudes roided up to his gills. All those high paying actors are.All that story is bullshit

One of the biggest gymcel copes I have ever seen.

that fat fuck cant lift at all

What if I’m too fat to do pull ups ?

It absolutely doesn't.


no amount of "self-improvement" will put you on the same plane of existence as Henry Cavill lmfao.

lel no personal trainer has any moral objection to steroids

unironically jewish lies and propaganda designed to keep you from lifting

if you're overweight it absolutely will. retard

It's not about being on the same plane. You do the best you can with what you have. Just because you won't be on top doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be the best you can.

Daily reminder that he nearly missed his audition for MoS because he was playing WoW.

im pretty sure it came out a while ago that he was sexist theres also a strong probability that he browses/posts on Yea Forums so...

>testosterone starts declining rapidly once you hit your mid twenties
>got head injury from sports
>stopped producing testosterone
>get life time supply of testosterone replacement even though I don't really need it
I dab on you testosteronelets.

>he's just like us

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 6K)

What the fuck does "sexist" even mean these days?

you literally said self-improvement is how you live in the same world as Henry Cavill. I agree with your second post but it contradicts your first one

Not the same guy. Living in the same world doesn't imply you'll be on the same level, just that you'll be able to be at peace with yourself I guess.

It was a suit


mirin those wrists tho. mine are 1/3 of the size

>Life is a form of material organization that strives to perpetuate itself.

Found the ragging homosexual

yet he still causes those around him to give him a thumbs up

at the cost of infertility

That's how retards believe you obtain the shredded look. Seriously.
>Lift to gain muscle
>Cardio to cut fat

Completely fucking oblivious to the fact that what you put in your mouth every day is what ends up defining both your fat and muscle ratio.

Forgot the most important parts, user.

>testicles the size of raisins
>infertile sperm

Unless your doctor also prescribed HCG and you had your sperm frozen down. Then you'd be based and bigballed.

Rofl it takes way more than that you dumb faggot

I love Immortals and no one can stop me.

Attached: Henry Cavill Immortals-2.jpg (2400x1628, 231K)

>started out as hungry skeleton
>4 months into lifting, following an autistic diet and chugging down weightgainer fluids

How many years before I can enter Cavillmode?

Attached: skelly.jpg (835x806, 140K)

Looks good. Don't get too crazy with it.

>washing machine hose broke, house flooded
>water removal guys moved everything out of the rooms and into wherever they wanted however they wanted
>had 5lbs of premium protein powder that I'd drink 3 scoops of every night after working construction
>couldnt find it; been working 2 weeks without my proton powder so far
Rich Chads like Chadly Chadville don't have to put up with this shit

Attached: 1566353403712.jpg (821x1024, 93K)

I have no right to comment with my beer gut but youre making good progress.


Straight shota

>4 month
fucking how? that's unironically close to my goal body

Post a before shot.

>being interviewed for training regime
>so did he do steroids?
>the illegal substances that most actors do for a quick turn around in their physiques but don’t say they do
>no, of course not, that’s ridiculous



yeah forget it

Ectomorph have to eat more and lift. That's all it takes for them. They naturally low body fat means that any gains are immediately visible. Everyone else has to cut to achieve the same look, or do enough cardio to keep your body fat low.

Don't have any bodyshots from before I began on this phone. Closest I have is this which was like 1 month in.

Attached: kjkj.jpg (743x849, 109K)

This Plus I keep it simple. The 4 compound lifts + pullups. That's it.

Unironcially the correct answer