Is Rogue One the best of nu-wars?

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The best of shit is still shit despite Yea Forumss desperately attempts to shill all Disney Wars that isn’t TLJ

I liked solo, it was a little cringe but pretty comfy.

imagine how much those kids get raped


That would break my mother, her heart couldn't take her favorite menudo was preyed upon.

>2027: Both sons come out as gay
Wow what are the chances haha

it's disney, so there's no doubt there.

We live in a time where two men can marry and adopt toddlers.

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Not only that but they will be praised for it too


Yeah, but by who? White women. It's always them pushing this kind of degeneracy. The gay weddings are always held by women and you see them laughing because they revel in watching society self destroy.

wtf is wrong with his pants?

>their two sons

*tips tinfoil*


Search for gay wedding ceremony and it's always a white woman. She's probably very straight, married with children but they love pushing degenracy forward. I'm wondering why these fags don't have all male weddings, it's always full of women encouraging this degeneracy.

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He's probably wearing diapers and a colostomy bag because his husband ruined his asshole.

>I'm wondering why these fags don't have all male weddings
Maybe because their social circles aren't 100% male?

Yeah but /pol/s always right

Well it stands to reason that white homosexuals would be acquainted with a lot of white women. Homosexuals aren't really known for associating with colored women or even colored homosexuals for that matter (apparently gays only want to fuck whites or some such).

That's not true at all, LGBT people are all for diversity, you make no sense. Those omen attending the edding aren't LGBT, they don't belong to that crowd but they love pushing gay marriage and letting them adopt kids they can molest in their homes without anybody looking.

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This image itself says that this wasn't a case of actual adoption.


This is disgusting.

The fact that they allow surrogate mothers to breed for faggots is like adoption. There are many countries that allows fags to adopt or have kids one way or another. Not sure what point you're trying to make. Allowing those freaks to be legally married was the first step. No sane nation should give these people any form of recognition.

Don't ask don't tell. Leading the free world and shit.

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For some reason the OP one doesn't bother me, even though the kid on the left looks like a bigger faggot than his dads.

But this one with Elton john really scares me. The kids look more likely to have been raped.

>What filth are (((we))) pouring in the well of white civilization today?

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It's so unfair that wealthy fags can't have children while poor straight people can. Only rich people should be allowed to have children. What did liberals mean by this?

>Beautiful. You can now sodomize eachother--err-I mean kiss. Hehehehe

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Well schlomo let's make gays look wholesome