The elderly and the disabled.
The elderly and the disabled
Other urls found in this thread:
The predatory pedos:
We're just gonna KILL EM
Is this the only good performance he ever did?
An Inconvenient Anime
>So we looked at the data...
the data says Sam is a faggot
Can anyone explain this to me, I don't know much about Sam apart from the Tedx thing, did he really bang a minor or id it just memery like when he's accused of shootings
He sodomized her when she was 16. It's his way of coping with his pedophilia without going to jail.
lmao post the video where this cuck is seething at tinder roasties for rejecting him
there is also the diaper dungeon thing....
it's not the only good thing he's ever done, but it is the best
God this pathetic faggot again go away no wants your spam
This is the only really funny thing Sam Hyde did
Prove me wrong
No one wants Sam's spam either faggot. The guy is washed up, his show has been cancelled for years, and all his new material is shitty and behind a paywall.
Anytime a thread about him pops up it's clearly one of his shills doing it in some desperate attempt to keep his relevancy afloat.
"The furthest I ever strayed was with the anti-gay stand-up. I thought it would be cool to clear the room out but in doing so I said a lot of things I don't put any stock in, without any clear indicators for the audience… I think that was a mistake."
He's a fraud.
fuck off stop samefagging you're shit, you're mad people mocked your tinder on Yea Forums so now you got to latch on Yea Forums by shitting up the place.
>discussing an entertainment figure on the tv board
that's exactly what it is.
no one likes you, fag
get over it
>2017... I am forgotten.....
state-enforced homosexuality
wow cool video faggot