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left one looks ugly desu

Both of those say; this bitch is crazy.

are there really people who take Varg seriously?

left would have her arms made in to soup by niggers to cure their aids. White looks like my ex, so FUCK HER!

>great music
you have to be over 18 to post here buddy

he was crazy already but went completely nuts after youtube channel was deleted

While I think light blue eyes are beautiful like Alexis Bledel's, I think light brown or hazel are the most expressive.

For me, it’s blonde hair and brown eyes.

Mostly underage autists

I don't really like blonde girls that much
Not sure why

what do these eyes say?

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>Black hair and blue eyes

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I thought Varg was done with this brown hair brown eyes horseshit? Was he just pretending for his YT crowd?

The guy is unironically low IQ. I think he must have gotten brain damage somehow or something because he is a fucking retard

He's based for living how he wants, but it's just endlessly stupidity. It's like someone read LiveLeak comments and took them as fact

gucci gang gucci gang uh
ain't nufin but bitches n hoes
gonna cap some niggas

A surprisingly high amount of people. The worst part is how many other content producers are just scared to disavow or even really criticize him. They keep treating him as though he has anything worth saying.

He was always like this, dude.

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The left looks like a far bigger psycho, t b h.

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You are an Irish mutt like me. Irish/Italian in my case.

>I just stabbed someone a gazillion times in self defence

His misuse of the semicolon is angering me.

>tfw brown hair, blue eyes

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He might be a lunatic but he's also one of the most intelligent people in the world. You'd be a moron to not at least consider his viewpoints.

Black hair and green eyes is a God-tier combo

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Tolkien wtf

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Ariana Marie is really pretty


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but he killed a guy though

>tfw brown hair, green eyes
Are we a superior race?

>literally who twitter screenshot
>22 replies
This entire website is retarded

That's Varg

>all the seething southrons ITT
oh no no no

yes fren

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what is this cringey autism

absolutely patrician

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>considering some welfare queen faggot
kys zoomer

Snowniggers look like shit,meds look much better.

>>Blue eyes say "Love me or I die."
Black eyes say " I know he really loves@ me, and it was my fault."

red hair and green eyes is the patrician choice

it's funny that some of his kids blonde hair has started to turn brunette as they get older and he insists that anyone with melanin in their hair/eyes isn't 100% european

Reminder that when nordcucks were chimping out in wooden cabins, mediterraneans were creating philosophy, government, empires, literature, theatre, proper written language, and so much more

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right one looks hotter, left one looks like that tranny

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He's right, brown eyes are shit-tier

>Gandalf the White
>uses a picture of Odin
what an utter retard

left one looks like a coalburner.

Nah,brown eyes look great.whereas blue eyes and colored eyes make you look like a mutant.

Reminder that even back then nords were prized more because they weren't cucks like meds

colored eyes give you more humanity.
Black eyes make you look like a farm animal

Vikings literally sold their own women to arabs for wine and spices.

And then they fell. and today greece is an absolute shitstain. Society makes people weak and comforatable, and then they let in niggers and mudslimes, and let the merchants take control so they get to live ez pz. Wait till you see what happens next faggot, if you even live long enough.

Facial features matter not eye color.

>their own women to arabs for wine and spices
So? It's not like they were good for anything else

theres no proof of this anyways, this guy is probs a 56% christcuck

Just says nords were always cucks.

based vikings.
Blonde sloots are unloyal, its why they replaced them with celtic women to the point its 50% of their ancestry.

>left is an ugly mutant
>right is top tier qt

Why is he so obsessed with whiteness?