Fucking hell this is so BORING

fucking hell this is so BORING

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Correct. But /r/movies and the internet is brainwashed into thinking they are all great. Only fellowship was good

I skip most of the hobbit parts in TTT and ROTK

Stick to superhero movies.


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Fucking brainlet zoomed newfags

lol you're too much of a pleb to see that this is on the same level as capeshit

Somebody edit this into episodic format. Watching it in the movie form just kills my hype

Contrarion reactionary thread, these movies are great.

You know what's true Kino though?


You unironically need to be an incel to truly appreciate Tolkien's opus.

Actually, you need to have a great love of women, that's the one thing the films lacked.


if you don’t enjoy LotR you just don’t like fantasy in general, it’s that simple. LotR is peak fantasy, there’s a reason everyone is copying Tolkien’s lore.

Dumb woman

Good thing it doesn't have to be requited then haha

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>Only fellowship was good
This is the most correct thing anyone has ever said in the history of the world.

I don't understand to why lotrfags keep praising this trilogy. It's good but not a masterpiece. It's like this is the only movie they have watched.

You aren't supposed to skip days on Adderall, user.

t. woman

>zoomer squad in the board tonight
>everybody is gonna have a pleb time
No but seriously fuck off

LOTR hate threads, ironic or not, always remind of overhearing a woman in one of my classes saying "That movie is so boring, it's just three guys running for a couple of hours" - referring to The Two Towers.

There are some movies that don't adapt well to a windowed screen in the corner of your laptop monitor, user.

>date a girl for half a year
>ask her if shes seen LOTR
>"no never user but Id give it a try"
>watch 1 film each saturday for 3 weeks
>she falls asleep during every single one

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name a film in the same category that is better

Post tits

The only truly boring one imho is TTT. Helm's Deep is overrated.

>LOTR fan calling others zoomers
Hooooly shit the irony of this post. I'm getting too old for this shit.

shouldve just watched this. its much better

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happened to me with star wars OT and back to the future

You're right.
I just realised it but any fantasy I've enjoyed usually had something else going on (like grimdark) and can't think of any pure fantasy that I enjoy.

>Watching TTT with my girl
>Didn't realize its the director's cut
>150 minutes in, wondering if it's almost over
>Check the time left

How could you watch this in one sitting uninterrupted? Good lord

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Who is Arwen?

every woman ive watched lotr with made it an absolutely miserable experience
>it's BORING
>are sam and frodo gay?
>hehe, gollum is so cuuuute!!!

Zoom zoom zoom

by not being ADHD

Fucking pleb you should have watched the theatrical first. It's better edited and has way better pacing. Extended is just for the fans. I never watched the extended until only recently,and I have always liked lotr before that.