Scientists predict that, in 2020, 30% of all men aged 18-29 will live in celibacy

>Scientists predict that, in 2020, 30% of all men aged 18-29 will live in celibacy

What are your favorite Incel documentaries?
I love "Shy Boys: IRL" :

You'd think we see more incel movies now that over 1/4th of the male population are incels by definition

Attached: Genders.png (988x764, 192K)

Never in history has people had less sex, quite interesting

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The number is higher, fatties and uggos don't count

To think this was fault of one app only, one app caused all of this we're seeing today

I prefer the smell of blood to the smell of rotten fish from pussy

>no X axis

You see westernen have become too economically unattractive we must import millions of poor Africans to fix the problem yes yes


This doc lost its value


It's the last documentary on incels that wasn't "THESE PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY TERRORISTS AND THEY WILL KILL US ALL"

exactly, this was a doc on virgins, not incels

Do you know what incel means?

the conotation is different than what it was before

t. “incel” who isn’t a virgin

Yeah you get what I mean, fuck your documentary lol

You aren’t an incel bro

and there are still people here who say /pol/ is insane and doesnt know what they talk about

come on guys even normies waking up

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>strg+f :jews
>0 Results

jeh Yea Forums is full of redditors

>women have higher standards than ever
>metoo movement and false rape allegations

gee I wonder why this is

I will post 2 pics to explain everything:

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Attached: 1568469111762.jpg (640x299, 26K)

Good. The population needs to go down some.

This is the most depressing graph I've seen in a long time. How the fuck do you get a decent impression of someone through a dating app profile?

Then cull the old, why are they still wasting resources

>met in bar or restaurant tracks online
literally just what people say when they're embarrassed they met online. white lie because the first meet up often happens in a bar any way.

You dont, it's purely superficial. Hence the graph in the OP

>you can blame young people for the dry spell

Young women aren't monogamous and are having sex with a smaller percentage of men than ever.

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By actually talking to them. Most conversations will lead nowhere. I hate online dating, I really fucking do, but it does work.

Why is that

>tinder is shit

Literally everyone knows this. You use tinder if you're a superficial fuckboi, if you want something of actual substance you use another site like Ok Cupid or Christian Mingle.

Hypegamy and social changes

Attached: 500px-Kkklll.jpg (500x417, 41K)

Conversations via text do not give you a good impression of how someone will act irl. Every shy, socially anxious girl in the world comes across as confident and worldly through text

Men will fuck anything, even ugly women. And a lot of young women would rather share a hot guy than be exclusive with an average guy

Women would rather share a hot guy than own an average guy
The sexual market has never been more skewed because every guy below 9/10 is considered hideous and undateable by modern standards

I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics people will have to do when male inceldom is like 70%.

this is why harems exist

People will just continue to say the same shit, which is that no one's entitled to love or intimacy

around when did tinder get popular, is it related to that graph?

Yup. This is entirely the result of online dating

>this is a 10/10 male in the mind of an incel

Attached: theperfectspecimen.png (400x250, 87K)

>women don't owe you sex, incel
>you owe society sex, incel

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>communism vs capitalism

It won't matter because /inceljihad/ will already be in full effect

It's certainly an improvement

Just fuck hookers, women are not worth the trouble.

People still think love is a real thing user it isn't, but that's the argument people give - plus prostitution is illegal in 3rd world countries like Canada and the US

Romantic love was an idea invented by whites people and it's dying with them.

Women are having the same amount of sex, as always. Lonely men are bringing the average down.

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

I can hear your hands rubbing from here

based and redpilled

settle down and have children incel

Attached: aitaaa.png (1709x1223, 264K)

>should we accept that maybe modern gender politics have fucked everything up a bit and need to be reversed?

27 year old virgin here. I haven't hugged a girl in 8 years let alone kissed

I'm the 25-year-old lonely CPA from last night's "Friday Night - Why are you here?" thread. Man, I'm so horny and lonely. I wish I could get laid.

im tired of fucking hookers.

also you cant really have a family with a hooker.

Sex is a meme. People don't want sex. They want affection and social validation.

Not technically illegal in Canada

all of social media is not one app.

I hugged a girl when I was 15. 28 now.

>mfw i can break into the 80% if i try hard enough
>mfw im outfuck lankets while being only a 5´10 manlets

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Do something about it :^)