Doesn't he realize Disney+ and Apple+ are about to do the same to him?
Why is he such a smug piece of shit?
>we're all blind now so let's be hunters
>newborns can see tho
>how do we know newborns can't talk
Apple TV yall
Did you see Disney+ day 1 catalog? It's fucking garbage, even worse than netflix god help us all. That shit won't make it to next summer
That's what people used to say about the iPhone.
Streaming is just gonna become the new cable and you'll have to pay for multiple services to get a decent selection of TV and fipm. In the UK, Sky TV (basically our equivalent to premium cable) already has a package that bundles its own on-demand service with netflix.
Lol what? Wouldn’t agriculture be a lot easier than hunting for blind people
For retards. Piracy is going to undergo a new golden age
Why do you think they dismantled net neutrality? They're going to throttle non-streamer networks.
Ironically Netflix IS the new blockbuster
Imagine if blockbuster bought them in the 00s like they where going to? Fucking bizzaro
In a decade or less Netflix will be dead negative equity over its head Disney Amazon and other literal streaming garbage will take their place
PlutoTV sucks but is free
Netflix and Hulu, just make a new email every month ( for their free trials
Literally profit
Did you see Netflix's day 1 catalog? Fucking British sitcoms from the 1980s. Give them time to make new shows.
Don't you have to enter a credit card every time you make a new trial?
he looks very jewish
Netflix owns a huge backbone and server network that allows streaming to happen. It is why people are investing in it. Disney+ and apple will probably rent bandwith from them. It is actually their only way to profitably since they can't make a profit off their consumer subscriptions and never have.
Maintaining modern society would be easier than giving everything up to go back to bow hunting. We have blind people that get by just fine.
lol no
they colo in ISP datacenters
yea they have servers but that "backbone" was pulled directly from your ass
Netflix doesn't have to worry too much about Disney + because Disney is:
>too chickenshit to make R-rated shows and adult content in general
>is extremely shitty, cheap and demanding towards creators; they're unwilling to take any real creative risks
>already in the process of ruining Star Wars and will now likely destroy the MCU if the stupid feminist/PoC antics in the upcoming Disney + shows are anything to go by
>already ruining destroying their reputation and their classics with their complete disregard for quality entertainment and impatience to churn out rushed, annual live action remakes
They should worry about Apple though, because they actually have the money to fund adult shows and risky creative ideas.
I don't see them being one of the top 3 streaming services in 5 years or less either way.
Who picked the name for Disney+?People will assume it's some kiddy shit with bad shows for teenagers.
They own fiber, datacenters, and most importantly little mini servers directly at the switches in your neighborhood. Look it up nigger.
What kind of retarded analogy is that? There's nothing similar in the two situations at all. Blockbuster laughed at a new idea that ended up working, and then they went down. Netflix isn't laughing at Disney+ and Apple+, which aren't even new ideas, so even if Netflix went down there wouldn't be any similarity.
>We have blind people that get by just fine.
They get by just fine because there are non-blind people who maintain the world around them. You could convert the modern world to work for people without eyesight, but it would take a lot of time and people who can see what they're doing to make the adjustments.
>People will assume it's some kiddy shit with bad shows for teenagers.
How dare they. Disney is Marvel kino for adults.
>paying for kike media
just torrent it lol
I consider cancelling my account every day
I've been downloading their shit since Daredevil was axed. What little shit there is to take notice of.
>and you'll have to pay
that's where your logic falls
disney will destroy them soon enough
>Doesn't he realize Disney+ and Apple+ are about to do the same to him?
Netflix sort of did actually, that's why they starting producing original content.
The fatal mistake they made tho was letting the Jews make said content for them.
How does this company still operate when it loses millions of pounds every year.
I'd say the same thing too
New shows are not the reason people think Disney+ is going to crush it. If they're not interested in using their archives to create a great catalogue, they're retarded
Netflix originals usually are not their most watched shows.
People tend to use it to watch Friends and The Office.
The same way twitter does
They haven't lost a single cent
They are one of the most secritive public companies in existence. They loose money every year, but they build bandwith. Most people believe it is their network that is valuable to investors, but i would never buy a share.
Apple, who sells an overpriced phone and nothing else of note, to only 15% of the phone market, is the most highly valued company of all time. Investors are retarded.
He has to project confidence even if his company is probably doomed.
>too chickenshit to make R-rated shows and adult content in general
1) Disney is putting all their R-rated content on Hulu
2) There’s a bundle with Disney Plus and Hulu (also ESPN+)
Its a bubble, the value keeps increasing for a limited time before crashing. As a short term investment you could make money as long as you cashed out before it all went to shit.
Apple's gonna tear NetFlix a new one. Be prepared to turn into MySpace, NetFlix.
If you’re an American Netflix doesn’t even have anything left besides their Originals. all the shows that I watched years ago on Netflix have been yanked.
>you'll have to pay
Not as long as piracy is a thing and even if its not a thing somehow fuck it, i'll stop watching shows all together
>>too chickenshit to make R-rated shows and adult content in general
Why do Jews have no problem destabilizing the entire world but still fear putting out R rated content?
>be soulless
>destroy soul