>Blade Runner does a soulless nostalgia cashgrab
>nobody bats an eye
>Star Wars does the same thing
>everyone loses their minds
It's a funny world we live in
Blade Runner does a soulless nostalgia cashgrab
Other urls found in this thread:
Only because this board and the internet are full of actual retards
>Blade Runner does a soulless nostalgia cashgrab
but it flopped
though the blade runner sequel wasn't great, it was a whole lot better tham TFA
Yes, but they still tried to grab cash with it.
Why is everyone shilling against BR2049 all of the sudden? Why is everyone shilling against it women, faggots and trannies? Really makes you think.
Literally this entire board has been shilling it for the past 2 weeks when this board hated it ever since the redditors left. You are the only shill here, faggot. Take your reddit runner back to /r/movies
And The Last Jedi was better than both
Oh look, one of them faggots decided to show its head. You'll never be a real woman, you tranny fuck so just kill yourself right now and be done with it.
Trannies are the only "people" who like 2049, though. Now go back to your discord
>this is what reddit considers arguing
It's always 2 of you, I've noticed. Also quite interesting.
Found the Razorfist dick suckers. For those that don't know: youtube.com
nice bait
>nobody bats an eye
That's because nobody cares about Bladerunner compared to Star Wars. Simple explanation.
>OP the tranny got buttblasted in the other thread so he had to flee here
lmao delicious tears
Factually wrong, only women and trannies hate it. Fact.
star wars had a rabid fanbase of nerds, who mind you were perfectly fine with the soulless cashgrab.
nobody really cared about blade runner except sci-fi fans and boomer cinemagoers
incels like incel bait flick, big surprise
>inb4 le purple crybaby "waah waah muh feels me wanna fuck she :((((("
Nobody cares about your opinion, hole. Go be a waste of life elsewhere.
Renember when this board had to actually argue?
I'm not watching razorfag. Give me the scrapnotes
I don't even know who the fuck that is, keep dilating while watching your reddit runner, tranny
blade runner 2049 was about finding soul in the soulless
if you don't understand that you didn't watch the film
He's against the movie you fucking invalid
>ibn4 how do you know that fag? Are you fanboy
Use social clues next time retard
You can look up how many articles of people saying BR2048 was misogynistic.
You will never be a real woman
I'll just leave this here.
what is this sorcery
I thought BR2049 was as good as the original, Denis did a good job. I don't have patrician taste in film though so everyone here probably thought different of it
Oh my this totally ruins the movie, it's a damn piece of shit! I can't believe this!
It's a misogynistic movie even tho the police chief is a women who even has a me too moment but with reversed sexes.
Why would I want to be?
You know why, tranny
This b8 is HARRIBLE
nobody irl cares about the original blade runner.
You have the most patrician taste of everyone ITT
Yea Forums contrarians, zoomers who didn’t get the movie, and discord users
Think the point is that it can't really function as a window if it's curved and would distort everything viewed through it
But, they could easily have different materials in the future that behave differently etc
Nice bait. BR2049 is in no way similar to BR aside from taking place in the same universe.
the film was generally dishonest, especially the opening scene where the rock says, "because you've never seen a mirror, k".
how did the rock know his name was k? why could they invent curved glass and flying cars but didn't know how to make a mirror? or wood?
sloppy lazy writing.
That's possible even today with barely any distortion. Also look up plexiglass.
2049 wasn't a cashgrab, neither in money nor in attempt
Only a small portion of fanboys got butthurt over TLJ because they didn't understand it. For them, it was not nostalgic enough.
>large conglomerates are only interested in profits through rehashed ideas and established IP
wow I am shocked! How did you find out user?
>barely any distortion
so you admit that there is in fact distortion.
point proved, thank you.
I'm just saying that forgive 2049 for doing it but not TFA and TLJ (not saying I like TFA or TLJ either)
>let's grab cash by making a 3-hour mood piece with no action
Is it possible to be this dense? Are you just performing as a mouth drooling retard, part of an elaborate ruse?
How can you be this dumb? The line that Dave Battista says is "Because you've never seen a miracle" the miracle being the replicant giving birth.
He's just joking bro.
as far as I know, there was no mention of the density of the curved windows on br 2049. i'll grant you that the density would change the refractive index and rayleigh scattering.
BR2049 was good. TFA was just okay.
is this some advanced 4D chess reverse baiting or are you actually that gullible
They've killed Star Wars though. It's no wonder fans went reee. The latest Blade Runner 2048 will never be greater than the original Blade Runner. That's science.
shit b8 m8
>The line that Dave Battista says
who the fuck is dave batista? was that sapper morton's real name?
There was point in time sometime after it came out where we all talked about it and agreed it was great. Saw it on Imax, last night it played because of the flop. Sat right in the middle so screen fits eyes perfectly, beautiful sight.
>soulless nostalgia cashgrab
You know how I know you'de pleb
>Only a small portion of fanboys got butthurt over TLJ because they didn't understand it. For them, it was not nostalgic enough.
No most people hated it because it ruined Luke's character and Rey beats Luke's ass without training. Also Canto Bight.