Favorite skit from hit tv show Million Dollar Extreme?

Favorite skit from hit tv show Million Dollar Extreme?

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The j*ws rock song. Once it gets in, it never leaves.



The Man Who Would Never Be What They Made Him to Be
Hayden CEO
Tap Water

I'll go with the classic "what's going on, big guy?"

For me its the wine party youtu.be/xbllxgxgQVQ

How is charls' cult going?

fuck world peace


The cancellation episode was lulzy

That’s the ticket

The one where he fucked an underage kid

wall show is the best one

Jews rock up the butt don't they:

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kstv2 is goat:


Apparently he ranted about World Peace and Sam for 40 minutes straight

Sam must have really fucked him over then. Makes me wonder exactly what went down.

that skit scares me but is also fucking hilarious

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the one where sam pretended to be a pedophile and groomed a 16 year old girl

>2017... I am forgotten.....
JFC, this is the skit that got them cancelled, right?

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Alpha male taking the prime pussy that's rightfully his, nothing wrong with that.

sam never recovered.
I bet his first thought waking up every morning is this skit.

>dude pedos are so alpha
look what sam has you saying.

On a recent twitch stream? Link?

more cowbell

seems more like 20 minutes, unless Im wrong he start around the 5 hour mark:

That was just the harvest moon talking

its so strange what could sam have done that makes chuck so angry and yet causes no response from either nick or ruse

He sold his Feed & Seed to Sneed

which i just wish chuck would stop being so passive aggressive and just come out with it

im sure people would back chuck and abandon sam if its that bad


Here's the exact beginning of the rant. Some guy donated and asked about World Peace and Charls got pissed then started rambling and ranting about it.

He's probably afraid Sam has dirt on him that he will let loose if he names Sam directly. Sam almost did that shit to Don Jolly after pic related surfaced, he secretly records convos and has keyloggers on his employees PC's to monitor them because he's a paranoid thin skinned sociopath. He released this as a warning to Don:


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the one where he awkwardly calls in to talk to tim heikekker as if doing that will change anything at all about his sad situation (lol)

Its probably the most retarded of his humor but I honestly miss Sam's stupid vertical videos. round bread, goobas and steampunk gamer have influenced me in ways I can't describe


Oh fuck off chuck

>It's OVER. It's NEVER happening again
>looks straight at the camera

oh no no nooo nooooo

>I was assassinated and betrayed
If he feels so strongly about this stuff and Sam why is he too pussy to just talk about it openly instead of this gay as fuck talking-about-it-but-not-really shit?

this goober seems like an addled drama queen, but i would be pretty salty about WP going down the drain because my boorish partner insisted on dogwhistling for the fatvirgins he thinks got them there. for all his bravado sam desperately panders to his fanbase because of lacking either the self-esteem or -awareness to see it was their own talents that brought them success

Yeah, seriously what the fuck happened? Nick and Sam are still cool. It must have been a pretty nuclear fallout because Charls gets pretty livid anytime it’s brought up.

The one where Sam is a pedophile faggot, who stole money from his fans and friends

who the fuck is toneboat

>saying kike on a public platform with your real name

Can we ruin this spic faggots life

Looks like they're all afraid of mean old Sammy, pretty funny

based politically correct cancel-culture alt-right

Know your enemy, know his sword

Sam makes me laugh, that dumb spic does nothing other than spam here

lol who the fug are u

>implicitly endorsing sodomy and fornication and borderline pedophilia
you sound like a kike

Sam looked at someone with a little more hair so Charles got jealous and stormed away from the group

Charls ain't doin' so good.

Cop Killer

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what the fuck is wrong with him

College cunts. All of it, but mainly nicks rant about sorority slurs

you'd go off the deep end too if you put all your egg's in Sam Hyde's basket like Charls did.
At least Nick had a solid fallback with his business connections.

ha ha ha ha, that's a funny way of saying, "stole book and show money from him"

Nick is the only good one desu.

All Charles really did was stand there and be pretty, he got his fair share

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>16 years old
Americans are fucking retarded.

Sam filmed and teased a sketch where he tried to Chris Hansen some college student pretending to be a 16yo and accusing him of being a pedo.
He never released it (gee I wonder why..)

Christ the camera going back and forth like that reminded me of the time how I get fucking pissed, I guess they were going for that unreasonable, angry fit that makes your brain think of a million things a second which are symptoms of a mental break down. Fuck me.

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He seems to be ranting as much -- or evenly mostly -- about people the entertainment industry. Anyone else watch the whole thing?

Hey Sam, why do you keep making these threads?

why is he so ugly

here's a rundown of the rant

says he's really proud of world peace and it was the best thing ever put on TV, is just messing around when he talks like he is

says "i dont care about tim heidecker or any of them, they fucking hated all our guts when we worked there"

said he isnt talking about anyone we think he's talking about when he's talking about the backstab stuff

says that he only cares about the future now and that he would be out on the streets with no money if he dedicated himself to sketch comedy, doesnt want to dedicate himself to something with such a low return on investment income

he also said sketch comedy is for losers

i dont think you should take much of what anything charls says too literally

That's literally the age of content in most developed western countries.

it actually sounds like he is talking about the Adult Swim guys, not Sam in particular

that still doesn't excuse sodomy and not pursuing marriage when a guy like Sam was like twice her age.

charls called sam a god a few streams ago but weirdo schizo fans can go off i guess

This. The bit where he hits her with the bottle is literally the pinnacle of comedy

And you can take your zoomer twitter speech back daddy sam's subreddit

take your meds

Charls is clearly done with Sam's shit. Otherwise he'd be back with Nick/Sam by now.

Don't hate just cause you're not man enough to take the anus, bro.

>pursuing marriage

charls probably just doesnt find sketch stuff interesting to work on anymore. the last thing sam said about charls in a vid was in a hydewars in 2017 saying "if you knew what charls was up to or planning, well i cant talk about it"

>doesn't have the end credits

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where he says "not just me, but the rest of the blacklist team", it seems like it is the MDE boys vs Adult Swim

and when he screams about being done with sketch comedy that's obviously directed at Sam and his pathetic attempts to try to lure Charls back

This is exactly why I pick names out of the sex offenders registry for my aliases.

The comedy value of this and other skits is multiplied by 10 when you realise the second layer to any scene involving extras: Sam, Nick and Charls love to fuck with their actors, often doing improv scences, deliberately shocking or surprising them to see their reactions.

Schizo tranny that nobody likes.

Holy fuck this mexican is obsessed

Prison sketch, called something like "the man who wouldn't be what they made him to" or something. Charls black and white in prison. Original cut, with the "cop killer" song ONLY. Emotions.

Yes, I got this vibe from his rant.


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take your medication

link to where charls called sam a god
ive never heard of charls praising sam before

i forgot there, but I know sam, erick and andrew did a stream together thats on charl's channel where they all praise sam

Ruse is Charles friend primarily and stays distant with Sam, they were supposed to work together but its never materialised, Ruse still works closely with Charles though. Nick is literally the only old member of MDE's creative team that still associates with him, he's burned bridges with all the other talent that made mde what it was, Trappped, Zach, cup girl, James price are all on bad terms with him. Money apparently being the crux of it, Sam is a notorious jew ironically enough

You can always recognise Sammy's sychophants by their reddit spacing



Remember when the trannies claimed that Nick only appeared on the first hyde wars because Sam paid Nick 3500 dollars.

I remember. Funny how they dropped that angle when it wasnt getting any traction.

Lmao why the fuck do you leftists think Sam is a Christian fundie or something?

another vote for

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Why do trannies hate Sam if they claim he fucked a tranny?

I don't buy it. he is good friends with eric or erick or whatever his real name is. pretty sure he could always work for him and at least earn a living that way. if he chooses to live in garages and whatnot that's more likely on him being eccentric / a bit difficult to deal with himself. it's not like sam hyde took a group of pure normies and got them in trouble. everyone in that circle has some quirks.

Cuz he didn't fuck them?

Who is Don talking to here?

The one where it got canceled

None, sorry, I don't watch racists.

as a history teacher, this one hit me too fucking hard

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damn, you don't watch anything made by anti-European Jews? That doesn't leave a whole lot you are allowed to watch

No wonder they are so mad

Charls never seemed comfortable with the malicious improv stuff, just look at the dad's sketch

Yes it does

silly dinosaur man

>tfw showed this to my friends and they didn't find it funny at all and started getting concerned about me

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>tfw showed this skit to my soon to be gf one of the first times i meet her
>she later said that she first thought i was mentally deranged for showing her it and finding it funny

She's mdepilled now though.

god this shit is so unfunny i swear you people force yourselves to laugh because you think you are a higher intelligence or something



because he’s addicted to attention and gets off on anyone talking about him, positive or negative

He’s obviously talking about Sam. After 20 minutes he realized he should calm down and backtrack.

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Yea, that one was pushing it. There's also a sketch where they have Charls and some Milf spit into each others mouths a dozen times. Can't remember what it's called though.


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What's exactly wrong with fucking underage girls? Why are altright niggers keep seething about it? Women are not even human being, cut off with this already please.
Kill yourself and kill everyone around you.

Sam fucks trannies and prostitues, he uses fake Cialis pills to get hard. Neck yourself while jerking off to mtf porn freak

Were those actresses or did they really think they were on a dating show?

Wish I was attractive enough to do the same, sounds interesting, not even joking.

request stream where erik and charls call sam a god

towing the line between irony and sincerity is the fun part

Because you're a broken, deranged clown just like Sam

The thing with Charls is that he's up on a lot of shit. He knows a lot about nutrition and I've gone to some weird fucking places that he has gone to in this regard. The issues show up when he starts taking really strange angles to things and pushes hard for them, like on Epstein he was like
>If you ever thought he was even arrested you're insane
And if you think about the world from that perspective, you get who Charls is and why he's fucking nuts.

I don't know what's up with him, he's either putting on a real act or he's gone over the deep side like I have and there is no hope. I also want to clearly point out that Charls' vision for creativity and art is VERY different from Sam and Nick. What he wanted out of World Peace was not the same as them. IMO

>secret recordings
seems kinda illegal.

Virtual House Arrest

actresses unfortunately. you want to believe they're real but they're not. the "britney" girl has made other comedy videos on youtube since.

"Sketch comedy" is code for "working with Sam Hyde" guys, come on

The new happy world daddy was so good.

Anyone have a link to the full 2 hour vid with nick?


Sam has most definitely broken employment law

In one of Charls' videos, Sam posted that he wished him luck with his future but wanted him back on and for him to name a price.

It seems maybe Charls is the hostile one and Sam wants to be buds again.

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Why would he put himself in that position again, Sam cannot maintain even professional relationships

It was supposed to be "Jews rule!" But I guess that would have been too obvipus

He has released sketch comedy videos without Sam since WP was cancelled. 100% taxes with Nick and Ruse and whatever the Cowboy Mode one was called with Ruse

I don't find any of these videos funny
Do I don't have enough IQ?

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>Do I don't
yea u retarded

i had the same thing happen to me, never again

for me it's 2070 paradigm shift, the only good MDE material


the ted talk is classic

it's the only MDE shit that's consistently good.
college cunts and kickstarter tv have some great sketches, but overall they are mediocre as fuck



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who went mo nutty, charls or owen benjamin? also revenge of the cis are too scared to cover chuck/sam/don being weirdo fags, because they want suc succ mde prenis


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murder charls

piracy hurts your motivation to be financially successful

shut up charls


Ayo Bucci makes the finest sweatpants you can buy at the mall.