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pinkie pie rip off

and not even half as sexy


Go back to Yea Forums and /mlp/, this is no place for trannies and zoophiles.





>people without mental illnesses are normies

When will people like you be sent to metal asylums and given a lobotomy, when will this day come.

xenophile technically

Newfag as well.

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For me, it's Channel. The best Yea Forums OC.

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let's post some gem kino lads starting with my personal favourite

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I wish gore would become a thing again. I miss the old days.

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what are you talking about you spastic

I fucking hate this place.

You mean you miss when you were 14 and browsing Yea Forums

Old Yea Forums.
I was browsing Yea Forums when I was 9 user and stripping for old men on omegle at 11. All these years later I just want some fun back. Being in your 20's fucking sucks.

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>stripping for old men on omegle at 11
Kek. Me too. Good times

Yeah, it really was. Those saturday night skype group calls where a fucking blast. This one cute guy from England bought me so many fucking steam games, ahh shit getting sentimental now.

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Quit watching childrens cartoons or fuck off back to

me to lad i wish i could random post but Yea Forumsecame cooooming central

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Newfags man, all they wanna do is turn every board into a boring shithole. At least old Yea Forums had some fucking class. I mean for fuck sake, where did the passion go?

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>be me 13 year old showing my dick off on omegle
doxxers ruined the Internet

Was Moot leaving when our version fell off the deep end?

Casuals ruined it.
He left because he didn't want to babysit anymore. He said as much in his 9 hour q&a. After the fappening he was fed up, so he got a cushy job at Google.

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>where did the passion go
the only place i encounter originalfags is on /cow/ we gotta make due with these twitter/reddit tards unfortunately

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I bet you are excited for the joker

my pa works at the fbi and can confirm that these gentlemen are infact pedophiles

well then your pa is full of shit, because I am no gentleman

gee willickers, it's the triple dubs hitler

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Fuck /cow/, M&D is where it's at.
Fuck off mate I had my tower snabbed by the feds when I was 13, if they wanna V& me come and try it again.

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i mean obviously it's the adult faggots formerly groomed by pedos who actually watch this shit who could've seen this cooming

I watched it cuz my phat ass latina ex-gf wanted to. Nutted in her so many fucking times while watching the first few seasons. Now i'm just watching it out of bored curiosity.

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retard manchildren thread

idk man. it's waifu bait enough to be watched by str*ight m*n.

Say that shit to me IRL and not online you little faggot bitch i'll carve you fucking empty and pull your intestines out by the god damn root you uppity little shit.

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>Say that shit to me IRL and not online you little faggot bitch i'll carve you fucking empty and pull your intestines out by the god damn root you uppity little shit.

Hey man, talk shit get hit.

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I hate tranny shit so much lads

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Too bad you're going in the ground just like them. So much for hate.

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then why are you eating it

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>I watched it cuz my phat ass latina ex-gf wanted to. Nutted in her so many fucking times while watching the first few seasons.
Are you LITERALLY me? That's so incredibly specific you can't possibly NOT be me

So yeah I am just assuming Moot was our pink diamond. It actually works quite well, because we know that faggot likes to jump ship and pretend to be a cartoom girl.
It is funny to know he is one of those guys that just hang out on tech company rooftops that Silicon Valley made fun of.
>This guy says he started one of the most influential web forums on the internet that has generated substantial portions of internet culture. I think we should hire him.
>Can he bring a cleaner version of that forum into the Google company?
>Is he more talented at anything than the people we already have?
>Why should we hire him then?
>So he doesn’t make a new one we don’t own.

>Are you LITERALLY me? That's so incredibly specific you can't possibly NOT be me

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Well she was half Dominican half Italian so nah but god DAMN her hips where like a fucking cradle dude, shit. She kept going on about how I was hitting her cervix too much and fucking hell it just made me go at it harder. If she wasn't on birth control I would have put a dozen mutts in her, fuuck.
Yeah, mootykins is a lucky little girl, that's for sure.

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