Just realized this man single-handedly destroys the gif vs jif arguments

just realized this man single-handedly destroys the gif vs jif arguments

Attached: gake jyllenhaal.jpg (1368x2048, 1.46M)

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If you have to type it "jif", it's clear that's the wrong pronunciation


He also destoys prime virgin pussy and bails

learn a real language, retards

Only pretentious retards say jif

language is the root of all of humanity's problems

You pronounce goy as joy?

all the g-d's chosen people do

(((We))) don't. גוי is pronounced goy with a hard G, there is no soft G or J sound in hebrew.

oy gevalt i've been found out

>this hurts the jiftard

Hard ‘G’ sounds too much like “gift”

Hard G is too rough sounding. I know that graphic is the what the G stands for, but the creator of the GIF pronounces it as a soft g, and says that’s the proper way. I have said it as soft g since I was a little kid, and I will do so until the day I die.

Literally who cares? How often are you talking about image formats out loud? You and your friends just sit around pronouncing file extensions like you’re on the Big Bang Theory? How does this ever come up in real life except to have this le classic Reddit debate?

You just know the guy who first said it's "jif" was just trolling us, and he's sitting back watching people go nuts over it.

Gee Eye Eff

Yeah there is, you just write a dalet then a yod. Its used all the time, goy.

אמאשך ערו?

why is english so fucking stupid?


Attached: GyfEKTA.jpg (100x100, 2K)

excuse me guys, this is a jake jyllenhaal thread
just watched nightcrawler yesterday - what a great film, feels like a mix between taxi driver and drive

Oh my god user you want me to fry you up some fucking potato pancakes? Some latkas?

No one pronounces it this way you inbred piece of shit




That's why American English is superior to Bong English, because it actually annunciates the letters instead of turning them into a string of mushy garbage

And then you have brit english which would be SUH-OW

English is a mutt language composed of other languages made for mutt people

miss with that ashkenazi shit