Why the fuck are you making fun of this guy? You should be worshipping him instead...

Why the fuck are you making fun of this guy? You should be worshipping him instead, because he can help you finy ANY porn star, ANY porn clip you COOOOM super hard to, just by showing him just a frame. He is literally a walking porn library. He is a COOM sage, show some respect

Attached: 1568409483554.jpg (2059x1669, 853K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I pay him to stalk retired porn actresses?
Kind of like the hitman.
He actually looks like him

The guy looks like a serial killer in a Horror movie.


Attached: WatchHowItRollsOffHisBack.png (518x617, 475K)

He looks like a guy that would do anything for a job that includes "porn" in its title

I doubt he has any superpowers like that

you were saying

Attached: Coomboy.jpg (629x697, 166K)


Attached: IMG_1541.jpg (2784x2256, 1.15M)

Attached: 1568415709485.jpg (1080x1546, 366K)

He dont look like that for no reason. His porn reviews are over 9000


Attached: 1568463112973.jpg (565x1077, 334K)

>over 9,000 reviews of porn kinos, encyclopedic knowledge of the industry
why isn't he on metacritic yet?

Was he Doctor Who for a season?


He's pretty alpha desu.

Attached: DUWs1frVwAYm2nc.jpg (1536x2048, 444K)

For the love of God
You're really pushing it today

>over 9,000 reviews of porn kinos, encyclopedic knowledge of the industry
what are you talking about

It is because of him that I was able to see what Madison Ivy has become, he warned me to not look her up ever again unless it's her old stuff.

That's alpha as fuck, mate
He's alpha enough to visit porn conventions and meet his favorite stars

>food connoisseur goes to chefs convention but isn't allowed to eat the food
this is literally your brain on COOM

Attached: 1553945034053.jpg (480x344, 111K)

Attached: Recoom.jpg (1536x2048, 565K)

Don't defend me faggot. You're just jealous I'm famous.

Which pornstars do you think he has paid to fuck?

One time I coom'd REALLY fucking hard on my way to 7-11 and it hit some african American guy in the face

fucking hell, seeing this guy makes me feel better about my addiction and i'm an opiate addict.

he's reviewed hundreds of porn films on imdb, even gay/tranny ones.

Attached: NEfRRmDYSjDMjo_2_a.jpg (1200x633, 71K)

This is his IMDB profile. He is a certified pornosseur

Attached: 1568446282281.jpg (1017x584, 72K)

There's nothing to suggest that's the same person.

Coomer IMDB page

i guess that's true, still pretty funny nonetheless.

Has this guy responded to any of us yet?
Considering he posts to twitter constantly with 0 replies or likes, I'd expect he'd notice people suddenly taking notice.

I think there are evidence of this IMDB profile linked to his twitter account

proof that's him?

>check his Twitter
>All good posts and encouraging messages
>Tweets about veterans and troops
>Tweets about football and wcw
>Tweets to actresses with best wishes and happy birthdays
Fuck off, lads. He is stop bloke
Shut this down, op, stop being a sperg and leave this guy alone

Speaking of the coomer and other similar memes why do normies despise wojak edits and blame us for not being original? Look up the coomer or doomer entries on "know your meme"(yes I realise it's a cesspool), they are livid for some reason.

>he's never competed in a fuck-a-fan competition at a porn con

he's super based

Attached: 1568461065917.jpg (1536x2048, 424K)

>See all 9,411 reviews

Attached: 1567548814351.png (289x289, 192K)

Attached: 8475DD85-12DC-4A10-9B66-37D231D80367.jpg (2048x1536, 822K)

It's true, he is a wholesome coomer with a heart of gold (and spunk).

based alien

I'd like to know the girls name in this pic

How about no
It's funny and I don't care

But why?

Why do white people always make this expression?

>he starts nothing
>he fuels nothing

>Yea Forums makes fu of our forced memes agains

Attached: df0.jpg (450x327, 44K)

we did it reddit! He has been posted on every board except /pol/

Bulma, he's cucking Vegeta

Attached: 3CB174CD-DC4E-43BF-98DC-DC7045D002ED.jpg (2048x1536, 936K)

Kenzie Reeves

What happened between 2011 and 2015?

I'm pretty sure he was the one posting in the thread yesterday, the phoneposting filenames, new images and he maskposts


Attached: file.png (1439x1100, 1.27M)

wtf are those mashed tomatos

He is based and seems like a nice person but it's still fucking funny.


My favorite part of the coomer meme is that I made this image a week ago and it gets reposted a lot now even though I only posted it once

shoop him a cup of champagne

He looks pretty alpha in a lot of the pics
Op is cherry picking for the weird ones
You have a sad life, op

Attached: IMG_20190914_154305.jpg (2048x1536, 377K)

How did we find the identity of the coomer?

I fucking love this image

Basedo and Spumpilled

Attached: SPUM.jpg (511x639, 33K)

hello coomer

>he starts fapping
>he fuels his addiction

fuck you fat fuck

Sploopity sploosh

I literally saved it from his Twitter, turboretard

Attached: B3F428D1-D702-4B5E-A193-845BED6BF5F7.jpg (2048x1536, 719K)

sure thing, Coomlord

He's telling the truth. Look at the filename.

>Date: 2019-09-14
>Time: 15:43:05

oh shit you're right. Well, he's probably a coomer anyways.

Hi, OP
BTW, you are pathetic

Attached: 1568469394987.jpg (1080x383, 77K)

Is he also a Jannie?

redpill me on this coom shit bros, I've been in a coma for last 2 weeks. first thing i did after wake up was come here.

>cooom here

Rude Coomer is a nice guy

A cooma?

>Cooma; A cum induced coma

>liking your own post

hey OP


coomers have cumbrain from cooming too much.

Op went from memeing Mike Matei for months, to Warwick, to Bruce Lee on that Tarantino movie, to now this guy since yesterday
He samefags constantly using vpns and different browsers and now he is bringing attention to this lad

By God, he looks truly sinister.


Attached: 2.png (1200x900, 1.37M)

>when you work out till coomin

Attached: download (12).jpg (777x583, 62K)

Coom: Not even once

Attached: Untitled.png (597x625, 476K)


jennette mccurdy

>defending someone is a sign of jealousy

Is this real?

What a chad to be honest, not ashamed of the shit he likes

based and coomerpilled

>getting the deluxe
fucking gross. anybody who eats lettuce out of ANY fast food place is fucking nuts. just do what i do and get 2 spicy chickens. not one fucking thing else at that place is food but at least thats more than i can say about every other ff place.


Why does porn addiction make you lose your hair?

Cooming releases DHT in the body, and DHT is linked to hairloss

masquerade violation
nosferatu belong in the sewers

Based, this is why I still come on Yea Forums. you guys are alright

gay bun

you coom all your nutrients out of you're benis

Bros why isn't there more porn of lesbians with massive tits breastfeeding each other?

Yes, he was sent to Auschwitz for cooming

Newfags made a shitty meme about porn addiction, hit mods too close to home so it got filtered within like a day, now this 'coom' shit has filled in the gap because otherwise they get mass reported

Dunno why this guy in particular is getting memed aside from being in the BLACKEDRAW.COM image, there's more shitpost worthy guys in that image in my opinion

So we have blonde Debbie King spraying milk endlessly from her elongated nipples, once in a hot lesbian vignette with Robyn Dare, and then returning to service a local stud.

Several extremely pregnant (big-bellied) ladies perform either in solo or humped by someone, and it all adds up to fetish porn that back in the day one was a bit ashamed to browse for in the local dirty book shop, stashed away on some lower or back of the store shelf near the "Dwarfs" and "Animals" sections.

Legend has it that when he reaches 10,000 reviews he'll have unlocked the power to resurrect all the fallen porn stars.

august ames was ugly, no need to bring her back.

>coom macht frei

Today is my 25th birthday. Thanks for big cooms today Yea Forums.

>veterans and troops
good goy