Probably the only decent thing Netflix has ever done. Thoughts?
Probably the only decent thing Netflix has ever done. Thoughts?
I'm excited to see how they survive the winter.
solid 8/10
gr8 cliffhanger ending
It was pretty good. I liked the twist ending.
season 2 when
Right? I was surprised. Usually Netflix originals blow balls. It was good enough a show that I didnt care that I had to read subtitles. (Spoken dialog left a bit out.)
No set date that I know, but for sure 2020
>chink zombies
srsly only degenerate brainlet normie cattle watch netflix
Stay mad faggot. Enjoy missing out so you can be mad at anonymous people on the internet. How fucking cool you are
I loved it and those hats are so damn cool.
mindhunter unironically was until it got WOKE
unabomber is low key the best thing it has rn
only person who seems mad here is you though
The only degenerate is your mother and all the guys she's been with while your dad jacks off in the closet you worthless son of a cuck
I'll have to watch Unabomber
You got me buddy. So mad.
be less obvious you netshills
i liked mindhunter but season 2 wasn't very good. ed kemper was the star of the show and they never delievered anything better.
watching top boy right now and it's good.
>Probably the only decent thing Netflix has ever done
This is now a hat thread.
I'm new to this board. Why so much fucking hate for Netflix? It's free fucking tv. Yeah most of their shit sucks but like I said. Free. Who can fucking complain
It's not the dumbest thing I've ever seen, but it's a real god damned chore to watch.
Also keep a notebook at hand if you plan to see it, to keep tabs on who's who in the past, present and future.
It's not free. Also it's getting worse by the day.
Like the other user said. The hats are so fucking cool
You get a month free when you sign up.
Just use for a new email every month.
Free tv.
They're not smart enough to link one credit card/debit card per free month. They just watch the email.
Same goes for Hulu. Also have Pluto TV.
Do you guys really pay for that shit?
If so then I understand the anger.
Like I said I have no idea what the fuck is goin on in here
Hat thread
it's no Stephanie
I pay for my mum
Muthafuckin HATS
Level with me guys
How many interracial BMWF relationships does this netflix show have?
How many interracial relationships are in a show based on medieval Korea? Hmmm that's a good question, probably all of them
>white piggus and monkeys
>In medieval Korea
Very specific and obviously projection
You think too highly of Netflix.
Maybe we just watched the show, nigger.
strong denial
If they wanted to have non-Asian characters on the show, Portuguese (and African servants on their ships) and maybe Dutch would be period appropriate. I don't remember how long ago the Japanese invasions were said to be on the show.
I love it because it has the girl from linda linda linda aside from the story