/trek/ fun with friends edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: ideas.time.com/2013/08/22/viewpoint-dont-ignore-race-in-christopher-lanes-murder/#ixzz2ciWBxj00
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43
42% of all cop killers are black. Source: fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-2013-statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-and-assaulted
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pjim06.pdf
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America:
73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_01.pdf
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/107-children-in-single-parent-families-by#detailed/1/any/false/868,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

Star Trek is dated. It's time's come and gone

You're dismissed.

Attached: creep.jpg (480x705, 107K)

Have you tried the vermicula? It's very fresh.

Attached: TNG 2x19 Vermicula.webm (728x540, 2.95M)

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I'm gonna watch The Motion Picutre in theaters tomorrow. What are some key episodes of TOS and TAS that really help flesh out the main trio's personalities? Off the top of my head I think of that episode where Spock met himself as a kid and McCoy helping the preggers lady

>it's a holodeck episode

>I'm gonna watch The Motion Picutre in theaters tomorrow.
lies are bad

come here!

Attached: Screenshot2011-07-29at122844AM.png (920x793, 262K)

Why would I lie to you?

Why was the Federation so afraid of a war with the Cardassians, both in TNG and DS9? I understand they always tried to reach a diplomatic solution, but it always seemed like the Feds were afraid of losing the possible conflict, the Cardassian-Klingon war however showed us that the Cardassian union was a second-rate power at best.

i don't open links on Yea Forums. been burned

maybe the feds didn' know that? friend?

Is there a John Luck... Pickard here?

Attached: pickard.jpg (720x540, 82K)

"I have never trusted n!&&#%$ and I never will. I could never forgive them for the death of my boy." - William Shatner

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Don't be a dork.

Attached: FathomTrek.png (1605x688, 514K)

fine, I'll let you have this one.

Strip, Reg. We'll have to take a look at it.

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Is this the best you can do?

Alright then...

Attached: vanish.webm (640x505, 571K)

DISCO won best sci-fi streaming series!

Attached: ss+(2019-09-14+at+07.09.37).jpg (594x625, 163K)

Good for them.

We did it reddit!

Attached: tumblr_inline_p9pvtaJwoo1r582r6_500.jpg (500x382, 48K)

I'm literally crying so hard rn
we did it... we finally did it

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What was the competition? Black Mirror and...?

Welp, boys, I'm back after a three day vacation. How are you holding up, /trek/?

Attached: alluring-chinaman.webm (480x360, 106K)

I just got done watching DS9's finale.

and it was quite possibly the worst finale i've ever seen in my life. lmao, it was a fucking clip show at the end

>it's a klingon episode
>expects me to believe that space niggers are a major alpha quadrant power

It's not great but it's certainly better than the Voyager or Enterprise finales.
>voyage finale
>time-traveling janeway betrays everything the federation stands for

>enterprise finale
>no one even cares enough about the crew of the Enterprise for it to be about them, it's from the perspective of Riker instead

>space niggers
Space vikings. I know it's hard for you because they're generally brown but yes, they're space vikings.

Attached: KAK.png (508x596, 228K)

What was your ban for?

Attached: TNG 2x19 Never Trust an Antedian.webm (970x720, 2.96M)

TNG Boomers cucked Enterprise

It was in that thread where you freaks couldn't stop talking about dicks, cut vs uncut. I wasn't one of the people talking about dicks, I was trying to stop it.

I'm pretty sure I'd get banned again if I got into specifics beyond that. I think I hurt someone's feelings.
>not the ultimate boomer show
Yeah, I too loved the Michael Bolton opening theme. That was really hip in 2001.

What's his name, /trek/?

Attached: Vina,_Pike,_and_Number_One.jpg (1284x1012, 231K)

Captain Christopher "Up Your" Pike

Why does "Generations", "First Contact", "Insurrection" and "Nemesis" Picard suck so much?

Attached: picard.jpg (360x396, 34K)

It's a prime example of what happens when you give the talent creative control over their characters, brother.

Attached: hulk6.jpg (352x264, 19K)

Christopher "beam down to pound town" Pike
Christopher "phasers set to make ya wet" Pike
Christopher "Pussy Disruptor" Pike
Christopher "tractor beam to the vageen" Pike
Christopher "set course for intercourse" Pike
Christopher "Number One's vagina's fun" Pike

Attached: TT.jpg (625x469, 39K)

I'm still lonely and my feet are cold but being here helps.

That thread sucked uncut dick. Just report and hide off topic shit like that. I got a 3 day ban once for telling tripfag orbiters to stick to the topic.

Attached: TNG 2x19 Mr Holm.webm (728x540, 2.98M)

Your life sounds so difficult.

riker is a pov character

Attached: BREATHES THROUGH NOSE.jpg (475x363, 33K)

That will be all for now, cadet.

Which is pick related's favorite series? Favorite character? Captain?

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>It was in that thread where you freaks couldn't stop talking about dicks, cut vs uncut. I wasn't one of the people talking about dicks, I was trying to stop it.
>I'm pretty sure I'd get banned again if I got into specifics beyond that. I think I hurt someone's feelings.
You shouldn't talk about stuff like this, dude.

Attached: Michael_Burnham,_2257.jpg (718x958, 380K)

The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard
Jean-Luc Picard


Captain America

Kirk is a really rare pick at this point. Dukat is only loved by based folks.

>Kirk is a really rare pick at this point
Because he's old and faggy

That's Picard.

Attached: 20130919-11122399-2.jpg (640x480, 64K)


No. Kirk is a boring conservative granny in a fatass retard's body. Nobody actually likes Kirk

Normalfags are divided on Dukat. On one hand, they appreciate Alaimo’s acting. On the other hand, they completely see him as an irredeemable Nazi and hate the character. See: Steve Shives Dukat video.
So it depends on whether or not you like the actor or the character

Christopher "Number One's number two" Pike
Christopher "" Pike

No one else matters

Christopher "" Pike

>See: a random video on youtube

Why the fuck isn't a Curzon series in the works?
>First series about an ambassador
>First series about an alien
>Charismatic and funny
>The only good incarnation of Dax
>Friend of Klingons and honorary Klingon warrior
>More of a Klingon than WORF
>Mentor to THE SISKO
>Went to Risa to literally get fucked to death

>I got a 3 day ban once for telling tripfag orbiters to stick to the topic.
I bet you told them in a real diplomatic manner.

It's like being a first officer on a spacestation

Spam is bad


No, it's a thread on Yea Forums and you're just a bitch

I got a 3 week ban for pretending to be a Discovery-hater.

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>granny in a fatass retard's body

Attached: Wolf-In-The-Fold-scotty-9195051-700-530.jpg (700x530, 122K)

>implying Captain America isn't a better captain than any of the faggots in Star Trek

>it depends on whether or not you like the actor or the character

La Forge

awful, bad


List Nigger
Non-List Niggers

I got a month ban for posting Bashirfaggot pics.
The jannies are getting ridiculous, she is on topic!

Attached: (sad).png (1280x720, 2.21M)

>I-I think that's me.

Attached: John Luck Dickard and his kid-friendly dog.jpg (2700x1800, 2.15M)

why isn't quark in full makeup?

His cane is too short.

>cut vs uncut
What's there to talk about?
The Federation bans unnecessary procedures like circumcision.
Uncut is better.

Attached: 0fe9db433e47c4b72898da6a986c76ca.jpg (689x530, 31K)

>What's there to talk about?
>The Federation bans unnecessary procedures like circumcision.
not if cultural or religious


Attached: star-trek-discovery-doug-jones-explains-lt-saru-comic-con-20_2hxy.jpg (970x545, 85K)

>tfw we got so few Dixon Hill episodes.
feels bad.

>just mutilate babies because its my culture
Na, the Federation bans it.
There's not a single piece of canon saying that they would allow such a thing.

holo eps are episodical

>It's a "We Can't Pad Out 50 Minutes Properly So We Had Uhura Sing A Song" Episode
She has a lovely voice tho

her thighs are better

>hi, fellow posters....*awkward silence*

Attached: ww.jpg (1080x1080, 57K)

>getting a singer to pad out the episode
Sounds like DS9 trash to me.
They even did it in that trash documentary.

Literally when? Also, obsessed

Still bitter his character never got that promotion.

the docu with one of our most prominent posters in it.

Human beings don't practice religion by that time. Cultures that practiced it all got nuked in ww3.

Shhh, don't talk about you know who...

Post M'Ress again

samefagging is a serious mental illness

Based uncut Chad

What did you expect, coming here?

Looking forward to Picard (2019)?

Attached: 1080full-isa-briones.jpg (1080x1210, 95K)

bashir being his own grandfather makes kinda sense since he was born slow but it's too bad they didn't push that thought a bit furhter, at least with one scene where he gets out some closet with her after "examining" the lady. later he lets out a cheeky comment about it when with o'brian


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>bashir being his own grandfather makes kinda sense

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It's Lower Decks for me.

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>he gets out some closet with her

Watch the show.

SJW cartoon with emasculated men and stronk wymn
That would be a yikes.

I meant in the actual show, when does anyone sing?

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Women and children don’t watch Star Trek so I don’t know who this is aimed toward

Based as fuck


data sings a british tar

There are some strong male characters too, user. I'm gonna give it a chance.
anticipates regret

Attached: Lower Decks 02.jpg (1200x675, 118K)

In Deep Space Nine you fucking retard

the episode is tightly packed already, i don't think you could make a longer scene

He closed the gas chambers on Teroc N'or.

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that sinatra type singer free-minded hologram. vince or vic or something

>vince or vic or something
How about watching the show?

Ah yes, good ol' Pickle Vickle.

>frogposter can't keep up with a conversation
Yay but at least we're all frens
Retarded as fuck but fwens

That was supposed to be Sinatra. Looked nothing like him.

Technically, posting here is socializing.

i only watched it once you nerd up till now, calm your ass. there aren't only neets around here

You need to work on your sentence structure.

>Doesn't know Vic Fontane.
Pls stop.

Attached: Did nothing wrong.jpg (900x900, 79K)

WTF is that?

Worst character, worst human, ever.

Michael. First officer in STD.

Vic Fontaine

Attached: VF.jpg (694x530, 115K)

>tfw only seen each series once
>fell asleep halfway through DS9 and would fast forward through Dominion scenes
>retards here say it was the best part of DS9
>fell asleep during the third season of ENT
>anons here say there's a fourth season and when ENT got good but have no memory of it
>don't even have a favorite trek character
I thought I was alone, user

Captain Bald-Luc Baldard of the Federation starship Balderprise

I'd say it's hard to forget Vic existed considering he was in multiple episodes. And one of those more self aware holograms.

Isnt it supposed to take place during the TNG era?
Why are they wearing STD uniforms?

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Why did I lose to this? What's happening to me?

>and one of those more self aware holograms.
Only 2 are self aware to any degree.

>stupid questions /trek/ asks

you've spent enough time here you've become a literal retard
congratulations maybe you can get government tard bucks now

To my memory, Moriarty, The Doctor, and Vic.I'm sure there's some more out there in one offs.

Why not? He’s the baldest captain in the history of Federation, baldness is he

Because only autistic fanboys care about shit like "canon" or "timeline" or "internal consistency."

Watch the show, stupid nigger.

Why did Picard lose his hair?

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He never even finished Starfleet Academy. They're not going to allow someone who didn't go through the necessary training to become an officer a promo--

*Michael Burnham Appears*

--oh, well, never mind.

The idea that there would be unwillingly bald people in the future is ridiculous.

>There are some strong male characters too
buffest guy in the pic is only a LT, and looks much older than either the captain or first officer. Probably a know-nothing hot-head that will bust the chops of the lower deck crew and they'll laugh behind his back or try to prank him.

"25% Different"

>Why did Picard lose his hair?
Boating Accident


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Thanks Midnight's Edge

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Do Cardassian torture methods include… facesitting?

Attached: Malyn Ocett.png (510x770, 455K)

Fuck you

it's hidden by the grass, mobile poster.

Yes, after consuming copious quantities of hot fish juice.

Attached: Would-you.png (966x834, 628K)

I'm the cutest poster in this thread, the best at sex, and the most fit. Feels good, man.

Ya know, there are very very few things that ever make me even consider conspiracy theories about pushing agendas and propaganda, but the fact they paired him with a fucking Shitbull of all possible dogs seems oddly coincidental.

Bullshit. You probably see agendas everywhere and feel personally attacked by the casting of Marvel movies.

>best at sex
Is that supposed to be an achievement you whore?

>t. bad at sex, if he can even have any

>best at sex
How do you measure this?

>doesn't even know the difference between good sex and bad sex

It's purely subjective though. How do you measure it objectively?

recently got my roommate into TNG, we've been binge watching that shit for a week. i dont want it to end bros

It's absolutely not subjective. You must be horrible at sex.

>It's an Ensign Kim passes on an opportunity to become Seven's sex puppet episode.

Attached: Seven Of Nine.jpg (504x379, 36K)


It's just Patrick Stewart having total control over the new spin-off. A dune buggy would be too cheesy so he brought his totally-friendly dog.
This is not Jean-Luc Picard, this is Jake Picard.

It ends on a good note (though some really cringy eps in the last season). Don't watch the TNG Movies.


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7 planned to me2 him as soon as she regained her "humanity".

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Just watched The Omega Glory. Good Lord, what a stupid episode.

Attached: omega.jpg (1024x765, 198K)

Thanks for checking in, retard.

You didn't answer the question though. How do you objectively measure how "good" you are, to the point you can consider yourself the "best" at it?

>sex is all the same
fuck off virgin

who is the most coomer character in Trek?

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What is MentalCrash up to these days?

Maybe learning how to draw something other than DeviantArt tier anime bullshit


Attached: B458C0EE-F376-4C16-8271-C2C61E43EF5C.jpg (903x1024, 56K)

It looks fun.

Attached: sketch_batch_12_1_by_mentalcrash_ddg5ok1-pre.jpg (894x894, 118K)

What was the purpose of worf touching the vermicula?


Fungilli bitch!

She's been up to all sorts of different things from what I see in her gallery.

it's an eyesore

This is mental illness manifest as weeb doodles

literally who?

Attached: 1539273421151s.jpg (790x648, 92K)

Old /trek/ tripfag

never with text

I'ts a mentalcrash drawing, you big silly goose.

ValleyForge is a better artist

Who's that?

Hate is a hell of a drug.

Pretty cool. and oddly sexy.

Yeah but Bashirfag always posts them.

looks like something Chris Chan would draw
>thay shitty self insert
so she's retarded?

no nasties pls

Attached: 1566278139626.jpg (1125x762, 119K)

god, the first 2 seasons were shit.

Mentalcrash is a girl on Yea Forums. Anyway, are you ready for season 3?

You don't like Tangorians?

No really, is she actually retarded? Her faces all look the same and she doesn't understand composition or anatomy, and even her coloring style is airbrushed vomit which is the equivalent of using comic sans as a font. She's a terrible artist and an obvious samefag, so is she retarded?

You sound very forceful about this, like you have some sort of vested interest.

Attached: Alice-Eve-Dr-Marcus-Underwear.jpg (1200x680, 92K)

She's probably just autistic like everyone else here bro-bro.


Attached: 1563778425953.png (657x527, 33K)

Turn around

You don't have to be autistic to like star trek.

Keep showing me her shitty cartoons and I'll share my opinion on it. She is a terrible artist and the more I look at her work the more it gives me a headache so I'm trying to figure out if the person who made it is mentally retarded or just extraordinarily unskilled.

Which series should I binge watch again? I'm leaning enterprise, but open to suggestions.

How about you post a star trek drawing you've made?

TNG. Be reassured by Picard's steady hand.


Attached: Tellarite.jpg (600x300, 97K)

I'm bored of TNG.

THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ASK FOR SUGGESTIONS, YOU big bobo_______________________ ?


VOYager is pretty comfy. Too bad about Janeway's small tits, tho.

her arc?

Attached: Star-Trek-Discovery-1x10-Despite-Yourself-still-Captain-Killy.jpg (960x1440, 173K)

How about you stop defending ugly art and go kill yourself

Attached: picardxxx.gif (480x207, 1.4M)

I'll take that as a no. Too bad. I would have given you a fair critique.

Attached: star-trek-funniest-episodes-750x480.jpg (750x480, 47K)

Which is best trek?

Are star trek conventions fun?

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People there are weird and not like here. A lot of furries for some reason.

So mostly degenerates then?

Attached: 1568451811937.jpg (1536x2048, 460K)

That's the guy who posts frogs and wants to be your fwen

I knew it.

Trek fans are high and mighty online but irl they're meek and awkward.

This man needs Jesus.

In star trek, Christianity has been eliminated.

He actually does have a heart of gold. Every single one of his fave pornstars he wishes happy birthday to, always compliments them for nice and normal things and they always reply to him.

Also he shares alot of kind hearted stuff on twitter, and had opened up about battling depression and putting it behind him due to bullying.

Attached: 1568455461648.jpg (1536x2048, 374K)

Dudes like this are why I don't take selfies for /trek/

>some reason

Attached: babysitter.png (488x604, 471K)

>opened up about battling depression and putting it behind him due to bullying.
Star trek can help you feel better about yourself.

I really just can't even begin to care
I don't understand why you faggots waste your time following porn addicts and retarded DeviantArt weebs

picard's looking good.
can't wait to discuss it here.

Attached: star-trek-picard-002.jpg (1200x800, 158K)

whats wrong with him is he full retart ?

Because its interesting

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he ripped that fattie cordon up

7 had good development

Attached: virgins.shoot.up.schools.jpg (259x194, 4K)

I like STD and wonder about how season 3 will be

What was he doing in there all day?

Attached: onelastride.jpg (1000x751, 147K)

Attached: triggered.jpg (835x679, 115K)

don't recognize the thot can I get a name

Is trek racist?

Based Riker9 poster

Yeah, you kinda do

Me :)

he just posts it in every chain with no text and does not add to the talk

based boomer gif

Perhaps nobody ever got around to telling him that spam is bad.

it was pretty funny

Fake poster

i have told him to stop many times. he does not stop and does not talk about star trek


Attached: GAGH.gif (309x287, 1M)

>spam is bad
As long as the seal's not broken spam is good for a long, long time.

Attached: Spam-Can.jpg (1063x1043, 269K)


Attached: 1567399769115.jpg (1200x1200, 943K)

SPam isn't real

it's a cat in a star trek uniform from the original series

He means posting things again and again.

star trek is for retards and faggots

no tear making posts pls

Attached: cc1.jpg (619x453, 60K)


Pick on someone your own size!

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I want to post this cat.

Attached: M'Ress_at_communications_station.jpg (1024x768, 75K)


wat is it from?


make new thred

Mr Wuff

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Attached: Trog1.png (3000x3000, 465K)

Whats so triggering aboit this? I dont get it

They made fun of Trump

I mean in that shitty documentary yeah but i mean thats a given with everything now

whose idea was it to put a sexy cat girl into a Star Trek cartoon anyway?

Attached: MRess.jpg (550x480, 30K)

Attached: M'Ress.webm (960x720, 2.25M)

It was me :)

I just want to go on record as saying I have never felt more angry than watching this episode. That is all.

Attached: DS9_Paradise.png (1600x1200, 1.4M)

Sisko, relax, will you, for crying out, what's-- what's got into you? I'm breaking your balls a little bit, that's all. I'm only kidding with you. I'm only kidding with you. We're having a colony. I mean you just got here, we haven't had visitors in a long time, and I'm breaking your balls, and what's the matter, you're getting fucking fresh, I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend you. Okay, salut.

Now get back inside the fucking box.

Attached: breakin ya balls.jpg (630x1200, 62K)

Believe it or not people literally paid her to draw all of that.

Shippers VS Mallwalkers
It's a /trek/ thing.

They're all white.


Attached: SNAP.jpg (1026x761, 99K)

To each his own: I like her work. It's different.



Let's see YOUR drawings, user.

This thread was a low point.

Why are you wearing uniforms for mentally retarded officers?

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It's his puuuuurogative.

Attached: starpussy.jpg (606x567, 49K)

Do you know what a joke is?

>3 star trek shows running/ in the works
/trek/ still obsessed with soaps from the 90s.

We should talk about the show.

>klingon cannibalism and rape scenes
>baby decapitation
I'll stay in the past, thank you

The past is warm, like a fireplace .

They're all total and complete trash.

>Allen felt that Alixus comes across as harsher than she should, although he doesn't fault actress Gail Strickland for this. On the contrary, he praises her for giving the character any Humanity at all; "Gail and I worked very hard to make that character reasonable, because her motives were right-thinking.
What did he mean by this

it's just a prank bro.

Attached: lizard1987.jpg (320x245, 25K)

kill YOURself FAGgot

new thread

>This episode establishes that Sisko had at least 2 male siblings. When Vinod comments that he has a talent for gardening, he says that his father was a chef who grew his own vegetables and sent Sisko and his brothers out to work in the gardens each day.
What happened to Sisko's brothers?

Dead in the Dominion wars.

your "art" is shit mentalcrash

What happened to his sister Judith? She was my favorite character.

its funny but that episode is basically exactly why we're not living on the moon, in orbit, on mars, etc.

Don't be so negative. At least it's content, sorely needed.

>but that episode is basically exactly why we're not living on the moon, in orbit, on mars, etc.
Yeah. Exactly why.

elab, bro.

Attached: Shannon_Fill_in_Star_Trek-The_Next_Generation-Lower_Decks.png (720x544, 472K)

just give up on what you believe in bro, its so easy bro, no? okay back in the box.

SAD! many such boxes
