But Joe, that's not how gravity works

>But Joe, that's not how gravity works...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: ideas.time.com/2013/08/22/viewpoint-dont-ignore-race-in-christopher-lanes-murder/#ixzz2ciWBxj00
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43
42% of all cop killers are black. Source: fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-2013-statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-and-assaulted
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pjim06.pdf
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America:
73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_01.pdf
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/107-children-in-single-parent-families-by#detailed/1/any/false/868,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

Seriously only fucking faggots listen to this shit


joe rogan was never funny, and then he did so many drugs that he's become a fog-brained retard who can only preach New Age propaganda and softcore marxism

Do people think Neil is smart? He seemed like a pedantic dumbarse

he comes across dumb, but so do many autists,assburgers
fact is, he is an astrophysicist which i probably spelt wrong, thats all that matters

Ok but just because he knows about stars does mean I care what he thinks about politics or social issues


Phd in astrophysics, so yeah

Christ he's retarded

Yeah but... how many points did he get for being black?

I don't think the tests give you bonus points for being black. If you can grasp the math and physics required to get a PhD in astrophysics, you're atleast in top few percent intelligencewise. The average person is literally too dumb to do pre-calc.

what are you implying?

If you think getting an advanced degree is as simple as taking a test i doubt you have ever taken a university course. It's all politics.


Wow sweaty, racist much, let's unpack this.

you could say the same thing about the pothead MMA commenter reality tv star bro too

and lets be real, I enjoy Rogan's podcast but he isn;t the sharpest tool in the shed


t. Trade school pleb

Holy shit based. Fuck "le epic black science entertainer"

Now this is a fantastic post

Holy shit this radically changed the way I see black people now.

He's just too autistic to be using Twitter.

No, you have to write a thesis or two aswell. Point is he still passed some courses in multivariable calculus, matrix theory, abstract algebra etc etc to get his degree which you can't do unless you're smart.

I don't think he talks about "politics or social issues". He's talking about space and physics and shit, mostly trivia.

why do /p*l/ people post these stats as if anyone cares? don’t you realize everyone has a conditioned answer to this shit already implanted in their head?
>poor living conditions = more crime
>poor living conditions are due to racism
>racism = white
it always falls back on you white people. and at least half of your own people believe this. do you think someone is going to read a stat and suddenly have an epiphany more powerful than a mental block that has been built up since birth?

>muh no one cares
Speak for yourself nigger the white man has had enough of you

Some people will match their real world experiences with the stats and end up changing their world views they received in high school and university. I personally wouldn't go around talking and posting stats because I don't care but it's foolish to say that NOBODY can ever overcome their brainwashing.

>implying the average /pol/tard gives a fuck
wait til you try to explain that racism is very alive and well and that generations of the gubamint making sure niggers stay stupid and poor can't be undone in a single generation of less racism
I mean, a large part of voters were alive when schools were segregated

No. He’s the equivalent to what Bill Nye is, the only difference is he’s black. Hell, he’d lose more than half his fame if he were white.

>67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites

Surely not accurate.That's 1 white child in four without counting the brothers.

Wtf I hate niggers now

Interesting how Neil sexually assaulted/raped a bunch of women but they won’t let him go down like Cosby since it’d tarnish the fuck out of black people being in the scientific community and we all know they’re not done shoehorning that yet.

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Jamie pull up those infographic of the nationality of the general mainstream media...


>Expansion means bigger you fucking retard midget bald idiot piece of shit

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I think it's actually because women are full of shit liars

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What do you mean, "/p*l/ people"?

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I can't believe I let people meme me into thinking Joe was smart, he knows about certain topics but in general he is actually below average intelligence.

But... science is a social construct.

The standard dilation model

Based and very redpilled

>using data that ranges between 2007-2013
>it's 2019
Typical /pol/, these faggots would use data from the 70s to get their points across.


The problem is actually men. Men cause at least 78 percent of crime world wide. A much higher statistic then any of those. Only solution? Mommy dominatrix overlords

That wasn't that bad, he didn't know the term and learnt something useful.

>what does that mean?
He literally just told you.

>In this definition, single-parent families may include cohabiting couples and do not include children living with married stepparents.
it looks like it only measures if those children have two married parents in the same house.
I cant tell if it counts joint custody or not.

fake autism to pandering to nerds
like musk is doing lately

Fuck off racist

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why should i believe stats from a majority white government?

Pic related is what Detroit looks like today

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Fucking kek

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My interactions with the Negro have not been contrary to these facts.

yeah crime happens in impoverished communities, retard

They are trying to do away with special classes for higher learning because its considered racist that blacks never qualify.

he's a legit scientist but I think he assumes most people are mentally retarded compared to him when it comes to space and he's a bit self-important, probably reckons he's the black carl sagan.

You creates this thread just to make this post

I wonder why black pseudoscience man was so much more aggressive this time, it seemed like they were already pissed off at each other before they started recording. Joe came off like he was high as Fuck and could barely comprehend even simple shit.

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He also keep believing that NASA faked a photo of Michael Collins despite everyone telling him for years he's full of shit.
Also seems to think that mentioning Element 115 before it was officially discovered means you had some secret knowledge.

>"Neil buddy, what are you trying to say here?"
>"Look, guhuhu I'm just saying that despite making up 13% of the population"
>"They do THAT much crime?"
>"Yeah guhuhu now watch me go eat some spicy food and repost year old memes from my twitter to my audience of exclusively wh*te retards"
>"Haha yeah wow hey Jamie pull up those crime stats"
>"Holy shit those rap sheets will tear your arm off if you tried to carry them"

You forgot the stats where cops shoot at blacks less(probably for feel of being labeled racist)
So cops actually shoot whites more % of the time they interact with us

>that fucking grating way he speaks like everything he says is a god damn revelation
Honestly don't think I've ever heard anyone so up their own ass.

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>he's a legit scientist
He is a an astrophysicist.. so not really.

This honestly.
I gree up pretty redpilled but i did buy into a lot of bullshit like blacks are equals and the same
But i was always confused why I never had black friends, why the few blacks i knew ALWAYS stole and the few that didnt would 110% of the time end up “doing something on a black person would do”(what my friends and i called it)
Like nig out over simple fun ‘yo momma’ jokes when everyone is just having a good time
On I got autist about numbers and stats and genetics it all made a lot of sense to me and i hate society for all the lies
Lies to make our society WORSE!
jews did this

user...astrophysics is considered a science.

holy shit

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Its not men, it’s A BLACK MEN
Sure men in general are aggressive but when people say “only 13% of pop do x percent of crime” they forget it’s actually less than 7% because black women dont do shit. If you break down numbers(like with whites) women dont do any of this shit.
Mostly cause women are weeker and gentler than men are.
Men are just the only ones capable of these acts so THEY STATISTICALLY HAVE TO BE the ones doing it. If you cant do something or it is near impossible than you simply wont do it
No matter how you compare races niggers are pieces of shit.
It is amazing that black/white female comparisons yield much more similar results than nigger men to white men


Close. My wife's a HS teacher. AP classes have been made way easier, they are about as hard as standard classes used to be. Standard classes are cum brain zoomer level. Many public schools have also changed the rules so you have to accommodate everyone who wants to take AP, there's no merit system. Blacks and illegal hispanics basically get to take the tests for free so the classes get overloaded with a bunch of underqualified minorities. They drop out after the first semester, but until then the teacher has to dial the class difficulty way back because they get in trouble if they fail too many non-whites.
Illegals in CA high schools have on average something like a 3rd grade reading level. Some can't/don't bother learning basic english for three years which means all the classes they attend need a translator present.
Send your kids to private schools (until the state shuts them down or floods them with minorities).

Yeah and your average white would because whites are superior in every way and have no stupid people.

i didn't know what ghettoized meant either until i looked it up 10s ago

guy could have just said "Joe I mean they segregate into their own communities"

sometimes on JRE you need a translator who is smarter than Joe, but dumber than the guest, to help everybody understand otherwise they start talking past each other

>Like nig out over simple fun ‘yo momma’ jokes when everyone is just having a good time
I don't know about that being "only black people do". I grew up on pretty poor white trash area so i had those those encounters too. There was always that one guy or two guys who took everything personally.

No he's actually a scientist where Bill Nye is an engineer that larps as a scientist

Reminder: Rogan writes and crafts his standup every night, 365 days a year just so he has one killer hour of comedy murder.

>this thread

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>always one of two guys
Imagine that being a whole race of people. Almost all mr friends were poor whites in the south, 50x the person of any black I’ve met. I am literally racist now becUse a search for a decent black person has exhausted me

The best was when He had Chuck Palahniuk(author of Fight Club and many other books) discussing shit and Chuck mentions not caring what his beta audience meant or thought and Joe just went on about alphas and fuck betas not realizing Chuck was talking about a beta test audience. Joe is so stupid.

Are incels literally seething that blackman is doing science?

Then maybe i have been lucky with this shit because the only blacks i have ever had problem with was somalis.

I mean he isn't dumb because he doesn't know the meaning of some words, he's dumb because he's basically incapable of abstract reasoning. I just watched a video where a guest was trying to present him a simple thought experiment: given infinite time and the theoretical possibility of a universe-scale simulation becoming a thing at a certain point in the future, it is more probable that we are living in a simulated reality than not. Joe spent thirty minutes restating his "counter-argument", which basically amounted to a non-sequitur observation of history, without understanding the basic premise laid in front of him and was seemingly incapable of grasping the concept of probability.

triggered by the mere sight of a black person. literally just as sensitive as tumblr. kek

Is this the next braddu pittu?

what a stupid fucking moron

Fight fans have known he was dumb for decades.

>state fact
>fact must be racist because numbers are racist
Whites are full of fucking retards but minorities generally don't pass the tests for the class. Is it too much of a stretch to believe that a small percent of the population also have a small representation in higher learning you reactionist slope browed Fuck?
I'm sure ching chongs out number whites in these classes in any region that have s higher Asian demographic.

Correct. Someone being good at one thing doesn't mean they are good at everything. His opinion on the native hawaiians was stupid.

There is a chance they are just being difficult because they are a group of people that hate non hawaiians. There is a chance they are just being difficult so they can be paid to go away.

He assumes they are completely genuine.

Why are white people so dumb?

Joe Rogan is an idiot and a terrible interviewer. He has the scientific literacy of a grade schooler and he wastes his time asking stupid stoner questions.

The Elon Musk and Tyson interviews were particularly hard to watch because you can pin point the moments each of them realizes he's scientifically illiterate. Tyson just shifted straight into his "High school science guy" personality that he reserves for stoners and morons, and Musk just straight up quits trying to give anything more than one-sentence responses and just lets Rogan talk.

Rogan's entertaining, but if you think he came out of either of those interviews looking good then you're a moron.



>he thinks space is real

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this argument is invalid when a reality TV star is president. i dont care what trump thinks about politics or social issues, yet hes my president.

Joes job is to promote the guest by being a retard.

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>Unbeknownst to Joe
Add that to the start of the sentence and you're right.

>Bill Nye

Yeah it’s good he learned something, but it’s proof he’s in way over his head going into a lot of these interviews. A lot of his audience is too and watching the show they learn new things at the same pace he does, so whether it’s a bad thing or not that he’s a meathead can be argued either way. But people need to stop pretending he’s smart or knowledgeable about science, politics, history etc. because in actuality when it comes to those things he’s a retard that can’t recognize some of the basic terms used in those conversations.

I mean, this is why people like Joe - because he's upfront about the stuff he doesn't know, and he's willing to learn. But yeah, he's dumb as fuck.

>But people need to stop pretending he’s smart or knowledgeable about science, politics, history etc
Who the fuck are these "people" you're alluding to and where do they congregate?

Fucking retard, you’ve never been in a postgrad environment in your life. Saying you get extra points for being a minority in a PhD program is a retarded /pol/ myth.

He states all the time he's a meathead that barely comprehend what he's presented with but tries to gleam something from the interviews, which is really all you can ask of somebody. He provides a platform for interesting topics normally sidelined by mass media and provides interviews with individuals that have opinions counter to the popular sway. Can't fault a man that attempts to better himself and is willing to listen to both sides of the issues facing us.

>it’d tarnish the fuck out of black people
Only if you’re a brainlet wh*toid that lets a typical sexual deviant boomer influence your perception of an entire thousands-strong community from all genders, ages, and social standings.

This is exactly why he's so popular, he's the least intellectually threatening dude on the planet.

>tfw black
>tfw more racist to my own people than whites around me are to blacks
>tfw /pol/ conditioned me against my own people.
>tfw /pol/ can't do anything right.


god that sounds horrible

Daily reminder that we don't actually know what gravity is and our understanding of it is just a theory

Wow, he's so dumb in this clip!

You guys know it’s a bit, right? Like the Alex Jones interview where Alex refers back to Joe about how “he knows much more than Alex about d subject”.
He says this like ten times in the episode and Joe keeps playing dumb and it confuses Alex a bit.
You see it all the time where his guests seem puzzled joe doesnt understand(like they talked about it prior).
And joe himself says that he does these interviews before a little bit with the interviewee before they ever do it on camera so these convos are already somewhat played out beforehand


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Asians notoriously cheat(chinese mostly) and the hapanese and koreans are actually legit good, not much more ahead than whites on average, this probably is due to culture more than anything. And the fact other shitty genetic groups like mexicans and arabs get lumped in with “whites”

So Joe pretends to be retarded. That proves he is smart how, exactly?

why jannies are portrayed like dogs?

You know how many views he gets? You know why people chime in to his show?
Did you ever take a reading class and learn the most effective way to write something and almost anyone that read it would understand it?

You're not actually proving anything or making the point you think you're making.

You've just established he's as smart and relatable as your average reality TV star. Which he literally is.

he is not a real "scientist" . he is burger twitter popsci celebrity who cares more about fame money, writting popsci books for "I fcking love science" redditors and lecturing in Discovery Channel movies than truth. If you think about him in the same manner as of Einstein or Schrodinger you are deeply mistaken.

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Yet he is smarter than you
Cope with that poltard

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Yet the average scientist doing all the real science, which is hard and boring as shit with minuscule results that mean the world, they're smarter than popstar Niel, let alone globohomo Bill.
Do you think they cope?


Yeah, that's kinda annoying. It's like he's speaking to kids and trying to impress them with cool facts. The problem is often they're shit like "Did you know... icebergs have much more ice... beneath the surface!"

I think you need to start back at the top bud. My point is he pretends to be dumb as to be relatable so any retard watching understands it and symathizes with the Joe. People dont like to feel dumb and dont watch shit they dont understand.
“Joe purposely acts dumb for his audience” was and is my point this whole time you fucking retard

this one is the most embarrassing of all
His brain literally can't cope with the idea that we could be in a simulation.

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>when it comes to those things he’s a retard
he believed insanely stupid shit even within his own field of "expertise", he's the last person in the world who should even be attempting to run the show he does
he needs a strong second mic to keep him in check otherwise you get impassioned rants about girls beating boys in sanctioned fights, all because guys at his gym let the girls get over on them in practice

Check some of his YT comments and his (yes I know) subreddit

yes he is smarter than me and you. So what ? You should never think about him as scientisct. look up popsci hate threads on /sci/. popular science makes brainlets feel as if they are intellectually superior and arrogant towards their colleagues, despite having very little knowledge of science or proofs. It also gives people the confidence to publicly speak about topics they know extremely little about and thereby likely spreading false information. Popular science degrades "science" into simply meaning the regurgitation of "facts" from self-proclaimed authority figures. Rather than promote science as a methodology and promote how to think. Pop science is the most normie thing that ever existed .

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>“Joe purposely acts dumb for his audience” was and is my point this whole time you fucking retard
Not that user, but please point to a single instance that showcases Joes "true" intellect, that he so masterfully conceals in every single podcast he's ever done.

Why the fuck is Bill Nye the science goy even in this picture, he has made literally zero contributions to any field of science.

>look up popsci hate threads on /sci/
>using /sci/ to prove a point
>a board that hates on even Isaac Newton

into the jannies asshole it goes.

>I think you need to start back at the top bud.
No, you do.
Pretending to be dumb does not mean he is not actually dumb.

Most Blacks base their entire identity around their race unlike pretty much everyone else who bases it around their country and the culture. Black "culture" treated an MCU movie like it was a cultural mile stone.

Isaac Newton more like Isuck Muhdick

Tyson episodes have their moments but Theo Von and Joey Diaz episodes are the best.

What difference does it make? Even if we believe to be living in a simulation, we still would have to live our lives as if it was not simulated.

It's a simple thought experiment, everything doesn't have to have a grand purpose.

He just can't grasp the concept that, once people START making simulations, it doesn't MATTER what time you think it is or what history it is. It's a simulation, so history would have been simulated too. This concept is impossible for Rogan to process.

>but we can see the progress that got us here, so isn't it more likely the simulation hasn't happened yet?
no Joe you're not understanding. if it was a simulation then what you think the chronological date is would be irrelevant, as they would have just simulated the history you believe is occuring now
>yeah but how do we KNOW, since it hasn't happened yet

>What's the origin of ghettoize?

>"I have literally never thought about what a microwave actually does until this conversation"
t. Joe Rogan, in an earlier Black Science Man guest appearance

Imagine losing an argument to Joe.

This. I tried getting into JRE but it's unbearable.

That fucking disgusting greasy savage Joey Diaz with his crazy semi-fake stories is the only one I like.

>nigger in OP
>in fact, nigger in ANY post
>insecure, purportedly-white, poster makes it about race, because that's the only thing he has and can cling to
Each and every time.

>it's not ghetto in the sense of 'hip hop ghetto'

>If you think about him in the same manner as of Einstein or Schrodinger you are deeply mistaken.
Very few scientists are in the same league as nobel prize winning scientists.
He is definitely still a real scientists with several degrees, among them a Phd in Astrophysics and have taken part in several research papers.
Him also being famous as a science educator, doesn't mean his previous academic and scientific accomplishments disappear you butthurt retard.

>his previous academic and scientific accomplishments
Post some

Fuck off incel

Why was Neil so obnoxious on this podcast? He has been on before and is usually far more chill than this. He kept interrupting Joe and going off on tangents that had nothing to do with the questions being asked. I heard some user suggest that because Joe wasn't as "amazed" as he should have been by some of Neil's facts at the start that he got aggressive to stick it to Joe. Any truth to that?

Joe is a fucking retard that deserves to get cut off. I hope more guests do it.

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Take it easy, Neil

The simulation theory is retarded. It's creationism for eggheads like this who look for a deeper meaning to life by pretending there's some awesome "base reality" somewhere out there.

>His brain literally can't cope with the idea that we could be in a simulation.
I bet you love this idea.

The vast majority of graduate courses are piss easy because it looks bad if you drop out (the university has to admit that despite rigorous requirements for entering a program they weren't able to properly screen appropriate candidates). The biggest barriers to a PhD are time and money, assuming you were able to pass your undergrad courses you should have zero difficulty with any research/thesis work you have to do.

What has Tyson done with his PhD? I'm legitimately asking since I haven't bothered to look it up. Any interesting published pieces and/or legitimate innovations or discoveries?

Cutting him off when he's rambling is fine, but Neil was doing it constantly to the point the thing was nearly unwatchable.

Joe Rogan's a self-admitted dumbass. He's open-minded but that doesn't translate to intelligence. He's worse than Trump in parroting whatever BS he's last listened to. He flip-flops constantly just because he talks with new people who give him different information. He's almost purposefully contrarian at times.

I don't understand people attacking joes intelligence

he says all the time he is a meathead

It doesn't instantly make you smart if you are picking up what everyone is saying while joe doesn't

I doubt at 20 which most of you are all rounded up up in every different subject

the people who he gets on a generally interesting and joes a good host and you fags are panicking thinking he is trying to appear smart

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Joe shouldn't get to speak at any point in the podcast.

>try to explain to blue-pilled bestie that we live in a simulated reality
>accepts the definitions and examples I give him

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rogaine nuthugger COPE

he literally only says it like that because jordan peterstein says "abZURD"

One of my favorites is the most recent Graham Hancock because Joe just shuts up and lets him talk for almost the entire thing, only interjecting to ask actually relevant and thoughtful questions

They will believe that but in the same breath say that believing in God is stupid.

It's fine if he doesn't understand some things - what's annoying is when he tries to act as an equal to people who are clearly smarter than him and challenge their assertions when the problem is that he's just not grasping a simple concept, and it ends up eating half the podcast

I personally believe we live in base reality, but I believe base reality itself is a simulation. If we ever escape base reality and get to real base reality, I'll believe that's a simulation too. Very real base reality might be real but I'm not sure, it might be a simulation too.

Looks like this is his phd thesis

some papers

It's turtles all the way down user

He has a legitimate PhD and has some papers. He just did not continue in academia and has focused his work to be a science popularizer. If he worked in research he wouldn't have the time to do that.

>His opinion on the native hawaiians was stupid
I had to look this up, there's already an observation there and he thinks they shouldn't build a big advanced telescope just because the religious natives don't want them to? That's silly.

100% this.

Tyson is a perfect example of someone who acts too "charismatically" (as in someone who gesticulates a lot, is focused, confident etc.) and instead comes off fucking cringe

wouldn't mind it if he wasn't so blatantly trying to mimic Sagan all the time with his pacing and emphasis

>look for a deeper meaning to life
The inability to see the distinction between a thought experiment and religious stories is a surefire way of knowing that you're a genuine moron who shouldn't be sharing his opinion on anything even remotely related to religion, science or philosophy.

>tfw black science man yells at you about seventh grade science and won't let you talk

>hasn't happened yet
Is he referring to the idea that a simulation might be created at some point in time? In that case - the makes no sense, he should be asking "How do we know it has happened?".

You sound like you worship Elon Musk

Well he asks both
He says "we can't know it happened already"
and asks "why would you assume we're not in the original timeline?"
when both are obviously answered by the fact that, IF simulations exist (which was the conversation's entire point) there would obviously be more simulated Rogans than real Rogans

it took them nearly 40 minutes to move on from this loop


>Well he asks both
Really? I'm not saying that you're lying, but him asking whether or not we can be sure a simulation *hasn't* been created yet, would essentially mean that he was on the right track to understanding the premise, while literally everything else he claimed/asked suggested that he had absolutely no idea what was going on and was unable to form a coherent response.

Are you so unironically stupid that you think my post was an attack on religion or something?

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He was on the right track in the sense that he understood the flow of
>history happens in the original reality, eventually simulations might be created
What he didn't understand was that once simulations are created, it becomes impossible to determine where in time you actually are, as your own history could simply be part of the simulation you are in

He kept bashing his head against this idea of "well there's no evidence we're in one, and we can study history and agree that Reagan was president" which is completely pointless because in a simulation you'd think the exact same thing

It was a very frustrating conversation, and honestly so is the one we're having right now on some levels

>being this new

But that guy is a hack who claims that (((superintelligence))) will come about without any proof of AI being capable of achieving sentience. His MIT paper literally got shut down for lack of sources for his claims.

user, if you want to make a chart that illustrates their conversation, characterizing Joe's "confusion" with the question you chose doesn't work on a purely logical level. I don't know why you keep reiterating on the subject matter of their conversation, when I was taking issue with how nonsensical your chart is and not the simulation theory itself.

Rogan's podcast is great in showcasing how many hacks work in STEM, especially AI fields. Dozens of pop-sci clickbait writers hold chairs at most prestigious Universities.

I remember one of his mma podcasts.
He had this top trainer that was also a philosopher and he was explaining Joe for an hour that the scientific truth we know now might be bs anyway because we understood gravity wrong for the past 400 years or so, but Joe just somehow could wrap his head around that today's science doesn't have to be right.

He's the Socratic definition of an idiot, he really thinks he knows everything, Alex fucking Jones called him out on this shit and Joe just took it as a compliment lol

Rogan is a great interviewer, and being as dumb as his viewers contributes to his greatness.

>but Joe just somehow could wrap his head around that today's science doesn't have to be right
Neither can today's scientists.

why do people keep calling joe stupid like it's a gotcha moment or something? no one comes to joe himself for intelligent commentary like hes a genius, they just wanna hear the guy have a funny/interesting conversation with someone and ask some questions

Oh right yeah, cool thought experiment. "God created the world" is a nice thought experiment as well. The thought of a higher power having created the world is truly profound and revolutionary.


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the nig is a fucking dumbass

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One was created with an explicit purpose of answering questions, while the other one was created with an explicit purpose of raising questions. I'm going to let you figure out which is which.

he hardly talks about politics or social issues on the podcast though
it seems like you're just looking for an excuse to hate him

Bill Nye 2.0

NDT at least has a degree, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't do much science when he's busy telling people about Shrodingers Cat for the 10,000,000th time

He's a fucking retard. He's trained in and has knowledge in one technical field, and for some reason thinks this makes him an expert in all things.

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Both were created to answer the problems of lost souls


Nice argument, simulated faggot.

>Man, you ever see the way a chimp flies through the air when he's swinging from tree to tree? It's like chimps know somethimg about gravity we don't.

cop killing is good and cool actualy

That's a bit of a reach. I think in an attempt to stay entertaining and informative he tries to explain everyday things that most don't pay much attention to in relation to his field in whatever way that may be.

>given infinite time and the theoretical possibility of a universe-scale simulation becoming a thing at a certain point in the future, it is more probable that we are living in a simulated reality than not.

that's bullshit tho.

you're goddamn right

ITT: lots of people who can't cope with a pretty simple Thought experiment just like Joe.
It must be an american/religious thing
pro tip:
this has nothing to do with religion or real life stuff

It's literally just:
>Hey due what if "The Sims 76" had human like IA in it???
>wow bro! do you think they would know they are in a game?
>it's deep dude, pass the blunt
Maybe Joe would have understood like this (with Quake instead of the Sims).

I think Eddie redpilled Joe on flat Earth

i like joe rogen. i do a lot of hiking, so his long podcasts are nice to have on in the background

yeah, just have to listen when he has interesting guests on:
1. Matt Walker
2. Michael POllan
3. etc...

so he didn't know the term,,,this is not that big of a deal, really, senpai....
get yeet.

clap clap clap

he is smart, but insufferable

You're not smart

You completely missed the point, not only are you assuming the purpose of the thought experiment is to jerk off about some "base reality" which is bullshit, because most people that buy into simulation theory know that it probably makes zero difference if you're in the simulation or the base reality, your limited perception is still the same. Its actually the opposite, the main reason people buy into simulation theory is a practical one, highly complex simulations could be of great use to an intelligent civilization/civilizations, especially on a larger scale. They could help predict things, gather data, entertain, etc, so its completely feasible that a civilization/ civilizations could have created millions of simulated realities by this point, statistically making it incredible likely we would be apart of one. There's no number you could put on it, but you couldn't really expect there to be one at our technological point.

Both theories aren't mutually exclusive, the main difference is we actually have knowledge that

1. we already have created simulations on a smaller scale, therefore if technology continues at a similar rate its likely we reach a point where we could simulate entire planets, galaxies, universes.

2. Assuming any small percentage of life exists in the universe, and an even smaller percentage developed intelligence, and an even smaller percentage survives long enough to develop those simulations, its likely that they could have created an unfathomable amount by now, therefor making it incredibly likely we are part of one.

They really aren't conflicting ideas, the only difference one is based on reality and one is based on delusions, as there is no actual basis for creationism at this point of time besides blind faith.

I love how this image ignores that Krauss also has a PhD in Physics from MIT and taught at top unis all his life.

Banker and lawyer are meme professions that shouldn't exist on a better society, also, bankers barely contribute to society.

wtf bro

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I don't know why Nick had such a hard time explaining this.
>If there is a non-zero chance of the event happening
>then over time it will eventually happen
>so if you look at the game ACROSS TIME, then it doesn't actually matter if it hasn't happened yet

Why was this so hard joe? I can't imagine not understanding this.