Tfw nobody remembers kiwi kino The Tribe

>tfw nobody remembers kiwi kino The Tribe

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i remember flicking past this crap whenever it was on the telly

Come on it's decent for a kids show

I remember it, those were the fucking days man

It was good until the cyber shit

how did this get forgotten so quickly it was great

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>you will never wander the vast abandoned malls of the hormonal wasteland that was the tribe

>no rape slavery or cannibalism
WAY too unrealistic

You didn't watch the show did you?

As it happens, no, but that doesn't mean my opinion is invalid.

There was quite a lot of slavery and some rape in this..

It's a kids show but it does have attempted rape and slavery. Also you can't have an opinion on something you haven't watched

We had it in the US on some random channel. Came off as demented nonsense and never stopped on it.

I had a crush on Amber

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Also the show went to shit when the tech tribe appeared

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Was that the Australian show where are the adults were dead? Pretty kino if I recall

Ebony > Amber

Ruby > all

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You spelled Trudy wrong

Also where can I get this in decent quality that isn't Youtube?

she's a sloppy obnoxious person irl when drunk sorry lad.

Why would you even know that

Its still one of my favorite shows to this day.

>Also you can't have an opinion on something you haven't watched
Yes I can.

That user probably knows her. New Zealand is only 5 million people. Everyone knows everyone here mate.



What was Lex's fucking problem lads

I seen it, thought they were all Australian. A post apocalyptic Home and Away.

New Zealand, not Australia

New Zealand teenage girls are cute.

New Zealand is just small green Australia

>tfw watched it and loved it as a 10 year old
now I know where my fetish for brightly colored art hoes comes from

>when the KKK showed up and murdered the black guy

That movie was dope.

I remember even as a child i was conflicted which of those girls was supposed to be hot

but the techno guy in the second season with the white hair was good looking, which confused me because i couldnt safely state that about any of the girls

n-no homo

Fuuuck I used to love this as a kid. That theme song.

Kiwi kino

Is this the show that had Heath Ledger in it?

No but it had his non-union New Zealandian equivalent

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This is the real post-apocalyptic kiwi kino

That fat kid is disturbing to look at.


BOTY was absolutely kino

>be really fucking disgusting to look at
>also obnoxious 'stralian accent
Why would you ever cast that Chubby Fat-fuck Huge McLarge in your movie?

It was on on such irregular hours, like 11 on a Saturday or 16 on a Wednesday.
I couldn't follow it so there was no interest, but I bet I would've liked it as a kid because I was really into Thunderdome and shit.

The deadlands > literally anything else we have made as a country


I'm from the US. I was bored one day and stumbled across the Wikipedia page for The Tribe somehow. I think TV Tropes had a link to it on the "Cozy Catastrophe" page.

Downloaded. Proceeded to get hooked, sped through the first season, watched through season three. I had never known the power of soap operas before this, but season one was absolute C O M F Y. The repetitive music, the constant cliffhangers, the charming Kiwi accents contrasted with bad American imitations, the exciting power struggle between Lex, Amber, and Bray, Lex bullying everyone hilariously, Zoot's goofy death -- it was beautiful, corny, and totally sincere.

Oh yeah, and I had a huge crush on Amber, I think that was half of it. Hot af. I was so pissed when they wrote her off in the second season.

Attached: 600px-TribeAmber.png (600x332, 239K)

i havent laughed that hard in ages

Where did you download it from? Can't find a decent quality rip anywhere that's still seeded





It was a long time ago. Pirate Bay has one with like 1 seeder, lol. You might just have to load it up and hope he logs on at some point.

He had sex

Music for the soul, man.

>when the cast recorded a music CD

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We have to go back..

Ryan is best boy and had a great send off. There's this Aussie show about a group of lads going to an alternate dimension and learning magic, Angourie Rice is in it. Seems decent, and that there might be more shows worth checking out after I finish this. Can't stand Salene despite all the hardship she goes through.


Salene was an annoying bag. She was just too teary and soft for my tastes. Good for surrogate mom to the baby though. I was never much a fan of Trudy either, especially after she went "baddie," though she was kinda cute.

Ryan was a lad. Lex & Amber were still the ones that carried the show imo, by far the best actors outside of perhaps Ebony. Remember Tai-san? She was such a whore.

This was kino. Pure kino. It was on every day after school in Norway and was pretty big. There even was a big event in Oslo where most of the main cast came and met with fans.

Ah this is the one I wanted to post, I unironically like this song. Corny but catchy

Also I was super-bummed when they killed Zandra; she was a great foil and could've had more development.

Post characters that are you.

Amber is a cutie. Tai-San was a Mary Sue that got a bit better.

Zandra was cute too.

>big event in Osla

Sounded cute, user. :)

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Zandra was the best girl.

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there's only one tribe everyone needs to watch

Wow forgot about this dude. He was kind of annoying but I would've rather Amber been with him than Bray, the Wooden Plank.

I think Jack was the most relatable boy. Bray was too much of a chad, Dal kind of a servile chump, Lex too much of a dashing bad boy. Jack was just a regular dude who got tired of people's drama. Voice of reason.

watched the shit out of this as a teen, can't believe they got away with shit like showing interracial threesomes in later seasons

same shit who cares


Always looked like gay cheap nz shit. If you hadnt reminded me i would of assumed it was still on. Time flies.

I mean, it was silly as fuck and got worse and seasons went on, but goddamn I liked it. It's kinda what would happen if 90s teenagers were the only authority around. I remember there being no where near as many comically evil characters you'd expect and even the good guys were outright murky characters.

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I always felt like Jaffa should have went with POWER AND CONTROL given how controlling he was.

Its an adequate show.

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>you can't have an opinion on something you haven't watched
Where do you think you are?

I wonder if Ebony would be top waifu pick today or if bland Amber would win that one.

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>tfw Lex was right about women

Holy shit a thread about this show. I quite liked it, the technos arriving in season 4 was the best part though. Though looking back at it it's obvious how low of a budget it had.

Lex was a kino character. I also liked the bromance between him and Ram in S5.

he was morally ambiguous as usually aired on the antagonistic side of things, actually. he wasn't a complete asshole simply because he had to live in the fucking mall with the rest of the idiots.

Yeah. In not so related news i've read the Tribe books that are set after S5. There's two of them, they are OK but not very good either and get a little too sci-fi for my taste. The concept of a virus killing out adults is a neat one, but it's execution could've been done better.

I liked this how. I even bought the comic years later.
But thats with series. After 10 years everyone will forget it if nothing new comes out.
Its the rule of propetry and the reason why the big 2 are so huge and popular. They priduce material to retain popularity.

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Pretty sure this is totally different things. This comic is not related at all.

I thought it is. It is about a nano-virus thats kills you after 21.
It really fits, with the title, kids in postapocalyptic and the 21 virus.

Yeah premise is similar but they don't share universes.

Imagine if it turned them into dinosaurs.

But its tribes the comic. Even named like the series.
Thats really odd than

>he's giving that pig a piggie-back
Great movie

yeah. jack was my fav char as well. also shipped him and tai-san. they had some good chemistry in the end of season one.

one of my guilty pleasures. luckily got the box sets off of german amazon years ago. prob should back them up sometime.

Tried watching it. Fucking struggled to watch it. But it was total SHIT.

No, there wasn't

>brown waifu
it could work

Dude I fucking love Adam Ant!

i do. amber was my favourite and as far as i recall she wasn;t actually in it very much. the characters just talked about her all the time.

i'll do you one better op you remember this shit?
>that episode when the skater kid wouldn't take his piercing out for a lot of money on tv and everybody but one stranger told him what an idiot he was

>not wanting to get raped by her twin sisters

>this thread was on page 10
>reminded me of being a kid so bumped it
>90 posts and 7 hours later
Feels good

>havent had a wank in two years
jesus christ

That's absolutely true/ user probably dated her in high school. My dad knew most of the late 90's All Blacks from Uni. I could take a walk through Welly and probably run into J*cinda on a coffee break.

Kek, me too

>embarrasing passtime for teenagers
lol if only


Australian & NZ cultural output is really shit, considering the size of the population


She got around quite a bit lmao

I'm a Kiwi and I put aside my national pride and the fact that I love the Barry Crump book the film is based on to skip this shit because I despise that child actor.

I used to watch it all the time as a kid, but I could only get through 2 seasons when I tried to watch it again about a year ago.