Watching nature documentary

>watching nature documentary
>change the channel

I want to see facts, not fiction.

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Why don't you ask your magic sky daddy for some better shows?

>magic sky daddy
Go back to /r/atheism, scum.

>I want to see facts, not fiction.
You can still watch Star Trek on Netflix, why even watch the Television. Unless it's different in US now and you have to get CBS for TNG.

>believing in something with literally no evidence to support it except some desert manual written by some sandniggers

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Nice strawman argument, you dumb-as-shit, fedora-tipping, cheeto-scoffing, lolicon-reading fucktard.

>if you don't believe in X, you must believe in Y

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Explain this evolutionists!

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Seethe more.

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>survival of the fittest
>dude we have to stop polluting or else none of the animals will be able to adapt and will go extinct

>believe in my magic mud that created all life on earth

Your *theory* is no better, shittard.

Sandniggers created christianity.

The brand of christianity that christcucks follow today was invented by Romans in AD 300.

Why are you bringing Christianity up at all? Afraid evolution can't stand up on its own feet?

>mocks other people for blindly believing in religion
>blindly believes in empiricism

You know OP, clinical retards shouldn't have free access to the internet. Go back to bed.

bruh if evolution is real why we still got monkeys

Why don't you fuck off and evolve a bigger penis so girls won't think you're a pathetic specimen of manhood.

Nice rebuttal faggot. If evolution is "fiction" according to you, explain why. Explain why what we know about the process of evolution is wrong or fake. Let's see how truly you understand the subject in the first place.

You can't "evolve" new information, like wings or legs or an eyeball without that information already being written into the DNA itself. You also can't just "tinker" around for millions of years waiting to get these things right. Either you have a functioning brain, heart, lungs, etc. or you're dead.


Anons greatest interest and only joy in life is going online and deliberately annoying strangers. SAD!

Pic related

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I thought the fedora/fundie debating ended in like 2008, what the fuck are you people doing.

Do Bible thumpers realize that creationism is a blasphemy against God Almighty?

Nothing about evolution contradicts the Bible. Evolution only challenges the small minded ideas people have about creation in the Bible. Any theologian or church worth their salt will tell you there is plenty of room for what science has found.

The Book Of Genesis and other Hebrew creation stories are not science text books. They describe a spiritual creation of the worls, not a literal onw.

Thinking God merely is some guy in the clouds who spent o ly weven days creati g the universe is an insult to God.

The immense way the world and its creatures came to be is fascinating and beutiful. It iz immense. Nature is a gorgeous testiment to the vastness of God's universe. Evolutuion is part of that. Do not discredit it.

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Yes. You can. It doesn't haplen over night. It happens over millions of years througb tiny tiny mutatuons, many of whicb fail and are forgotten. You sinply do not see how immense the universe is. The creatures of this world didn't come to be in a few thousand years. It took hundreds of millions of years. God's universe is immense and you fail to see the glory of its vastness.

You're just spouting the same old "explaination" without giving it two seconds of critical thought. Literally brainwashed.

Also, if you do think God is tinekering with DNA. Prove it. You can't. That is why it is called faith.

Personally, I don't know if God is tinkering with DNA or if he tinkers with probability on an even smaller atomic level or a larger cosmic level of cioincidences. It is not for us to know how God works. Just that God is good and God exists. To claim you know how God manipulates DNA and creates animals is a blasphemy. Leave it to science to determine how animals evolved. To claim to know beyond any doubt exactly how God created the world goes against having faith. Who are you to tell me how God does things? God is greater than you, greater than any of us.

I am a devout Christian who believes in the amazing miracle of God's creation of the world. I also am a scientist who supports the teaching of evolutuon. Which side do you think brainwashed me?

If my post ends in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 god doesn't exist

God does tinker with DNA. It's called cancer, and tumours, and diseases, and death.

You're not a Christian. You're a coward who's afraid to live by the word of the bible. Yeah, you can believe in "God", but you're not a Christian.

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You simply don't have an open enough mind then. The very first organisms were cells which didn't need, I don't know lungs, because they absorbed oxygen through their "skin" (cell walls, is that what they're called in english?). Then as more advanced beings evolved, a system that carried oxygen to all the cells of the body was needed, so certain cells took the role of absorbing the oxygen, and in turn others became channels through which it could travel. The these microsystems kept evolving until you got to gills in fish and then lungs in amphibians and other invertebrates who have analogous features. It takes millions of years and millions of failures, but it is possible and the fossil record proves it.

>The very first organisms were cells which didn't need, I don't know lungs, because they absorbed oxygen through their "skin"
>Then as more advanced beings evolved
This begs the question why "more advanced beings" needed to evolve at all. Bacteria is already one of the most dominant organisms on the planet that can survive in virtually any environment, so "evolving" into a human seems completely pointless.

>fossil record proves it.
Nice meme, but the fossil record doesn't exist outside of museums.

Why do people larp as Christians on Yea Forums

contrarianism and trying to copy their boomer parents

Schizophrenia does crazy things to a person.

Fucking' BASED.

Anons are becoming boomers themselves and thus becoming more conservative.

>My great great grandfather was a fish! He didn't like it underwater anymore so one day, he just crawled out and lived on land instead. Why don't you believe me?

no, just wannabe boomers. most are 20 somethings.

>American education
You truly think evolution happened in the space of 2 generations.
Who created god you silly cunt?

I'm 34.

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still makes you a larper. christcucking isn't the cool punk rock you think it is.

I was being facetious, but the main point still stands. You believe you're descended from a fish that magically learned to survive on land, eat the food, breathe the air, mate with another mutant fish at the same time, etc. Your whole theory is bullshit and every explanation makes you look like a retarded child.

And no-one created god, you simpleton. If God needed a creator, he wouldn't be God.

keep torching those evospastics, chad creationist user

No-one said it was. Damn, is there a sale on strawmen today?

>I don't understand evolution at all
>I think there is no evidence to support it
Okay retard
>thinks we can observe and experiment in are wrong
>my sky daddy I made up is right though

>he doesn't understand my theory that I get to make up as I along and change the rules whenever my own logic paints me into a corner
Okay, retard. Tell me more about this magic Primordial Soup.

cram it, cuck.

So god came from nowhere at all? Just out of thin air? He made an entire universe for no reason at all, made billions of years of dinosaurs etc before people for fun?
Does god enjoy it when kids get raped? Bad people constantly do bad things? Weak people need something "bigger than themselves" to believe in to make themselves feel better, that's fine. Religion was only started because back in the day it was the easiest way to keep people in line, fear of an all seeing overlord.

Im not even an atheist and I know that evolution happens because its not only detectable, but you can observe it. I know that god is also real because I can feel a presence of god, and im alive and thinking. If you think evolution is fiction, its because you made a choice to not look, much like people thinking the earth is flat.

>So god came from nowhere at all?
No, God didn't "come from" anywhere because God is everywhere. There is no "where" that God is not.
>He made an entire universe for no reason at all
Who fucking knows, ask him.
>made billions of years of dinosaurs

Children, get off my board. you need to be 18+ to post here.

>its not only detectable, but you can observe it
>It doesn't haplen over night. It happens over millions of years

Even the fucking evos can't get their shit straight.

>I haven't read a single piece of scientific literature: the post
You are a fucking retard. You can observe the effects of grass growing without seeing the grass physically increase in size before your eyes. Look at all the vestigial parts the human body has. Look at birds of paradise

>vestigial parts the human body has
No such thing. Every part of the body has it's use.
>Look at birds of paradise
What about them? Don't just say "Look at this!" and expect that to be an adequate rebuttal. That's no better than someone saying "Look at that sunset. It's proof of God!"

>Every part of the body has it's use.
What is the use of the appendix?
>What about them?
They are such a way as to be the most visually attractive to a mate, with characteristics that would normally make them more likely to fall victim to predators. Unlike every other species of birds, they evolved in an environment with pretty much no natural predators, making defensive mechanisms irrelevant.

>Unlike every other species of birds, they evolved in an environment with pretty much no natural predators, making defensive mechanisms irrelevant.
>they evolved
Circular reasoning. You're trying to prove they evolved by saying they evolved. I could just as easily say, "They were made that way."

If my post ends in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 god exists

>No, God didn't "come from" anywhere because God is everywhere. There is no "where" that God is not.
You can say exact same thing about the universe, which is far less complex than God.
If something like a god doesn't need to be created, why would a bunch of particles and dust need to?

So explain how the universe came to be without God. Explain the physical and chemical processes that went into the creation of the universe. If you say "I don't know", the shut the fuck up.

Not even him, but
>God of the gaps argument


I don't get how that follows. Who mentioned the God of the gaps?

I'm not the one pretending to know the answers, you are, I'm just using your own logic.
"I don't know" is the correct scientific answer for now, there's nothing wrong with being humble about your own ignorance.

I unironically agree

So if you don't know, and are honest about being humble, do you concede that there's a possibility that God exists, or is that still a definite no-no?

Based Socraticposter

That's already included in the "I don't know" answer

I think we can all agree that evolution is real. The real question is: are dinosaurs?


Because organisms always adapt to fit new niches and to live in new environments, and even when they remain in the same ecosystem they are always competing against their similars, prevailing on their preys or surviving their predators. Evolution happens because or random mutations, if a mutation carries on to the next generation there is a chance it's useful in that specific enviroment and ecosystem so it will give that population of organisms an advantage. Only because new creatures evovle doesn't mean the old ones are outdated and should go extinct, if their enviroment allows it they'll keep existing.

>You believe you're descended from a fish that magically learned to survive on land, eat the food, breathe the air, mate with another mutant fish at the same time, etc. Your whole theory is bullshit and every explanation makes you look like a retarded child.

You simply do not understand evolution. Do not claim the """"theory"""" is fake only because you're too ignorant and misinformed to learn anything about it. No fish """"magically"""" learned how to live on land, it was a gradual process that began with certain fish waddling up on the beach or whatever to lay eggs, escape predators or whatnot. Then certain fish with mutations that were advantageous to this lifestyles started appearing, and carried on their favorable genes to the next generations. So fish started developing useful features such as functional pectoral fins, primitive air lungs and all the internal stuff that allows an animal to live in on land.

Yes if that example was taken in a vacuum. Once you consider everything we know about evolution and ecology suddenly it becomes evidence for evolution.

>began with certain fish waddling up on the beach or whatever to lay eggs
How did the fish grow legs?
Why did it lay it's eggs on land?
How did it's eggs evolve to survive on land?
>escape predators
There are no predators; we're literally talking about the first creature to come out of the sea. It would have been the only thing walking around on land at that point.

>started developing useful features such as functional pectoral fins, primitive air lungs and all the internal stuff that allows
As I said before, you don't just "develop" this stuff. Either the organism has them complete, or it's dead. You don't live with a half-developed lung.

do you religious people ever feel lucky knowing that you just happened to be born in a region where your religion happens to be the "right one"?

Rightists: "I dont believe in evolutiob"
Rightists: "I understand memes even though that's evolutionary biology too"


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But it's a rebranding not a creation

The predators are in the water dipshit

divine intervention. we are gods chosen people.

How can you seriously be so fucking dense? Are just larping and fucking with me?

Because you're too ignorant to imagine anything else.

Boney Fish (like coelacanth) already have lungs, but they use they aren't adapted for air. They still use gills. You also see gills in the larval stage of certain amphibians.

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Yeah he's fucking with you.
Anyone on this website that seriously doubts evolution is too stupid to bother with anyway.

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Noice bait thread

Nice example of intelligent design.

Avatarfagging is a bannable offense, retard.


>being christian is cool because /pol/ said it's based and redpilled!!!
Quit LARPing