wtf Yea Forums you're supposed to remind me to watch good movies that I probably missed and you fuckers never mentioned this one! Motherfucking Hitler comes back to life in 2014 and lulz and great redpills ensue. Watch it now you faggots.
wtf Yea Forums you're supposed to remind me to watch good movies that I probably missed and you fuckers never mentioned this one! Motherfucking Hitler comes back to life in 2014 and lulz and great redpills ensue. Watch it now you faggots.
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go back to plebbit
>lulz and great redpills ensue
Stop trying to hard you faggots and watch the fucking movie already
everyone here knows this movie dude, clips of it have been posted in ylyl and nazi threads for years
is the actor playing hitler that policeman from dark? I just noticed the resemblance
i don't actually read threads, I come here to look at the funny pictures
>they make a vegetarian shoot a dog for no reason to make him look evil
Why didn't they just make him say some anti-jewish stuff?
No matter what Hitler does the Germans will forgive him. That part really warmed my heart.
thought this was jojo rabbit for a sec and was about to call you a huge faggot
Hitler was a Rothschild
Nazism is occult
Hitler didn't die
They built an Antarctic base and UFOs
Some other Nazis infiltrated the US government through Project Paperclip and ran parts of the country as a shadow government