Wtf Yea Forums you're supposed to remind me to watch good movies that I probably missed and you fuckers never mentioned...

wtf Yea Forums you're supposed to remind me to watch good movies that I probably missed and you fuckers never mentioned this one! Motherfucking Hitler comes back to life in 2014 and lulz and great redpills ensue. Watch it now you faggots.

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go back to plebbit

>lulz and great redpills ensue

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Stop trying to hard you faggots and watch the fucking movie already

everyone here knows this movie dude, clips of it have been posted in ylyl and nazi threads for years

is the actor playing hitler that policeman from dark? I just noticed the resemblance

i don't actually read threads, I come here to look at the funny pictures

>they make a vegetarian shoot a dog for no reason to make him look evil
Why didn't they just make him say some anti-jewish stuff?

No matter what Hitler does the Germans will forgive him. That part really warmed my heart.

thought this was jojo rabbit for a sec and was about to call you a huge faggot

Hitler was a Rothschild
Nazism is occult
Hitler didn't die
They built an Antarctic base and UFOs
Some other Nazis infiltrated the US government through Project Paperclip and ran parts of the country as a shadow government

Fuck this was such an amazing movie. That twist ending where Hitler won.

Hitler was clearly God's only son that had cometh back from the dead to die for our sins again after they hit critical mass again

>le Hitler king of based le national socialism xD
Straight yikes, theoretical cringe.

it really had me going for a second

True and who cares? Back then many people were occult
Possibly true considering his so called corpse was a woman
Possibly but not to the extent you want it to be.

>is the actor playing hitler that policeman from dark? I just noticed the resemblance
It is. Funny thing is I just noticed it myself yesterday, in another thread about this movie.

>True and who cares? Back then many people were occult
Occultists at the highest level are Satanists, and everyone below them are their pawns and agents.
>Possibly true considering his so called corpse was a woman
It's true. The CIA has declassified files relating to Argentina sightings after the war ended and other works such as The Omega File go even further with his story of faked death and continued life elsewhere.
Yes. There's footage, government documentation, ... Read The Omega File.
It's true. The scientists were there.
>not to the extent you want it to be
Not even going to grace this drivel with a response.

>you'll never be placed into a mental institute while spouting the second coming of Hitler
>and you're not even lying about it

Imagine linking this garbage and thinking you have a point. As to every other point, you made the claim. Show me proof. Absolute proof.

>you'll never be placed into a mental institute while spouting the second coming of Hitler
Welcome to /pol/

Thanks. I'll be here all week.

>look up Omega Files
>First page is Biliotecapleyades
Kek. Why not just link all those pages you schizo fuck?

The first step is knowing the truth. You can look up the evidence for yourself later know that you know what to look for.
There are different sources for it you could use. It doesn't matter to me.
Good luck, it's a long and shocking book.

Both are the same person. I'm sorry you get your information from actually nutjob conspiracy site. It's rather pathetic.

I get my summaries from there.
I'm sorry I can't just inject the information into your wee consciousness.
Hopefully you'll come around eventually, for your and your family's sake.

Read The Biggest Secret by David Icke.

>not all Occultists are Satanic, you're misusing the word. If that's the case just say "Hitler was Satanic."
>I believe it. Hitler likely fled to Argentina
>Every government was likely trying to develop "UFOs" which were not actually UFOs because there we made by man and where the fuck is this Antarcitic base and even if they did, why does it matter aside to please your occult fetish
>You're a faggot. Explain. Who were the Nazis that infiltrated?

You are actually insane. You get all your information from a fringe site and believe it. Take your fucking meds, dude.


/pol/ has a monthly thread on this flick.

90s born queers were a mistake

fuck off you off topic edgelord
>hurr durr lets make every thread i post in about me!

80's born niggers were a mistake. Is that really all you have to say? Get the fuck outta here with your pathetic strawmans. Come back when you have an actual argument.

>off topic edgelord
>actual argument
90s born queers confirmed

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you can't post without being off-topic can you?

>not all Occultists are Satanic
You mean 'esotericists'.
>where the fuck is this Antarcitic base
It's called Neu Schwabenland, which is on the side beneath Africa iirc
>even if they did, why does it matter aside to please your occult fetish
Because it shows the Nazis were not so much defeated as they were forced to relocate. The US government about two years later carried out an invasion against this stronghold, which campaign ended in failure.
>Who were the Nazis that infiltrated?
Those like Wernher von Braun. There were thousands of names, I've read.

>You get all your information from a fringe site and believe it
Look up Kyle Odom.

schizos hijacked a comfy german kino thread

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Absolute bullshit garnered from one website. You're nuts, man. You were the one that claimed Satanism. Assuming it's the same guy.

why bother user, these indoctrinated fucks wouldn't care even if you could prove it.

reddit nigger

>even if you could prove it.

>secret Antarctic base strong enough to hold off an American invasion

Basically impossible.

we have constantly threads about this
specifically they pertain either the tone deaf scene where he shoots a dog or his speech on television
lurk more faggot

you can look that one up yourself kiddo, search admiral byrd

I wouldn't say "constantly" but enough that even a normie would pick up on it.

you're one of them faggot

Oh I guess they just didn't mention the nazi base because reasons