White people should pay for the hate crimes their kind did to niggers

>white people should pay for the hate crimes their kind did to niggers
>b-but not muslims, they dont have to pay for what their kind did in 9/11
im from guadalajara jalisco btw

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I'm white and I've never been told I should repair what we did to niggers.
Is it an american thing?

Forget 9/11. Arabs enslaved more africans for a longer period of time than europeans did. They also enslaved white europeans. Arabs should be paying reparations to both blacks and whites.

Yes, America is host to the laziest, loudest, stupidest people on Earth in general, and it's only amplified at least twice over when we're talking about the colored people here.

No, it isn't. That shit only exists in twitter screencaps and on the most radical college campuses.

Believe it or not, people like OP are just faggots that want to shitpost about muh identity politics and are genuinely just as bad as the faggot in the screencap himself.

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The Usa unironically deserved 9/11 and if more people died it would have been even better.

>be an arab
>blow up a building and kill civilians
>say that if you hate him for it, you're the terrorist

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He's unironically right.

Osama Bin Laden denied any involvement in the attacks shortly after they occurred.
The US faked footage of him admitting responsibility sometime after that.
The twin towers were detonated by explosive charges installed over the weekend by an Israeli front company.
At one of the bottom floors of a building was a large circle with symbols indicating a sigil, photographed.
The McFly code is a phenomenon in movies leading up to the attack in which the numbers 9 and 11 as well as imagery of destructed twin towers were shown at one point or another (e.g., final scene of Fight Club)
~2 months earlier, the Jewish owner of the building took out a large insurance policy on the towers, and on the day of the attack, both himself and his children were unusually absent from the building
Many on the scene witnesses reported no planes, and such reports were hunted out and snuffed in the aftermath of the attack; footage exists of a planeless explosion as well as demonstrations of the illogic of plane-caused explosions
The blackbox's content of the supposed plane crashes was never released

and the list goes on
Muslims had little or nothing to do with it
Patsies used as a pretext for invading Iraq and installing a Central Bank and increased military expenditure

>British empire
>Ottoman empire
who are they?


Explain this you fucking idiot

Shut the fuck up ameriturd, 9/11 was payback for years of American menacing around the globe, the gulf war, sanctions on Iraq, support for Israel

If Americans want to blame anyone, let them blame their own criminal foreign policy

>Yea Forums

Yeah but we castrated our slaves so who are their descendants who are gonna demand reparations, Shlomo?

>Unironically thinking Saddam dindu nuffin during the Gulf War
Based retard

Only that first one showed visuals of the plane crash, which can easily be doctored; and there's footage news stations used that suggests just that, with the nose of a plane poking through the end of the building before disappearing

>W4K3 UP SH33PL3 >xD

>unironically thinking he did

Get back in the chamber, Shlomo

>If Americans want to blame anyone, let them blame their own criminal foreign policy
You mean the CIA shadow government, which was itself probably a shadow government for the City of London / Vatican

>The bloodthirsty Moorish Empire?
>We made it up

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For the record the Iraq War was retarded and ruined America's reputation permanently. But thinking Saddam didn't deserve to be fought over its invasion of Kuwait is retarded.

He was no saint, guiltier than Assad, but no more monstrous than any other dictator apparent or secret.

So all footage of the first plane is fake and you probably believe that the second plane footage is also fake? And if I mentioned eye witness accounts, you'd say they were paid shills. Do you realize you can make the case for any 911 conspiracy, but some reason this is the one you like the most? You can lead a retard to water but you can't make him see.

Other dictator's wernt so retarded as to invade another sovereign country.

Dumb mutt, Kuwait was rightfully part of Iraq that the British had snatched away during the colonial era to cuck them out of sea access. Iraq was taking back one of their own provinces that the British had set up a puppet emir to rule over. Everyone who understood the region knew this, it's why all Arabs every where supported the move. It was only Americans and Brits than lost their shit over losing a puppet state protectorate

>its invasion of Kuwait
So what.
We've done nothing to Saudi Arabia for Yemen and did nothing to Israel for Palestine.
There's nothing in principle compelling action.

And that matters why?

I mean you're not wrong but at the same time you're not correct either.

>Patsies used as a pretext for invading Iraq and installing a Central Bank
Yes and how did that work out? Tell us about the central bank of Iraq and how much wealth its stealing from the nation.

Both Saddam and Assad did nothing wrong unironically

>muh gassing children

Literally the same bullshit lie Americans have been parroting since ww2

>It was why Arabs everywhere supported the move.
Saddam was a retard for thinking he could unilaterally invade a country and not receive backlash. Deal with it.

Because Saudi Arabia is supporting the government against the Rebel Houthis, while Israel's land was established following the UN mandate and expanded following various wars, mostly instigated by Arabs. Regardless of the ethics of these two states, and whether you support them, neither were so blatantly stupid as to unilatrally and openly invade another soveriegn country.

Attached: Gulf War.png (607x1167, 86K)

>No, it isn't. That shit only exists in twitter screencaps and on the most radical college campuses.

Kek, so you didn't watch a single second of any of the three democratic debates.

Imagine saying this coping shit after the New Years Eve in Cologne.

The borders of the middle east have pretty much no basis in history or anything really.

You don't know the story behind that. America promised shit loads of loans and debt forgiveness for plenty of Arab countries to get them to participate

The gulf states are puppet states just like Kuwait, even the Saudi king was strong armed into it because he was too shitscared to say no to America

>So all footage of the first plane is fake and you probably believe that the second plane footage is also fake? And if I mentioned eye witness accounts, you'd say they were paid shills.
Sure. This was a big operation after all. And yet it was still a sloppy job. Many many loose ends.
>Do you realize you can make the case for any 911 conspiracy, but some reason this is the one you like the most?
It's called 'Coherentism', dear boy---the truth becomes so in virtue of its relation to the other established facts of knowledge.
Did Osama deny responsibility? Yes. There's footage of it. You either believe him or he's lying. But then there's a second video where we purportedly accepts responsibility, yet does not acknowledge the first video. That's one piece of evidence to mull over.
Then you introduce the weekend crew and their activities in the basement. That's a second piece.
And then the apprehended Israelis. A third piece.
And so on down the line, until eventually, you're able not only to put pieces together, but to verify or disprove new evidence/facts in virtue of how they relate to the knowledge you've already established.
No planes is consistent with the facts and not outside the realm of possibility if you accept the government is lying about the official story.

Seething Arab manlet. You deserve those bombs just for the way you smell.

>America promised shit loads of loans and debt forgiveness for plenty of Arab countries to get them to participate
Yeah sure, that's why Kuwait and Saudi Arabia paid most of the costs of the war.

the holocaust didn't happen but it should have, Shlomo

>The borders of the middle east have pretty much no basis in history or anything really.
You won't get any argument there, the Sykes-Picot Agreement was largely based around what was convenient for the UK and France. However this does not negate Saddam's idiocy in thinking he, already an unpopular figure, could simply invade Kuwait without reprisals.

>>thinking 911 wasn’t an inside job

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>Yes and how did that work out?
>Tell us about the central bank of Iraq and how much wealth its stealing from the nation.
I can't. But what they do is install someone who will play nice and allow them access to the oil fields, which is the wealth.

>muh Yemen
Lol, no one except junkies care.
>muh Palestine
No such thing. Just a bunch of AWOL Arabs.

Yeah I wonder why puppet rulers would use the oil to repay their masters for keeping them there. Truly a mystery!

Because if you invade another country, then it gives other countries justification to fight you. Assad has restricted his fighting to within the borders of Syria, thereby rendering the use of force against him harder to argue for. Saddam however did not during the 1991 Gulf War.

hussein thought he was allowed to invade kuwait because he was an american asset at the time. he didn't expect them to use it as an opportunity to destroy him

Kikes have been shilling the official 9/11 story for 18 years and it's hilarious no one still believes them

The deodorant didn't happen to Arabs, but it should have.

But you said that the Arab states got involved into the Gulf War for economic purposes, yet they "repay their masters" for participating in the war. You are already contradicitng yourself.

>No such thing

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He wasn't an American asset. They had been running media campaigns against him since before 1990. The Brits were still butthurt about him nationalising oil in 1975

Maybe you can't tell me shit because there is no central bank, there was no fucking plan to invade the nation to put in a central bank. So either shut up or provide some sources
>who will play nice and allow them access to the oil fields/
Like who? Elections haven't worked out and then we had ISIS who took control of several oil fields. who in turn sold that oil to nations like Turkey. You know what this means right? That Turkey was the true mastermind behind 9/11 because they had this long term plan to create ISIS who would take control of the oil fields that Turkey could buy cheap oil from.

Seethe more, oven dodger

>Saddam did nothing wrong unironically
According to Lyn Buchanan, top government controlled remote viewer in the 80s and 90s during Reagan and Bush, in his book The Seventh Sense, he observed Saddam's plans to carry out a bomb attack at a gathering of his enemies, leaders of other nations, at Mecca or something like that.
He informed the US government, they looked into it, and stopped the plot before he could carry it out.

But yes, chemical weapons charges are usually fake.

The US supported Hussain during the Iran-Iraq War that was correct, however tensions had been growing between the two since then.

And what possible reason would there be to perpetrate this grand conspiracy? Faking all of this seems extremely difficult.

ISIS was a creation of the CIA, like most terrorist organizations

Arab states like Egypt Syria and Morocco got involved for economic reasons

Saudis were strong armed by Cheney, and basically take orders from Americans. Kuwait and the other gulf rulers were puppets

The overwhelming Arab masses supported Iraq. There were huge demonstrations in every North African city and Egypt and Jordan (both American allies) in favour of Iraq

junkies are only humans, after all.

Oh please, the US supported both sides during the war. It's like you never heard of the Iran-Contra scandal

>And what possible reason would there be to perpetrate this grand conspiracy?
There were many reasons. Launching wars, rolling back civil liberties, unifying the consciousness around chosen ideas and emotions---the theory goes that it was a mass ritual sacrifice used to usher in the new age, the next phase of the NWO.
>Faking all of this seems extremely difficult.
They do this sort of thing on smaller scales all the time.

No I'm telling it was Turkey
They only favored Iraq because Iran is a Shia nation

The economic reasons for those stated countries were an added incentive, but by no means the cause. Do you think if you paid Egypt $25 million today then they would invade Egypt? Mubarak was aggrieved because Hussein personally promised him that he would not invade Kuwait, but did so anyway.

As for the two other claims, you will need valid sources to verify them.


>Do you think if you paid Egypt $25 million today then they would invade Egypt
Eh...I guess?

Sorry, that's meant to say Syria.

Do Arabs even have ovens? Or food for that matter, only roots and peanuts?

So you're saying that you don't actually know, it could be one of many different reasons that you read somewhre on the internet. Now that you've brought up the NWO and ritual sacrifice, I honestly don't think I can continue this conversation. Who is they?

>this passes for banter in israel

>So you're saying that you don't actually know, it could be one of many different reasons that you read somewhre on the internet.
Know, I'm saying all of those are reasons and they are too numerous to list off in detail and then show how they interrelate with themselves and other parts of the plan.
The grand conspiracy is exceedingly complex; it is well over two millennia old.
>Now that you've brought up the NWO and ritual sacrifice, I honestly don't think I can continue this conversation.
I wouldn't blame you as long as you were willing though. They are hard pills to swallow on top of being difficult to wrap the head around.
>Who is they?
One group involved are the Freemasons. The Twin Towers represent Boaz and Jachin, and their destruction and replacement with one tower represents two becoming one. The Freemasons are not the topmost organization, but they stem from the same occult group and beliefs/ideology.

*No, I'm saying

Perhaps you can't explain things because in the end you know it's not true, but you choose to believe it because there is comfort in thinking that everything can be explained in a simple "it's a big conspiracy" narrative. After all a simple world is the best world

Personally I could never believe such things because it would make for a boring world

>Perhaps you can't explain things because in the end you know it's not true, but you choose to believe it because there is comfort in thinking that everything can be explained in a simple "it's a big conspiracy" narrative.
No, I could explain them, but then it would be at least a 15 page essay.
I'm not going to bother when it's already off-topic and you don't really want to learn about it.

>buhh huhhh muhh politics
Bitch, I'm talking about the real world, not what you see on television. Nobody lectures me about white privilege walking down the street, nobody gives me any shit about being white, and nobody brings up this dumb shit half as much as faggots like yourself do online. Of course the DNC candidates are radicalized, that's because when one side radicalizes, both do. And I hate 'em both. And I hate you too. They drank the social media kool-aid so that's why their talking points revolve around that shit.

Also, nice reddit spacing you fucking boomer ass newfaggot.

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Don't kid yourself they did it for the shekels. Mubarak was literally overthrown by his own people for being a corrupt Zionist dog

If the people's of the Arab countries had any real say they would have all sides with Iraq


>Nobody lectures me about white privilege walking down the street, nobody gives me any shit about being white
spoiler: they're all thinking it. and in the right circumstance they will speak their mind

The US was never designed to have a party system.

The US isn't a real nation either.

>when one side radicalizes, both do.
>conservatives somehow radicalized
OH NO NO NO NO NO, thanks for the laugh comrade, nice attempt to blend in.

>last three Oscars were exclusively seething about huate males
>retard on Yea Forums board discussing modern pop culturetries to pretend it doesn't exist

You are like a retard in bumfuck nowhere in eastern Europe in the middle of 70's trying to convince others that there are no socialists because he never saw one.