*changes capeshit forever*

*changes capeshit forever*
what will disney do to compete in a post-joker world?

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Have sex

Bend over

disney will have sex?

I hope. MCU adding sex would be the greatest contribution to capeshit.

Are you a grl?

Seethe & fund more nerd crew channels to shape opinion

Capeshit garbage is capeshit garbage no matter which company it is. Joker is kinda more pathetic in this case given the circumstances of this reincarnation of the character.

Yes, I've been wearing girl's clothes and have on HRT going on a year now.

No idea. I hope Joker might create a demand for better capeshit, and we can get some movies based on more obscure capes.

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Anyone have the webm with sound?

This shit will end up just like Logan where everyone hypes it up to be a huge game changer for capeshit, then a year later nobody gives a single fuck and we're back to generic Marvel quipfests.

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>I hope Joker might create a demand for better capeshit
This. After a decade of MCU and DCEU trying to compete I think we're headed to more thought provoking Alex Ross/Grant Morrison style DC films. Or just more Schumacher Batman neon camp like "Birds of Prey". Snyder will be back.

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That arguably only happened because of muh Wakanda kangs, muh Thanos payoff, muh strong womens & muh twink zoomer Peter Parker. Phase 4 won't have much up its sleeve other than repeating the above until it loses traction.

Phase 4 has muh female Thor and all that garbage.

unironically movie of the decade

Grant Morrison Animal Man when?

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Yeah but if they keep appealing to blacks & women they'll lose a chunk of the paying public to fatigue and obvious obnoxious SJW pushing.
They'll pay for Avatar 2 thru 6 or a Christopher Nolan movie instead.

I think Disney will be fine. Just like there are people who dislike the quips centric Marvel Cinematic Quipverse, there are clearly people who don't go out for these kinds of films either. So lighthearted family fun will become Quipney's bread and butter.

>Snyder will be back.
There is still hope at least!

I think it would be hilarious if Joker started a return to that gritty violent urban decay capeshit that became a trend with Batman 89, bringing it all back to where this started really.

I think after Endgame and Joker the capeshit plague will be tamed.
We don't have to see anything else.
The trend ended guys

I'm sure they will find something. Disney will not let the well simply dry.
Be thankful that snyder destroyed any chance DC had to compete. Imagine if the DCU took off. We would be stuck in the hype for some kingdom come movie or something

>Imagine if the DCU took off. We would be stuck in the hype for some kingdom come movie or something
Joker movie actually brings the hype back to be honest.

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If we got any more kind of capeshit it will just make a decent box office and decent reviews, nothing good or bad. Just the avarage popcorn movies.
Snyder at least was going to make something with them. He was making films, and honestly he was right in reading just one comic for them. His films were good because weren't good superhero movies but were good movies

Snyder DC movies were complete garbage

>His films were good because weren't good superhero movies but were good movies
They absolutely were not. They failed at even basic storytelling. Ultimate pseud filter

They could make a serious Miracleman movie and sign it up for Cannes

But they'll never do that. If they did a Miracleman movie it would be the same quip garbage as every other MCU movie, just like Eternals.

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What will women and minorities do in a post joker world? After gamers rise up its going to be lights out for non-white males.

>it's a well known fact marvel flicks are pre-made
>a bunch of suits decide a movie general plot years before is filmed, what battles they want and what characters and references in them and then hire someone to complete the movie
>90% certified fresh every time

What's the name of the song used when the Joker is dancing on the stairway?

Yes, Snyder movies were bad.
But Snyder was honest to himself and the movies were his vision, he known the characters he revamped. So it's bad, but it's fluidly bad and it make it good in that universe

Rock and Roll Part 2

Nice mental gymnastics. It's okay to like shit films, just don't try to justify them as being good by some backwards-ass logic

it's a single movie though
unless they try to tie it up to yet another cinematic universe I don't see many directions this may go

>Nice mental gymnastics. It's okay to like shit films, just don't try to justify them as being good by some backwards-ass logic
I'm not saying they're good.
It's just that Snyder wanted to make his films, he had a vision. He didn't try to please the audience. He wanted to make his own things. But WB was stupid and let shit ass directors as Patti Jenkins and James Wan ruining his universe.
I just wanted to see what he wanted to do. Because it's just his vision, not a movie series to discuss because we don't like it

except they weren't and you are simply delusional

>except they weren't and you are simply delusional
I'm saying they were good for him, not for us.
He wanted his films and not pleasing us.
I respect his little decision

What's Miracleman?

>I don't see many directions this may go
No need for cinematic universes. Make it an "Elseworlds" movie telling it's own story about a scenario that won't happen in the DCEU.

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releasing dr doom movie

wait isn't miracle man that old ass op superhero drawn by a wino that did all those fucked up things to criminals?

you're finna bouta take the strap on

Phase 4 is going to be the star wars sequel trilogy all over again isn't it?
>critics shill it
>audiences are mixed about it
>critics blame audiences
>audiences say fuck it i'm not interested anymore
>marvel says "come back we need you, here's a nostalgia bait movie that stars the original avengers coming back to finish one final job! And we've resurrected iron man and loki too!"

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Don't know, but it will certainly not be another Spider-Man film

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jesus christ what the fuck is this shit?

Holy fuck I can see this happening in they 2030s

and soiboi zoomers will eat that all up

Maybe DC will stop getting scared of letting directors do what they want instead of finding the best way to rip off the mouse.

why is this any different than what nolan did for batman? or ang lee did with hulk? these arthouse superhero flicks are not a new thing. am i missing something? how will this affect the DC universe movies in any way?

pls explain

what makes this different it that it is a stand-alone movie centered on a villain. right?


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neither of those are arthouse at all dude. tdk is a good movie but it's still a blockbuster, it's just more thriller than action movie. Hulk isn't art house at all it just has ridiculous and absurd editing style.
Idk if Joker will truly be arthouse or not, and I highly doubt it will, but it definitely seems much more alienating than any cape movie before it.

No, he's the superhero who threw a car with people in it to stop his evil nephew who has killed everyone in London

ok, still kind of disagree. but how will this "change capeshit" forever? does it mean kids and teenagers won´t like 200 million dollars marvel movies like the upcoming dr. strange movie?

superheroes with no real superpowers ( occult, supernatural, mutations etc. ) ?

Still trying to shill your shit movie DCuck?

Golden Lion

I doubt it will at all, but it may allow for good capeshit instead of the nonstop garbage we've been getting for the past decade. I'm sure the studios will take the wrong lesson from it though.

odd that this buzzword has basically vanished, it's like Joker and the Coomer have joined forces to drive away all the trannies

if it makes a lot of money. or do you think a bunch of awards ( oscars maybe ) will affect the industry?

I see it as Joaquin Phoenix making a statement as a serious actor. just think of all the roles he got offered. even jake gyllenhall caved.

Joker Is A Dangerous Film — & It’s Bringing Out The Worst In The Internet


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I guess we have to wait to see if it turns out good profits first

>The reality is that the film — and most of its thoughtful critiques — falls somewhere in between. Joker is an impressive cinematic achievement, featuring an extraordinary (albeit a tad exhibitionist) performance by Joaquin Phoenix as Fleck, and it’s a poisonous story for a fraught time. Did we really need a brutal movie about a white terrorist figure who uses gun violence to enact revenge on the society that rejects him? And did we need it now?

>I think the answer to that question is no. Ultimately, Joker is a story that empathizes with a violent sociopath.

trying to understand what drives straight, white males over the edge is verboten. art is verboten.

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>Joker is an impressive cinematic achievement, featuring an extraordinary (albeit a tad exhibitionist) performance by Joaquin Phoenix. 3/10

It would be amazing.

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>Joker is an impressive cinematic achievement, featuring an extraordinary (albeit a tad exhibitionist) performance by Joaquin Phoenix as Fleck
>negative review
Can we just nuke america and be done with it please?

man, I'm so glad Disney is never going to make a spider-man movie again. God Bless Sony and no other mass market megacorporation.

Is there any realistic chance it can makes more than 1 billion? If not, the industry will still be capeshit.

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maybe, after all any piece of shit makes 1 billion these days

i really hate it when hot girls in Toronto tend to be completely hardcore leftist shills. Like I live in Toronto and that girl looks sexy but I wouldn't want to listen to her talk about stupid shit all day.


>Is there any realistic chance it can makes more than 1 billion? If not, the industry will still be capeshit.
Let's hope

They’re making a Brat Pack adaptation, so we’ll see.

No, it's r-rated

>movies should be comfort food

>Unfortunately for women who write things on the internet, threats come to with the gig, particularly when the thing you are writing about is comic book movies. In Hagi’s case, being called a “reverse racist” (a thing that does not exist) is nothing new for critics of color, especially women critics of color.

thanks for blacksplaining that to me kathleen.

Would they get Grant Morrison or would it be the director in that scene?

Conservative Cyclops against the soi new avengers

>Would they get Grant Morrison or would it be the director in that scene?
Grant Morrison can't write good things by 4 years.

>The argument that identity politics shouldn’t be discussed over a film that director Todd Phillips describes as a “character study” and is literally a two-hour exploration of one man’s identity is preposterous.

and remember guys "black panther" is still the best movie ever made.

impossible, but I bet it was fairly cheap to produce so it may still turn in great profits

The next trend in Hollywood will be directors making real movies but attaching comic book characters to them so they get a budget.

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man

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makes sense. but how? superheroes have superpowers.

wonder woman realism how?

So we're moving back to the Nolan Batman trilogy state of things? Because that's what those were. Actual movies with comic book characters attached.

Seems like a new golden age

holy fucking shit, is this real?

Mother of jesus christ this is fucking garbage even for marvel standards

I heard the escimos call him coolman

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yes and it's even worse with sound

I unironically liked it and can't see what's wrong with it.





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Kill yourself kid

People's brains are already poisoned and they don't want to watch anything else. Cape movies aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

wrong incel, MCU is stronger and more desirable than ever