Why isnt America or Europe making movies about proud warrior anymore?
Why isnt America or Europe making movies about proud warrior anymore?
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they are but the warriors are the black
>tfw knights don't have quality kino like cowboys and samurai
like this the black lancelot
It's not a movie but this man's videos are definitely knight kino.
Thoughts on this Arthur?
the black nutscracker too
When was the last time a medieval movie made money?
Because America never existed, it was never yours. Europe never existed either.
Warriors are predominantly a male archetype. Especially in a historical context.
Industry mandates that their workforce be 50+% women.
We can't have any white male masculinity, no sir
Proud white man?? user...thats umm... very racist and you cant have that in multiracial culture now.
they don't make money
>scruffy fur
>leather "armor" and jacket
>back scabbard
>lightweight pommel
>Polaski's MacBeth
>director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven
Those are just coming off the top of my head.
because they dont make money
Because white people are not alowed to be proud anymore
Are you sure about that? I don't think historical epics do worse than other movies.
>combat, politics, deaths, endless family drama
It's literally untapped. Just one kino series could lead into countless medieval copycats
Give each Knight a nice wife. Problem solved.
There is no white people. never was.
Those are anti-knight movies
During the last few decades there has been an agenda to subvert and deconstruct the traditional Indo-European hero archetype because its dangerous to them.
A movie that just followed a silent protagnist knight fucking up shit like a dark souls game but a movie would be kino, no talking at all outside extra characters, the main guy just grunts
Basically that viking movie with Madz in it, but put him in a suit of armour walking through hell
I'll bite. What do you mean by this?
The people who actually want to get their scripts rejected because "not enough poc's".
le face meme
They don't make money because they're all shit. Why can't Hollywood make good medieval movies?
then who was who?
white is just a term anglos made up so they can lump themselves in with the superior ethnicites of europe
the modern racial categorization system (or its early variant at least) was created by the spanish, not anglos
Because the setting isn’t that “interesting”. Look, Knights are very cool looking. There are some great wars. There’s tons of politicizing. But apart from that, there’s no “variety”. The Castles are similar, the clothes are similar, the struggles are similar, the Knights are all Noblemen and thus their internal struggles are again the same. Do it once, twice and then it loses its appeal. Compare that with GrecoRoman stuff where the countries have more locale diversity. Seas, islands, lush and green plains, a sunny weather. They have a more developed and rich culture to draw from. There’s tons you can do there. More battles, more people of interest, more changing eras and innovations.
You can do various movies about Knights, especially if you move into the fictional category. But they’ll never be able to draw as many people as other historical periods because, the coolness of the Knights’ armors aside, there’s less to mine from. The Western has been producing great media for decades because it’s a rich genre. A new, vast and unexplored world. Indigenous threats and discoveries. POVs of Outlaws, Sheriffs or Businessmen. You can tell any story you want in that place. Meanwhile with Medieval Britain, you’re restricted, especially in contrast with the Sword-&-Sandal-Related Eras.
cope more winston, you will never be spanish
(((They))) would never allow such a thing
retard unless you're a Med all Europeans are basically homogenous in terms of haplogroups overall. This is because we all have the same ancestral group.
>inb4 but haplogroups don't matter!!!
Haplogroups mark patterns and historical movements
They are not making GrecoRoman stuff either.
And the medieval period was very long and involved plenty of different regions and there are plenty of interesting struggles.
The wars between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, the Spanish Reconquista, Charlemagne's wars, the Eastern Europeans having to deal with the Mongols all had different settings.
Obvious Kino of Heaven
Arn Knight Templar
Knightfall I guess.
Last stand kinos are dead. Unironically because of jews.
Because white people cannot be shown in a positive light
If the anti-white, anti-Catholic pro muslim Kingdom of Heaven didn't prove this I dont know what will
>proud warrior
So capeshit?
>Because the setting isn’t that “interesting”.
it's not a matter of being interesting. It has more to do with the majority of Medieval movies just being about England and France. Of course people are going to get bored of them, meanwhile there is not a single movie about the Byzantine Empire which had so many events in its long lifespawn which could be adapted.
Capeshit is propaganda. There were some moments but overal its just big ass.
Explain why Samurai kinos are so kino
yeah that's about right
cursed to failure
Capeshit is all narcissists, cucks, and ironic quipfaggots. Captain America qualified the first couple he was in, and maybe so did Thor, but none of them do anymore.
member when robin hood served in afghanistan?
Why would they it's a fucking old boring trope
This trope has been done since Achilles and Odyssey, and even those works commented on the subject (Troy was one of the first literally works on this topic with moral ambiguity) - there is nothing to explore here, just old, done to death ideas.
This is an incredibly stupid post.
They don't want to fuck up as badly as GoT
>proud warrior anymore
but that would show ppl that they can fight for something more than money and your spot in the system
it might help someone to get a problematic idea of what rebelious means today
>still no Gilgamesh kino
The thing I don't get is how do blacks not find this type of thing patronizing as fuck?
Most military movies are that.
Niggers dont watch that shit, or care that he is black or white
Pretty sure they make characters black for "diversity" no one gave two shits about
>Why isnt America or Europe making movies about proud warrior anymore?
War movies are problematic because they either have to feature an unrealistic opponent, or an opponent that the (((producers))) want audiences to welcome into their country. It's easier to just make another debauched sex comedy.
>They don't know about based Seb Mckinnon
some of them do.