Star Wars was a white supremacist, sexist movie

>It’s entirely possible to read Star Wars as a movie about white men fighting to regain their rightful position as rulers of the universe, against a man who, if he’s not actually black, wears all black and has the voice of a black man. (Vader was voiced by James Earl Jones.) With a few notable exceptions–Princess Leia, Yoda, maybe Admiral Ackbar–women and nonhuman races are relegated to the sidelines. Human males run the show. Star Wars is framed as a story about revolution, but in some ways it’s also a fable about maintaining an old worldview of race and gender.
>--Lev Grossman

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Sounds meaningless in light of the Sequel Trilogy.

his last name is really apt.

>With a few notable exceptions–Princess Leia, Yoda, maybe Admiral Ackbar–women and nonhuman races are relegated to the sidelines. Human males run the show.
He didn't watch the movies. Sad.

I hate Jewish people so much

It was a piece of propagande published on Times magazine for the release of TFA.

That's hilarious, considering how TFA and TLJ were far more sexist

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He wrote these:

>That's hilarious, considering how TFA and TLJ were far more sexist
Truth doesn't matter in propaganda. I don't know if it was sexist but I know it was misandrist and racist. Making black characters looking and acting like apes isn't progressive to me, it's racist.

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Nobody hails TLJ as a progressive masterpiece except for white privileged feminists because it's a white female supremacist movement, and they like having subservient niggers and beta white males.

What's a Nubian?

>We know things, as a people and as an audience, that we didn’t know back then. For example: back then it felt sort of O.K. to like Darth Vader, because even though he was evil he was also incredibly cool, and the kind of fascism he represented felt like a bogeyman from the distant past. But now fascism is rising again, which makes the whole First Order subplot look super-prescient, but it also reminds us that fascism is not even slightly cool in real life. “Evil needs to feel and look very real,” Kennedy says, “and what that means today may not be as black-and-white as it might have been in 1977, coming off a kind of World War II sensibility.” In the Star Wars–verse, Dark and Light are supposed to balance each other, but in the real world they just mix together into a hopelessly foggy, morally ambiguous gray.

the motives of the OT trilorgy heroes are:
>Luke is an Idealistic optimist who Tries to get of of Tatooine to the point of considering getting enlisted into the Imperial army or Imperial navy who admires and later on joins the Rebellion
>Luke in between episodes 4 till 6 (4 years according to the expanded universe canon) has learned how to use the force just well enough to manipulate light objects and barely knows how to use the force to manipulate minds)
>Leia wants her family to get back into power of her home planet instead of the Empire, Deathstar destroys her home planet causing her to allign with the Rebellion fully, and not just out of convience like before
>Han and chewie did it for the money and only in the last scene of the movie did they have a change of heart
>Rebellion are the types of people with confederate battleflags in their sleeping quarters and fight for freedom
they grew as characters rather than just being either always been these amazing characters that can do no wrong
the Disney trilorgy heroes' motives are:
>Rey wants to get of the planet she's on as she was sold into slavery, Universe entirely revolves around her and she is someone who can do whatever she wishes to do instantly without any effort because the force is female™.
>Finn starts out as a dissilusioned Storm Trooper(after his friend got killed, wich in a logical, Natural, well written universe would cause him to be entrenched into his Stormtrooper views as seeing the resistance as nothing but terrorists and become a Boba Fett óf sorts to Poe's Han.) but he emediatly turns coat and becomes a bunch of rascist steriotypes for the remainder of the trilorgy
>Poe is an amazing pilot, lacks any other traits besides being an amazing pilot and getting bested by everyone. is barely in the movie and is only there to suck cock for the other 2 main characters or to be degraded.
>Rebellion/resistance are the types of people who would burn confederate battleflags and fight for the space EU/UN

Its possible to read anything as anything, that doesn't make it an intelligent or worthwhile reading.

It's actually quite creative how these psychotics can twist literally anyto into some kind of anti-white narrative.

>“Working on nine, I found myself approaching it slightly differently,” he says. “Which is to say that, on seven, I felt beholden to Star Wars in a way that was interesting—I was doing what to the best of my ability I felt Star Wars should be.” But this time something changed. Abrams found himself making different choices—for the camera angles, the lighting, the story. “It felt slightly more renegade; it felt slightly more like, you know, Fuck it, I’m going to do the thing that feels right because it does, not because it adheres to something.”

Is this the author of those god-awful Magicians books

It's him, what are those books about? It's the shit that pops up when I type his name

That's bullshit because the empire in Star Wars is exclusively made of white men, generally olds, while the resistance has women, blacks and aliens working together.

But since back then diversity could not be used to justify a movie's existence for free press no attention was drawn to it

I got baited into reading the first one because it was marketed as HP for adults, but the protag is a terrible, incredibly whiny, entitled and annoying piece of shit, in a way that makes the book pretty much unreadable, the plot is dull as hell and the whole thing is basically a Narnia rip-off, if anything. Really do not recommend reading it

some people have the surname they deserve

Right, and what it's about is basically the protag discovers he has magical powers and goes to a special school, meets people and so on. That's the core of it, and an important subplot is that he's obsessed with these Narnia-by-another-name fantasy books, called Fillory or something such, and once he has powers he attempts to find the place. That's about the extent of it.

american jews consider themselves white only when it suits their needs

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Yes I guess you could twist "Rebellion against absolute monarchy/dictatorship" into "removing power from the minority". Fucking genius.

I think (((they))) hated that the movie had a white blond male hero. That's why all white male heroes are now women.

>scared him in his sleep

Imagine your uncle hovering over you with a fucking knife looking insane as hell.

>(((Lev))) (((Grossman)))
>Oy vey anudda shoah is right around the corner goyim! Please watch our big-budget edutainment movies on how not to become a fashy. Now with 50% less white male!

I like how now even the space fascists have to be diverse. I didn't see TLJ but in the Farce Awakens a bunch of the Nu-Imperials were wahmen and brownies.

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Means 'big man' in german.

Isn't Vader basically just the attack dog of the oldest, whitest guy in the galaxy though?

TLJ is even worse in that regard. The FO seems to be very inclusive, lots of white women, WOC, asians and blacks. It's really strange for a white supremacist movement. And why do'nt they include aliens?

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Literally every human character in the first movie is white. It isn’t some statement, it was made in the 1970s.

The guy is implying Darth VAder represents black people as evil because Vader is dressed in black and dubbed by a black actor. He missed the part where Vader turns out to be a good guy while the old white man is thrown down the shaft

And it's a jewish name

His ancestor was a fat jewish banker who had to flee to America before the shit hit the fan

Doesn’t make any less sense than anything else they spout

I have the Despecialized Editions. There are one or two darkies walking around in Mos Eisley, which was shot in Tunisia, so I guess the crew were at least partly American. However other scenes, including the interior of the Mos Eisley bar were shot in Britain, with what I assume were mostly British extras.