Listen to Cumtown pretty much every day at work

>Listen to Cumtown pretty much every day at work
>Completely warps my already NSFW sense of humour
>Have to watch what I say around Normies every fucking time now because my brain has been fried by Nicks nihilism

Anyone else experience this?

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Other urls found in this thread:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

This has to be one of the worst, most disgusting degenarate faggot names. Fucking cum town, go fuck yourself you sodomite.

i wanna have sex with nick

Listen to O&A and get back to me. All Cum Town is is a substitute.

most people are actually bi

get over it cis-sy

post height and jaw

Owen Benjamin sucks

I hate that racist alt right podcast!! Nothing makes me madder than punching down bro humor!

You will never be a woman.

no one claims cumtown is better than O&A


post your wrists

yeah the GOP/alt wrong is so funny that's why all the big names in comedy are left leaning, from colbert, to kimmel to maher.

imagine being so obsessed with these unfunny eceleb faggots that you post DAILY threads about them

kill yourself reddit queer

chapo is pretty funny

I’m gonna say it!


Can't listen to it anymore because Nick's descent into legitimate suicide territory from unemployment making him a socially awkward NEET who can no longer interact with normies is way too real.
At least Adam was knocked off his high horse after Dasha dumped his ass.

Cumtown is better than O&A by the fact that Nick is actually funny and Opie or Anthony aren't. However, Patrice>Nick.

I don't have any intention of ever listening to them because of their shows title and because they look like a bunch of homosexuals.

O&A on their own weren't great but whenever they had Bill Burr, Loius CK, or Patrice on they were the best radio show ever

Isn't cumtown just edgy lefties?

I'll take HH over that anyday.

anyone else think will menaker should be beaten to death with a baseball bat?

No, Anthony and Jimmy elevate are better. Add in an actually funny comedian or two, an you've got gold. Nick has a laugh track and a nebbish Jew to work with. Stav honestly acts like a hole half the time.

Nick hates lefties too, he’s basically a Nazi at this point

they are apolitical on the show for the most part.

Cumtown would be better if you replaced Adam with Tim Dillon

Don't you have a subreddit or something to shill for this garbage?

cringe, no wonder you listen to these liberal retard faggots

Anyone got the pic of those selfies of CTH listeners and how 50% were poorly passing trannies?

How do People listen to this shit? Every clip I’ve heard is a bunch of retards laughing at their own awful jokes

but they're funny

>edgy lefties

Doesn't exist. Attacking Christians or giving vulgar descriptions of sexual actions/bodily functions is really played out and tired.

Nothing leftist say anymore is even capable of being shocking, original, or surprising.

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They look funny, yeah

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It's like Sleepycast if Sleepycast had been unfunny and about dirty sex

i wonder what sort of person unironically uses the term sodomite lol

i can joke about supporting white genocide and get like 20 (you)s here
that counts right

call them bugmen instead

I know it's a bit on the podcast but the only friends I mention Cumtown to are veterans and they always get hooked on it. I feel like I'm stealing valor

Nick went too far with his racist tweet against Asians the other day. It went far beyond a harmless joke and I honestly hope he gets kicked off the podcast for it.

>annoncing sages
oh no!


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Try playing sudoku to calm yourself down

Matt Christman is the Nick of that group not gymcel Felix.

>chapo is pretty funny

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heard an episode where they all said theyd fuck trannies.

>implying leftist political parties and broadcast networks don't create echo chambers and nepotistic practices to propagandise viewers


Excuse me, Strasserites aren't Nazis, okay?

I wanna hear Will read more of Ben Shapiro's political drama novels.

>tfw no dad and grandpa both in the Venona files like Will

felix biderman is funny
virgil texas can sometimes be funny

I'd fuck a tranny
Wouldn't date one
Wouldn't be friends with one
But I'd fuck one no homo

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yeah would be hilarious chapo is pretty funny.

that is homo, gtfo

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TIL it's homosexual to want to fuck a woman.


Transvestite! Sodomite! Nah gwaan live anudda night! Bisexual! Trisexual- him fuck man, dog and gyal!

Jewish korean bill cosby

idk openly supporting the khmer rouge and pol pot would be pretty edgy

unlike what Yea Forums tells, you rick and morty is funny. also that would be cool way too many chuds in the rick and morty fandom.

>Right wing is going to get owned when a show they already thinks is for faggots become leftist propaganda.
It's already leftist propaganda anyway

lol our podcast name is cumtown lol get it? a town full of cum XD
actually our show should be called bacontown because bacon is EPICALLY EPIC BEYOND EPICNESS and our sister town would be nutella town lol but *tsst wanna know a secret?
they love INCEST lol i said another controversial word XDDso nutella fucks with bacon everytime i eat a baconella sandwich its my idea btw do not steal patent pending im lookin at you subway fuckers lol, so they make sweet love in my mouth and i swear its hotter than a trillion of tits lol wait a minute scratch that welcome to tittown loI
*sponsored by baconella lol

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who are these faggot soiboys and what could they possibly deliver that is entertaining enough that i have seen this faggot podcast name before?

I'm so glad I have no idea who these people are or what they sound like

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Nothing, the only reason you have seen the name before is because mentally ill obsessed fans spam it here every day

No one:

Literally no one:

Not a single soul:

You: All that nonsense

Me: Sir, this is a Wendy's.

>Have to watch what I say around Normies every fucking time now because my brain has been fried by Nicks nihilism
Pretty sure the normies are the ones also watching Cumtown among you. That is, if they're zoomers

>cum town
>not matt and shane

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Anthony alone is miles above nick

Chapo is behind-the-times 30 year old Boomer wankery desperately trying to hang on to cultural relevancy by playing up an awkward edgy veneer.
Basically the left wing TRS

Anyone who's fucking untalented enough to get hired by modern SNL is not worth listening to

>tfw no riffing buds
>tfw try to get a riff going and no one understands what im doing

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You: Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Me: and this is mr johnson *shows dick
*cue ghostbusters theme
*end credits

>t. has never listened to an episode
Cumtown doesn't have much sex humor

ITT: redditors

Say it to my face and see what happens, faggot

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I tried to listen but the guy with the Beavis laugh a half inch away from the mic kills it for me.

Left looks like he could be swimming in pussy as I'm typing this.

>old guys dressed as children
but its post-ironic lol
>old guys dressed as children

sleepycast is better


p3nguin of d00m tier

Jesus the faggot in the middle is even starting to look like Mike Enoch.

What is the best Cum Town bit? Ronaldo Fink Mullen?

I keep getting Nick Mullen and Nick J. Fuentes confused. They sound like the exact same person to me too

They're both 1/4 Ashkenazi Jew.

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>dude I'm a failson but I'm not as pathetic as those other failsons because I'm *ironic* about my life as a fuckup lmao

Reddit is unironically a better website than Yea Forums. The threads don't have nonstop incel whining 24/7. All you can do is continue to seethe your chud self out upon replying to this.


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o&a is 90% boring ass garbage with some gold segments. cumtown is way more consistent.

Post your HRT prescription.

a man in drag is still a man. if you call it them dog does that mean you're really into bestiality?


You just don't get it bro. Nick probably swims in puss all day whereas your incel chud ass just complains all day about others enjoying things.

t. Jordan Peterson

I exclusively listen to Nick J. Fuentes show and now call things cringe/based.

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What is it with Gigachads and being named Nick?
>Nick J. Fuentes
>Nick Mullen

simple korean jewish country lawyer bill cosby

>Reddit is unironically a better website than Yea Forums. The threads don't have nonstop incel whining 24/7. All you can do is continue to seethe your chud self out upon replying to this.

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>duuude fuck the establishment and capitalism
>duuude why do you hate the establishment and capitalism, are you a nazi?

>that shirt

Yeah, he's gonna end up like Maddox in a few years lol

Case in point. Hook, line, and sinker.

Yep, I'm thinking this is YIKES and oofpilled.

post more buzzwords faggot

Why would anyone listen to a zoomer 10 years younger than them? wait is Yea Forums full of 20 year olds now?

Those dudes are so zogged they cant even form a rational thought. Look in their eyes

Reading this post made me a virgin again.

lmao bro, you just don't get it.

>Yea Forums has gotten rid of its boomer problem

Yep, I'm thinking this is based and redpilled.

kek i cant tell whats satire and genuine brain damage any more.

>Case in point. Hook, line, and sinker.

>Yep, I'm thinking this is YIKES and oofpilled.

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I'm just here to give (You)s to the Sleepycast Chads. Any other podcast is irrelevant

have sex

What IQ wrote these posts?

nobody says that, it's not a real word

Can we get this guy fired?

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>have sex

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fuck off nazi

About the same amount that wrote your post.
(hint: it's your last two digits bud)

fuckin based and redpilled bro

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kys chud

give birth

Keep your shoes on, darling

have sex incel

>kys chud

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coca cola coca cola

Leftoid comedy cannot exist. You have to be edgy and being edgy makes you a bigot.

The more and more I drift from Nick on social and political issues, the more sincerely entertaining his stuff becomes. I don't why; maybe it's the zoomer solidarity, maybe it's the allure of contradictory opinions or I've become too accustomed to his voice or I'm developing a crush on him but I just really like his content as a non-trad type of guy.

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based race mixer pastor

Stay shod, princess

we're here to stay

hello based department

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source:
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source:
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source:
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source:
42% of all cop killers are black. Source:
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source:
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America:
73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source:
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

based, also did the black population go down?

left using edgy humour in the 21st century

some things just wont ever seem right

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we opened this place :-)

Stop that! Admins!!!!???


reminder that the coom trannies along with the chapo tranny outhouse taskforce utterly failed to take down dan nainan, he is literally dabbing all over these fools in his tesla while they seethe and fund another editorial video "essay" to take him down

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100% of incels have 0% of sex

When I first started listening to this I thought Henry was overbearing and annoying, but now I wish nothing more than for them to get rid of Ben.

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>100% of incels have 0% of sex

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YIKES it's so easy to not be racist and transphobic

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>lefties can't trigger anyone anymore
>REEEEEEEEEE d-don't disrespect muh traditions

trans amber

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wow attacking white conservatives... that's so edgy and brave bro... i bet you have to wear body armor to work... it's so dangerous doing what you do...

Seething kek

make sure you go over the list of protected minority groups you are not allowed to joke about, brave sir

Unironically it is dangerous. Most school shootings are done by conservative white males


give birth

>Seething kek

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Still seething white boy lmao.

most shootings are done by niggers lol

>school shooters
>not leftist weirdos



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holy cope

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is this what leftist comedy looks like?

The fact that you have that many tranny pics saved on your phone is making it really obvious that you're a repressing troon

>chapofags still assblasted about getting quarantined

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based keep showing these ugly faggots what they actually are

What happened? Did they say a no-no word and get kicked out from the lefty coalition?


>Omg the left can't meme rofl
>posts the same wojak for the 99th time

ITT: Seething tranny shitskin leftoids

I didn't post a wojak, you insane tranny.

>The fact that you have that many tranny pics saved on your phone is making it really obvious that you're a repressing troon

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The biggest right wing cope


>The biggest right wing cope
but you cant meme :(

it's not like photos of you disgusting trannies are difficult to find

So, who gives a fuck I actually get laid lol

>Omg the left can't meme rofl

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why do you call yourself an incel


Why do you leftypol trannies worship these anti white podcasts?

sure you do

Entire leftist ideology is a meme for more than a century already.

Trannies are inherently self destructive and want to take everyone down with them.

damn, /pol/ looks like that?

finally a leftoid admits it

>who gives a fuck I actually get laid lol

cant tell if satire or not

I look forward to the inevitable kiwi farms thread when he loses relevance and becomes a basket case doing anything for attention

>or giving vulgar descriptions of sexual actions/bodily functions is really played out and tired.

I assume the name "Fart Town" was taken which is why they went with Cum Town.

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the left can't even parody memes

All I see is vile antisemitism. Is this what the Left has become?

is this an actual thing?

if you chapofags hate Yea Forums so much then why spend all your time here?

oh that's right you guys aren't the counter culture like you think you are and will never change 4chin

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itt: several chads gangbanging a chapocel

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>My name is Pontiac Bonneville and why come they ain't lettin' the brothers kill the president? That's what I wanna know

Most leftists go outside and get laid and shit. Rightoids sit at home looking at memes to cope with loneliness. No one actually gives a shit about memes except NEETS

its like an inverse talent
they cant be so consistenly shit
im impressed

Sex with trannies doesn't count, leftoid.

I don't listen to ChapoTrannyHouse, but that Amber chick is hot as fuck — in an ugly way.

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You realize that the majority of people identify as left wing or liberal

>shilling for kosher TRS ripoff
Lmao bye

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leftists are pasty and out of shape, rightists bodybuild and tan (see: SUN AND STEEL)

>nobody cares about memes
then why do you and so many shill farms, intel agencies, marketing companies and astroturf groups try so hard to brigade this place to influence purchasing and voting patterns? please tell me why

is this actually a woman?

Literal schizo

What's the difference between cum town and chapo trap house?

>implying we don't all look at may mays to cope with loneliness

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you must be new here

If this is what kids these days find funny then Gen Z isn't saving anyone.

Go fuck yourself nazi, we also have our edgy underground places where we organize, like the Guardian or New York Times.
Chapo is already on more than $110k per month on Patreon and once they reach 150k, then the working class revolution against the 1% and the fucking white males without college education will finally sweep you away from the surface of this planet.

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You literally lost the popular vote. And that was when most leftists didn't care enough to vote

>You literally lost the popular vote.
Popular vote doesn't matter in a Constitutional Republic, tranny retard. Learn Civics 101.

>Go fuck yourself nazi

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I'm sure you're as sexually active as conservative boomers. I mean why else would you browse obscure anime boards

One of them pretends to hate capitalism i think

I realize that you retard I was just saying that to prove there are more leftists than right wings in the US

yeah every leftists wanted a female presz
they were excited about it

no one is excited about biden lol
trump 2020 is a fact

cumtown has no filter, they make racist and homophobic jokes all the time.
chapotraphouse is mediocre political analysis combined with "jokes" that are just pop culture references.

That argument doesnt work since you chapocels consider Hilldawg to be right wing.
try again.

Then I guess the right wingers outsmarted you brainlet leftoids yet again. :^)

Not if Bernie wins the nomination

socialism is just a huge larp for all these fags. they're also a member of the bourgeoisie that they hate.


The only thing Bernie is going to win is another biggest cuck award when the DNC tells him to eat shit again

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>I'm sure you're as sexually active as conservative boomers.

youre correct bro, finally

Leftshit cope. You don't even know what gender you have, let alone sex.

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>Bernie winning the nomination
don't hurt yourself so bad



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animal crackers


holy based

>decide to give a chance to commie swine and its talking points in a weak moment
>open a stream where a commie is about to debate libertarian
>first thing commie does is to put on the Beats headphones
>close down the stream

lol i was agreeing with you, im sexually active,

Chapo peaked with the 2016 election. The post election "Told you so" shitting on idpol woketard shitlibs episode was so fucking satisfying, then it was just a fucking string of great guests, I mean they got Adam Curtis then.
The podcast has gone downhill from then, 80% of the time the Felix or Matt or Amber aren't even there anymore.

Post your waifu



keep going chapofags let us laugh at you. this is comedy gold

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When Nick does talk politics, you can tell his views are still far-left, he just thinks the online left and idpol shit is insufferable which is a very fast growing position within the more marxist side of the left these days.
Adam is an outright Commie, no idea what the views of Stav are.

la creatura

sorry bro im +18

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Not when it isn't a joke.

>bro I have a gf she just goes to another school you won't know her

With their Patrons they all pretend to hate capitalism.
There was some commie retard here who tried to pretend just how poor they are after they pay for all the production expenses. They all basically eat dirt to stay alive!

Your dad is gay

The Chapo subreddit is a bizarre place because they're the type of Zoomer, pop culture obsessed idpol retards Chapo legitimately makes fun of every episode. It's why they hate Amber so hard as well because she's probably the most anti-Idpol of the bunch.

your dad is gay for pay

awww the waifufag is angry because i have regular sex

no big deal kid

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post your last five sexual partners so we can declare you not an incel.

Felix, one of the hosts of Chapo Trap House is a MMA fighter.

is this the chaponigger thread?

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Prominent socialists throughout history have all been privileged bourgeois academics.

It's more the admins couldn't quarantine T_D without doing both sides bullshit to the biggest leftist board. The post they literally got quarantined for was someone saying the slave owners deserved to die in the civil war lol.

is he an actual fighter or just one of those "I practice MMA in my backyard" guys?

-your sister
-your mom
-your aunt
-your friend (the blonde one)
-your younger sister

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Is that in Fahrenheit.

Sounds like the neolib centrists win again.

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/pol/ LARPers

all at the same time?


It doesn't surprise me that Spotify tried to force that shit on me. Woke corporations love their faux-commie shit.

>Right wing podcast
>Uhhh facts not feelings, leftist outrage culture is out of control, so i'm going to bitch about a prom queen award going to a transteen in some highschool as a thirty five year old man for an hour

>Leftist podcast
>Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

mother of based

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leftists will never be Yea Forums pproved because they are ironically racist they dont mean it, they actually believe in lgbt,niggers, ilegal aliens, fat positivists and polykin shit

Im not the only one? for the past few months I have had chapo on my spotify app's front page. it's pretty insane that these people think they're counter culture and fighting establishment while getting promoted by spotify and all the major publications.

>leftist homosexual faggotry
why is this shit shilled here?

pic related

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What's this horseshit supposed to be, Jim Norton plus Joe Rogan minus 40 IQ avg per listener

what does this garbage have to do with television or film?

Der Millennial

reminder the janny is a literal fucking chapo tranny (AN ACTUAL TRANSEXUAL, NOT A MEME) who leaves up chapo/trannypoints/other basedcialist garbage on purpose

Nick has recovered slightly from putting his energy into sending t-shirts, I know the struggle though, unemployment screws with your brain

This monstrosity is a meme on /LGBT/

I really want to fuck Amber

Rent free, bb

I find myself listening to red scare more than Cumtown now, if only because Cumtown's online hosting is so dire to use

>Rent free, bb

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>lefties think right wing equivalent of chapo is ben shapiro

Your grandkids are gonna be brown, bahahahaha

>left tits soiboy ''comedians''
yea, I'm thinking that's a big yikes from me, dawg

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only comparable group I can think of is MDE and I've met fans of them that aren't even right wing.

>Your grandkids are gonna be brown, bahahahaha

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Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

You can share memes with your Paki son-in-law too.

>le cumtown
>le sam hyde shitfest
>le chapo sóihouse

seems like you only consume pure barf, but its ok because its le ironic barf
read a book manchildren

>You can share memes with your Paki son-in-law too.

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MDE sucks. Chapo and Cumtown are great, but a bit too highbrow for the average /pol/tard to understand.

there's the irony bros and nick fuentes

Thanks father-in-law. Your daughter's a bit parched, but I'm prepping her for round two. Why is she so obsessed with spanking?

Go back to /pol/ tranny fags

I wasn't saying I like them, I was looking for what could even be comparable.

>Thanks father-in-law. Your daughter's a bit parched, but I'm prepping her for round two. Why is she so obsessed with spanking?

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>that hairline

>transgender scholars
aka reddit moderator

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why are leftist trannies so easy to bait bros?

Welp, she just called me daddy. Now what? :O

cumtown leftists absolutely SEETHING lmao

emotional from all the estrogen they get from drinking tampon leakings

>Welp, she just called me daddy. Now what? :O

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It’s finally happened. The number of Redditers has reached a tipping point where they now outnumber us.



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This place was always reddit

Guess I'm her daddy now.

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Have you been in a /pol/ humor thread recently? It's not funny.

Nobody is funny anymore.

sounds like a crypto currency

>315 posts
>87 posters

shills pls go and stay go. no one cares about your dumb fucking podcast

they ascended

that's because /pol/ was infested with q-user/trump worshiping boomers since the election.

>reddit spacing
>reddit pic that reddit tourists love to post
>this place was always reddit
Yep, I’m thinking he’s Reddit.

50k patreon says otherwise.

every /pol/lack voted for trump newfaggot

yeah you have reddit for that gay shit

Yeah but they weren't boomers at the time. Although "left can't meme" and still putting stock in some cringe meme war is boomer as fuck so I don't know what that user is thinking

and bacon has a 10000000000000 fans all over the world wohoo! i guess well need a bacon thread here too because *serious voice

yes but most have turned on him except for the retarded boomers


>some /pol/lacks arent young! REEEEEEE

enemies, suck our dicks

Die boomer scum

>yes but most have turned on him
seems like your only source is /leftytpol/
stop repeating shit like a drone and lurk /pol/ for more than 10 minutes

every /pol/lack will vote for trump, again

>Patreon money
Wow, can anyone be even more anti-corporate than that? Communist revolutionaires really live on the edge.

we sodomized your generation lol
go play some fortnite

Your reddit is showing

Quick list of people that Trump still makes absolutely fucking seethe
>socialists of all variants
>young women
>every Eurocuck
>entire Fortune 100
>every entertainment cocksucker
>overwhelming majority of MSM
>entire Chink land

Tldr every anti-American scum.

Hey, still looks great in my book.

one of them sucks

Stav is just a desperate fat kid trying to fit in

Stav is just a generic shitlib mostly because he is too stupid to have a political opinion of his own.