Streamers are the next movie stars

>go to twitch to watch a poker tournament
>click on a random streamer while waiting for the tourney to start
>someone in chat says "will gift 20 subs for every kill you get"
>streamer gets 9 kills
>each sub is $5
>he donated $900 to the streamer and all the streamer said was "holy shit man thanks" and then went about playing his game
Is streaming going to take over TV and Movies? How can a medium have this much power over people? I truly believe in 10 years streamers will be bigger than most Hollywood "stars". Zoomers are extremely mentally ill and lonely.

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Have you ever heard of findom? Some people get turned on, sexually, by giving money to others.

Twitch gets more views than Netflix. Its already happened

Watching streamers is one of those things I simply can't understand. What's the appeal of watching someone else play a game? Play the game yourself, you fucking faggot. It's cuck-level entertainment, watching someone else do what you can do. I don't get it, I can't get it. Disgusting.

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There are only 2 kinds of ppl on twitch. Twinks and girls with their tits out. You're better off watching porn and not giving them your money.

some people have multiple screens
i watch shitty shows sometimes while i play games cause I have internet induced adhd brain

I refuse to believe that's real. all of that sounds like a very elaborate money laundering scheme.

why watch someone else play sports
why watch someone else have sex

why do you watch movies or tv shows
why dont you go out and do something yourself

you only get half of the $5 though so cut that by half

>What's the appeal of watching someone else play football? Play football yourself, you fucking faggot.
Just saying.

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i only watch mtg arena streams of Andrea since i really feel playing arena is a chore

>I have internet induced adhd brain
well it adds up
did you read what you typed or are you so fucking stupid you can't see the difference?

>why watch someone else play sports
Because plenty of sports are hard to practice, or outright impossible, at high levels. But you can install Fortnite or whatever FotM game and play it, and git gud easily.
>why watch someone else have sex
Porn is bad for your brain, you shouldn't.
>why do you watch movies or tv shows
Because each work is unique. Same goes with watching art, listening to music or anything. They're unique pieces of a medium to be enjoyed, not a faggot or a thot playing a game. Comparing those to streaming outs you as a fucking brainlet
>why dont you go out and do something yourself
... You mean you don't go out and do things? Sad.

That argument doesnt work. People watch professional football players playing other professional football players in official matches. Nobody tunes in to play some random kid play football against other random kids. Watching a football game is the equivalent to watching an esports match, not watching a streamer.

You're right, but also I play soccer, rugby and tennis regularly and the idea of watching it on tv makes meme cringe. I'd watch Baseball, cause it's impossible to play here.

twitch exploits mental illness, same as cam sites do.
otherwise, there would be a flat subscription fee and the money would be divied out by views.
the entire tech industry over the past decade has been a transfer of wealth from the vulnerable to the sociopathic.

Its like standing by the side at the arcade dude, come on. Think back

>donating to streamers
a special kind of retardation

>How can a medium have this much power over people?
It appeals to human behaviour. They are known, like movie stars, but they will acknowledge you or name your name if you donate, this validates their selfestemee and imaginary rank in the community.
In the viewer community some will get a reaction, so they feel alive. Combine that with others who will say thats alot of cash, this even further attention to them and some sort of show-off.

>advertise a product, but to dont look like a shill and promote product better you dont say you are paid for it
>have problem if this company money get through normal channel and it gets public
>company makes account and send the advertisment money through this
Its a perfect money laundring sheme and helps to cover traces if you dont want the name of a company on your bill.
>i swear, i advertisment this game because its so good. I never "got" money from "them"!

i don't understand zoomer culture

Protip: A lot of people who do this are blackhats using stolen credit cards and the twitch stream is literally just a money laundering scheme.

Imagine watching some cringy ppl when you're over 18 lol

>How can a medium have this much power over people?
Friend Simulation

It's real for the one paying the money, definitely not real for the cam sluts that rake in the cash from it.
It's honestly completely fucked up and the girls who exploit it are psychopaths. There's a screenshot floating around of one such girl bragging on Twitter that one "lucky subby" had gotten a "debt contract" drawn up, and that he had to get a 2nd job just to afford the monthly payments to her.

>In the viewer community some will get a reaction, so they feel alive
Honestly it's about as sad as those beta's that throw money/gifts at camwhores. At least with a camwhore she'll get naked and perform usually.

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Do you know that there are sites where those camwhores do it for free? I don't understand why people pay for it.

>Because plenty of sports are hard to practice, or outright impossible, at high levels. But you can install Fortnite or whatever FotM game and play it, and git gud easily.
How much money have you earned playing video game? Should be at least mid 5 figures given your attitude.

>Porn is bad for your brain, you shouldn't.
Spotted the roastie

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Roasties are in favor of porn. It's "liberating", they can "do what they want with their bodies" and all that crap. You're a retard

>cumbrain is so fucking stupid he doesn't realize this type of mentality is what leads men to worship women
>it's the mentality that leads to the current feminist cucked society we live in


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>>someone in chat says "will gift 20 subs for every kill you get"
yeah ok this doesn't happen.

Streamers are supported by the collective, a whole lot of people subscribing, not the very few donating largely. It used to be like you describe, but that were mostly rich norweigans and saudi arabians who enjoyed watching world of warcraft streams

>Tfw getting a $$2200 gaming pc with a dual monitor setup.

I'm gonna be a streamer :3

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>why do people watch the football world cup, just go and play yourselfs

You can literally go outside and play football at amateur level, but
>just go outside and get professional-level skills
Read this user's post, retard.

The problem is low selfesteem or no validation by peers or family anymore.
We think we are so much above animals, but still our genes controll us.
We come from a pack animal, so group gratification will make us feel good. Or why do you thin we have since ever a us vs them mentaility? Religion, sports and now fandom or console wars.

Because where they do it for free dont say thank you for the money or do things the way you want it.
And many of these free camwhores dont do it good or there are so many "fans" that you dont stand out and get their attention.
If not this attention is their drug, so they will play with them and this doesnt feel as good as giving and get validation.

>just buy a console/PC, buy the game and play it bro
I swear, boomers are getting more senile by the minute

You can install fortnite, or any other game and get good easily?
Define good you absolute boomer retard, 1.0kda? 2.0kda?

Good starts on 5.0-10.0kda go ahead and try to perform at that level, youre delusional

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>>just buy a console/PC, buy the game and play it bro
Give me a reason not to, little zoom zoom. If you're poor, just get a job.

hideous monkey face and is that a fucking bulge i see?

>having a job as a zoomer
nigga most zoomers get everything from their parents they will be just as cancerous as your breed

>not watching a streamer.
Thats why so many of these streamers have 0-10 viewers. Its mostly friends or some discovered them, liked his personality and stay.
The ones that are bigger are either e-sports player or some pro/high level players.
The others that dont fall in the pro/high level are entrepeneurs or had luck to get visibility quickly.
Besides there are alot of people that go and watch amateur sport, but not these masses like a premier league or masterships. And this is similar to streamers. There are low, middle, big and very big streamer which have the audience similar to spirts leagues.
This randomkid you mention doesnt get more views that his 3 friends, at best.

Because it costs money to buy every single game I'm interested in? Fuck, you are retarded.

>zoomers all buy digital games without thinking about the consequences, destroy renting
>they now complain because they can't play many games

>I'm going to waste my time watching someone else playing a game, maybe even give them money for it, instead of getting a job and working to get money, get the game, and play it myself
Fucking retarded zoomer. Also, pirate that shit if you're really that poor, faggot.

It's not about the game. It's about hearing a friendly voice, and feeling like you're connecting with other people. If you get that experience every time you walk out of the door, you probably wouldn't get it.

>not setting apart at least half of your income for your bossmen bro streamers and hot AF girl streamers who you might have a chance with someday
its bedtime for you, grandpas

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>just got off work so you can get your cut
this can't be real. jesus christ

Reminder that this phenomenon is ALMOST ENTIRELY exclusive to men.

Women do not ever have to resort to such tactics, because women get massive amounts of validation and attention from the moment they are born simply for being female.

The rise in sexless and friendless men can be directly traced back to the "sexual revolution". Men who the average woman would have gone out with or at least considered 20-30 years ago, are now practically incels because the sexual revolution has meant that women simply all go for the top tier of men instead.

All of the saddest and most pathetic attention seeking behavior like this comes from men because a large portion of men get zero attention and/or validation in their day to day lives.

betas and incels were a mistake. they enable 100% of this. starting with the faggot pussy cuck mods of every single girl streamers eyeing every single comment that might offend his goddess like a fucking vulture. its vomit inducing.

120 bucks just to get an acknowledgement from someone who doesn't give a fuck about you whatsoever and wouldn't even know if you dropped dead next second. that too for a fucking ugly beaner manlet? what is wrong with these pathetic subhuman cucks?

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Friend simulator for zoomers and basedboys.

I laugh every time I watch a streamer and someone donates about how they had a traumatic experience such as a relative/pet dying or someone in their family getting sick and thinking the streamer actually gives a fuck

Post more cringe


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LMAOing at all these gamecucks replying to you with their brain-fried rationale.

The absolute state of zoomers ITT.

God damn I'm jealous especially because these are mostly overconfident people. I need to succeed more. I make $60k but thats not enough

>overconfident people
That's a funny way to spell "narcissist".

Basically, i was trying to be nice. What fristrated me is they are watched for the 'talk about myself 24/7' behavior most people were trained to avoid

>men are fucking retards
More news at eleven.

friend simulator for children

>I was trying to be nice.
A noble consideration, but wasted on subhuman narcs.
They'd throw their own kin under a bus if it netted them more likes on their Facebook page.

Even shitposting on Yea Forums is more productive than wasting your days listening to some nasal-voiced soi talking about themselves and then nodding in blind approval.

Listening to streamers, I agree, but I want their money

Unless you unironically believe the way you flush turds down your toilet is unique and makes you special and make a 10-minutes-each, 100-video youtube series about it, you won't. Not like they do, anyway.

Streaming is a bubble. It will burst soon when hollywood realises the money to be made there. Suddenly "streamers" will just be late night hosts on twitch who interact with the comments section occasionally

I barely play games anymore. But I can watch a stream for a couple of hours while I'm lying in bed, too tired to watch anything I have to pay attention to but still wanting to watch *something*


> I play soccer, rugby and tennis regularly
no you don't

no they can't. they already tried.

the best part about streaming is the chat and its interaction. cut that out its just a broadcast. include that even heavily moderated you'll still get a lot of memes and racist stuff. a heavily moderated stream does not work

I guess thats why I'm jealous. For me to make more money I have to show up go 20 more hours of work and become responsible for a dozen or more employees

I only watch Aris cause he's funny af, every other streamer feels boring af

>Things are looking up for me (and down for you)
no matter how many times I read it it never fails to bring a mile to my face

>Aris subs

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Anomaly is the only one i like watching... sometimes.. rarely..i watch streamers who are at the top of the game im playing to gain knowledge of the game. Thats about it. Never subbed to anyone before your life must suck if you willingly give money to someone else sitting on his or her ass playing a video game when you’re already watching for free

How long until we get movies like these about e-sports?

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You say that as if those are bad things

its about time

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>watching people play videogames
>watching people react to trailers
>watching people watching tv shows


I unironically believe this. I also don't watch porn. I will look at pics of beautiful ladies though.

you have to go back

ok which sport should we take for this story to achieve mainstream appeal?

>thanks virginfriendlessloser69 for donating 10.000$ to me
zoomers are pathetic

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Have you ever met a zoomer, it's not like they want to be friends with each other.

>>each sub is $5
they don't actually get the full $5 for a sub though

Aris subs are alright

50% cut is for nobodies, higher tiers get 75% and top dogs the whole thing

it's like watching a comedy show, I don't watch it because I find the topic he's focusing on interesting, I watch it because I like his personality and I find it entertaining; having said that, although I watch some streamers, I can't really stand watching an 8 hour stream of the same game, it gets boring even with the personality of the streamer

Same difference

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are into findom.

What's the appeal of watching someone else having sex?

>why watch someone else play sports
Because sports involve city and national pride. Streaming involves just zoomer faggotry

>I watch it because I like his personality and I find it entertaining

What are you trying to argue here?
Streamers don't have likeable personalities and random anecdotes about their personal lives aren't entertaining.
What is supposed to be likeable about someone who screeches into a microphone and turns their head only if you dangle money in front of them?

>brain dead retarded unfunny fag who's bad video games

Personally, I watch streamers just for the fun of it. To me, it is a bit like a sport, albeit a somewhat wacky one. It is calming to just get home from work and relax listening to a streamer you find fun playing a game and commenting on it, taking part in the community or just listening to a few people explain tactics in real time for a game I enjoy. Sometimes I’ll put this on and do chores around the house.

People who watch streamers play their game of choice for hours on end while spamming obnoxiously in the chat are without a doubt among the lowest IQ of the Internet population.
Its like those weird interactive TV channels that used to air where there a psychic medium or some weird game that you call in and participate with, except the channel has its own personal cheerleading squad and there's even less validation for even more money.
Zoomers are a generation of retards and anyone who unironically uses the chat should be sterilised.

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The being of art is a communion between the spectator and the play, even if you are not the actor yourself you are still part of it


I dont have the motivation to play games anymore.

>that fucking picture

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I watch the best to learn and I also watch games I wouldn’t play but are fun to engage with the community for a little while.

you're under the impression that everyone is like that, while there are smaller streamers that other than viewing it as a "side job" because they obviously don't make enough money, are only in it to provide entertainment for themselves and others
not every streamer has a nuclear siren for a notification alert


>you're under the impression that everyone is like that
The game is like that.
No wonder you can only mention the questionable existence of some small timers "who totally aren't like that" to excuse the entire streamer population.
They're small timers exactly because they're not screeching autists, if they even exist.

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>Streamers don't have likeable personalities and random anecdotes about their personal lives aren't entertaining.

Some streamers do have likeable personalities and some streamers have interesting anecdotes.

I know, it's crazy.

Zoomers are kept inside all day because the media managed to convince Gen X that the outside world is very scary. You know Gen X? The demographic everyone forgets about?

Fucking slackers

I wonder if this dude killed himself once he found out shes a rice miller

just like you don't seem to enjoy the "over the top, fake reactions" streamers, other people don't too and since platforms like twitch are mostly aimed at children, it's a given that they'd become more popular since they're more eye-catching
I can only name a few streamers that are more mature-oriented and that's because I'm not too into twitch myself, I go there occasionally: dansgaming, clint stevens, aris (who someone already mentioned) and lirik who's probably the biggest of them all

this has to be fake, no man can be THIS pathetic

if you play difficult PvP games it can be entertaining to watch someone who is much better than you. Also some streamers eg.) xQc, Mizkif, and Reckful have gotten good at entertaining thousands of people simultaneously for hours at a time. Think of how ridiculous a profession that is - standup comedians rehearse material endlessly to perform it for 15 mins to 1 hour in front of an audience of maybe a few hundred (usually less). Popular streamers are "on stage" for hours at a time with audience numbers in the thousands. I'm really curious to see what these people become in the future

Fuck off shill

she makes that guy eat his own cum

>aris (who someone already mentioned)
Yeah, and aren't they autistically screeching about it?
Totally helps your case.

The game is rigged to promote narcissists and degenerate screamers, not entertaining content. It's all about them and their antics.
It's all based on the premise that watching (((them))) is entertaining. They're not.
And despite all the money getting funnelled into them, there is literally nothing of value any streamer has ever produced, other than countless recordings of their own cross-eyed, fish-lipped faces. And those have no value whatsoever.

that is so icky haha do you think he likes it? imagine trying it but just as a joke ewww hahahaha

>comparing actual comedians with these fucking subhuman normalfags who talk gibberish bullshit and thank their subs for 10 hours
you're a fucking retard

I feel you
I seriously dont understand it either, with some stuff sure. but videgames man, you might as well watch a streamer watch a movie and have him commeting on it

the streamers you mentioned aren't funny though

For visual stimulation in order to jerk off. I'm not watching them having sex, I use it as a springboard for my own fantasies and orgasm

Post 5 faggot

>some new streamer has audio donations set to a really low cost
>every twenty seconds you get a 30 second message going something like "My best friend, mother and dog died all in the same week. I was going to buy a gun but your streams helped me get through these dark times. You're the most important thing in my life right now."
>donates $1


Doubt it. Out of all the shoters, fortnite has the highest skill ceiling.