Kino about unrequited love?

Kino about unrequited love?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck gooks


Farewell My Concubine. It's pure undiluted kino.

don't mind if i do

Her spiritual energy doesn't fit with her appearance. This woman isn't natural

My ideal girl here.

Attached: goddess.jpg (900x1600, 160K)

Ya know, I've been seeing this photo for years now and never bothered to inquire its origin. I finally decided to reverse image search it, and I have to say, it was what I expected but still found it to be very sad. There is a movie "based" on the story of this woman, Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?

i think i know her. last name lee? first name ug?


What is the backstory ? I image searched and got some Korean shit

No, I am an expert from /x/. She is quite possibly possessed by a demon. i would avoid looking at the picture at any cost.

That doesn't make sense, the picture first showed up around 2013 while Kumiko is based on something that happened 10 years prior to that,

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I want to make babies with her

why do you keep spamming this shit here
it's not our fault your dad fucked a gook, you hapa incel

You are all going to hell unless you get on your knees and repent

Im already a schizo with voices in my head.

A dying God-man full of pain
When will you coom again?
Before him beg to serve or please
On your back or knees


Someone didn’t read the credits. How delusional...

Oddly relevant

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I would very much like that.

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Yeah, I've looked more into it and it seems the picture is not actually of Takako Konishi, but is often misattributed to be her. Apparently it's some korean college student who may or may not be dead. Just became far more lame imo.

Do you forgive me, brother?

>almost went for the ass grab

Is that a wh*te womyn?

This is a amwf thread now

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Sounds good to me

Attached: Love.webm (406x720, 2.81M)

Seething white dicklet

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Forgive her for she knows not what she does

how insecure are you fucking chinks lmao

Come on then. Post the same 5 pictures you always do so we can get this over with.

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It is false flag, mah dude

I'm a white guy and I'm disgusted with race mixing in general desu

I was in college in Fargo when that happened. (yes, I am old as a balls). Basically, some Japanese chick was banging this married guy and at one point she had visited the Twin Cities with him. After she lost her job, she flew back to Cities because she was heartbroken and then just sort of wandered around. She went Bismarck for a bit, then Fargo, then eventually to nearby Detroit Lakes, where she just went out into the cold winter night and died. Pretty sad. Then some douchebag made up the story that she was nuts and thought the movie Fargo was real, and was out looking for the buried money.

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we dont mind chang
>t. whitey


Attached: Hotdog down a hallway.webm (432x243, 844K)

>unrequited love

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Is his name actually Tenda Spencer? His parents didn't really give him a chance.

>m-m-muh d-d-dick...
Holy hell cope

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Then you're unironically based and redpilled

In case this isn't just some false flag. Do you genuinely believe people feel anything at all seeing this? It is literally nothing. Just a couples being happy. It's even cute if anything.

There's nothing wrong with race mixing as long as it's between white males and asian females.

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So why is the AMWF a problem? White guys don't want white women and white woman don't want white guys. Seems like a win win for everyone including bugs. Same with blacks. I want to colonize a nice nigress myself.

He was complimenting the asians, their dicks are actually much tinier than a hot dog

Still on topic

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unfortunately that's not true, race mixing always increases the risk of various genetic defects

Miscegenation is a sin for a reason retard weeb

They can have white women, but white women really don't want them.

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But I am already mixed, my dude

>Racemixing is only okay when I do it

stfu christcuck

Unrequited love between a popular gamer girl and her Asian boyfriend

Attached: Dizzy kitten-twitch.webm (1281x720, 2.65M)

Meanwhile, in real life

Attached: WMAF.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

Not an argument weeb.

Here’s some more unrequited love to disprove your point

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I would certainly like to

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my first girlfriend in college was the biproduct of a hapa male and a white female, and she was pretty damn cute. But also She did have a lot of health problems. I miss her.

you will never reproduce so why do you care so much about it

jesus christ you are pathetic

Which one is the female?

I'm unironically engaged and we plan on having +4 kids, so your point is moot

>asianmasculinty thread

Attached: asian masculinity incels.png (1218x560, 131K)

Since you like gooks look up
"a moment to remember"
pretty good gook love movie and it fits what you want

which one are you so i can insult you according to your beliefs

who would have thought there are incels of every race
who cares

imagine being this insecure as a racial minority in a foreign country lol

this is the horrible boogeyman you guys are so scared of?

Whichever one you feel like you want me to be virgin

Fuck this race war gay as shit desu

I will cuck each and everyone of you
fuck you

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GENGHIS DICK never gets old. Imagine being so mad at John for fucking some asian thot that you start venerating a guy butchered your ancestors by the thousands

>be "white" american
>die of heart disease at age 21 for being a fat fuck
>"at least i wasnt a hapa hehe"

And also literally fucked so much of your women that 10% of the population is genetically linked to him.


You guys sure know how to pickem

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second left to right in the middle looks like the girl from iron fist

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Oh no no no

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>damn she lookin' fo the GENGHIS dick
>don't make me turn you back into an INDOeuropean
this is almost too sad to be funny.
also is white dudes fucking asian girls only an american thing or does it happen in europe and asia as well? i live in southern US and literally 100%+ of cute asians girls are with a white guy. just wondering if it's like that everywhere.

>funds a porn to get back at Yea Forums
>no one here even cares
imagine being this much of a pathetic asian incel

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goddamn that slant whore got passed around by more identical looking white boys than a plate of ribs at a Outback Steakhouse

why is she so beautiful, bros? her hair and face shape and eyes. i feel so deeply when i see this picture.

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>WMAF bad!
>f-fuck you ghostie

>AMWF bad!
>f-fuck you chink

It doesn't matter. These pairings are based since their kids will be cute hapa girls.
You gotta see things in the long run.

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Still relevant to he topic

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[Chair clattering]

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This. The West and (east)Asia shall unite and dominate the world. We are living in the hapa century.

This girl is more beautiful.

Attached: pure beauty.jpg (592x592, 419K)

You cared enough to look up an article about from more than a year ago. I guess its still working.

That's true but AMWF almost never happens

this is the only shit that gets me.

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thats a turk, not an east asian hapa lmao

Why is Central Asia such a shithole then?

Good luck with that pipe dream
Whites overwhelmingly stick together.

Why didn't you save her, Yea Forums?

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>Whites overwhelmingly stick together
lmao maybe in eastern europe

I don't want to stick together with a white.

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Do you have stats that say otherwise?

Pretty much every race overwhelmingly stick together with the exception of slant women.

No one cares virgin, you're in the minority

nigger get out of your basement for fucks sake

>Post hapa lookig girl
>Thread erupts into amwf/wmaf shit posting

I live in a huge multicultural city and pretty much everyone here mostly stick with their own kind.

So only anecdotes and confirmation bias. What a shame.


they remind me of bugs or machines.


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Already did, all I see are bunch of different people self-segregating with each other.


i hate that some people see this fact as "racist" when is true
people will stick aroun their kind because they relate to them more

Unlike you, I go outside everyday.
My city is a huge melting pot of races, and yet I have trouble even spotting a white dating a non white.

>self-segregating with each other
Must be why the west is getting whiter with each passing die.

sure you do basement-dweller

The west is becoming non-white because of shitskin immigration and breeding like rats, not race-mixing.

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>sure you do
>t. basement-dweller

unsolicited sauce: Leez Escalona, flip tech reviewer and writer for Gadgetmatch

some madlad user post all her videos and tagged her on her social media accounts and now she's deleted everything.

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>What is mass importation of non-whites
>What is non-white breeding habits

>from his mother's basement

why white people dont reproduce
they are like gay or what lmao

Yes, i spam AMWF cuck porn, how can you know?

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Can't race mix if there's no one to mix with, retard.

You've been thoroughly btfo'd by several anons. Close the tab and go outside or something.

>samefagging to "btfo" in his head
>several anons

Western politicians destroyed the family unit and pitted the genders against eachother.
This doesn't affect immigrants that literally keep women as slaves back home though.

Mods, delete this thread already, for fuck sake. I know you are there, laughing your ass off.

Dont be anti-semetic.

based inmigrants
please tell me why we should keep wh*te """people""" alive when such based being exist ?

I think this might be her.

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Fuck off faggot

Last I checked, white people are still the most loyal of all races.
How does that make you feel?


Lmao my city has every "minority" possible ranging from niggers, indians, pakis, chinks, t*rks, magrhebis, Iranians, the Portuguese, Balkans, etc.. and yet most of them create their own ghettos and communities.

this is uncanny valley. fucking spergs

Best pairing is white male and Pinoy female. Always see them really happy

So can we have some actual suggestions?

>most loyal of all races
>are literallt bringing the rest world into their countries right now
holy shit what a fucktard

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>Sekiro, you must retreive the Mortal blade to sever the divine immortality !

>Politicians speak for all whites now
Your critical thinking abilities are flawed.

I don't see how that contradicts what I said. That's what immigrants do until they become half of your population.

>any webm with an amwf pairing fucking is cuck porn
this is what a cumbrain looks like.Seek help if you don’t want it to get worst.


When did white people vote for 1965-immigration act?

they literally speak and act for the people who elect them you fucking idiot

>That's what immigrants do until they become half of your population
That is already the case, at least in my city. What now?

Now they do the same in the other cities and in the following century your country is Brazil 2.0.

>He thinks politicians speak for the general population and not their private funders
Even children have this shit figured out.


Here's a random picture of her with Sadie Sink.

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You failed to protect this smile. what do?

>general population
you mean the cucks who have no leverage? most can't even tell what's going, as you're proving right now

Trips of truth the future belongs to mutts

It's the whole point of the Kalergi plan after all. There won't be pure races anymore only mixed individuals.

Have you been in a Brazilian upper class neighborhood? Most of the people there are white while pardo shitskins and niggers live at the favela where they kill each other brutally.

As a SE Asian hapa, I don't think I can know what it's like to be loved by an eastern asian. Only SE Asians and white girls for me so far..

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Whites still stick together despite the fact that non-whites are coming into their countries. Let's not deviate from my original comment too much now.

In countries like Brazil the few remaining non-mixed people are the ones who live in ghettos. And even those aren't white, but Iberian stock.

>non-whites are coming into their countries
they are being brought in by the """loyal""" whites you dumb shit

Is that why the white race is the most genetically weak race on the planet?

Not the guy you're replying to but that's something that can't be downplayed. The fact so many whites vote left shows we don't have the in-group preference some seem to think we have. Race-mixing is an inevitability when your population is so divided.

So white people? There are German, Slavic, Italian, and Confederate immigrants as well.

Attached: Genetic map.png (998x666, 67K)

>So white people?
Pedro, please.

But why all of strong men champions are white?

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this is why you fuck that slant puss and stop fucking whining about white genocide

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

The problem is that they won't be race-mixing with Asians alone but Africans as well. If it was just cute hapas there would be no issue but the Kalergi plan envisions an Eurasia-Negroid race to replace them.

You think someone like this have in common with your kind you dirty indio?

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except asians worship white skin and hate niggers they ain't falling for it

MTV says they're white

wrong nigga.
> asians worship white skin
they do, so much so that what white's "worship" is starting to rub off on them. now because you white's are cucked by blacks, that attitude of black culture worship is rubbing off on them.
remember whiteys, you asked for this.

If he has light hair and light eyes he's obviously an exception and not the rule. Don't flatter yourself with pictures of other (whiter) people, huemonkey.

I truly hope you are right but I'm not that optimistic.

niggers worship white skin too they just don't admit it

It's actually kind of sad. These people aren't broken because there's something inherently wrong with WMAF pairings, it's because their dad is a greasy old boomer and their mother is a mail order bride who barely speaks english.

Iberians are white.

Attached: 1538656805311.png (1024x997, 639K)

She looks like she's on the set of Three Guys One Hammer.

For some more context. Saying that Iberians aren't white is splitting hairs.

Attached: GeneticsOfRace.jpg (572x532, 51K)

If you're on the right side of that line you're not white, sorry. And even if you're on the left side it's debatable.

You're not white, Juan.

>French, German and Polish aren't white
>Malteses are

I'm not Iberian.

I'm a Spanish Sephardic Jew and I'm white af. Fucking /pol/ keeps calling me a muslim

He's just some insecure spic shitskin anchor baby from Muricca who's bringing actual whites down to his level. He's trying his hardest in the earlier replies that whites mix a lot but facts showed they barely do. And now he's now larping as a white man and moving goal posts.

/pol/ are full shitskins, who gives a shit what they think?

It's complicated I know, but no, you aren't white.

French are a mixture of North and South. Germans and Polish are mostly white you might want to check that image again.
Good for you.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, huemonkey.

is that arm photoshopped?

And let's not forget that if Iberians are white (which fortunately for your point they aren't) then Brazil is the strongest evidence that whites race-mix a lot since your country mostly mixed.

The mutts here were a product of plantation rape babies and sheboon prostitution. The actual European settlers who brought their families with them barely mixed and made their own communities.


>commit suicide by lying down in the snow after consuming two bottles of champagne
That's honestly not a bad way to go.

>The actual European settlers who brought their families with them barely mixed and made their own communities
All five of those Germans, sure. The Iberians were busy mixing with their slaves and siring brown descendants.

nerd faggot, eat mud twink

100% he has a tiny peepee and is short lmao


> #
>It's complicated I know, but no, you aren't white.

Stop using "white." Its use is designed to rob Caucasians of their pasts, presents, and futures. Its use is designed to rob Caucasians of their histories, heritages, and connections to one another. It's evil and serves Caucasians none.

Caucasians are Caucasian and everything else "white" can fuck off directly back to their real designations.

Caucasian (European descent) are 8% the global population, and "white" distracts the entire planet to the inarguable fact that Caucasians are the minority, and it shields Caucasians from a clear and accurate view of the rest of the seething, wicked world.

"White" is the language of the enemy and is one of the absolute most powerful weapons deployed in their genocidal crusade. Stop saying it. Stop thinking it. When you hear the word, your minds should race to all of the heinous damages it is doing and has already done.

Caucasian > "white"

They look so comfy

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Fuck off E. Michael Jones, caucasian blurs the line between white northerners and swarthy wops.

I wish I could kill myself to stop feeling the feels

Who cares if theyre asian? Theyre cute

am i the only one who thinks this creepy shopped photo is uncanny valley? what the fuck

1939 version of Hunchback of Notre Dame though I heard the story is different in the novel.

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Cartoon version too

>Being jealous of asians
Dude, you know you can be not so insecure?

like every tall person?

Umm, sweetie...

We're caucasians dude, literally every white people came from the causasic regions.
We call ourselves caucasians and europoids, deal with it

How will asian "men" ever recover?

why do white guys prefer asian girls?

extremely cute, feminine, and pleasant to be around. People who don't exclusively prefer asian girls are mentally ill or are huge normalfags.

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Isn't that literally the opposite of what happens? Doesn't genetic diversity decrease the risk of potential illnesses, defects, etc. from potential inbreeding?

Who is she? I see her everywhere.

Some jap chick who killed herself

hot as fuck

no it's not.

>Her death was ruled a suicide, but some media stories at the time reported that she, under the mistaken impression[1] that the 1996 film Fargo was based on a true story, had died trying to locate the money hidden by Steve Buscemi's character, Carl Showalter.
lol do americans really?

Attached: hehe.jpg (320x318, 34K)

I would never have a kid from a gook (I have too good of a genes to pass them on to a random ricecel), but damn if they're not the most cute women of all the races out there.

Attached: cute.webm (491x720, 1.16M)

not really.

what is breeding but giving half of your dna to somebody?

if you have excellent genetics, and they have excellent genetics, there is no benefit in fucking some random mud person because 'diversity'.

however if you have excellent genetics, but have some recessive conditions that are ok with only one copy being shit, but would be terrible if both copies were shit, then fucking your sister who also may have one half shit genes gives you a chance of having a baby with double shit copies for that gene.

but even then, if you think about it, if you had ten children with your sister, sure some of them would have one copy, or two copies of the shit gene, but some of the babies would have no copies of that shit gene, but instead both good copies.

once you have a baby with both good copies, that baby could fuck its sibling fine in terms of that particular gene. so you could slowly weed out bad conditions more clearly, because recessive genetic disease would be more apparent, making it easier to weed them out.

so in other words, fucking your sister is as bad as your genetics are. and even then, you can weed out the bad genes by fucking her repeatedly and having lots of kids, and suffocating the kids with bad genes.

in terms of ideal situations, fucking random mud people will never allow you to have 'perfect genetics', just a shit ton of random gene copies cobbled together, with the hope that you have so many different copies of things that you won't get too many double recessive diseases.

you could argue that royal families and shit had incest flipper babies, but i think that was more of a result of the fact that no matter how fucked up the son was, the son got to bang and have kids. they didnt really weed out their bad genetics, instead they let the retard babies with the bad copies have kids. if they had only let their able children have kids they would have been fine.

One of their pop idols is a hapa. Her name is Nancy.

Ah tiny asian peenu is so shamfur

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>twf 16.6 cm
Am I tiny?

go for petite women just to be safe

For me is Hana Kimura

Televison and Film.