The movie is about keyboard warriors against the (((elites)))
Cast them
why are white people like this
t. jew
after you conquer the planet you get bored
conquer the space then lmao you idiots
why do you take pills and mutilate your genitals meanwhile jerking off to interacial porn
Why are you so resentful?
we're bored
space has to wait a little while, we know you only want us to take it so you can claim you wuz aliums n sheeit and try to rewrite history quicker
>trying to act cool on the internet
holy cringola
im going back to /int/
They are mentally ill/degenerates and have hormonal problems.
Idris Elba
I didn’t here a no? Yikes, gonna have to filter this thread.
so when white people are bored they do self-mutilation ?
holy cringola
going back to /int/
dumbass phoneposting asshole
>whites defending this behavior with "lmao we are bored"
Tranny hate thread?
It's the (((guy))) who posts all the Nazi cross dressing stuff
So is that a yes? lmao fucking loser.
>white people cant write correctly
holy cringola
gunna g bac to intelligents
>discord trannies on Yea Forums
>discord trannies on Yea Forums
>discord trannies on every single board
holy fucking cringola
going back to the only good board left
What did they mean by this
whoops, i clicked on the incel section of Yea Forums
Still waiting for you on discord
>low test calls others losers
keep waiting i guess?
I didn’t call you a loser? are you ok?
Fringe ideologies are for freaks
>the average discussion on Yea Forums
holy fucking cringe
going back to /int/
have sex
discord users are inherently gay and zoomer
>So I had a gf, qt, like you, who tells me I worry too much. Who tells me I ought to live laugh and love more. Who whores and gets in deep with the nigs... look at me! One day, she gets BLACKEed. And we have no money for an abortion. She can't take it. I just want to see have sex again, hmm? I just want her to know that I don't care about the beef flaps. So... I stick a razor in my pee pee and do this...
>I can be a furfag tranny into sissy porn, but at least I am white and NatSoc and post based wojaks! Cope more shitskin *I love banter, tbqh would be hot to suck you off! U//w\\U"
> myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm a roastie too!
>Nazi trannies
>I used ((())) I fit in! I'm one of you, my based fellow anons! Trad trans wife's are the future of Aryan race! Let's hate white women and jews together, user, it's cute and redpilled xoxo!
Nigger everyone hates them. Almost all NatSoc gangs do. If you knew much you'd know...
Also the first man to ever argue for trans rights was a JEW in Germany before Hitler came to power. Then Hitler scared the parasitic satanic goblin demon off elsewhere.
Already from a fact as simple as this you know this NatSoc group is not very hardcore or truly serious for something that contradicting. But go on, deflect and use ad hominem and act just like those trannies.
This one is particularly famous for being an unironically /pol/ user and having lots of screenshots about him saying or posting cringe .
I hate these freaks, even mutt larpers are better.
An everyone hates his guts on /pol/ as well and the majority of the board curses and insults him in attempt to bully him away.
>has 40% chance to drop nothing when mined
>/pol/fags are the actual discord trannies
Wow who could have seen that coming
What the fuck is this thread?
Is about the true redpilled zoomer "The Joker", but this time the incels show their true colors as NatSoc trannies! Critics and public will hate it, but will become a cult kino in a few decades.
Lack of war.
Yo can I get an invite? :3
These faggots should be executed in the street.
unironically jews. just look what happened to rome
>keeps getting b& for being a degenerate
>not once do they question their own behaviour
Typical narcissistic faggots.
Funny, majority of these trannies unironically say they are trannies because of jews.
I guess it's always easy to blame the others or make up excuses. Yes, jews are involved and promoting the majority of the bad things going on, but whites used to be already degen freaks way before jews having the chance to corrupt them.
Seems to me that the faggot is just larping in an attempt to attract /pol/acks, should be hung from a lamppost nonetheless.
No. They should be my sex slaves.
"Get blocked bigot"
Why are zoomers doing this thing? Yes "traps" were always a thing on Yea Forums, spammed by a few degenerates and rejected by the majority, but now it's everywhere.