God tier movies only you remember

The Time Machine 2002.

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had one of the better takes on time travel

>can't use time machine to save wife because without her death would never have invented time machine

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Is that Robert?

>quinn quinn quinn quinn
This shit was garbage, and it showed millions of years of erosion in a few thousand years

He was alone for like billions of years.
I honestly thought he'd have a more notable career. He was really good in that.

>in a few thousand years
Didn't he travel millions of years into the future? I haven't seen it in a decade.

More Guy Pierce kino.

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>Eloi go from being blonde haired and blue eyed to all brown people

really was ahead of it's time

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Comfy movie

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damn OP you just reminded me how good that movie was, loved those parts where he goes back again and again trying to save her.

Gonna watch it now

Who was in the wrong here? I still can't tell.

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>first watched this movie with two friends when it was in theaters while we were bored wandering the mall
>one of my friends had one of those squeaky rubber chickens he bought for no reason earlier
>a really quiet part of the movie comes up
>I take the chicken and give it a good loud squeeze
>hand it back to him

I remember watching this with my dad but I don't remember a thing about this film, it's something about a Time Maschine right?

good movie and a kino score

>end credits song

It was great as you could see her nipples all the time

>COUNT on Revenge
Mother of God

>without her death would never have invented time machine
Holt shit, I never realized that was the reason she kept dying. I always assumed it was an inevitability because reasons. Did they explain this in the film? It's been awhile since I've seen it.

racist fucker

Read some H. G. Wells, zoomer.

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Samantha Mumbai's chainmail top was kino. I presume she was wearing pasties though

now i remember samantha mumba and also remember that she used to sing

This. First time I saw it was on DVD and an SD TV so I kept wondering if I was really seeing her walking around in a see through top the whole time. But then I saw it later and was happy to see it really was mesh. I love how casually they did it too. Wish more movies would have girls in casually exposing clothes, acting normal.

Great 90s flick

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better time machine movie coming through

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>Did they explain this in the film?
I'm 90% sure the reason he starts exploring the future in the first place is to find a way around the paradox once he realizes it exists.
My favorite part of the whole movie though is Orlando Jones as the library AI.

Better film overall, but not a true adaptation. For what it is (is there a name for the sub-genre of mixing authors in with their creations?) it's quite good.

That movie was a fucking piece of shit.

Shut up nigger lover

Cringe or kino?

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I liked this movie, but it really was a tale of two halves. It was great up until he went to the future then it started to drag. I liked that the hologram remembered him, which I thought was a nice touch. The time machine prop was gorgeous.
The soundtrack was great, this was only a few ticks away from being a great movie.


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Holy shit, didn't realise Guy Pearce was in this

Mean Girls for guys. And yes, it's 200% kino

>Holy shit
90s born queer shut the fuck up

Guy Pierce for questioning 800,000 years of evolution.

First half was awesome. Then the dindus dragged it into shit. Awesome moon scene. Also hillarious that the CGI looks better than anything Marvel shits out nowadays.

Fuck off zoomer

Im much older than you poofter.

Based 40 year old that posts on Yea Forums

Kino, great OST also.
Depressing af.

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If Jeremy Irons as the bad guy can't even save your movie then there's something wrong, although Samantha Mumba's unrestrained tits almost saved the second half.

Are you having a laugh? It's on TV at least once a month here ...

Any other Cristo except the one with Depardieu is garbage, especially the US versions where they just cannot help themselves to not make an action movie out of it.

Cool bro

Very non white post.

Yeah, especially considering that Pierce belonged to the era where humans basically destroyed the Earth.

>Pierce belonged to the era where humans basically destroyed the Earth.
No. He was a 19th century upper class dude. People who destroyed the Earth were in the 21st century, when they tried to reshape the moon with nukes in order to colonize it. They destroyed it and fucked up the tides.

I believe they were making underground caverns with nukes yes, it fucked it up (who would have guessed??) and parts of the moon crashed into the earth, huge earthquakes, tusnamis etc. the elite of humanity fled under earth and became the brahmin morlocks

Is this real? Way to miss the entire point Wells was making

What gets me is that 800,000 years of evolution produces these two races but when he goes 600 million years further into the future absolutely nothing changed. He was right to question Evolution after seeing that stagnation.

Is that Jeremy Irons?


the morlock king is as dumb and concept-ruining as the borg queen

It's my fetish

There was a lot of that in the early 2000s. Movies inserting the latest popular r&b star to try and sell it to hip "urban" kids.

that movie is great most people saw it

Don't know where you live mate but no one I've spoken to about it has ever heard of it.


Samantha is Irish

I remember the whole plot being spelt out in some meme I saw a couple of years before the movie came out.

dling now looks interesting

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its kino but gets shit on here because its about a tranny falling in love with her female self

Also it has based [that guy]

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based taste comrade, cheers

Girls in films casually nude or very revealing? Like not sex scenes or playing whores but normal characters who just happen to be nude or almost, acting normally?

most definitely cringe

Haters gonna hate, I thought it was great.

i liked this because it's also real time

I unironically still can't keep up with the plot, I'll have to give it another watch and see if it makes sense

I loved the way it ends it actually subverted my expectations.

Kill yourself faggot scum

you mean an image
not every god damn picture on the internet is a fucking "meme" god damn facebook asshole

The image quality of this movie is really outstanding

Did they use a special lense?

Whole thing was great. Piss off faggot

>Samantha Mumba

She had a weird career

She was a pop star here in Ireland for a brief while

Then she had a crack at being an actress and got The Time Machine and like one other movie

Then she just vanished

The original was far better

quit reddit spacing and go the fuck back

genuinely can't remember a single thing about this movie other than a bomb going off

Have sex

with your sisters cunt?

What part of India are you from friend

She was only on screen for about 30 seconds but this qt in her tight-fitting cycle bodysuit made my heart skip.

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Update: Just finished the movie and it was a 10/10! Watch it now you fucking mongs


Are you guys for real? All these movies are utter fucking garbage. Oh wait, right, I'm on Yea Forums after all.

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No idea, just an aspiring actress trying to get her big break but disappeared into thin air.

This film was literally the first time I thought about time travel logically. And it made me hate 90% of time travel depictions

Both. It's a wild ride that no well-adjusted person would ever predict. In a fun way

Oh it's from the superior adaptation.
I still love the Moon subplot from the 2002 version. And the idea of a finding a villain thousands of years into the future who still knows you and has an intimate knowledge of your past.

>I'd like to teach the world to sing...

I live in the UK. This film isn't particularly obscure where I am. I've seen it several times.
I'm pretty sure it's where quite a few British actors got their first big break

>movie shows that even in the future White Men save the Day and own black women as their wifes

Oh nononono

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It's the lot of AI to suffer, unfortunately.

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Also traveling sooooo far into the future was a nice take. Good film, solid Kino

gay cunt

Post sum caps, I can't see shit on that pic

>Holy shit is now a zoomer phrase
Go outside

90s born queer detected

Yeah I'm sure it needs a marvel crossover to pique your interest you colossal faggot

It was shit when it came out and its shit now

Carrying around a rubber chicken is probably the whitest thing imaginable

The stuff with the moon was pure kino.

She cute

One of the few modern remakes that was better than the original (which I like alot)
Lowkey one of his best movies imho

Only reason it flopped is because of it was released right after 9/11

Prove me wrong

I went out of my way to get this movie on HD and I can confirm she is wearing star-shaped pasties
Yet I think she is not wearing panties on the night scene

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i don't see shit

Wasn't it unironically about making space for a golf resort on the moon?

Kind of forgettable

star trek nerd asking you questions would piss anyone off

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saw in theaters, was garbage

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Samantha Mumba.

Arse. Gob. Arse.

Fucking great movie. Legitimately the only movie in the last ten years that I saw like five times. It's fun to see people watch it for the first time and go "wtf?" after the big reveal. Great use of time travel mechanics and pretty much the greatest use of a trans character I have ever seen

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I enjoyed the part where the overlord from the future basically tells the protagonist "who tf you think you are to question X years of human evolution"

taking the term 'go fuck yourself' to another level

I've had this on blu-ray for about 18 months now and I still haven't watched it thanks for reminding me lad

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how many fat Jewish execs was Michael Cera whored out to as a child? I don't understand how could anyone buy that girly goblin looking faggot landing the hot chicks he does in movies

She looks like Olympic gold medallist Donovan Bailey

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that's the point

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also After Earth was amazing

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why the fuck did this make me laugh so much

i fucking hate russell tovey

good pick

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I've got a soft spot for trashy time travel movies. Like this and the junk on SyFy.

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dunno about movies but posting samantha mumba reminded me of this hit she had, and it's great so thanks op

Great film with great battle scenes. That pike formation with men run under the spears hamstringing the enemy was brutal.

this deserved so much more recognition than it got, it looked beautiful and the fight scenes were incredible. mark strong is in it, the costumes, the music. the seal people are terrfying the language barrier as marcus passes hadrian's wall, it's a really atmospheric film. fucking tragic in my eyes how little acclaim it got.

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I had mixed feelings after watching it.

Fargo with Robin Williams is kino

Make way for the superior early 2000s time travel novel adaptation.

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Im still mad they never rereleased the uncut version (because of muh 9/11) and the alternate ending where he travels into an utopian future.

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>alternate ending where he travels into an utopian future

Aw, that would have been great

Speaking of underrated mid 2000's scifi shit,
I just rewatched A Sound Of Thunder, anyone see this?
I thought it was a pretty solid movie overall, the reviews at the time absolutely trashed it.
It did have some pretty out dated cgi even for the time, kinna looked like late 90's 3d graphics, which is pretty comfy to me honestly.

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But he couldn't have, that future would only exist after he went into the past after seeing the bad future and destroying the Morlocks. Once he'd done that there was no more time machine so he couldn't check the result of his actions.

B-Movie adventure comedy kino

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