the scene where the film fully becomes a pleb filter
The scene where the film fully becomes a pleb filter
why are they wearing diapers
What movie
the shining
2001: a space odyssey
(mgmgmgmgm / mgmgmg)
The Cuckwork Orange
Clockwork Orange is one of my favorite films, I quote it all the time to see if anyone gets it.
If they don't I tell them they "just got Kubricked".
Then all the Kubrick fans in the room laugh.
Anyway, just letting you know in case any of you want to Kubrick people in your life.
Why this scene?
Codpieces. They are codpieces. That they may shit in. Though, they would just be shitting their pants. But the codpieces hide the stain.
gotta protect the yarbles when you're out for a little of the old ultra violence
Cloth armour to protect the balls
You're telling me people actually hated this part?
ultra violence, more like pg-13 violence
they're in a gang and that's what they decided to wear
give it a rest Ebony
She cute
>depictions of rape
She looks like she fucks white guys.
it wasn't rape she was just playing hard to get
You are correct on that intuition as well. Very astute.
so THIS is the "yang gang" i've heard about
And you can see, right there afront their pelvic area, is the "MUHFUGGIN BAG"
I like A Clockwork Orange.
its gorgeousness and gorgeosity
I love it when they play hard to get
who was in the wrong here?
>intellectual black girl
>sexy hands
>needing glasses makes you intellectual
no stop that
Name one intellectual without glasses
For being into kubrick and being whitified rather than a ghetto whore.
That would be the scene with Mr Deltoid, yes?
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Since you're in this thread anyway, can you advise me on some basic interactions with black chicks like yourself? Not in the autism sense but whats a good way to know if she's into white dudes and if its worth approaching or what magic words does she want to hear?
Because they are 'children'. It's also reason why they drink milk. Teenage angst and growing up is one of the main themes of the story, in the book at least.
disgustin skin