What was the best episode of MST3K and why was it Boggy Creek II?
What was the best episode of MST3K and why was it Boggy Creek II?
No it was The Incredible Melting Man
I have a soft spot for Hercules Against the Moon Men.
Geez, did somebody tape a dinner roll to his chin?
Final Sacrifice, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Rowsdower
Space Mutiny.
Riding with Death
Based and elusive as Robert Denby pilled
pod people
my nigga, i still use Bob Johnson as a username at time
God, I said that well.
I wonder if there's beer on the sun
>Rowsdower, could you put out my head?
everyone's got a different favorite. for me, it's I accuse my parents and devil doll
reb brown is a god tier actor
>Do what I say, otherwise I'm gonna kill some differen.
Merlin's magical mystery shop desu, or the raul julia PBS movie
bok bok bok bokaaaaak!
>Merlin's magical mystery shop
>Beliiiiieve in magic, or I'll kill you!
I've seen that episode a dozen times at least and that line still makes me crack up
>it's a delightful bambi romp through a flowery fairy land full of happy harmless fru fru family fun for the whole family of all ages.................... orrr IS IT????
Pod People
The Trumpy recreation host segment still makes me laugh