Delete the internet
What do you have to say for yourselves?
Every negative review so far:
>Phoenix is amazing
>the movie is just beautifully shot
>Todd Philips is actually talented!
>Joker is scary
>.. but this movie could not come out at a worse time so .. something something it is too derivative of Scorsese .. something something btw 7/10
The internet had made all women think their opinion matters. Imagine saying this shit in a room full of normal people
Joker is BASED
the joker is a bad guy, a villain
i dont get why making him an angry incel is supposed to be a positive thing for incels
Imagine being an incel lashing out at a random woman over her opinion on the internet and then expanding your anger to all women.
oh wait that's you
Shut up bitch
Does Tood Phillips needs to come out and say Joker is a dangerous murderous psychopath or american critics can't realize that?
cause it will make incels look badass
>you can't have a character study without identity politics
You wanna know how I know this was written by an 80-IQ non-white American woman?
Is there any other kind of american woman?
>women have opinion
I hope this film wins a Oscar for the sake of pissing of woman and discord trannies.
Americans are even whiter than germans, that's why nazism is natural for them.
Reminder that joker is not an incel movie. Nothing from the script leak and trailers imply that he has an issue with females. His anger is mostly towards the rich. He literally kills two Wall Street men and creates a movement against rich people, that’s his main target. If Joker really was about incels he would kill women. I hate how you retards kept forcing this shitty incel meme, if you didn’t none of this shit would be mainstream
I'm gonna see this movie and hope that I get shot.
Well, the LGBT crowd thought the child eating clown from IT was their ally before he murdered a a gay guy, so I guess so.
>yfw the lights go out and this song starts playing
Any threat to the status quo is a threat to women.
>Hyphenated name
What a surprise
I thought incels were outcasts that are just lashing out at the world?
That dose seem to be the case. Somehow the critics watching the Joker seem to expect it to be a superhero origin story, where the Joker is a good guy.
What the fuck is enigmatic about Zazie Beetz?
Yeah a dangerous piece of numale shit
The guy has a fuckin love interest in the movie ffs.
The critics are trying to push an agenda that doesnt even exist.
> The internet had made all women think their opinion matters. Imagine saying this shit in a room full of normal people
So satisfyingly well said
You're nothing more than a set of moist holes
>Kathleen Newman
>oh no the women
Yes, joker’s problems has nothing to do with not getting laid or shit like that
>no father
>lives in a shitty apartment with his mother
>dead end job with no one laughing at his jokes
>bullied by the rich
It’s being forced as some sort of incel movie when it has nothing to do with his lack of having sex(which we don’t even is true)
You know what i don't get with Suicide Squad? As i heard, Joker was being cut out more than you'd expect, i think Leto had like 6 to 9 minutes screentime? what a waste of character.
MSM still going to post stupid shit agenda even if we didn’t make any of the meme.
That’s how they bait stupid people into believing them.
He has a woman who feels pity for him and instantly rejects him the moment he admits romantic feelings for her
You need to lose weight.
The internet has made everyone think their opinions matter. That's why incels are so mad as there is less echo towards them than they expected.
So, that doesn’t mean it’s an incel movie. It’s not like that single moment causes him to become a murdering clown.
No, but it's part of what sets him off
I think he ends up killing her at the end when he leaves the apartment in full makeup
He also calls her a whore in front of her daughter
>That's why incels are so mad as there is less echo towards them than they expected.
ya know i can see how that is true. but the opinions in some of these Joker reviews are just totally bogus.
But It doesn’t help either. What are you trying to prove here that the joker is actually le epic Gommunism mobie?
>see: Star Wars(underlined)
when will they ever learn that this is a man made world and you can't change it unless you destroy it completely and rebuild it around your desires. We put our dicks to deep into the anals of history.
>threats come to with the gig
This person is a professional writer kek
make america afraid of the white man again
It's not even about the rich. Joker hates society in general, the rich are just obvious targets
>unless you destroy it
They already did this with Star Wars tho
Joker himself is an incel tho
>Women are facing the wrath of fans who are already invoking fanboy venom
>(see: Star Wars)
>He literally kills two Wall Street men and creates a movement against rich people, that’s his main target.
After he kills the wall street guys, a movement does start based around fighting back against the rich - but it's not about Arthur. However, in his delusion, he thinks it's the people of Gotham finally recognizing him for who he is.
He is delusional, the movement is entirely out of his control, he is just another guy in clown makeup. It's not like they all recognize him as their leader, or he planned it to be an eat the rich revolution.
>However, in his delusion, he thinks it's the people of Gotham finally recognizing him for who he is.
This. Arthur is histrionic and believes he should be famous. That is kind of his main motive.
Then why are roasties afraid of it? Face, this is literally ourmovie as it can get. It's the best way to close off this shitty decade
>almost every day
she's talking about blacks right
I’ve never once seen anyone use the term reverse racism aside from progressives frantically pointing out that “it doesn’t exist”. Normal people who aren’t obsessed with identity politics don’t talk like that b
And it's not like he killed those guys because they were rich - that's really just a coincidence. They just happen to be the guys he goes off on.
And his hatred of Wayne isn't about wealth either - it's because he mistakenly believes Wayne is his real father.
We need to have more diverse voices represented on screen.
No! No! Not like that!
"Fuck niggers."
Of course she isn't.
This, please
isn't that why it's coming out?
>reverse racism doesn't exist
Well duh, it's just racism.
Hilarious and completely unsurprising that film makers are using the same tactic as sjws by courting controversy to boost their movie, it's just now it features a race that the sjw cunts don't like
Rise up
>Woman of color
Nah, she's a jew
Women literally are more valuable than men becauae they can make babies
Meanwhile a man's only worth is whatever he owns
>to instead of too
Women don't win wars user making babies is their only worth
shut up whore, put me in the screencap
People have waged wars to acquire women for millions of years
Nobody waged war to acquire virgins who have strong opinions on comic book movies
God dam, this.
you know what else is dangerous? MENTALLY ILL LONERS
>men build society
Okay, what have you built?
movies have become clickbait
You dont even have a family, you are a failure as a man
>people waged wars to acquire women
No they haven’t, this only happens in fiction. Stop whiteknighting you cuck
Helen of Troy?
Sabine women?
ISIS genociding half the middle east just to get more sex slaves?
If a man can't fight or work he is worthless. Meanwhile women are always valuable to society for having wombs.
I know crying and seething is easier than improving yourself, but don't expect a pat on the back for it
how the fuck do you figure that? he has a girl in the fucking movie and joker was banging harley fuckin quinn for ages. you're retarded
>Helen of Troy
Nice bait faggot
>he has a girl in the fucking movie
he does not
He has feelings for her, but she just feels sorry for him
The kiss you see in the trailer is him springing it on her after he kills the wallstreet guys and is all high on adrenaline
She pulls away and tells him no, Arthur
Who hurt you?
Okay, that doesn’t mean he’s an incel though. Joker doesn’t become who he is because has some sort of inability to connect with women or because he has bad relationships with females(which we don’t even know is true or not). It’s also never stated or implied that Arthur never had sex
Meanwhile, Django talking about wanting to murder white people is cheered.
shut up fag
>woke articles about "incels" and "angry whites"
>missing the very blatant messaging about class
Joker is basically the 2016 election
fuck drumpf dude... fuck drumpf
damn nice
who hurt you
Giving how much the word incels is thrown around here one would suspect half the 4channers are trannies or film critics. But I repeat myself.
I'm really not worried about the "it copies Scorsese" complaint. It obviously takes many tonal, stylistic, and material departures from his oeuvre. Just the fact that the character becomes the Joker means that he isn't a pathetic, mundane, or tragic (except in the moral sense) character the way that Travis Bickle is. Actually, it may be more like Wolf of Wall Street in that the picture ostensibly glorifies the protagonist, while the audience is meant to feel revulsion at his actions. Either way, I doubt audiences will watch the movie going, "I saw this in the '70s."
imagine joaquin phoenix at TIFF "Yeah so Todd Phillips came to me and asked how i was preparing for the role... Can you guess what happened next? NIGGER" then everyone at the panel slightly chuckles. and the audience is quiet then starts booing gradually louder, until one guy stands up and starts shooting. "HES JUST LIKE ME"
>Joker is basically the 2016 election
Just shit up roastie. You have a dozen other sites you can go and get praise for being a basic bitch, so please leave 4channel
Opression is only done from up to down.
Oppresion is power plus privilege.
Blacks are oppresed and not white people no matter if rich or poor.
That's why incels, the more privileged class in society, are dangerous.
i guess ill laugh at that one
Yea Forums was never an incel board until the fappening brought in all the thirsty virgins
nofap day 63 wbu
Posting mean things in the (((journos))) twitter brought here roasties, so I call it even.
you smell like cheese
>become accustom
His face in this always cracks me up
looks like the establishment feels threatened by movies again, what a timeline
Loving this thread so far.
looks like youre on your 4th chips ahoy package fatass. the only time you should be saying threatened is if someone eats a salad near you.
It's interesting that the consensus is slowiny breaking.
Pocahontas shooting at corporations and globalism (In her retarded leftist way), Chapelle shooting left.
It's dificult to be a woke comedian or artist when everything is offensive to the prudish leftist crowd.
>Movie is about a white dude
>Therefore it must be racist
Yep, pretty much.
its nice to see some people stepping out of bounds though
it seems a bit controlled though, not like a mass breakout just a little planned demolition.
More like people are getting tired at the permanently offended censors.
There is an untaped market for incorrect comedy and films.
its nice to see this cock up yours
hEs JuSt LiKe Me
Why is America so obsesed about race and politics? Our safety depends on America and you faggots can't stop being a bitch. STOP TALKING ABOUT POLITICS AND SAVE US FROM CHINA. Fucking muricans with brain damage. We are in danger.
Hmmmm... maybe the movie industry is trying to steer us into these red herring issues because an appreciation of the Chinese threat would fracture their box office revenue
that just means it belongs in Women Will Never Understand Core
That was a joke article
>says nothing about harley quinn
u retahded
Joke? Or woke?
More like dangerously CUTE
I think Heath Ledger's Joker is better.
I do what I want baby
I feel like it gets a pass on these claims it rips off Scorsese when you consider he was involved in the joker early on.
I don’t understand how a demon from turtle world could be a” gay ally” how did they reach this conclusion?
Reverse racism doesn’t exist it’s just racism in this case black people who spend 24/7 hating white people
Critics & roasties absolutely btfo.
Absolutely correct.
"Reverse racism" is a stupid term.
There are just racists.
In this case a black cunt hating whites.
>incel buzzword
Let me get this straight. It is impossible to be racist to white people because their ancestors, 200 years ago, enslaved black people. Though people of every race including white (Irish) have been victims of slavery throughout history.
And race doesn't exists
>critics of colour
The worst of the internet are blue tick “liberal” bellends who cry about films. So yes, OP is right.
Maybe activist women should stop being slobbering anti-white sexist cunts and get a real job? Then they wouldn’t face the horror of people disagreeing with them, and as a bonus the quality of journalism would rocket.
uh yes
The biggest mistake the West has ever made Is immigration and particularly of niggers. the soil isn’t magic. Look at the tribal infighting they’re creating in the west
You misspelled jews.
They only cause problems in US. Italy has millions and no issues.
>no issues
True. That's why they voted Lega Nord even in the south.
Save yourself fucktard. God I hate all you former Euro colony faggots. You wanted independence from the evil whites, so deal with it.
The old joke goes.
Have a room of 4 women and you'll have 5 opinions.
It's such a vicious circle.
People make politically incorrect joke involving thing, journalist see thing being used as a "hate symbol" without context to the humor, people who make joke use it more offensively in mockery of journalist, more journalist get offended, and so on.
Rinse and repeat.
It legitimately enrages me that "joke policing" is a serious issue now. Fucking smartphones went and ruined everything.
Surprised it didn't say Ghostbusters too.
Pretty much desu
what? Multiple things, let's start with this deviant state (uncoherced, splintered atoms) if you can't even walk around whistling, quietly, at night/dusk, and you fell prey to the police (authorities, kakhi suited), several times, in the past and/or present, this is not a state that we can consider (call, nominate) unfathomably true and respectful of its citizens, the zenith of the apocalypse, ask them for some lime if they arrest you you'll see them freak out, be insistent (insistent, insistent? Again) and make sure to get your point through, trust me you'll be surprised get the masons when they least expect it see their facades of viruses and chemical-laden brains crumble before your eyes, lime.
>Remember, Joker's narrative focuses on a white dude's pain
No it focuses on "The Jokers" pain. The infamous villain from the long running Batman series. Apart from that, what is this disgusting blatant racism going so far to deny sympathy because of the color of this man's skin?
I'm so sick of these pretentious white kids who grew up wealthy and got a comfy job sipping coffee and writing hit pieces about everyone on the internet speaking about on behalf of an entire race because THEY'RE privileged like poor underclass white people don't exist.
I could seriously go all in for the next 3 hours over this shit but it's a waste of time. Even if I made flawless arguments I'm either preaching to the choir or people will only see the statements and be too triggered to hear the points I'm trying to make.
I just feel so helpless and both ends are far too extreme to try and call back
Good post
Based schizo
This is going to end poorly. There are slim chances of a happy ending in the short run.
>Helen of Troy?
If any of you are seriously thinking about doing a school shooting/suicide by cop, please find the most SJW gathering spot in your city and start your massacre there. It blows my mind that elementary school kids are killed in shootings instead of these useless fucking parasites to society
Bremang is just an anagram of her true last name: Bergman.
I'm european you idiot. America promised us protection if we joined NATO. But now they can't protect anyone. Muslims and chinks are invading us and you aren't doing anything.
>Why is America so obsesed about race
Because it's the root of all our problems. Allowing slavery was the one and fatal mistake of the founding fathers. We never should have brought niggers over to our new continent. We could have had an ethno state. Importing niggers ruined everything.
>People have waged wars to acquire women for millions of years
Wars were waged to acquire resources, not for women.
>Why is America so obsesed about race and politics?
Because that's what inevitably happens in a multicultural melting pot of a society. Genetically, people will never be comfortable in such a society, regardless of whether they are liberal or National Socialist because people have the need to congregate with those similar to them. And that's the reason why the liberal "utopia" will never work - because it goes against the very nature of human beings. Why do you think the fags that preach this type of idea never follow it through? They never live around blacks or other races, they live in nice suburban houses filled with white people.
Well, they do in gentrified neighborhoods.
But they end kicking out the niggers tho.
not gonna lie they had us in the first half...
Irrelevant. It has a white male lead and that's enough to be despised. And it's always about womyn. No matter the situation. That's why they couldnt relate to a movie like Dunkirk.
it's right you retarded negroid.
i don't understand this movie
why do you want to watch a joker movie without batman
why do you want to watch a joker backstory its unimportant
why try humanise a mass murdering psychopath
>You dont even have a family, you are a failure as a woman
yes, this kind of insult only works for women, cos making babies is only thing they are good for.
kys bitch.
I think they want somehow to seperate from the movie by giving it a bad score, because supporting a movie that will cause inevitable shootings would be bad for their career as "movie reviewers"
She's a woman and a nigger thus is she is perfect and can do no wrong.
When will femoids get what they fucking deserve?
>why try humanise a mass murdering psychopath
He is not a psycopath (at least in this movie) he is just a mentally ill loner who is treated like trash by everyone. He is basically the average user here. That's why we like him.
When are idiots going to realize this is all a marketing scam? It has nothing to do with feminism or incels or racsim or alt right. It is just a scam to get people talking about a shitty mediocre movie.
I hate women so much lads
Critics hate the joker because they’re forced to be aware of what happens when you try to push a man out from society. Liberals were supposed to be represent the common man but now they constantly demonize them and wish for their death. They fail to realize that their bullying has consequences
>wahhh, what do you mean a person I constantly treat like shit is going to push back and fight
take the redpill user
I would be unironically okay with this
Doesn't these woke retarded critics realize they are giving free publicity to the movie they fear?
Many retards like me are gonna watch this movie just because woke retards advised us to not watch it
Fake News
based coomlord
People seethe left and right and the movie isn't even out yet, i love it
That's not a pill, that's a suppository.
user, i...
That’s basically the point. This is all marketing.
>Helen of Troy?
>Sabine women?
That's some very old comic books, roastie.
Why is joker a tranny?
>a thing that does not exist
I like how she italicized the "not".
Very convincing counterargument she's got that. I am definitely now convinced that "reverse racism" doesn't exist. It's all thanks to that "not" being in italics.
Incel holocaust is coming and you can’t stop it
The media is really pushing this shit and hoping something bad happens as if to prove their agenda right. I just want to see some good kino desu
Why Lancelot was a nigger?
Who knows user, who knows.
This. If anything I feel like this film criticises the self destructive incel mentality by exhibiting how people drive themselves crazy with the choices they make. Joker is already an unstable character and blaming society is his scapegoat for the horrible decisions he makes
Based schizo poster
>both sides are too extreme to try and pull back
I see you realise this and yet I detect hints of apathy and blackpilling in your post, when the correct response to this realisation is to pick the side that wants your race to live and preparing to exterminate the other
Oh lordy
No, she's right. It's just regular racism, regardless of whether the recipient is white or not.
>who stole the Holy Grail ?
>Lancelot starts sweating nervously.
By worst they mean the internet is debunking these "journalists"
>go to jail for possessing mexican weed
>sell opioids knowingly to drug addicts, kill millions, get rich, live in mansions.
>oh noes, it's the poor white people who are the danger to society.
absolutely based
based reddit spacing fat fuck tranny
>Italy has millions
no it doesn't
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>reverse racism doesn’t exist
>proceeds to gauge the validity of the MC’s pain based on skin color
>no access to quality healthcare
Best joker we will never have.
Not just irish people you dumb clap
Thinks will not and have never "gone back to normal" like you want.
In 100 years no is going to have any respect for your values, traditions or morals.
the left have enrolled their own autists.
holy based the post
Fuck off you stupid bitch. The internet gonna rape your ass
When you watch the film or read the script you KNOW he hasn't had sex
The fact that they insist on acting like
1. Star Wars fans being insane is new
2. It is only rooted in white men being racist
Is endlessly irritating. For the first point, Disney only owns Star Wars because the fans were such cunts to Lucas. Remember singing about him raping childhoods etc?
To the second, Disney obliterated the entire canon killing countless projects to tell the same damn story but worse and then a sequel to actually murder people’s childhood. People bitched about Han Solo not shooting first, what did they expect rewriting Luke Skywalker to be a failure who died in Ireland as a hobo to cause? Joy?
so these are the renowned critics at TIFF
I know a town where my step-mom lives that is... completely corrupt to the core.
To the point that mexican drug lords and shit run the place and nobody bats an eye.
The best part? This is the cookie cutter, America that Trump lovers just love.
Small town, football and opioids.. but the cops let the drug traffickers fuck their town up w/ crime because they bring much needed jobs to the area.
We should be more worried about the enemy here in our own country rather than an external threat.
That's all I'll say on the matter. Yea Forums thinks it's one thing, tumbler thinks it's another...
They're both right but are too fucking stupid to see the clear connection.
Small towns are such a meme, anybody who has lived in one will tell you they suck.
>Everybody is addicted to whatever drug is considered the worse one
>Law enforcement all act like they are the single sheriff protecting the town like in the Westerns
>Every DA is a corrupt asshole
>Mayor is laughably irrelevant
>And for a lower quality of life with crime that only seems less because it is hidden you get the reward of soul crushing boredom.
Medium towns with just enough growth to keep it fresh but not too much that it stops being the same place are much better. Or get a ranch the size of a town and have your own values
The biggest mistake the West made was in giving huge tax cuts to the rich who would then use their newly gotten gains to:
1. Send money and jobs overseas
2. Make themselves and their families more comfortable
3. Bribe politicians to help keep competition out. Keep the poor down so they can't start businesses which might then put their own business in danger.
Black people aren't the enemy, the rich white/black/asian/mixed/etc in our own country are.
The only color that matters to them is green.
>The best part? This is the cookie cutter, America that Trump lovers just love.
Why would they love a town run by Mexican drug lords? Is it cookie-cutter that Mexican drug lords corrupt small towns?
I'm confused.
Because justifying sending countless people to die for a bunch of foreigners who will never be greatful has to be justified through some domestic policy. America doesn’t care about foreign policy, it is literally only something to complain about and reject.
>Haha those fools, little did they know that the marginal tax rate on the highest income bracker must be at least 70 to contain my power!
>Now that I the already extraordinarily rich and powerful class have just enough of my income retained after taxes to destroy America!
>Thank God we invented the Laffer curve and convinced people that money not going to the government was a good thing.
Shut the fuck up. Reducing everything to such a singular explanation is absurd.
Because the core definition of incel isn't "wants sex and hates women because he can't have it". It is "someone who feels alienated from society and hates it". The original accurate definition has shifted, if it ever applied at all. Read through almost any of the feminist/woke media and you'll find that this is the meaning of the term. An alienated loner who is dissatisfied with life and society.
When they say incel, they mean what psychologists call schizoid
This is Mayberry. Like literally, Mayberry, North Carolina i'm talking about here.
The epitome of cookie cuttery.
It used to be a very White town, it's in the sticks, a small tight knit community where everyone goes to church.
It's in the bible belt basically.
A family that trafficks and distributes drugs opened up a business a few years back to launder money..
Said business employs a LOT of people.
The narcos' cover? The American Dream. They sell this bullshit to the papers and everyone buys it.
Not only does it play to their delusions of an American dream where you can go from being on food stamps to a mansion in 5 years; but it also shows they're not all racist.
They're Mexican after all ("Mexican")
They just love it because this seemingly all-American immigrant family just got really rich and it gives them hope that they too can do something similar one day.
They love it because it's a small town, highschool football is the main event, they're famous in the states for being on TV... and the American Dream is alive and they have living proof of it.
Or so they believe.
Absurd because it's reality, absurd because it doesn't absolve the elite of all responsibilty.
Democrats defend lazy people and Republicans defend the very people fucking them over.
The Republicans are the real cucks in this arrangment. Half of them aren't even rich but still shill for the rich and want lower taxes for them.
>white males are not allowed to response!
>insert black characters to appeal the disease
>disease complains regardless
Such a sad mindset... imaging trying to appeal a group that it will never be satisfied.
>all these triggered replies
He's right, you know. Women are born with intrinsic value to society. Men are not. Womanhood is inherent, manhood is earned. That's how its been in every tribe since the dawn of time. And women, unlike men, lose most of their value by the time they hit menopause. If they don't have a family/children at this point, then they're just as useless to society as a man.
swallow a bullet
I've woke up and had thoughts like this in the morning recently. Just sentences that almost seem gramatically right but they're total nonsense
Am I turning into a schizo?
Imagine being a worthless cunt of either gender spending their time screeching that someone dared criticize a woman on the internet.
The problem is, we removed all the things about being a man that made this a fair trade off, leading to a lot of anger and violence that will inevitably consume our civilization.
In Italy non-European foreign citizens are 4,3%. There are probably 0,5% of niggers.
Yea but couldn't resist the chocolate women and free labor.
Make no mistake, this was never about oppressing black people. It was a business, a money making scheme.
They wanted to make as much as money as possible, the free market and everything.
So they paid their workers (slaves) nothing.
Sound familiar?
We outsource labor now and pay Americans very little to do a lot.
Nothing has changed.
The rich elites have you convinced that your beef is with their pawns and not the elite themselves.
It protects them.
>He is not a psycopath (at least in this movie) he is just a mentally ill loner who is treated like trash by everyone. He is basically the average user here. That's why we like him.
Oppression can be from the down up as well.
No you are putting the cart before the horse. The rich didn’t need to have reduced taxes to use the extra money to influence society or bribe people to perpetuate their power. Republicans sincerely believe in the lower taxes thing independently of the wealthy, the wealthy came late to the party honestly and more or less helped entrench that impulse. So economist and thinkers they liked because they independently came to the conclusion they should have more money, can now continue to advocate for their theories in think tanks funded by the wealthy. But rich people did not force or bribe Laffer to draw out his theories on a napkin. Honestly most of the changes you describe were based in massive economic forces beyond the control of the rich and powerful. Jobs went away because efforts to establish free trade and lift war devastated countries out of poverty so that they may be good trading partners was initially massively beneficial, but then of course countries eventually did not rely solely on the industrial output of the United States. So an entire world of newly productive labor reduces employment for people benefitting from an industrial deficit. After WW 1 there were massive tax cuts, and this did nothing to guarantee jobs being shipped overseas or endless bribery of politicians. Because political ideologies then and now do often independent of reality, and bribery is a means of changing someone’s behavior assuming they operate in a non ideological basis. Whatever I am rambling and am not going to change your mind that tax cuts magically ruined the country so fuck it
Her good looks is enigmatic.
Is this the movie were gamers rise up?
pretty much, yes
so as a girl I can be called an incel too? yay i finally belong somewhere!
> so as a girl I can be called an incel too? yay i finally belong somewhere!
Traps aren't allowed here. Sorry.
trannies are the real incels, they can't have sex even if they want to.
But women don't want to have babies, so they are double useless, occupying jobs that families need
>. If they don't have a family/children at this point, then they're just as useless to society as a man.
Used to be true.
Modern "society" doesn't value having children. It even devalues it. Muh overpopulation.
So women can grow old and keep working and earning money as tax slaves, and they are just as valuable as men with the same earning potential in today's (((society)))
Amazing, based, redpilled
I thought it was cwc's half brother for a second
and here is an application of the shift/appropriation in what the term incel means.
Excellent seethe
I get 95% of people are just trolling and having fun, but theres always that 5% that take this shit seriously. I dont get how people can be so stupid.
Is this the tranny kike that derailed a thread yesterday talking about how much it can't stop crying until /pol/ gets deleted?
What if the Joker was a woman?
it'd be all vagina jokes
Have sex
Anybody else convinced all these writers are being paid to say dumb shit about the movie by Warner Bros themselves so that they can build hype around it? I mean, it IS working obviously.
Why do these dipshits not understand that the Joker is a fucking VILLAIN? Just because a character acts a certain way does not mean that the movie is actually condoning said behavior.
Harley Quinn is exactly that. There could never be a "female Joker", only a woman who falls in love with the male Joker. No woman, of any race in the modern world, will ever face the kind of hardship, adversity and life failures and dead ends that would lead a man down the mental trauma to actually become the Joker. It's why like 99% of mass shootings are males, males are the only ones who would ever get subjected to enough mental stress and isolation to make that transformation. It would never, ever happen to a woman and any attempts to write such a character would simply spread people's suspension of disbelief too thin.
Why, why why is it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Toronto people? Like I'm willing to bet half the articles written by people that people freak out about on Yea Forums were written by Canadians in Toronto.
I think I give up, if Trudeau wins this election I'm moving to Colorado. I'm becoming American. Easily accessible marijuana is the only thing about this country I value anymore, everything else about this nation has gone to complete trash. Even my girlfriend is getting into this leftists horseshit.
Rich jews user, they make up nearly 50% of billionaires.
It would make for a funny Lifetime cable movie though.
The colourful suit he wears looks too expensive for an underclass failed comic
Will it just be his delusion?
No shit.
Same thing with Dave Chappelle's new special. So many people posted shit like "Well if Vox/Vice hate it, then I HAVE to see it". This is all just marketing.
>Anybody else convinced all these writers are being paid to say dumb shit about the movie by Warner Bros themselves so that they can build hype around it?
Retarded much? Why would they want bad reviews about probably their most ambitious movie yet that will decide the future of their company? No, deranged SJW fags actually do exist and they are indeed employed by jews to work these nonsense media jobs.
>weak ethnic affiliation
Is this the Jews' end goal, then? Make all white men into schizoids?
It would make sense. Someone has to keep working to keep their society of baby fucking and welfare floating, might as well make them too detached to complain
Do bad reviews really impact a movie's box office performance at all? If a movie is bad it's usually word of mouth that does it in I imagine.
I'm almost convinced OP is the author of the article. How about we stop giving a shit what these retards write and just ignore them and watch the movie? They're obviously afraid it will make big bucks at the theater.
>"One reader didn't understand why Hagi brought up race at all"
>"White dude's pain"
>Mentally ill man that tries to get by suffers so much shit in a few days that he goes off the deep end that ends up with him killing several people and going to jail for the rest of his life if isn't gunned down by police at the very end of the movie
>"Nah man, he's white. So his pain isn't real!"
But the thing is, it's not BAD Reviews. All of them are saying the film is a cinematic masterpiece, but at the same time saying the movie is 'problematic'. It's "problematic" reviews, not bad reviews. They're saying you shouldn't watch the movie because of the message... which of course is just going to want to make EVERYONE want to see it to figure out what's so problematic about it? It's honestly ingenious.
>Do bad reviews really impact a movie's box office performance at all?
See: Aladdin, Lion King
im so scared of the beta uprising caused by this movie i bought a dog
>as a girl
See this is how i know youre not
This. It's the same as all the "bad press" around Stick and Stones. They've just gotten more savvy about engineering it.
He kills Wall Street Bankers and blame society on TV, not fuckin women.
Isn't it fuckin obvious?
Stop pushing an agenda like the critics
Joker =/= Incel Revenge.
Schizoid isn't really a genuine mental disorder, and will probably be removed in DSM VI. It's only there to act as a generic "mental illness" diagnosis for people who feel alienated from society but whom don't suffer from an obvious mental disorder.
Because hipsters/trust fundies/feminists hating this film is part of the essential experience. Just like damage control from the same group for TLJ was part of the experience.
actually true. Look at the very top and very bottom of the spectrums. The genius, the criminal, the suicide victim, the academic - the top of each category are always male. Feminists know this but will never concede it
I thought schizoids were literally psychotic? Or is it a variant to BPD
Shut up bitch
The thing is, I guarantee I bought and read way more Batman comics than this cunt during my childhood/teenage years and I couldn't give any less of a shit how they portray the characters
>almost every day
No it can’t be blacks, blacks would be every day. She’s talking about spics
Hey guys, i have a really interesting thought...that just stop discussing Joker in 20 threads per day... its not good to your mental health... and consequences could be really bad
hey bro... i think your post could have used... a few more ellipses... just a suggestion...
Do go on. This is interesting.
Care to elaborate some more? No sarcasm.
"problematic" because it doesn't fit the narrative "white man weak and bad".
This is ultimately a film about a White MAN who won't take BS any longer and starts to fight back.
This is like that movie falling down.
Joker 2019 is like a White guy's version of dead presidents.
Well I mean think about it, first of all do we really think a woman would go through the type of social isolation a man could? If a man is not particularly attractive, has no charm or means of offering anything to a woman, there's a good chance he could become (for lack of a better term) an incel. Sexy assholes can get laid, ugly but funny and charming men can get laid, and of course rich men can get laid, so what happens to the guy who's ugly, uncharming and poor? He gets stepped on by society, and like the Joker says in that leaked clip, "They think we'll just sit down and take it, like good little boys! They don't think we'll go werewolf!"
If a woman is poor, it means nothing. Men never care about how much money a woman has, because most men accept they will probably pay for most things on dates and so on. Women are much fiercer when rating men's attractiveness, according to dating sites they will right swipe or in general only find men attractive 25% of the time compared to men. Men are much more forgiving in this regard and find all types of females attractive. They tend to be much fiercer when rating men in terms of heights, which is why the manlet meme is more than just a meme, it is significantly harder for men under a certain height (say 5'8" or so, although in some areas women have almost no interest in sub six foot males) to find a date and get laid. And sex of course is one of the primary things that helps regulate people's mental wellbeing as well as making them feel appreciated or "human", even if it's just casual sex. For women, they can almost always find SOME poor fucker out there willing to fuck them, regardless of how poor, ugly, short or fat they might be, SOME fucking guy out there is horny enough to fuck her. The same can't be said for a poor, short, ugly fat man.
It is like Falling Down, which makes it more ironic because these journalists don't realize the Joker's actions aren't meant to be taken in a positive light
>>"One reader didn't understand why Hagi brought up race at all"
>>"White dude's pain"
>>Mentally ill man that tries to get by suffers so much shit in a few days that he goes off the deep end that ends up with him killing several people and going to jail for the rest of his life if isn't gunned down by police at the very end of the movie
>>"Nah man, he's white. So his pain isn't real!"
The leftists who believe mental illness is a problem that needs to be addressed are the same people pushing racism against white people.
And they wonder why white guys go on killing sprees/rampages?
We couldn't endure 200 years of oppression. We just took a few years and the world is starting to hear the cries of people (race is irrelevant) in pain.
The problem is the world doesn't wanna hear that pain. They want people to just shut up and take it.
That's why they always use passive aggressive language against "white males w/ privilege". They don't want to come to terms w/ the fact that they're actually contributing to and fueling the fire of;
Spree shootings.
Turns out, when you dehumanize, brush off and downplay problems that people are feeling; they sometimes get a little upset when this is combined with NO JOBS, NO FAMILY UNIT and so on.
That's schizophrenia, which isn't the same thing and is a genuine mental disorder.
*loads gunns *
The people downplaying the suffering of the mentally ill are the same people who bullied and ostracized them in school.
Why don't women want me seeing this movie?
I just want to see the funny clown man do comedy.
>great movie
Imagine being a (((critic)))
"Your opinions don't make me want to have sex with you, therefore no one wants to have sex with you. Anyway, women aren't objects for male pleasure even though by using the slur 'incel' I reveal that every interaction with men I have, I'm sizing them up for sex."
Why do women think this makes them look good again?
Do it, we need to consolidate forces and gather the only sane people left in North America
>Kathleen (((Newman)))
That gut has no right to criticize other films. He has made some terrible films.