> Most famous & popular person of all time
> Also the most controversial entity that has ever existed
How the fuck did this happen?
Most famous & popular person of all time
Black men who get powerful are like monkeys with guns.
MJ was an honorary Japanese
>How the fuck did this happen?
Because he sexually molested kids. This isn't rocket science user.
He's black and people wanted him gone.
Even before the pedo accusations they were trying to paint him as insane.
> Believing Kike lies
> Thinking a person who's so depressed that he cries on Christmas, was obsessed with Water gun fights & made it his life goal to go shopping at Grocery store is capable of any wrongdoing
MJ suffered more than any famous person & arguably any noteworthy fictional character. If you had to live his life, you would kill yourself after a week
This. One of the greatest entertainers of all time. Wrote almost all his own stuff, could play multiple instruments, sing and dance. And probably a child molestor.
His good things don't erase his bad things and vice versa.
>crying on christmas makes you unable of any wrongdoing
Are you a fucking retarded woman?
His Upbringing created probably the most unique child in USA : a young singer that has a fucked up childhood from a dad that was beating him, become a international Pop Sensation with the help of the best music Producers in his era.
Never had a proper childhood, learned music at a really young age, skipped college and didnt have a circle of friends. He learned to be an entertainer so young and then later became pretty well surrounded by normal, career-focusing people that gave him the right direction, then became a superstar.
No one had a life like him. One time in an Oprah interview, he said in his 40s that "he was Peter Pan". That's mainly why he tried to be white with surgeries.
MJ could have molested me all he wanted. Fuck the whole world, he was enough to get away with it.
At least he never claimed to represent God.
>Wrote almost all his own stuff
Not even close to true
>could play multiple instruments
That's a bit of a stretch too
> Cannot step more than a block outside your house without the world's biggest police escort because your too famous
> Cannot make friends with anyone because your too famous & you never know if they actually care about you or simply want to steal your money
> Have an incurable skin condition, which results in the media denying you of your race
> Cannot even trust your family because your father sexually whored you out to Hollywood business men & your siblings will backstab you at any moment
> Had no childhood because you were isolated, verbally & psychically abused for decades
> Can only befriend children because they treat you as a human being instead of a Jesus like messiah figure
> Publicly humiliated by the media who invades your privacy & makes you feel like less of a person by constantly attacking you for existing
> Go out of your way to donate 500 Million dollars to charity & drop anything when you hear a child is in danger
> Was literally responsible for curing 30,000 kids of cancer for fuck sakes, but this was never publized on the news
> Allegedly chemically castrated by your father because he was only thinking about how much money he could make off of your success
> Unable to enter a relationship because you can never trust anyone
> Unable to sleep at night because you never know when someone will try and kill you over your fame
> Starved himself for weeks out of fear that someone would poison or drug him
> Driven out of your home over false allegations simply because they wanted to make millions & ruin your life even further
> As if one fake molestation trial was enough, they had to hit him with too because Kikes were desperate to acquire his billion dollar music catalog
> Now has lost the one thing that gave you a temporary happiness, becoming extremely depressed which is responsible for his drastic appearance change in the 2000s.
Michael Jackson is the perfect example of money & fame not being able to grant happiness
at least half of those are bullshit
T. Seething kike tranny, all of them are true. Anyone who dislikes MJ is a enemy of /pol/ & Yea Forums, and thus a faggot tourist
>waaah he had problems therefore he dindu nuffin
You sound like a third worlder trying to defend his childhood idol.
Probably Mexican or Brazilian.
he was fucking kids the entire time, no one should feel sorry for his weird ass
Your answer is at 1:10.
I was watching South Park and the episode where they have the Jesus talk show and there is a guy who won’t stop talking about how mj touched little kids. How far does it go back?
They were trying to bring him down in the 90s
zoomers are the ultimate useful idiots
That's not Jesus.
He's more famous than Jesus
Depressed people are highly capable of wrongdoing. Michael's high esteem and resources, combined with a sense of entitlement to self-therapy, is a perfect recipe for wrongdoing. People arent necessarily laser sharp all the time user, we get away from ourselves and form habits, so it can be very easy for someone with an amusement park's worth of children at his home to choose to ignore his boundaries if he feels he can create a lost childhood experience
Jesus Juice
> Also the most controversial entity that has ever existed
There's a certain other person who deserves this title more, but I don't want to spark political discussion here
Who the fuck gives a shit? Jackson suffered child abuse. And Polanski was a holocaust survivor and a widower. And Kinski was a prisoner of war. They're still child molesters, no sob story is gonna change that.
nobody expect him to get big either before his breakthrough
Now you're just being mysterious
your post is irrelevant because that part has to come with the first part as well which is the most famous and popular
there is no political figure in history that famous and popular and also controversial to the level of mj
>ywn hang out with mj at his ranch and watch movies in his theater
Sometimes at the end of a long action movie, I feel like the characters should be rewarded with cash for life or some grand prize for their traumatic and exhasuting experiences. At the end of True Lies, I always feel like Arnold's kidnapped daughter Dani should get like a year vacation and if she accidentally killed someone in a boating accident during that, I'd feel compelled to forgive her. By that same measure, yeah it seems like Michael Jackson could feel entitled to do anything
Jesus is objectively more popular and controversial
yeah but that has been said like 3 times in the thread already, not much of a mystery
He didn't honor the jews.
no joke, like all the "new" versions later of they don't care about us got the "kick me, kike me" soft censor
the kike me got replaced by a dj spin sound instead of the actual bleep like rap songs
What were the 80s like
W-what did he do to Loeki?
i'm sure glad MY too famous doesn't do that
>putting a space after the memearrow
why do summerfags continually do this
Like that comedian said, I wouldn't mind getting molested by MJ
I mean, it's fucking MJ
How did this happen?
>bed sharing with little boys.
>isolating children from family. 2 dads killed themselves
>physical affection. holding hands with little boys like they're on a date.
>lavish gifts. usually to pay off the parents
>a clear pattern of age and type preference. always boys, never girls. no fatties. no poor boys. usually white boys with wavy hair.
>a dozen eye witnesses
>the penis description
>7 accusers (and counting)
>multiple settlements. $20M to Jordan Chandler.
>child erotica. "The Boy"
>polaroids of naked boys
>semen-stained mattress
It was the Jews, because he sang kike once.
Would you mind years of therapy and being a little faggot?
You guys are retarded.
Nobody ever responds to this pic.
but this will trigger a few
I-I'm not a f-freemason.
nigga if you got to fuck mj as a child above is the sun
Haha nigger so funny. That's where i get all my thoughts from
What? I don't like Jews! Dey leeches!
>that fucking diddler ghoul pederast
>His bed was the size of a boeing 747
>It was impossible for MJ to molest his prepubescent bedfellow
he did it
I repeat: I am not a freemason. I would never hang with those fags. I'm a Jehova's Witness, or a Muslim or whatever.
Is there a close up on the painting?
I bet that's MJ in the center
I only had 1 nose-job. I swear.
Yes, it is. Shows what a narcissist he was, with a Jewish persecution complex to boot.
Totally innocent reading material to have locked in your secret bedroom
He was the victim from an early age. But not every victim turns perpetrator.
>this destroys the twitterati
MJ admitted to sleeping with boys. For any other human this would be enough to bring out the pitchforks.
I love when you fags start defending a gay man who sleeps with boys, lives in an amusement park, and has naked photos of boys. Keep it up!
Everyone in the African American community sleeps with unrelated children. It's a black male thing. You wouldn't understand.