ITT: High IQ plebfilters

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Ghosts of Mars

Spiderman 3

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>Kevin Spacey
>Bryan Singer

I hope that kid's asshole is oaky

The first 2/3 of that movie were god tier, but the last act shat the bed so hard that it makes me remember why I forgot about the whole movie for a solid decade. It's a shame really, it was a great return to classic comic book camp.

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I once saw an interesting article that interpreted the ending scene of the movie (with Superman secretly visiting his son at night and telling him not to tell Lois Lane what happened) as a coded pedophilia metaphor.

Yeah, because we all know Superman is a big pedo.

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I mean even if he was, what could you do?

It's not amazing but it doesn't deserve the hate. Fuck Kevin Smith for trashing it so hard. Everyone cites that review when they criticize it.



Why would it matter? I feel like Superman molesting a few kids is a pretty low price to pay for him saving the world every single day.

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Superman Returns has so much kino in it, it isn’t even funny:

parker posey was hilarious in this

It's unironically a great satire of the 90's pop culture machine. Seriously underrated.

Kevin Spacey just attempted a carbon copy of Gene Hackman in this, but was worse in every way.
Superman Returns was the last film I paid to go and watch. 13 years and counting.

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extremely based and checked.

>Kevin Spacey just attempted a carbon copy of Gene Hackman in this, but was worse in every way
I mean, he was supposed to be playing not only the same character but a carbon copy of the same character as played by Hackman. No way in hell it could've been the same. Still, he was incredibly underwhelming.

pic and
also this

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Him listening to all the sounds of earth was kino

Norbit is the ultimate pleb filter


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