eh. went to shit after the boot camp arc.
Eh. went to shit after the boot camp arc
eh movie has aged poorly, the whole racist misogynist muh military broke me shit makes the movie look dated and less believable. 4/10
le pleb has been le filtered
OP is a fag who doesn't even have the goddamn courtesy to give a man the reach around
gomer pyle is animal mother
The bootcamp was definitely the better of the two halves but the nam scenes are still kino, especially pre-sniper
>aged poorly
do they teach zoomers to be stupid in the same way in school these days? why do they all say this?
>Boot camp arc = reddit pleb numales
>Vietnam arc = Patricians Chad kinosseurs
The boot camp arc is meaningless without the Vietnam arc, and vice versa
Could have used some male nudity
The movie is known for the boot camp part and that’s about it. Matthew Modine sucks and was a terrible choice for carrying this movie. Hamburger Hill and Platoon are better.
>Matthew Modine sucks
Get this hothead outta here!
Chatlie don't surf.
why were boomers taught to be the corniest most tasteless fuckers to ever exist? Was it the consumerist media? The cold war fearmongering?
idiots like you are just another symptom of our late stage capitalist dystopia.
go back to sucking off daddy trump poltard
amazingly you said nothing in that post
Dude Nam had some of the best fucking dialog of the whole goddamn movie.
You'd better flush out your head, new guy. This isn't about freedom; this is a slaughter. If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang
This is now the contrarian opinion and therefore correct.
the movie is about war changing men. gomer pyle is transformed in boot camp (symbolized by the dream sequence of him killing his former self and the drill sergeant; animal mother is what gomer pyle became). it took joker killing the female child to make this same transformation. the "two halves" only appear as such to those who dont care to follow the point of the movie, or more commonly for those who only watch the first half because they think the insults are funny then dont bother with the second half
I used to think like you, but then a simple truth hit me: the boot camp was training the soldiers for an entirely different kind of a war, thus it made the second half even better than the first half.
>Animal Mother is what Gomer Pyle became
Never really thought of it that way. Nice observation. I love this movie and will be watching it again tomorrow.