Shouldn't millionaire celebrities be ashamed of their constant promotion of bullshit energy drinks and monthly shaving products when their fans know full well how extremely and unnecessarily wealthy they already are?
Shouldn't millionaire celebrities be ashamed of their constant promotion of bullshit energy drinks and monthly shaving...
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He's Jewish, that should answer your question.
Lmao asking a jew not to take easy money
>be ashamed
that's not how to get ahead in this life user
there's lots of others.
Like pewdiepie, joe rogan, etc
all jewish
What a surprised an unmotivated lazy nigger is upset other people are hustling to make money for themselves and family
shabbos goy
pewds is from Sweden and has blue eyes.
He's probably whiter than you fucks
he's also a manlet, which cancels it all out
"Family" is a bullshit excuse.
You're making it sound like they're trying to put food on the table when they're actually living like monarchs. They shill cheap infomercial garbage products because of GREED.
just stop being poor dude. not that hard
You seem to feel like you're an embarrassed millionaire yourself. Shilling crap is distasteful and morals should take precedent over maximizing profits when one is already better off than 99 percent of the world. They live in castles, user.
>should someone be ashamed of trying to make money
no. no one is forcing anyone to buy his shit, or watch his videos
agreed also slavery should be legal
Yeah but now his kids and his grandkids can also live as monarchs
Understand already that there's no such thing as an independent celebrity. Their souls, minds and bodies belong to their evil corporate overlords. Their money and wealth is not truly theirs.
There's a reason why they're rich and you're not
You don't amass enough wealth to make sure your entire family including your future grandchildren don't need to worry about anything ever again by hanging back and thinking "nah you know what i have enough money i dont need to spend 5 minutes of my time to make several millions more, im good!". If you were in their position, you would do the exact same, don't give me that fucking bullshit. You can sit there and say you wouldn't all you want, but your words mean nothing, because you'll never be in that position.
Good for them, they're lucky enough to be in that position, fuck it just roll with it and build up that war chest before you croak.
post your bank acc, TEM
I didn't say I was rich, I'm a poorfag, I'm extremely lazy. I took the first job I was offered out of uni and haven't bothered looking for anything else
Jack Black is a middle class by hollywood standards. Meaning he's rich but he still has to go to work to stay rich and maintain his lifestyle.
Jack black has never done a single funny thing In his life.
>he thinks the jews are a race
He looks like karl marx with that beard plus the jewish lineage is the icing on the cake.
Heeeeealth tiiiiiiiiiiiiiip: OP is a loser.
You wouldn't be saying that if you were the one doing the promoting
>dude making money bad
Whatever Jack Black is forever based
I don't get it, why does Bill Burr have a patreon?
He's well enough off from his stand up and podcast ads.
How do those boots taste, you servile piece of shit?
They deployed this piece of shit to take a stab at Pewdiepie's spot, but he didn't catch on, even with the millions of fake subs
Jack Black is best as the rock roadie nerd with a shitty band dreaming of making it big in japan.
School of Rock is literally everything he should embody. But then Trump happened and he got older and everything went haywire right into the SJWs arms of cringe.
ITT: poorfag cope
Sad. Get off McDonald's wifi and go back to your trailer.
You can lose it all so fast.
Not enough memes for you?
Whats with the idiotic beard.