/f13/ general

For those of us still up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm here.


I'm watching Part III, since it canonically takes place on Saturday the 14th. Makes for a convenient excuse to keep the marathon up.

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best grill

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>4 above 123


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I see 4 and 6 normally at the top. Is the remake really decent enough to watch??

The remake is F13 with 2009 aesthetics. It's fine.


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This. It has that 00/10s vibe to it but it hits everything it needs to, has the best tits, the best douchebag, and a handful of novel elements. It's upper mid tier.

Watching Part 7 the New Blood. It's duller than I remembered.

It barely changes anything from the old movies, and what it does change, it changes for the better. Jason is smarter, runs like a football player and looks his scariest. Include decent practical effects and inconspicuous CGI and it's one of the best horror remakes. Derek Mears is also one of the best Jason actors, and the whole movie feels like it could've fit right in with the original series.
Only thing it's missing is a better soundtrack. None of the music is really memorable.

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The remake is a lot better then most of the other films in the series.

Agreed. It's in my top 3.

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It's better than half the series honestly.

But because half the series isn't that great to begin with.

They should do a Jason movie called "Saturday the 14th" since the original writer is an asshole.

The stupendous tits blow everyone else out of the water, but Whitney is an underrated hottie.

was really pleasantly surprised at how good it was. its not sensational by any means, but if it had the benefit of being made in the early 80s to garner that nostalgia, it would probably be rated at the top of lists here often

That really isn't saying much.


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It's not really difficult to make a F13 movie that surpasses most of the older ones since they've aged like milk.

it's only 10pm in the real america.

Which one would you most like to see uncut? For me, it's either part 2 or VII.

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>the lawsuit killed the game before they could put Jason X stuff in.
the robot lady was going to be that map's Tommy Jarvis

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>the mouse let this shirt appear on this character in this movie

it was a different time

VII suffered the most from the MPAA cuts. The most blue-balled horror movie ever made.

>you will never see the asshole psychologist's full death scene with the branch saw

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VII by far. Cuts fucking ruined that movie. At least the final fight is good, and Kane Hodder is a real trooper for the amount of abuse he went through.

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Better times.

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His uncut death is actually available as a special feature on the bluray in VHS quality.

youtube had the friday remake uploaded by someone for free
at least i got to see one friday movie

well i'm watching Part 5 right now on the stream and all the kills are total shit and show nothing so i'll go with that one

>real america
weimar amerika
it's still dark out there and working streetlights require an adequate tax base, so don't accidentally step on a now legal to spread! hiv contaminated hypodermic, user
>t. flyover in a 95% caucasian burg


>It's not Friday the 13th anymore

Now I'm sad.

KM or the 21st century girl? If the latter, she wasn't a robot, or even a cyborg for that matter.

3 is on a Friday 13th.
4 is the Saturday after it.

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It's not over until the sun rises. Do you think Jason just randomly stopped killing people at the stroke of midnight?

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>tfw no cryogenically frozen gf from 400 years ago

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Why haven't they made anymore movies after the '09 remake?

No it isn't. Part II is on Friday the 13th. Part III takes place the day after, making it Saturday the 14th. Part IV takes place the day after that, making it Sunday the 15th.

Jason keeps to a very strict schedule.

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Lawsuits. Google it.

the remake is a pretty solid one. retells 1/2/3 pretty well. Jason looks good. 6'4 Padelecki looks small and weak compared to him.
The water skier kill is one of the best in the series.
It really gets the creepy woods vibe right.
And it has one of the best complete richboy asshole chads in all of the series that you really want to see get dead.

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I've always had a thing for the girl in Jason X.

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Why is Jason holding Chucky, he should hate him for having sex

Why are the F13 movies so comfy bros?

>feels bad man

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thanks user that was pretty good

What's everyone's favorite song based on Friday the 13th? Because there's a surprisingly high amount of them.

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fuck me youre right. i knew 4 was directly after 3 but i spaced that its right after 2 also.
my mistake

The world would be a better place without slimeball lawyers.

Which stream

simple straight forward movies based on old spooky camp fire tales told to spook campers... with plenty of gore and tits

How come Jason was never invited back on any talk shows?

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Chucky married a girl and had Nica with her, he wasn't exactly sleeping around. Yeah he had some issues, but he at least did buy flowers for his wife. So he's not exactly in the same category as "dipshit teenager doing drugs or fucking like a horny rabbit".


Song playing when new wave girl dies in part 8, something something in his eyes. Real catchy though

fantastic top 3. Also, based on the cuts in the masks, is Jason X supposed to take place before JGTH?

attractive people at summer camp experiencing horror that we as viewers get to experience from a safe distance
we get a glimpse into what its like to be cool and social in a fun setting, but before we have time to feel bad about not being there, they get killed

Was he a dead fuck?

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because Jason is fucking cool

innawoods horror, tied up in lawsuits. Evil Dead's a particularly litigious property. Dumbfuck millennial directors think people just want jumpscares.

Chucky also smoked weed


Chucky was a voodoo practitioner i.e. technically a black guy, not Jason's cup o'tea

He made the same mistake Michael made. He thought it was just a doll, but it's never just a doll.

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Nobody at my job ever mentioned the Friday movies or Jason, only that it was National some food item or the other Day

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It's in Part V, not VIII.

>Chucky was a voodoo practitioner
It wasn't a hobby or anything, he only made the African shaman teach him the soul transfer ritual so that he could use it in case someone ever tried killing him.

I just wanna go home
Stayin up till the early hours of dawn to watch slasher movies that my mom wouldn't let me watch.
I was pumped when I finally got to watch part III cause I had been wondering when Jason would finally get the mask. Was awesome

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one drop, user. one drop.

I don't know what you guys are talking about. Chucky is a killer robot voiced by Luke Skywalker.

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No one cared who he was before he put on the mask.

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>couldn't beat bride or the original at the box office

>only that it was National some food item or the other Day
The people at your job sound like a bunch of uncomfy soulless faggots. .

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I watched Part III tonight. Chris is just so damn cute.

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I watched 1-4, the remake, and jumped to X. The back half of the series is retarded but more fun at 2 AM.

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she is

>change the mask design
>have them keep the battle damage from the previous ones

Nope. Without the mask the series would not have gotten as big as it did. It just looks sweet.
And the claw marks on the FVJ mask are a nice touch

Part 3 had the best theme. Fight me.

Those tits were more than just fine, user.

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>since they've aged like milk.
They have the fair share of epic moments.

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Yes. Its the best of the slasher reboots from the 00s. Jason is huge and fast, you get sack Jason and Hockey Jason, and plenty of titties and nice kills.

I bought a mask and machete combo from a Spirit Halloween and wore the mask to work. You gotta bring the joys of the day to the people next time, user.

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Someone on /x/ posted a gif of this picture with a skinwalker that pops out. I wish i saved it

the reason people hate the remake is because it lacks the iconic music of the original.
if the remake had the typical score, people would love it

Most seem to like it and, it made a profit. I think Newline and paramount just couldn't get eachother to agree to a sequel

Does anyone here still play the Friday the 13th game? I play against offline bots and challenge mode sometimes. It's a shame we couldn't get a Pamela Voorhees or Uber Jason DLC.

>play against offline bots
I get depressed just from reading that sentence.

Ive been thinkin about buying it. Is it dead?

IIRC it was already dead at launch because everyone was playing Dead by Daylight.

wait for a sale

I've been playing it for most of the day, and I never got paired with the same group and it was a blast. So year, it's not dead.


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there's a singleplayer challenge mode if you can't find a server, kind of like the hitman games

Its only 6 bucks on g2a, you dont really need to wait for a sale

The one that got butchered the worst by the MPAA. Friday the 13th Part VII. I'd also like to see this chicks original death scene before they forced them to reshoot it so she gets stabbed in the stomach instead of the pussy.

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Am I getting senile? I clearly remember the opposite happening.

Dead By Daylight had more players, mostly because it had been out a lot longer and was cheaper. But universally it's agreed that F13 is the better game with a better playerbase.

I actually like single-player more because it feels more like a Friday the 13th movie where you're detected, whereas in multiplayer you're detected immediately when the game started which I always hated.

>whereas in multiplayer you're detected immediately when the game started which I always hated.

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Just finished watching Part III.
Anyone wanna do a few private matches in the video game?

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for like a week, DBD was cheaper, out longer, and had a bigger playerbase (lotta chinese). more esports-y while F13 felt more a F13 movie sim.

server issues plagued it at launch. a pity because they did unfuck themselves pretty quickly. they added some movie characters before Victor Miller's lawsuit killed the game outside of server maintenance and patches.

The ranking system as the only way to play DbD fucking ruins the game. You get to a point where every game is a stomp. They need an unranked matchmaking asap.
>inb4 git gud

No, but I'm playing the puzzle game.
I feel so retarded when I can't get some of the puzzles.

Reporting in. Suggestions for what to start with? On the west coast and knee deep in good pumpkin beer

I think that's the biggest difference; every person in DbD plays the game like it's an MLG Pro match trying to win as hard as possible. While F13 is entirely casual, so people are willing to have fun and roleplay a little, and don't mind if they get BTFO.

Start with 1, go straight through.

Right from the beginning. 1-4 are all worth watching. From there, it varies.

I walked around Philly in a Jason mask while I dicked around waiting for my dealer

1-4, 7, 9 (I liked it) and Freddy vs Jason.

Best girl, fuck the other sluts

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Never played the game but it was kinda fun watching Make and Jay playing it on pre rec.

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Anyone know some other actually scary moments from the series? like Jason chasing the guy in the woods in Part VI. not just cheap slasher horror

This is actually a good suggestion. Just watch 1 to 4.

I think he's referring to when the online multiplayer session starts when Jason comes out in the open when the campers are sitting around the fire, and the goal is to kill everyone before they escape. Literally never happened in a F13 movie.

Do the Tommy Jarvis trilogy. 4, 5 and 6. That way, you end on a high note.

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Good suggestion.

Whats so special about her? Did you enjoy her little robot dance that much?

I feel like dead by daylight just lacks content. Ive seen videos of F13. Theres guns, cars, etc.
Meanwhile, DBD is just
>find generators
>turn them on
>hit the switch
I mean, I enjoy it, but some of the maps suck and the more generic ones get chosen constantly. I did get to do a match in the hospital the other night though. Slaughtered everyone with mikey

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Nothing really bad happened to me today guys, and I was around heavy equipment, drove cars several miles in heavy traffic, etc. I didn't even poop blood, though I might tomorrow. Yay!

I'm not studied in Jason but I watched the original on yt for a giggle a few months back, and just afterwards I was at the parent's house and dad and I stayed up late watching "Final Exam", a terrible slasher which came out just afterwards, and due to my fresh watch of the original, I realized that it was almost a direct, scene-by-scene rip in several parts. Anyone ever watch Final Exam?

Three is boring and four is snooze worthy.

This is true. F13 has many different win conditions, so the first half of the game is just figuring out which win conditions are even viable, then you have to try to pull them off.

I'm 5 for 11 as Counselor today, pretty solid day. Even made a fucking boat escape, which almost never happens.

1-4 are essential so you might as well just keep watching them in order after that

>Anyone ever watch Final Exam?
I think I saw part of it and turned it off cause of how bad it was. Seems like some nerdy dude was carrying a chemical thing that was steaming

Nah. Especially if it's your first time, starting at the beginning is better.


Requires YouTube sign in.

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>The most blue-balled horror movie ever ma
Some bitch trashed all the original cut scenes. All we have left now are shit quality vhs work prints.

Based. Thanks.

I wish Halloween and Michael Myers would get its own solo game. If there was any perfect time, it would be now since they're in the midst of a Halloween revival.

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I just fucking hate that DBD is about hanging people on meathooks instead of killing them. You're playing as Michael Myers and Kruger and you don't kill people. I could see Leatherface needing to hang people on a hook, same with Pigface. But eveyrone else is a generic slasher-expat and fucking none of them kill anyone.

Id be cool with that. I still haven't gotten to use Michael in the map that is made for him. Getting sick of the random map bs. At least CS:GO lets you pick a map. Youd think voting on a map would add suspense if its anonymous.
>Which did the killer vote for

Yea, I get its a game mechanic, so that someone can rescue you, but itd be nice if you could just kill them

I like her look. Its unique instead of some blonde bimbo.

Not him, but she's like a prototypical 80's arthoe/scene/goth girl so obviously Yea Forums's gonna have a boner for her.
I still like Tina the best though.

This. Dead By Daylight was so close to being good, and they fucked it with fucking hooks.

Haddonfield is one of the worst maps in the game. You want to really enjoy Myers? Try to use an offering to get sent to the Doctor's map, or even the SAW map, and use the scratched mirror + boyfriend's memo combo. Only time DbD feels like a horror game.

Dad and I were yukking it up, riffing on it, but dad especially mentioned to mom just how awful it was the next morning. Me, I paid a bit more attention. Yes, it was awful (and so is the original Friday the 13th, which is the point), but I was taken with the comparision.

One innovation was the dumbwaiter for dirty dishes and other stuff, I don't remember exactly but I think this played a cartoon-role in the proceedings.

Dead by Daylight might've had more refined gameplay, but the F13 had soul, and was more accurate to it's respective franchise.
I'm pretty sure they could've refined the game even more if it wasn't for that garbage lawsuit.

Haddonfield is okay, but I like playing as Michael in the Rotten cornfields map the most which could easily be the outskirts of Haddonfield. There's just something so kino and comfy about Myers and cornfields.

>fan film

They lacked the competence. Every update just made the game more buggy and they were dropping entire game modes because they couldn't figure out what to do with. It needed a better dev team, passion isn't enough.

Other major upcoming fan films.

> Jason Rising

> Voorhees

We also apparently will be getting a sequel to Never Hike Alone.
FULL - youtube.com/watch?v=7K_wkQSM8xM

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That's literally his worst map. It's impossible to win if the survivors have any idea what they are doing.

Oh man this is pretty bad. But P7 Jason is being represented so I'm onboard.
Unfortunately yeah, Paranoia sounded like a mix of 5 and 9.

Guess you're right. It's a shame because as a concept it's really solid. Still had fun with it though, sometimes due to the glitchy nature.

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F13 was clearly made by people who were into the genre and the series. DBD is made by people with zero passion who just want to cash in a paycheck.

>I just fucking hate that DBD is about hanging people on meathooks instead of killing them
Same. I refused to play the game when I saw that you fucking stab people and then hang their bleeding bodies on hooks just for them to get out like nothing happened.

>There's just something so kino and comfy about Myers and cornfields.
Yes. Its why IV is one of my favorites. The opening is great.
The farm (cant think of its name) isn't bad. But I get sick of the auto wreckers place, keep getting that one

Never Hike Alone was really good as far as fan films go, and a decent length too.
Hyped for the sequel.

>The opening is great
It really is. Shame the rest of the film isn't nearly as great.

I want totenderly make love to pre-zombie Jason!

>Jason keeps to a very strict schedule.
But Chad, and Stacy are still having sex. Jasons work isn't finished yet.

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I'm probably in the minority here but I'd prefer every license to have it's own game, like it happened with F13.
There's a lot of potential stipulations/mechanics depending on the movie, so a F13 game will be vastly different than a NoES one.
If you're gonna feature everyone under the sun, might as well just make a high budget Terrordrome.

Such art. Actually felt like the rural midwest than any Halloween movie before or after it.

Oh god I forgot about her too. Chris is cute but she's fucking gorgeous. Whatever her name is.

Some fag owns the rights to Jason while some other fag owns the rights to the title "Friday The 13th''. Just call the next movie Jason returns .

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> Shame the rest of the film isn't nearly as great.
Yes it is. H4 is basically flawless besides the weakest mask of the series.

It has all of pic related in its pros section.

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Its opening reminds me of falls from when I was younger back home. So does the posse formation at the end.
I think youre undercutting it a bit though. It was pretty good movie. Mask was bad but, the rest of it really felt like Halloween, like the season itself. Was comfy

Monica Keena is a cute. Check out Snow White: A Tale of Terror. I thought it was decent.
Wish they made more fairytale inspired horror movies.

>Just call the next movie Jason returns .
Dude who did VI wrote a script called: Jason Never Dies
he said it could stand on its own without needing to refer to the other movies so, if they make just a Jason movie, it may very well get made

Jesus this is bad. Still watching though.

Anons I really want to like VII. Its design for Jason is cool with the exposed skeleton, and hes angry AF and does some great kills (would've been even better but censored bs)
But, the characters aside from main gril suck, and I think the mind powers are gay. I know its supposed to be Jason vs Carrie but, I just don't think it works
Its such a let down after VI, and it feels like they wasted the Jason design they made

>Requires YouTube sign in.
I didn't sign in.

Gonna watch it tomorrow, What's so bad about it? The acting?
I saw in the comments someone said Jason is absolutely relentless in it.

For the same reason Are You Afraid of the Dark was. Isolated group of friends chilling together in the middle of the woods at night, and having a good time. It sets the mood for spooky things to come, and play.

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>H4 is basically flawless
You must have abysmally low standards.

I finally got around to watching it and Jason doesn't even show up except for 3 seconds at the end, no hockey mask or machete. WTF?

It's my personal favourite for a post-6 Zombie Jason. The chain looks great and the exposed skeleton is great.
It's just bad. Jason looks good but hte actor playing him is way too small and unimposing. Kills are mostly cutaway and derivative, 2 good ones so far though. It feels like 6 in that it introduces characters who are explicitly there to die, like the paintballers. And the comedy is fucking awful.

What are you talkin about, the first one? Yeah, Jason doesn't become the killer till 2, and doesn't get his mask till 3. Series took a little more time to develop its killer than Halloween.
But, it was worth the wait imo

Just keep on watching. Part 1 is like a prequel to Jason's story.

C.J. Graham makes an appearance which is based, but I think Never Hike Alone upped the bar as far as fan productions go.

>The chain looks great and the exposed skeleton is great.
Yeah I think they nailed Jason's look. The rest of the movie is the let down. A shame cause he looks fantastic in it

The guy who played most of sackhead Jason is also in it.

>why yes I do murder teenagers at summer camps, how could you tell?

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No need to worry. Jason fan-film kino sequel is in the works as we speak.

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Is Jason an incel?

wow that pic has some serious FUCKYOUFUCKYOU vibes

Watching Freddy vs Jason now.

Saw Friday the 13th part two before this.

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The only time he may have had sex would have been rape, so yes I think?

have an improved wojak

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Fuck yeah. I hope Jason kills more people in it. NHA was good, but not that much killing.

Jason has no sex drive so no he’s not incel. I don’t even think he knows what sex is.

not a great title imo

volcel, he could rape anyone if he wanted

Freddy's the only one out of the big four to have a child.

He's literally a retarded child stuck in the body of an indestructible zombie, there's nothing to be 'celibate' about.

Imagine giving birth to that. JUST.

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>went for a drive late at night blasting tunes including alice cooper's man behind the mask
it was pretty kino

been watching these with my ld gf via cytube, she's never seen them before, and she's been shockingly receptive, especially since she wasn't into horror movies before we started seeing each other; we're about to start Part III soon

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>tfw no jason to randomly flip your car over
could've been more more kino desu

So why was it hated so much upon its release?

gib milkks

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Mother of the year every year.

forgot pix

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How does one achieve this level of natty?

Nigga looks like Zorro the Autistic Blade

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>come back from the grave with the strength of 1000 retards

Who's that? Jennifer Jason Leigh's stand-in? Kek

Just watched it. Pretty good indeed.


But Jason has literally died multiple times...

remake has some actually scary shit to it at least a little. Jason is so fast and unpredictable.

Swimming in a boggy lake at night. Literally nobody does this.


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To be fair she was a very fuckable doll.

You know why.

Puts Corey Taylor's neck to shame.

forgot pix again, got too drunk with the last movie

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Remake is probably your only bet. Everything else is either a jumpscare or so heavily built-up that the payoff is only comedic.

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Hodder said Arsenio was genuinely creeped out even after they filmed the segment.

fucking KEK

>oh Jason I didn't know you were into shibari you kinky bastard

yeah Jason is legitimately frightening at times in the 2009 film. Derek Mears did a very good job and he was well directed

Just saw Part 3 again earlier. I forgot how atrocious the acting is in it. Especially that stoner chick screaming and walking up then down the stairs really slowly.

Then the cabin door blows open like the worst horror trope ever and she barely flinches and walks right into Jason's red hot poker. I was fucking dying.

She was a qt tho. Too bad she didn't get naked.

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The Jason that never was. He would've been the largest one too.

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>I just wanna go home

>Leaving home in the first place.
That was your first mistake, user. You could still be staying up late until the early hours of dawn watching a Friday the 13th marathon right now.

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That's why it's satisfying to watch these people die

I love this series so much, bros. This isn’t the end right? We’ll get back eventually, like Jason always does...right?

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No successful franchise is ever truly dead. I just hope it doesn't get bought by disney and made PG.

nu-Chucky had legit autism. I felt sorry for the little guy.

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I think John Carpenter said it best 'Evil can never die, you can't kill it'. Jason is just on a hiatus at the moment, but I have faith we'll see him again on the big screen eventually.

dude was a monster in the late 90s he would have been incredible

3 more years until it'll be 13 years since a Friday the 13th film.

I loved the kills in this remake, and the backstory was interesting, but I can't get over how laughable this design of Chucky was. I'm so used to the stiched Chucky at this point, or the one from the original Child's Play films.

Which is a hard concept to grasp since I saw the 2009 remake in theaters when I was 18. Seemed like yesterday to me.

is Jason a n-

lmao I know! where is he??

You're telling me..
The retards in front of me took their kids into the movie and yeah the kids were traumatized. Good movie, though, nice cinematography and it was a fun watch. Jason was energetic in that one, and I'm ok with that.

the first two are kino as fuck: feminist icon Betsy Palmer is Mother of the Year then Farmer Boi Jason is Son of the Year.
Jason is a good boy who dindu nuffin of course your gf gets it.
don't be too surprised of the over the top campy later sequels puts her off though.


where's the retard COOM?


Come on, guys. 9 is by far the worst one.

worst one is 5. no Jason = fuck you! plus the movie just sucks

How could two different people be so damn wrong?

Psssh you've never seen VIII, I see. And V is a great movie, if you can get past the blue Voorhees balls.

I think the youngest that were probably 11 and 12-year-olds, but you could tell they and their parents were dedicated fans. I went with my girlfriend at the time, and yes it was awesome to see Jason finally back to his 'humanized' self from the first four movies again which the remake was basically a callback to.

I've seen them ALL!!

uhhh racist and sexist much??

5 has the garden shear and tree kills though.

this road is mine! it was made for me!

what music would you blast driving down it?

Yeah, if I did that I'd get asked to please go home for the rest of the day, and if I tried to explain that it's just in good fun or a joke I'd get asked to stop talking and leave before they have someone escort me out.

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You will NEVER, EVER undo Jason's overalls, pull out his retardedly huge penis (gently) then impale yourself on it while he grunts and makes incomprehensible sounds

So I'm playing F13 online if anyone else wants to. I'm Fizzlepop Berrytwist, feel free to add me.

>it was awesome to see Jason finally back to his 'humanized' self
Yeah, as much as I love part VI, I appreciate Jason more when he can get hurt, such as he is.


Based Jason not only thot patrolling, but putting the clothes back on them after they've been patrolled.

remind me of the character Francis Dolarhyde. after he kills Charles Leeds he puts some shorts on his body just so police won't think he was interested sexually in a man.

She had her clothes back on before she got killed off actually.

Welp it was fun bros this was a genuine thread hopefully we get another one of this magnitude in December

love that midriff.

>in December
Are we getting another Friday the 13th in December?

Yep December’s gonna be a very comfy Friday the 13th


I'll be here. It really helped that there were a few threads earlier in the week promoting the date, and letting us know that it was coming. Sometimes the date comes and goes and Yea Forums is as quiet as a mouse about it.

The Yea Forums Friday the 13th fanbase are usually cool with the exception of a few retards, and even on regular days, F13 are usually among the best and more entertaining here.

jason is the avenging disco godfather

Monica Keena
I had a huge crush on her as a teenager, but she's since bogged herself

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they can't use the name Jason, Jason's backstory, the names Camp Crystal Lake, Pamela Voorhees, Friday the 13th, or anything from the first movie
all they have is the way Jason looks, since that came afterwards

Jasonlet here, where is that design from? Looks pretty dope.

thats fine
just call it dawn of the mask or something. the hokey mask murders or something. easy

original design for the game

Thanks mate

>Monica Keena

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I thought Paramount owned the rights to 'Friday the 13th' and Cunningham owned 'Jason' and Pamela Voorhees hence they were able to use them in later Jason movies when New Line aquired the rights. How did Victor Miller who was a writer that Sean hired even get mixed up in this to begin with?

Who's the other more rotten corpse? Alice?

Personally, I'm fine with just 1-4, Freddy vs Jason, and the remake.

She turned into Tara Strong.

He came out of the woodwork and basically said "I'm owed royalties, they're my characters, I wrote them in the first movie" after so many years not having a damn thing to do with the franchise. Miller is greedy and only cares about money.

That was cool when we got one in October. Won't get another one of those until 2023.

They can use the name "Jason" all they want. Victor doesn't own the name 'Jason'. They just can't use "Jason Voorhees".

They should just call the films "F13" and the character simply as "Jason" and not make references to Pamela or any character from the first film. Problem solved. They can use the hockey mask as much as they want since Victor did not create that.

is jason an incel


8 ain’t that bad. Has a lot of good kills.

over the past three days, made it through the first four movies with my ld gf, as mentioned somewhere above
she's been loving them, and I hadn't seen them in about five years, and also loved them all; what a great fucking franchise; grows and changes bit by bit enough across the installments enough to stay interesting, but stays samey enough to also be super comfy
my favorite franchise by a mile; I love NOES, but couldn't tell you the difference between 4 and 5 by memory, where every F13 is very distinct in my mind

jason x is the true thinking man's slasher

I think she's going to like X a lot, honestly, lol
but we've still got 5 more movies til we get that far
Part 3 is my favorite, and my favorite slasher all-time, for that matter

Watching Part IV now. Not sure how I'd rank them, but I think VI is the best for a drunken group setting, IV is the best sequel, Jason Takes Manhattan is the biggest waste of a fun as fuck opportunity ever, and that Freddy vs. Jason is way more fun than it has any right to be

Would also like to see VII completely uncut

It's implied in part III that Jason raped a girl, so no. Jason scored!

he tried to, I don't think he pulled it off
even though we can't know, she just blacked out before anything happened
but if she wasn't a virgin, SHE'D sure no it or not, and it's hard to tell if she still is, or if she's hiding that she's not out of some kind of trauma
it's complicated, I'm not sure if she was sleeping with Rick or not yet, though it seems like she was (the summer before)

The remake was a fucking abomination, literally on par with TFA in how soullessly it tries to pander to the nostalgia crowd. The fact that you think it's anything but complete and utter fucking dogshit shows how much of an NPC you are and how you're no fucking better than the numales who gobble up capeshit

Get a life


Hm hmm... Jason’s a damn bitch. Jason’s a god damn motherfuckin', goddamn motherfuckin' half a ass son of a goddamn bitch. Sick of yo' god damn ass, tellin' me some god damn lies, see what goddamn. Get the fuck out of my goddamn face, get yo' goddamn ass home, I'll stick yo' goddamn ass like glue. Hick ass son of a bitch, tractor trailer son of a bitch. Take yo' ass home! Take yo' ass home! Krispy Kreme donut bastard. Hockey head ass bastard. Bring yo ass here, this stick right here will whoop yo' ass. Beat yo' goddamn ass till you can't sit down. Beat yo goddamn ass. I'll Teach you a goddamn lesson, Jason, teach old swamp ass son of a bitch. Always got to take it out on goddamn me. I'm sick of all this goddamn motherfuckin' shit, always tellin' yo' goddamn motherfuckin' lies, yo' tellin some goddamn lies on motherfuckin' me. I'll whopp yo' goddamn motherfuckin' goddamn ass, pervert ass goddamn motherfuckin' bastard. Swamp ass Jason, old son of a goddamn bitch. You haven't goddamn won. You see what I goddamn think, and I'll play that banjo, ha, ha, ha-ha. Godamn!! Hahahahaha. Jesus take it away!! I'll tell you!! I swear to goddamn god, every time he turn around, there's a Jason goin' around, I got something for his goddamn ass, rollin his eyes like a goddamn ass, why he got the goddamn motherfuckin' machete? The kids stuff we bought from goddamn camp. Yes, yes! Little kids ain't gonna stop me. Jason, don't you fuckin' stop me! Don't fucking stop me. I swear to goddamn god! I'll bust you ass and nuts, you nutty ass bitch, nutty ass slasher bastard, you a nutty as hockey face ass bastard, I'll whoop yo ass till you can't sit down, I'll whoop yo' goddamn ass, I ain't playing. This isn't crystal lake no more. This is church street, Sick of yo' goddamn childish shit anyway, always tying to blame it on other people, and everyone always gettin' mad, talking about, huh, goddamn Pokemon or a woman!


Only trannies like the remake, though


When the new schlock is boring unwatchable garbage, yes

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>giving (You)s to this attention whore

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Kane definitely could have pulled it off. The See No Evil movies aren't amazing, but they were perfectly watchable slasher flicks.

It really is. The only good things the movie did was introduce Evil Dead and Nightmare on Elm Street into the mix.


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One decent kill doesn't redeem the snorefest that was that movie.

6 > 4 = 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 7 > 8 > X > Remake > JGTH

5 has damn near the best gore and nudity in the series. I really don't care that much that Jason isn't the killer.

I really hate how they set up several good plots that never came to fruition
>III: the girl who survived was apparently raped by Jason and is pregnant, possibly with Jason's baby. This never leads anywhere
>IV: at the end Tommy is deranged and violently stabs Jason repeatedly. Closing scene is Tommy acting like Jason, having shaved his head and used makeup to look like him as a kid. This never leads anywhere and instead Tommy is the hero in the sequels
It felt like they were trying to set up the franchise to have a new killer after Jason's dead, instead they just kept bringing Jason back and giving him more supernatural powers as the series goes on. By the ninth film he's a fucking immortal demon who can possess the bodies of his victims and can only be killed with a special dagger.

I don't know how fucking much you have to not like Friday the 13th as a franchise in the first place to not like part 4; if you don't like THAT one, you don't like any of them

My predictions where this franchise is going
>Part XI: Jason Is Still Alive
>Part XII: He Really Dies In This One
>Part XIII: The Final Friday the 13th: This Time It's Gonna Be Over, We Swear!
>Part XIV: We're Really Milking This IP
>Part XV: Jason Gets Sick Of This Shit And Goes Ham On Hollywood Executives

Oh, so that's where Lady Gaga stole that look from.

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9 is fine. They just tried to do something different and it didn’t quite work.

Agree. 4 took everything from the first 3 and amped it up. It also had some great kills like the hacksaw head twist, speargun in the nuts and the banana. It was literally the peak if the series.

Nah that chick who was pregnant got knifed in the throat.

hope everyone had a comfy time and got to see their favorites on such a rare night

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Probably not, but unless a clock or dialogue revealed otherwise, it's possible he did all his killings early in a night. Same goes for Michael Myers in Halloween.