I dont get it

i dont get it
so she's tall and she's also a girl
who cares

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They don't make shows about fucking manlets, why would this be remotely interesting to anyone other than shallow cunts?

bird looking bitch

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>you guys, she didn't choose to be tall
>lol, look at this fucking manlet, haha

Because they have problems worthy of attention. Then again SJW's are just stupid and will watch any victim from whatever social convention being represented.

Tall girls should kill themselves

imagine actually having a tall gf

And Jewish! Don't forget that she is JEWISH

Tall people consume too much resources and cause global warming. They should not mate and reproduce.

There is 0 benefit of being tall in modern era. We do not need to reach fruits growing on trees. Well, we do, but short Mexicans can do that just as well.

I'm 4ft 3 and I constantly fantasize about a tall, 6ft 9 amazonian woman placing me in a tote and taking me along for the day. Please don't judge.

Literally no one has even been bullied for being a girl or too tall. I’m a 5’10 gamer coomer zoomer, where’s my movie?

Fucking tallets need to check their height privilege

That's so sad. She's tall?

Girls who are 6'0+ get teased a lot, especially by other girls

>girls are vicious harpies towards other girls
wow, what's new

Lanklet women were made for manlet men

i had a tall fwb with asymmetrical nips, it was great

>I'm 4ft 3
Ben Shapiro posts here?

They don't like that there are fewer men orbiting around. Of course they won't fuck short guys. But they like them to show interest.

>imagine not wanting a tall girl who's legs are long enough to wrap around your waist 3x over

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I legit think that no one at Netflix has self awareness. These shows feel like parody/satire.

>uhhhh ohhh this guy is.. AUTISTIC!
>how will he navigate high school and romance
>uhhh ohhhhhh this girl is..TALL!
>how will he navigate high school and romance
>uhh ohh she's dating a.. BAD BOY!
>how will he navigate high school and romance
>uhh ohhhhh he's... GAY AND DISABLED!
>how will he navigate high school and romance

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It's very rare that anyone is bullied for a physical trait. The insults make use of that, but the real reason they are being bullied is because of perceived weakness due to poor relationship with their parents. Singles moms can't protect their kid from being bullied.

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I love tall girls. I'm only 5'10 but I always wanted to fuck the shit out of a 6ft2 volleyball player. I just want to dive between her legs and eat her pussy out

Fucken Oath

>a phone number mix up leads to... what??
>how will she navigate high school and romance
>it is another *period* piece.. 80s.. well let us try 90s??
>hey why don't we do a creepy guy who is also HOT movie/show
>ya know You and Secret Obsession

Netflix is trashier than lifetime.

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When will they learn?

>get teased
OH NO! Not like 100% of the human race has been teased about something in their life! WHAT WILL WE DO! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Better make a life affirming high school drama about someone who wore a silly shirt once when someone said it looked silly!


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why high school. Are they making movies just to get contact with young girls.

God I wish that were me.

dude she's so ugly.

Trying to be down with the youth to get the younger crowd yo. Given how women in their twenties act, even though these shows are for teenagers they basically watch this garbage.

pretty subtle trump endorsement, jewflix

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I like this Jewish phenotype, but it doesn’t work with the ponytail. They could make her a lot more attractive by letting her hair down
Then again women are dumb as fuck and don’t know what makes them look good usually or they’re trying to be different

yeah her biggest handicap is being ugly and frankly looking like a trashy whore. they should readjust the premise from being tall and rename it UglyWhore

Women are meant to be small and dainty.

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>tall and attractive
>we're supposed to believe this chick is bullied

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for jew

>tall girls get made fun of
No more than anyone else. You think short girls are picked on?
>it's hard for them to find men!
Only because they rule out anyone shorter than them.
>but guys don't like them!
Depends on the guy. There's not just one type for all guys.
>but but but life is hard for me!
Life is hard for everyone. Get over it.

She 5’10”
Not even tall


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She says she's 6'1 in the movie. That's tall as shit for a girl

Im 6'8". Never met a girl even close to my height

just I-land and Afterlife is one of those netflix computer algorithm shows

this film is a joke on tall women everywhere, most people don't frankly give two halves of a shit about a woman's height, as long as she can fuck you're in the clear

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For a roastie thats tall your thinking in man terms

white girl american life bad

if she gets that nose fixed she will be cute

i'm an inch shorter than this bitch and no one gives a flying fuck except random boomers and distant relatives

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The short skirt scene of this movie is kino




disgusting fridge body

>Tall girls

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Smol grils = cuuute

Tall roasties = manly beast

this is bait right you're not this stupid

recommendations for tall pornstars?

mia melano is 5'10 or 5'11 i believe

goddammit coomer, why do you have to be so based?

is this really what the average swedish high school student looks like?
i thought you guys told me that they were a country full of basedmen and cuckolds

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She's listed at 6'0 but I'm not sure I believe it

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No, it fucking isn't, unless you live in the land of gnomes like the USA.
Unless she is at least 6'3 then miss me with that hardships shit, and even then.

there's one i really like but i can't remember her name because all pornstar names are the fucking same


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>who cares
muh dick

theyre just being nice and telling her its because shes tall. shes just ugly

>token sassy black girl
>main character's best friend
>walks around wearing bright pink braids
>dancing to music through the hallways
>wears a "QUEEN" shirt
wew lads, this is so progressive its almost racist

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if they wanted to capture the black girl of today they fuckin got it on lock

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>16-year-old girl who is 6’1 and is made fun of and insecure about her height.
Dude, what? That's pretty fucking regular height for teenagers now, regardless of gender, at least where I'm from (Serbia).

>They don't make shows about fucking manlets

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If you watched the movie you'd probably think otherwise. The tall girl is shown to be an insecure bitch that pushes all her friends away, and the manlet finds a better woman like halfway through(she's also Asian)

I take the train to school instead of driving because I pass by the athletic center to see the basketball/volleyball players come and go

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You never know, this could be a subversive solidarity piece for short men using this deceptive disguise to make judgemental young women confront their prejudices.
At least it would thoughtful and clever if it were.

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arachnid looking bitch

AHHH YEAH!!!!!!!

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>healthy fertile teenage female

Fantasy genre is really flying off the rails these days, fellas.

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I met E irl once and he's as short as they give him shit for on the show. Plus he surrounds himself with women a head taller than him

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this is rough
you were right, Yea Forums
it aint easy being tall

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SJW's are unironically mad at this though. They are calling out netflix for focusing on a problem that isn't really a big deal when they could be focusing on women of other races and their problems. Really just comes down to the girl being white and portrayed as someone that is being "discriminated" against. It's all fucking insane.


Also this



She needs more meat on them bones

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im a manlet but i have a 7.5 inch cock. i just want to go balls deep in that tall curvy goddess so badly

>watch trailer
>everyone including males are a head shorter than her
>6'1" highschooler
did they purposefully hire short people as extras with some kind of reverse amusement park sign?

it's just the average height of males working for netflix


We live in hell

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she looks like a dude tf

>muh representation
When will this meme die? Literally who gives a shit?

pffff look at that nerd

She's 6'5" and only getting thiccer since her playing days ended

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see? Giants are real.
Bible - 1
Science - 0

Tall girls are the black women of white girls.

everything is about keeping a plentiful supply of young pussy for the elite jew producers

The late 90s and 2000s were a constant stream of the most predictable "high school movies" (I don't know what else to call them) imaginable

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>The late 90s and 2000s were a constant stream of the most predictable "high school movies" (I don't know what else to call them) imaginable
I kind of feel like these movies are worse. Those movies were cliche, sure. These movies? Just as cliche except they have to throw in some representation angle to it.

dumb bitch rejects the manlet that likes her

I’ve dated chicks taller than me, shit is hot. Nothing better than physically dominating a girl taller than you, it’s like climbing a giraffe

reddit is two blocks down. every girlfriend i've had has been taller than me and it's nothing like climbing a giraffe.


it's even better when you're a horse-hung manlet. the tall bitches always get surprised and start moaning when you go balls deep inside of them

tall people die faster

>main character in a show called "tall girl" is shorter than your sister

Is an actor.

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Was joke my fren. So go ahead and put that r*ddit card back in the deck nigger

what will they get for that? THEY'LL GET WHAT THEY FUCKING DESERVE

It’s the only way I can cure my manlet genes.

Most of Netflixes subscribers are teenagers and young adults. Why are you surprised they cater to what thay demographic likes?

I know, she's not even a POC, this shit is unreal. Is she at least transgendered, or otherwise mentally deficient?

I have anecdotal evidence that would suggest you are incorrect.

Fellow manlets, how do I into tall gf?

I am not surprised in the slightest. I just find it funny.

Their flagship originals used to be better than this. And now all they are making is cliche high school crap but adding a shallow "representation" theme to it.

The trailers for these things literally feel like parody. And it is going beyond shitty lifetime channels.

There is an added area of hilarity considering that the streaming wars is hotting up again with services like Disney + are coming especially since Netflix are pouring so much money into this crap.