?daerht skaeP niwT .daerht skaeP niwT

?daerht skaeP niwT .daerht skaeP niwT

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midge btfo

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lets have one. the return was the best thing on tv since sopranos, evangelion, and trailer park boys

Look at this fucking googa bug

Audrey is by far the best girl

She's so much better than everyone it's not funny.

I want to bury my penis inside Tammy's ass

troffe doog

Is he bad or good, he’s supposed to be the corrupted part of MIKE yet helps Dale all the time

Someone answer this.

Twin peaks the return was nothing but a retarded Dale Cooper and a gigantic waste of time.

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I'm about to start, should I skip it? I didn't really enjoy FWWM

I liked the part where Naomi Watts fucked a mentally incapacitated Cooper

you could skip to ep 14 and miss basically nothing

Gersten Haywerd > Aubrey > Annie > Maddy > Luna > Shelly > FWWM Donna > Norma > Nadine > Lucy > Laura > Show Donna

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This. I don't understand why they did this. It's truly frustrating

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>norma that low

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Sorry. Hags just can't compete with girls in their primes.

you take that back

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Show Donna is infinitely better than the movie version. You have shit taste



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that does it, Im taking off my jacket

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did you know that i fucking hate twin peaks


You’re not proving anything by posting her when she’s busted. Show donna at her peak is much hotter than the big nosed one in FWWM


He's a spirit of the black lodge and he had an interest in capturing Bob which is why he decided to help Cooper when he was after Laura's murderer.

Show Donna was always held together by spit and gum. Meanwhile FWWM Donna was cute as a button.

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god i hate donna, bitch looks like shes a 40 year old mother

Of all the shows you could hate, fucking pleb. Kill yourself

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Report in all Lynchians who absolutely loved every moment of Dougie. What was your favorite moments? Personally it may be him being facinated with the statue.

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For me it’s the cherry pie dinner scene, he’s in a perfect state of bliss. The second best moment is when he’s simply staring at sonny jim in the car and has a sad look on his face. It’s like he’s realizing what’s happened to him but can’t escape

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I loved that scene. I think Lynch wanted us to experience following Dougie, having us desperately want Coop back and be at the edge of our seat every time it seems he's about to remember, only to find ourselves loving Dougie just as much at every turn.

The dougie storyline is so much better on rewatches, major pleb filter. With knowledge of what happens next, you no longer have a feeling of "enough, when the fuck is Dale gonna return". Given what happens to him at the end of part 18, him becoming Dougie was a blessing. He got to experience some genuine happiness with a family

Black Lodge spirits feed on suffering, so you could say that he's evil.
However, you can't get anything done in this world without a little bit of suffering, at least anything that's worth doing, so TMFAP (and basically any spirit in Twin Peaks) helping people out could be considered a good thing. It goes both ways.
The kind of shamanism that Lynch is fond of means that most spirits are more like animals, and their demeanour depends on who/what domesticates them.
Slap a nuclear bomb or the Middle America's seedy underbelly into the equation and it's BOB and Judy.

>The dougie storyline is so much better on rewatches
I can't wait, only seen it once.



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What a coincidence, I too wish to bury my penis inside Tammy's ass.


If you didn't like fwwm you'll hate the return. Its the same tone and nonsensical bullshit. Unfortunately the twin peaks everyone loves only existed for 1 season.


I haven't seen season 3 yet and want to do a rewatch but apparently the movie plays a part in 3. Is it worth watching I heard it was pretty bad and nothing like the show.


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Dougie is Dale reduced to his purest, essential parts. The scene where he avoids being poisoned and the guy breaks down into tears is pure Dale Cooper. It is him stripped of all his faults, his human failings. He is an instrument of the supernatural forces that guided him when he threw rocks and shit. Without his waking mind interfering he is in some ways more effective.

>I heard it was pretty bad
Lol, s3 was critically acclaimed, what are you talking about

Nope, the right one is the prettiest

Good take on it user.

It's pretty funny that as son as his consciousness returns he makes essentially the same mistake that got him trapped in the first place only now it seems much worse than before.

>*takes a swig of red label while parked right outside the liquor store*

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