was it good?
Was it good?
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Sure, if you enjoying fucking men.
I loved it.
it was fantastic
Decent until whole pederast part starts
Very comfy, but dont expect something deep or very substantial
Very good
very lovecraftian
for me it's saoirse
Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Darjeeling Limited are much better
Bought this the other day. Haven't watched it yet. Where does it rank on a scale of Life Aquatic(1) to Rushmore(10)?
It was amazing.
Life Aquatic is better than this
I really enjoyed it
its an almost perfect inverse bell curve movie, middlebrows absolutely hate it
Fuck. I was looking forward to watching it.
Yes. But I thought the atmosphere was depressing and borerline-creepy
a little kafkaesque too
Don't forget the nihilism
Wes Anderson can do no wrong
I'd watch this
Anderson is great assembling a cast and set design but that’s about it. I seldom laugh at his quirky humor. I laughed harder at the ending of Kubricks The Killing than I ever have watching a Wes picture
needing to laugh at movies is a borderline coomer mentality
>being this jealous of /fa/
Look, its no Darjeeling Limited but it was good.
Why did I think it sucked? No narrative momentum, soundtrack takes you out of the film, father son conflict is better formed in every other Wes film.
It seems laughter would be essential when you’re making a comedy.
>was it good?
Yes. It was good. Good light-hearted fare. I liked when they said "fuck" and "queer" a few times too, caught me off guard given the nature of the flick.
Overall it is meme casting at its finest, and the story didn't really go anywhere but it was fun.
Yes, very.
It's fucking fantastic. Really should have won every award on earth that year.
>middlebrows absolutely hate it
so retards love it?
No, and I haven’t even watched it. Wes Anderson movies are for attention seeking faggots.
>Anderson is great assembling a cast and set design but that’s about it
he hasn't written a good script since Tenenbaums
precisely correct user
coomer mentality. not being able to enjoy something without some physical release to *tell* you that you’re enjoying it. unfortunate
the sign of a truly amazing movie is that normies and patricians love it while pseuds hate it
Couldn’t be any further from the truth.
Wes Andersen sucks
no, the sign of a TRULY amazing movie is when absolute retards and patricians love it, while normies and middlebrows dislike it
Wes Andersen’s “humour” consists of none of his characters having any normal human emotions ever.
Spoken like a true autist.
>a movie should consist of 120 minutes of people acting normal
But Orwellian in nature
Who else always watches Hotel Chevalier before Darjeeling
>moron, why should laughter be an essential part of comedy?
I bet you like scrubs, too
Ralph Fiennes was incredible
He really does. I remember the type of dudes who liked his movies. They’d never want to watch something like Terminator or Unforgiven when the guys hung out. Same type of dudes who listened to Dashboard Confessional and jerked off to thoughts of their aunt.
we were happy here, for a while
Terrible, put me off Anderson for good
it's art