The Haunting of Hill House

im three episodes in and i find myself having to pause the show constantly in order to overcome the cringe caused by the absolutely terrible child acting. does it get better or should i just watch something else?

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just watch something else

go fuck urself faggot

Dude, watch at least up until episode 6
Loli theo is also based btw

rude, suck my pp

It's boring, watch something else

is theo the cool wine aunt? god i cant fucking stand that character and her child counterpart is the worst thing in the world.

I don't like her adult version, but I love her as a child. I guess we have to just disagree here

It actually gets worse...But not in a good way



>mckenna grace
Nah, you're just a turbo pleb who cannot appreacite art, beauty, grace, and talent

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>almost gets killed my a living rotten corpse
>his reaction is like he has lost a toy

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QT show

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Nah fuck it i cant do it. The show started pretty cool. Especially that part where they had to run out of the house being chased by the mother or whatever. Ending with the youngest daughter dancing around in the house. But it turned into predictable repetitive shit real quick.

NEVER use child actors. And if you have to, do not give them any lines where they have to act.

And from the posts in this thread its just pedo shit. So im not missing out.

>almost gets killed by a living rotten corpse
>he just had a hole in his pajamas

Mckenna looks so mature for some reason

Women love this show. They love drama, family issues, mental illness, drugs, and dying.

I guess I am a woman then

what a thoughtful analysis of the show, good job

Women have good taste then

Stick to the conjuring franchise.

I cant stop hidding my boner when i watch this with my wife and daughter

>when abigail dies
>mommy was crazy
>it was that ladie's second daughter

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The girl who plays the creepy loli is turning out to be quite the little hottie

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The kids are stupid good. Go watch Drag Race faggot. For the 12th time.

The last 20 minutes of episode 5 and all of episode 6 are excellent. Sadly the rest of the show is easily discarded.

Look at her eyes user

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Some of the most beautiful pair I've seen


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