Any good?

Any good?

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yea, drops the teen/YA stuff pretty early and is actually really good. Newest season was pretty weak but alright.

I was expecting more from this season too. I hope they go to another planet in the beginning of the next season.

I don't watch a lot of shows for retards but it's definitely the most retarded show I've seen.

No. I watched the first 5 episodes because I heard it got good around then, but it stayed a standard YA drama.

main female protagonist is fairly attractive

Eliza Taylor is pure tit-cow and pretty to boot.

I watched the first 2 seaaons and they were alright but when the 3rd season came it became really boring and cringy

Not at all. That said, the first two seasons were entertaining enough and it has some qt girls. The writing is completely retarded though and characters frequently do things that make no sense. Just generally laughable and dumb, but in a way that is watchable for a while. I dropped it years ago though because it just got too boring and ridiculous.

That would be redundant, but I would have liked them to do some planet jumping. They'll prob focus on the anomaly for next season. Here's hoping there are more people out there, otherwise everybody will just kill each other and we'll get another season 2.

No because everyone acts so fucking retarded and cringy.

good YA drama, bad tv show.

First two seasons are good, especially season two. The rest is utter SHIT.

I want to create an intergalactic civilization. I'm tired of almost magic shit.

The main character Clarke is the most vile hypocritical lover murdering harlot.

Yeah, but I'd shoot my brother dead to cum on her tits.

Nah the show is too focused on the relationships and drama now, sci-fi took a backseat.

I stopped watching at the end of season 3. Got too dumb and bogged down in stereotypical CW bullshit for me to continue with it.

Also, Monty and Jasper had hard lives and didn't deserve any of the suffering they constantly endured.

Clarke has god tier tits, but adulthood is realizing that Raven is best girl

It's good despite the fact that they killed off best girl.

And the other actresses are very fuckable also


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>yfw you grab a drink everytime a earth savage is killed or proved wrong

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Next season has been confirmed to be the last, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they use the time anomaly as a way to go back to Earth before it was destroyed