What was the point of this scene exactly?

What was the point of this scene exactly?

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It was in the fucking book. Stop implying things, the only pedo here is Stephen King.

To drive home how fuckable this little redhead was, even to grown men--an essential aspect of Beverly Marsh's character.

because she's fucking tasty and if she wants to be a star, she needs to play by the jew rules of Hollywood.

>15 year old playing as an 11 year old
What did they mean by this?

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I can’t believe people actually like doughy little girl bodies. women aren’t hot until they lose the baby fat

She looks like an ape.

Kill your self

beat me to it

Imagine getting this little bitch alone and raping the fuck out of her.


Nothing! Hollywood is ran by degenerate pedos

Based rape poster.

To make me reflect on how much I fucked up during my teenage years

imagine kissing that tummy

You sick fuck.

the orgy was in this book, this part was never in the book

>implying you wouldn't have passionate sex with her at the first chance you got
Seethe harder, incelfag

>tfw in 6th grade there was a tall redhead tomboy that was interested in me
>she was like a head taller than I was
Why did I have to be so retarded why why why why why why why why

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Yikes. Don't talk dirty about Sophia!

this part made up for the orgy scene not being in the movie dufus

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Wait. Fuck. Imagine a real 11 yr old girl playing her

Careful now, that sounds too much like a real answer. You do realise where you are, right?


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She looks just like my 12 yr old daughter
>same hair
>same lips
>same facial structure
I'm not a pedo but

Do you think any of these little prats even read the book to prepare for the role?


Like you said, it's the real answer. Blame the pervy director, not me.

What are you gay?

Did you never do shit like go swimming in a river as a kid with your friends?

Fuck I missed out on so much

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She’s already hit the wall. Sad.

She has the body and frame of a gross lesbian that I would typically avoid. I had better taste even in my early teens.

She's so disgusting that she made Richie join the Eddie master race.

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>that pointless cgi

Probably. I once gave an accurate summation of my teenage years here, and people told me that my fairly typical experience was 'a fantasy'. So I guess most of you missed a lot.


Fake. She would have died hitting the water at that speed.

I didn't have friends


when i was 5/6 years old, my only friend was a redhead tomboy. we were always teased because we were a boy and a girl being friends. i remember this one time where she got oddly sexual, asking me if i like her more with or without clothes on while demonstrating on a barbie doll or something. i was way too young to think anything of it. her mother was a single parent and looking back on it, makes me think she was molested or something. or maybe it was just an innocent kid thing. i don’t know. she moved away not long after. me being a lonely loser now wishes i could regain contact with her but i only remember her first name and even if i found her, i feel like it would be weird to try and contact someone i was only friends with for a few months near 20 years ago

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The whole book is a metaphor for going through puberty desu.

I had like 10 different girls interested in me and I fucked up every single time. All of them grew into absolute knockouts too

It's a pain indescribable

i want to put her in a cage and eat her cunny yummy yummy in my tummy

I had a similar experience with a girl when I was a kid, only she demanded that I get in bed naked with her, otherwise she wouldn't marry me. I think she's married and has a kid now, and I'm a 31 year old virgin.

very unlike the high moral standards of Yea Forums

Wow she was probably not a virgin at that age i bet that makes you feel even worse!

To get the audience's attention and to break up the horror scenes with something else equally stimulating.
On topic with the movie, can anyone /redpill/ me about what it was about?
Seems like it was a rather straight forward horror/thriller that particularly relied on a rhythm of jump scares and violent scenarios to hold the attention of the audience, with scenes like above to break it up intermediately.
Something about children being the only ones to see - and be affected by the - monster, and said encounters to be related to the upbringings specific to each child, and that to defeat the monster the children had to face their fears and stay together.
Is that it? A movie that preaches confronting your fears/conflicts with your friends and over coming it together?
Is there a subtle subtext I'm missing?

If you can find her do it girls love this tipe of shit plus readheads aren't like normal wemen

Did the same thing but all of them look like crap now so I'm good



Just get a prostitute really, the expensive one's will treat you nice and will make the expirience fun.

Red herring since the filmmakers really wanted all the boys in briefs.

Creepy Hollywood Jews doing what they do best

was this scene really necessary?

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do you have any tips on how to track someone down? i tried searching her first name and my city on facebook but no luck. can’t find that year’s school photos either

It's about a giant spider alien monster that feeds on fear.
That's all there is, no theme, no symbolism, just aliens dude lmao.

The movie was ran through 3 different writers and directors, what the movie was actually about seems to be lost in the shuffle of adding more BOO! scenes and cutting out weird scenes.
from what I've read the Cary Fukanaga's original intention was for it to be about the horrors of growing up, everything changing, friends, family and sexual urges was supposed to be a big part of the original script, which is why the quarry scene is in the movie.

Plus the movie is contradictory. The kids did to the clown what the clown had been doing to them through the entire first movie and a half. The bullying scene at the end really disturbed me more than the bathroom of blood scene or the revelation of Eddie's sexual orientation. I actually felt bad for Pennywise at the end.

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>can’t find that year’s school photos either
go down to the school and find their records

That same quarry I'm sure was used in Simon Birch

She looked amazing in Chapter 2. Those couple extra years suit her.

Do you know her address from when you where little? She was probably renting so find the owner and youl probably have a full name

i’ll do it if i can’t find a better way
no, only the suburb and i’m not sure if i have the right one. i remember her backyard well as it’s in the same weird memory i described. i don’t remember what the front of the house looks like

Other people will have a better recollection since they where adults ask yourself if anybody else that you still know wold also remember her family

Just like every other movie with scenes like this with children. To show them off to potential (((clients)))

Do you think she'll star in another big movie?