Starfire or Raven?

Starfire or Raven?

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Other urls found in this thread:


either one as long as I can drink their piss

Yea Forums or Yea Forums?



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Based and kweenpilled

Both, Raven rimming and Starfire sucking

Taney Phenyx

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>what is the duality of man

Based fucking COOMER

Patrician's choice.

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Bruh I want to sniff Ravens goth ass so bad. I imagine it smells like baby powder.

I thought starfire was black

I want to shove my dick into little ravens pussymouth while she gagged and looks up at me with a teary eyes.

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You say that to get a rise, but I've drank my wife's piss and it tastes better than you'd think. Better than beer, which it's often compared to.

Raven 1005%, Yea Forums is a Raven board

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Starfire. Raven is a generic slut

Starfire. Also Daphne. I realized the stacy type was always better after all.

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Velma x Daphne is one of the few "vanilla" things I can still get off to after all these years.

Raven is marginally hotter but Starfire is better because genki girl > tsundere

Why black???


Crazy sex magic

>You say that to get a rise
As in a boner? yes

she looks best with rope around her limbs

Marry Star, fuck Raven. Starfire is the kind of girl who'll never be boring. Always up for new things to do.


starfire, she's fun in bed

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fuck Raven
marry Starfire



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I would cry before I could come to a decision


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Who is Betty and Veronica, for $500?

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Starfire would be better to have a relationship with. But you just know that Raven's puss would make you cum much faster.

So ultimately the decision comes down to better relationship, or hotter sex.

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Starfire riding my dick while I eat out Raven and they make out.

If you are fucking Raven for her pussy and not her tight ass, you are doing it wrong user.

Starfire is a huge slut canon wise.


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>Starfire is a huge slut canon wise
All superheroines are. Heck, all comic women are, only to sate the lusts of the readers.

>this thread

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both at the same time with blackfire too 69ing with her sister while terra feeds me grapes and jinx is my footrest while raven gives me dome

Raven because im sad.
Starfire for when i get better

Starfure and black fire eating each other out is patrician tier taste user.

Fucking based.

Is that a hickey???
Dick has been busy lately

the goth slut of my dreams raven

I get it. But on a serious note, how could anyone choose Betty.

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Thanks, I like to think of myself as a visionary.

Jb love is purest love


Being a child is choosing Veronica.
Being a man is choosing to fuck Veronica while making her dad watch.

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>taming Veronica to call you Daddy

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>that downward glance at the end

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Imagine little kids watching this.

>making her dad watch

I don't know jack shit about this canon and yet I support this 100%


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Starfire. People think they want the sexy goth girl but an optimistic, naive, bubbly girl will make you a lot happier.

this guy 3-ways

>this guy 3-ways

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Moody people are no fun to deal with and will drag you down into their bullshit
I never liked the "preppy cheerleader" type until a few years ago
They are happy, and you do fun shit together, and you are happy being around positive vibes

Lies. Bubbly is always the same. It gets old. It gets fake. Sardonic and down to Earth is the best. It's the best because it's real. It's smart. It's sassy. It's cute. When your preppy girl starts getting passive aggressive while wearing a shit eating smile, you will fully understand.

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>It's sassy. It's cute.
Fucking beta

What do you think ravens feet smell like?

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wtf i'm in love now

Raven is only good for raping.
Starfire can be my little girl and she needs to call me daddy

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>ywn be 13 jerking off to zone teen titans stuff on newgrounds ever again

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Have you ever smelled a goth girls feet after a show?

Pungent as fuck, and she’ll be the first one to point it out. But they also have naturally nice and clean feet, so you can taste them without worrying about dead skin or poor nail quality

Little kids don't understand this joke, and the ones who do are already spoiled.

You're not familiar with her super power of learning a native language by making out with an alien, are you?

I don't mean bubbly and fake. I mean the girls who really enjoy life. Maybe a little bit conservative or ignorant of the world, but they mean well. The nice girl who believes in being kind. Who doesn't mind be a little girly now and again.

>newfriends don't even know about zone-tan

this guy reddits


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So at least she has an excuse? It doesn't matter, she's a slut like all the others. Though I'll admit I was wrong about one thing, they're sluts to sate the lusts of the readers AND the writers/artists.

Fair points, but not a fair comparison. Starfire in the comics is basically an autistic shameless nympho who chooses to be upbeat despite coming from a fucked up background. Raven is the comfy choice if you want to be miserable with someone, but Starfire isn't a bubblehead bimbo. She just offers many of the benefits of one.

That sounds amazing, i can only wish for a sexy goth gf who would let me smell her feet

>Not a single post about Jinx

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she's a cute

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After rewatching the entire show I can say Starfire is the superior choice. Raven's just kind of boring, Starfire would actually be fun to be around.

because originally redhead

You know why

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Jews think it would be easier to take over a mixed race society?

good lord

I will never be able to get over how insanely sexy the Cartoon Network Raven design is.

Big titty pale goths >>>>>>>>

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Ewww don't fuck cows. That's called bestiality

The diversity for its own sake and lack of ideas is a problem when it's forced. But based on the what I've seen, I honestly don't think they could figure out how to do a source accurate look half as good as a high level cosplayer for camera. So they just hired Wesley Snipes in a Party City wig.

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Teen level insights.

CHADHOOD is taming Veronica's Daddy to call you Daddy

Neither of them. I am not worthy of intimacy. I would hate taking up their time.

>Name calling instead of intelligent refutes
Enjoy your weekend, school resumes Monday

You just have to learn how to be

a superhero.

what does orange pusy taste like

Absolutely, undeniably based

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I've always had a thing for tomboys.

for me, it's Raven's emoticlones

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Looks more like Santa with every passing year

Best of both worlds.

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They're both sluts, fuck em. Miss Martian is the patrician's choice.

Normalfags go for Raven, Chads go for Starfire

I have a hard enough time enjoying life as it is. A woman as sardonic as I am would not be a good fit for me. I would much rather have a naive, optimistic Starfire influence my behavior than a Raven.

Little kids ask questions about things they dont understand


Teen Titans is too kino for Yea Forums

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This guy gets it.


Based PUTA poster

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You should have stayed in school, kiddo.

>no nose

Yea Forums is the most reddit cringe shit they'd probably call it "ovverratee" and go back to Steven Universe or some jew crap

Is this the western equivalent of "Rei or Asuka? Misato"?

No. Rei or Asuka is the nip version of ginger or mary ann.

What show or movie is this?

gray pussy is superior

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Which one has better feet?

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Starfire because reminds me to Lum

Raven is top waifu.

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she's a fucking whore

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Jesus Christ! That can't be a fragment from an actual episode, right? It's one of those fan-made animations for weirdos to jerk off to, right?

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shes orange

It's from the Mad Mod episode.

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Teen Titans Judas Contract

Fucking lol


>Not Jynx
Fags, all of you.

Why can she talk normally while Starfire talks like a retard

Severe autism

Tamarian language ability is directly related to how much of a slut you are.

This except Starfire riding and Raven facesitting.

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>4th post about Jinx
>2nd in a row mentioning how no one talks about her

Starfire, she was adorable. Teen Titans took the slutty Tamaran free-love personality she had in the comics and turned her into a pseudo-loli, which was retroactively fed back into the comics because it was so much better.

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Which one indeed

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thx user

Raven all night
Every night.

How can they even compete?

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Which DC girl is best?

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Zatanna, followed by WW and Power Girl.

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The correct answer is always Mary Ann.



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>They're both trannies

if you were in his position, would you refused the cunny?

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Terra, stop acting like a slut and go to sleep. We have to fight the titans in the morning -.-

god why do they insist on shipping new animated raven with damian of all people

everyone knows shes destined for the BIG GREEN COCK

>Anal Sex
what did she mean by this?

Uniroincally Starfire just because Raven has a widow's peak. Otherwise Raven would be better


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Was she really cunny, here?

Anyone got that webm of Raven kissing Gwen?

My gf Raven

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Starfire obviously

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it's marilyn or jackie you fools

Nice gf (male)

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Too bad there are no tall stacked in shape upbeat actress that could play Starfire in live action

Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx!!!!

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is there a male version of his? buff chad or twig twink?

Jacob or Edward in Twilight

Maybe Harry or Ron if I'm reaching if a girl inserts as Hermione

I remember when Twilight was popular, some girls preferred the vampire guy and others the werewolf guy.

Starfire without a doubt.


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This guy gets it. Raven and Velma are for coping settlers. When you start raising your standards you realise Starfire and Daphne are the better women.

isn't that wolf guy a manlet though? he's got nothing against /ourboy/ pattinson

Its actually RRR, pleb.

thats hardly "vanilla" desu senpai


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>my name calling is better than your name calling


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they made that qt into a nagger

I find Bubbly annoying and it makes me feel like something is wrong with me for not being happy.
let us not go that far. high maintenance is also tiresome

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I’ve been Starfire since I was 8. Guys who prefer Raven are a bunch of betas who can’t even with a cute Stacy.

So? She’s always pining for Dick’s dick so at least she seems like a loyal slut.

Sorry to disappoint

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>seems like
will that seems like keep you warm while she is getting assfucked by some stranger and acts like the problem is with you?

The user you responded to is confusing slut with nympho. Sluts are unfaithful. Nymphos like sex as much as sluts but can be faithful.

she is not faithful

raven, no question
star is cool though


Starfire but not the negro one

Ok Bruce we get it, you are sad that Dick escaped your pedo grasp unlike the others little boys you adopt and brainwash.

are you going to deny that slutfire has sex with other men?

You already know, my nigga.

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You gotta get some class man, those albums are mediocre at best.

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>deltron boomer
Look bitch these albums are kino.

If Dick wasn’t such a faggot and actually committed to her then no I would say she doesn’t.

Nah, they're ok. Not much more then that.

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>rap shit


They're called figgies you useless cunt.

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>even the comic writers themselves admit it's raven

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Raven is hotter but Starfire is a better person.

Why am I hard?



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>I checked
>I checked
gets me every time lol

Probably Zatanna. Realistically Power Girl wouldn't notice if you were inside her.

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You'd think he'd know better than to kiss strange women after the whole Poison Ivy debacle.

Yea I'm probably the only nigga on the planet with anime figures and a Barter 6 vinyl

whats this? Asking for a friend

Not the same Robin

Clap Clap Clap.

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thanks i'm really proud of myself :)

I hope so.

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Childhood is realizing adulthood makes more sense

Alium puss puss for me. Leaves open the opportunity for an out-of-this-world threesome with Blackfire.

terra sleeps with old men

What? Where can I get more of him? Anyway

The Yea Forumslection or R34 sites. He's a pure Raven artist, some good shit some bad.

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>hey servo geek, need an oil change?



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And soon he'll pass away

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Cast them



>hed be crushed

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For me, it’s Jynx

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He's the goat

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Always Raven
Terra's a slut that betrayed all of her friends for retard reasons.

I'm not sure if would be funnier as a self aware satire of itself or completely unironic

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Batman TAS
Justice League (Unlimited)
Teen Titans
Batman Beyond
Young Justice (well, the first season)

Any other DC kinos I should watch?

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If I remember correctly from that episode where they went to her home planet Starfire's race were basically nigger-tier tribals who would ritualistically kill their own family members for power and constantly raid their neighbours. Although wrong in his individual judgement of Starfire wouldn't he be right about her race as a whole being a galactic nuisance?

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Wrong. Being sardonic is a sign a weakness and sardonic or sarcastic women will always cheat. They will never be impressed by anything you do and will only support you superficially but will never allow you tu surpass her so she can maintain that false sense of superiority.

Bubbly girls on the other hand, learn to be stoic and maintain their bubblyness through hardships and will support you through thick and thin with a positive attitude

You are welcome.

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If you engage in anal sex you are literally a homoesexual


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You'd know all about losing wouldn't you.

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For me, it's the Dee Dees

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they´re still secrety massive racists and "ginger" is a anagram. its their way to tell us, cheeky bastards.

Exactly. Only cucks prefer sardonic women.

For weebs
For fedoras

Bingo. Sarcastic moody chicks are only good for a fuck n chuck.

Imagine the 3-ways

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Yea Forums for discussions (which is now considered reddit)
Yea Forums for a cheap laugh.
My only beef with Yea Forums is that is one of the unfunniest boards of all 4channel. The only good OC that I have seen there are the drawings.


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The girl I lost my virginity to was like that. We actually got along great and our conversations would go on for hours. Too bad she was a complete slut who was in no way wife material.

>first post
>it’s the best

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Character designs always looked more polished in JL/U

...its shopped, right?

Is that Robert?

not in the movie i think


The Superman one by Timm was pretty good despite being Superman. If you want action-comedy I'd recommend Batman Brave & the Bold. Highly underrated if you get all the references.

thats not all thats polished

should say "toronto GF". although idk maybe it's this bad everywhere else in this fucking country

Of course

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>The Superman one by Timm was pretty good
I'll say

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cumbrain symptom

>Supergirl is the one with the smaller rack
>Still isn't salty like Power Girl
Explain the bubbly lack of jealousy

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Such a great art style. Dana Delany was great at the sass. Although funny if you think about how the big boy scout basically went with a bitchy Raven type. But way more needy. At least Raven doesn't need rescuing every five minutes.

Lmao this is only hamilton and toronto girls, Image is scarily accurate though

pepe why are you wearing a tux under your blanket


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These animations are great actually


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have the vore niggas seen this yet

God Gabe is so sexy. Could you imagine having such a masculine physique.


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So this is how love feels like...

is that eggman on the left?

>those boob physics
>that smile
oh my


raven obviously

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Raven and it isn't even close.

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do you guys think when Raven is getting nailed by beastboy, she tells him to make his balls elephant sized so she can swim in a torrent of his spunk?

as a soulless loser who forgot how to have emotions long ago, gotta go with Starfire

>pale waves
heather a cute

semen doesn't come from your balls you fucking virgin

Anyone else prefer Starfire’s look and Raven’s personality? I never really got into the goth aesthetic and always liked the prep look much better, but I’m also into the caustic wit and misanthropic angle.

No, James May

was about to say this before I saw the reply

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>never heard of show but op pic makes me want to cooom
>look up porn, it’s mostly shit, pictures ITT are the best


ROBERT! Give me back my BBQ & cloves and get back in my theatre, the white Robert can't serve popcorn for shit! He's only good at managing a complex workspace!

Yep, such is the fate of liking western porn designs theyre usually shit, ones that do comics and make bank on patreon are your only bet.
And there's only like maybe under 10 artists worth their salt

I'll take the 10 good western artists over the 10 million japanese jabronies who's art look exactly the same

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