Movies for this feel?
Movies for this feel?
didn't need that
All White men should destroy their genitals.
It's the only way.
OwO what's this?
fuck off chang
Thanks asshole, my boss just fired me.
makes me miss the good old days of shock humor and gore/porn spam
I'm afraid to watch it someone tell me what happens.
I'm 12 and what's this?
Why are boomers such sick and deranged perverts? Vast majority of pedos are boomers too.
I'm not even sure. He sticks some time of hook thing in his sack and keeps thrusting it back and forth and some white puss type fluid comes leaking out.
Very gnarly.
Huh. Word dude.
The sexual liberation of the 60s. You spend your youth getting so much ass that normal poon doesn't do it for you anymore so you get more and more extreme.
Only mentally ill white faggots do shit liek this.
He came quick. Must feel good.
does anyone else eat their licorice like this at the kinoplex or just me?
what the fuck is wrong with that guys dick ? and what is he doing with it??
lol not going to click that
i bet you still feel emotions about stuff
Why would someone do this? I can't imagine it felt good..
That white stuff is cum, so it felt good enough to orgasm
>Why would someone do this? I can't imagine it felt good..
have you not asked yourself this about S O C I E T Y for the past 10+ years????!?
All white men should destroy their testicles.
It's probably his testicles being stabbed by licorice, maybe puss and fat. Is this what trannies are into?
I've been on Yea Forums for years and years and I have never sought out videos like that, I certainly won't watch it either
For me, it's Cake Farts
wtf is wrong with white people
What was the point of hiring new jannies exactly?
>he hasn't seen the new video of the dude getting his gaping cut off cock wound eaten by a pitbull while he screams for mercy
>he prob never saw Funkytown
>he def never saw the unknown russian solider
it's like you don't even care about kino
Real life out-kinos actual kino if you hang around the right crowd.
I hate that pitbull video, at least stuff like this was self imposed. Imagine getting your cock eaten by a rabbid pit bull, It's like getting a bj, but unimaginable pain and suffering instead of the warmth of a loving thot
based as fuck
Yeah, fuck that pitbull one. I got banned for a couple of days just because I posted a simple reaction pic on that thread here.
>rabbid pit bull
That was a trained pit bull. Someone raised it and trained it for that very moment and more than likely a half dozen or more moments before that one.
it's the owner not the breed though please remember
Fuuck this is hot
for me it's Family Filet
Fuckin white people man
What are your plans now?
How do you feel?
Liking cunny seems downright wholesome after viewing shit like this.