>Joker before box office numbers
>"What a piece of shit, another garbage movie from DC, they can't get anything right"
>Joker after box office numbers reveal it's a huge success
>"What a fucking spectacular film, DC does it again, such a great time to be a fan of cinema"
Just calling it ahead of time that that's how it's going to play out.
Joker before box office numbers
Other urls found in this thread:
who are you quoting?
Who are YOU quoting, bitch?
This could gross over a billion dollars and I would still think it's shit. Actually, I'd be even more confident; no movie that has grossed over a billion dollars has EVER been anything other than complete shit.
That's because you are a titanic idiot.
But all of this glowing praise has come before the box office has tallied up. They were praising it at cannes, they were praising it in pre release reviews.
Your prediction was already wrong before you made it.
It's going to do terribly because normies are scared of being shot up by some incel
"hey guys what if we completely ripped off martin scorsese but just inserted a capeshit villain as the protagonist even though it doesn't even fit and got some washed up overrated actor to play him"
The only good thing that will come out of this is the autistic screeching when it only wins minor Oscars.
Complete shit.
The incel love for this movie is the only reason it's even halfway entertaining to watch the hype, so that's actually pretty funny.
If it wins even a minor Oscar we are going to brag about it for all time as if it's a real Oscar and when you try and say "But it's not a real Oscar" we're going to quote you as if you stuttered while you said it and then say something like "cope."
Except for the 5 trannys on rt, everybody who watched the movie say is fucking kino. even the pic you posted says that.
You need to have sex.
Everything you say is true lies. Terminate your posting immediately
based as fuck
Op is a seething tranny
So you're already wrong? What an odd post OP.
>Joker before box office numbers
>"What a piece of shit"
Who has said so? The very image you posted shows the opposite, if anything it might be the other way around.
Why would it? I cannot see a universe in which this movie flops.
the autistic voice in his head
>JOKER: Knock knock.
>CHAD: Who's there?
>JOKER: It's the police, sir. Your trans son-- er, daughter had slit her wrists and throat. She's dead.
>DISCORD TRANNY: Ahhhh! No,no-- you can not joke about that.
>CHAD: Yeah, that's not funny user, that's not the kind of humor we do on this board.
>JOKER: Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, y'know... It's been a rough few weeks, Chad! Ever since I... said the N word.CHAD: Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline.
>JOKER: There is no punchline. It's not a joke.
>CHAD:...you're serious, aren't you? You're telling us that you said the N word on 4channel?
>JOKER: Mm-hmm.
>CHAD: And why should we believe you?
>JOKER: I got nothing left to lose, Chad. Nothing can hurt me anymore. My life is nothing but a shitpost!
>CHAD: Lemme get this straight, you think racism is funny?
>JOKER: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Chad, isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's progressive or problematic, the same way that you decide what's based or not!
>CHAD: Okay, I think I understand. You did it to start a movement? to become a symbol?
>JOKER: C'mon, Chad. Do I look like a kind of shitposter who could start a movement? I said the N word because the board is cringe and bluepilled. Everybody's cringe and bluepilled these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy.
>CHAD: So that's it, you're crazy. That's your defense for being racist? Because 13% of the population is too much for you?
>JOKER: No. It's because 13% of the population commits 50% of the crimes. Why is everyone so upset about racism, anyway? Because some Jew went and cried about it on Twitter?
>CHAD: You have a problem with Jews, too?
>JOKER: Yeah. I do. Everything comes so easy for them.
>CHAD: And what's wrong with that?
>JOKER: Have you seen what it's like out there, Chad? Do you ever actually leave the Hills? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think Jews ever actually wonder what it's like to be a white man? To be anybody but themselves? They don't. They think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little goys! That we won't werewolf and go autistic!
>CHAD: You finished? I mean it's so much self pity, user. You sound like you're making excuses for offending minorities. #notallblackpeople are "cringe and bluepilled".
>JOKER: You're cringe and bluepilled, Chad.
>CHAD: Me? I'm "cringe and bluepilled"? Oh yeah, how am I cringe and bluepilled?
>JOKER: Revealing my manifesto. Stealing Veronica from me. You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them!
>CHAD: You don't know the first thing about me, bro. Look what happened because of who you memed into presidency, what it led to! USA is on the brink of civil war! The fire rises with each passing day and you're laughing. You're laughing! People have killed themselves because Trump got elected!
>JOKER: I know!
>JOKER: How about another joke, Chad?
>CHAD: No, I think we had enough of your jokes.
So is Joker going to lead a proper production of darker super hero films? I feel like this film makes it clear that people are tired of the quipy Marvel formula.
What the fuck are you talking about it’s already winning film festivals
Yes, WB has specifically said that if this movie does well they're going to do a spinoff brand called "DC Black" which will contain more of this stuff.
>"DC Black"
What else would they even make? I can't imagine doing much with DC content at the moment. Maybe Two-Face, I guess.
Is this zoomie's first controversial movie? I can imagine /pol/ worshippers going like
>"zoom zoom hehe yeah we live in a-"
>*brutal murder happens
>"oh...zoom zoom that was...oh my god"
There's tons of dark DC characters, like Swamp Thing.
A gritty deadshot movie where he assassinates homosexual senators because of his childhood sexual trauma, he is a bad guy after all
Reasonable ideas. I also remembered about talks of "The Trench" from Aquaman which I'd be all for.
Joker II
Joker III
Joker IV
Joker V
Joker VI
Joker VII
Joker VIII
Joker IX
Joker X
Joker XI
Joker XII
Joker XIII
and that's just the beginning user
>75% on RT
You're baiting, but Black Panther currently has 96% and it's easily one of the worst Marvel movies I've seen when it hits the second half.
>What are online purchases through streaming devices
I mean in the box office
Das rite whyt boi!
BP it's kinda silly.
Box office doesn't mean anything anymore. Movies can make all their money back through streaming.
Because that's the only way they could ever EVER make money of this film
Why would they ever do a movie about Bane? He's not that interesting a character.
For you
only true in the United States of Pathetic
TDKR had an actual mass shooting and was still a hit.
The Penguin(could be a mob movie)
Scarecrow(not sure what they would base a scarecrow movie on)
Lex Luthor
Oh man, a Lex Luthor movie would be especially good because they'd recast him and we could get a proper Luthor instead of Eisenberg playing himself again.
>mass shootings
>no one seeing this dumb cringe kino
Just calling it ahead of time that that's how it's going to play out.
they're scanning the faces of anyone who goes to see this alone to make a spree killer database.
Rumor says that Gosling is going to play Lex Luthor in a solo movie, so that'd be interesting. I think they already have these dark DC movies lined up and are waiting to see if Joker succeeds to go along with them
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
Explain this then based retard
I thought this movie was for trannies?
TDKR wasn't promoting mass shooting, Jasper literally is. If you don't understand the difference than you really do deserve to be part of the "target audience". Enjoy your movie faggot. Hope your bring your vest.
Normies have never heard the term incel. Even in leftists hives such as big cities only the "downtrodden elite," or educated BA-types, have ever heard of this terminology. Everyone else has no idea what they're talking about, they're just easily swayed by whoever is using the most words they don't understand
>Normies have never heard the term incel
u dumb
It's going to be my first time in years going to the cinema. I'm so excited. Hope nothing bad happens.
Right is right
>washed up overrated actor
Hahahah look at this SEETHING disneycuck
Us too! See you there friendo!
t. mass shooters
>normies have never heard the term incel
Not sure what rock you've been living under. I've seen it mentioned on talk shows and shitty police drama, it's definitely in the normie consciousness. It's an 'epidemic' everybody is talking about the scary incels now
There's nothing I like more than desperate mouse countershilling like this.
>being against mass shootings = YOU MUST LOVE DISNEY
You're gonna be a virgin forever you know
>mass shooting was exposed to be part of the disney countershilling script just like tranny angle (they seem to have dropped it because of the extreme cringe it was causing)
>projects his inceldom onto me
Le yikes and le oof
>le everything is le conspiracy
How did you get that picture of me and my friend?
You're all children. Little fucking children. Infantile abortions of your own adulthood. Lollipop sucking, milk guzzling, teary eyed babies.
If you watch capeshit you have shouldn't be able to vote, or drink, or gamble, or get married, or any of the other privileges that come along with adulthood.
Scarecrow movie based on the Zodiac killings.
>Jasper literally is
Why the fuck would they scare people into not seeing the movie and call it marketing? This literally makes no sense, user.
super strong scarface style mob movie with south american mysticism like The Shadow
Everybody grows up laughing at the outrage culture of the past. "Oh, haha, people in the '70s hated Clockwork Orange for being violent, how silly." "Oh, haha, people thought D&D would lead to Satanism, what rubes." Then, without an ounce of self-reflection, they go on to gin up identical controversies today. "Joker is problematic because it'll make white men kill people!" It never changes.
when did incels claim this film as their own? i dont get it.
they literally didn't. all you did was see a post that said "incels are claiming this film as their own" and you believed it.
Why are dozens of film critics and blue checkmark faggits claiming this movie is incel? I don't get it.
its the hot new meme after basedboy and npc.
Isn't history grand?
>not a CGI shitfest
>huge success
Won't happen. It will make like 2 dollars In China
Nobody outside of the USA knows about fucking Incels, you stupid burger
Quantity is not a verification for quality. This movie could make money but yet still be a piece of shit which will likely be the case.
I wasn't going to go out and vote, but just for that little remark, I will. Congratulations, you played yourself. Oh, and I'm going to go see Joker too. I'll remember voting day relative to the release date of Star Wars.
Can you imagine her just running into set while Arthur is having one of his self pity breakdowns and immediately setting in to sucking his cock.
How would he even be able to take himself seriously after getting a free blowjob.
I'm actually confused as to how this movie is happening this way. It's a movie by the guy who made the fucking Hangover, it's a superhero movie, and yet it seems to be something of a serious character study, without reliance on CGI. Did WB just throw up their hands and say "Fuck it, nothing else is working, let's try this"?
>Did WB just throw up their hands and say "Fuck it, nothing else is working, let's try this"?
Well considering Aquaman was a massive hit and outgrossed Captain Marvel, I don't think that was the thought process
Nice goalpost shifting
...but there are no box office numbers
Yeah, but they were working on this movie before Aquaman was a success so they didn't know it was going to be one. That's the thing, they plan these movies so far ahead that if one succeeds or flops, it won't be accounted for until 2 years later.
Everything after the waterfall fight is comically bad
That Gareth Evans Deathstroke movie
Incels who have never touched a girl's hair will not like the joker because he gets laid and has joy
>he watched the leaks and got the dialogue right
Holy mother of based
>watching leaks at all
the dialogue is very consistent with the script, user is definitely knowledgeable and based
>make a unique, stand-alone movie
>immediately attempt to copy it like retards
These morons never learn. Joker is a good movie for its time. What the fuck are they going to try next? Lex Luthor as a commentary on the tech elite? Two-Face as a man pushed too far by his Instagram double-life? DC can suck a dick. Thia movie ia blatantly its own thing with a thin coat of superhero paint applied on top.
Marvel box office make it clear that people are not tired at all of the quippy Marvel formula
People laughed at the idea of a standalone Joker movie when it was announced, too. They're not laughing anymore.