They were on a break

They were on a break
You can't debate it

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never trust a cheater

What show is this?

true but he didn't


bazinga the movie


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The copy girl raped Ross

Protip: if your gf wants to go on a break just break it off completely because it's already over. What she's trying to tell you is that she's interested in someone else she just wants to have you as a backup just in case things don't work out with the new guy. So just break it off the sooner you do the sooner you'll get the heartbreak and the sooner you can move on.

Monogamy isn't natural

this show is the Big Bang Theory of the 90s

Get laid incel

Roasty getting mad because he's telling your secrets.

Wanna fuck user?

Rachel is worst friend
Ross is best friend
No competition

Ross should have stayed with bong Emily and move to England, never to show up in the show again. Then make Chandler develop lung cancer and hide it from Monica to protect her from heartbreak and only tell Joey. This will put joey in an spiral of depression in wich he will become a drunkard and accidentaly run over phoebe. He ends in jail and necks himself. Monica figures out about chandlers disease and they try to love the rest of his life happy until he dies in 2000. Rachel meanwhile still dates the guy from her office, keeps getting promotions until she gets a high executive job. The interview with her new boss is in thenWTC, september 11. The falling guy is actually her boyfriend who had gone with her to support her. The show ends with Ross coming back a summer of 2002 to see Monica, whos deppressed and back with Richard. The last scene is the three of them eating dinner in her house

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Joey is objectively the best friend but Ross is the best character in the show.

>NOONE TOLD YOU YOUR LIFE WAS GOING TO BE THIS WAY starts playing as the camera slowly pans out from the 3 silently eating dinner

Chandler's a better person than Joey

ross IS the worst friend

Perfect, except Ross should have stayed with Julie

You just fixed f(r)iends.


Ross < Pheobe < Rachel

And Monica got fat again.