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The only person who could beat Drumpf is Bernard Sanders
Dead meme
>tell white bf I think this clip stinks
>he calls me based
Damn sneedposters look like THAT?
>Sneed boomer
I LIKE where this meme is going
None of them will beat him. The DNC and the Democratic Party in general really fucked itself last election by essentially rigging the entire primary for Hilary, and then proceeded to get their media to shill for her in the general. There is about a 10th the enthusiasm there was in 2016 for Bernie, and even less for the rest of the Dem candidates. Based on that alone Trump will win re-election forget the fact that he's also the incumbent his army of redneck retards would eat the corn out of his shit if he told them to. I'm hoping Trump fucks things up so badly in his second term that it literally kills out entire election system and the two party system gets torn down.
>moe poster so irrevocably btfo that he posts 3 images now
he's literally afraid of being apron'd
Based meme
Tell him I said he's based
is drumpf reelection the only way to avoid a war?
damn he looks good for 60
It all depends on the state of the economy, which is why Trump is preparing tax cuts for next year.
He knows he needs to juice the economy in an election year.
>army of redneck retards
keep believing this
It’d be funny to see a DBZ style animation of Trump just beating all fifty or whatever DNC candidates.
Chuck (R) and the employee of the month (L)
>ruins The Simpsons
>it literally kills out entire election system and the two party system gets torn down
trump is a dumbfuck but we would have to move to a proportional representation system a la canada or the UK for this to ever happen.
that's a very kissable belly
>Those child-bearing hips
>sneed poster.jpg
inaccurate see pic related
Storg can only be beaten by Marianne Williamson, her love and four scoops of chocolate ice cream.
Formerly President
Neither Canada nor the UK have proportional representation.
neither canada nor the UK have proportional representation. the parliamentary system is FPTP
he based
she based
>those hips
im fuckin coomin
There's genuinely no energy for the Democrats right now. This time last cycle both Hillary and Bernie individually had more steam than the entire party does right now, no one gives a shit.
is there literally anything in the world that epitomizes the term SOULESS better than nu simpsons?
this all seems so familiar
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKSpastebin.com
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:publicpool.kinja.com
>Pres Trump MAGA/KAG Rally in Manchester NH 8/15/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing NJ 8/15/19
>SoS Pompeo Presser w/Lebanese PM Hariri 8/15/19
>TrumpTV Real News Insights (Lara) 8/15/19
>CommSec Wilburine on CNBC 8/14/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Dobbs 8/14/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan on F&F 8/14/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on FBN 8/14/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FBN 8/14/19
>Eric Trump on F&F 8/14/19
>Eric Trump on FBN 8/14/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 8/14/19
>NSA Bolton on VOANews 8/14/19
>StateDeptVideo: USNS Comfort Aiding Venezuelans 8/14/19
>StateDeptVideo: Morgan on Austin Tice 8/14/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump @Shell PA Petrochemicals Complex 8/14/19
OP pastebin:pastebin.com
still no wall
Modern SNL
she cute
Dems completely fucked themselves when they embraced the fuck whitey identity politics. They should've focused on shit like the middle class and (normal) young people, but instead they threw their lot in with the fringe commies whose entire ideology is based on tearing down the country. The thing is that they can't stop it without causing a massive uproar in social media and a PR blunder, because those fringe elements control the narrative. If they want to get back on track they'd have to do a hard stop, kick the retards out and completely reform what they stand for. They'd take losses for a while, but it would stop the current death spiral.
didn't his teeth fall out
it's great when you can't get your point across
Yea in 2016’s election it felt like there was an actual chance for the dems to take it. People had hope.
All candidates on the left are dead in the water in 2019. Everyone can feel it. Even the people on that side don’t seem to care.
Is this who chuck sucked and fucked?
His body is falling to pieces user. Trump 2020 is all but confirmed
why does /pol/ laugh so hard at tumblr for geting triggered by everything but if anyone badmouths drumpf they have to make a billion threads on as many non political boards as possible saying "FUCK YOU TRIGGERED LIBERALS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
it's gonna happen again, isn't it. Media caping for the Dems and then low and behold, Trump is breaking records in how much of a landslide it is.
Ay you shut yo fine ass mouth girl and I'll show you based and stinky
dude, no election ever will be on that level. it was the first one where 24/7 news cycle and social media/internet culture were fully utilized plus it was a david and goliath situation (for trump and for sanders) so it all felt larger than life and everyone was invested. i feel like it's the closest a democratic country came to feeling revolutionary fervor. every election afterwards will be compared to 2016.
It's so true. 2016 was just revolutionary, I live in Canada but I don't think I'll ever see an election cycle more entertaining in my lifetime.
The OG sneedposter.
Sneed Prime
>his creation ruins Simpsons threads
Like father, like seed.
rent free
prove me wrong
simpsons hasnt been relevant for months on this board other than sneedposting but the second they do something about trump theres suddenly dozens of threads all about how far zombie simpsons has fallen
Yet just proves he needs more time and your vote user
Someone post the webm of Sanders endorsing Clinton
See, I really don't like this video
Needless to say, neither do a lot of people
Everything about this video screams libtard
Even my dog doesn't like it
Democrats need to get with the times
>still getting mad
Trump's a bad President. Learn to cope
>There is about a 10th the enthusiasm there was in 2016 for Bernie
He's literally in a better polling and popularity position than he was in 2016...
He has completely turned the general public around with the last debates and Biden is basically done. So short of them having Bernie killed, he has a shot at actually winning the primary this time.
the jury is still out on that
Maybe if you are retarded, sure.
>the next president and vice president
I don't have that one but here's this at least.
That meme doesn't even make sense.
but it's true, kinda. boomers are the only ones who still feel enthusiastic about him. the rest have become disillusioned
It's just a fucking image, user. Also it's literally what happened.
user, i...
if anyone was unable to pass, it would be black trannies
It's not what happened though you fucking /pol/shitter.
Wrong on both accounts. Is this the best training the discord gets these days?
But it literally is, you discord tranny.
Nobody takes you seriously when you use words like muh libtard.
>everyone calling out sanders on his cucking to hillary is a /pol/tard
Always love how these Simpsons Trump threads expose the people who come to Yea Forums solely for political shit.
dude, stop, you're embarrassing yourself
Yeah? Since that isn't really what happened?
I know you redditors think a picture with text on it is a meme nowadays, but it doesn't make it true.
>/POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/
I don’t know why people think acting mentally handicapped is considered “trolling”
>muh discord muh tranny
Ah, there it is. The zoomer calling card.
It is tho.
You think it isn't embarrassing to have these words in your vocabulary?
It's not. He rightly got behind his party's primary pick like everyone on both sides of the aisle do after a primary.
Just quiet
Buzzwords and memes aren't thought out political opinions.
Because its embarassing. There aren't even any jokes.
>literally a /pol/ "meme"
This clip was hilarious and the only people that hate on it are butthurt conservatives
it's from /biz/ you retarded fuckface
>this is political discourse of zoomers now
Nah, we're seeing some progress lately. Immigration is down, wall is starting to be worked on and he's firing neocons in his administration. If we get some definitive progress on immigration and he scores a victory in his foreign policy (maybe with N. Korea, Afghanistan or China) while keeping the economy stable this presidency will have been a success.
Wow, you really got them buddy.
>let's tear down the election system because the Democrats have gone to shit for two rounds
So coming back to the real world, why's nobody talking about how Beto and Harris strangled their own campaigns in the crib with the unironic gun-grabbing rhetoric? How fucking stupid can they both be?
>it's from some other autistic place
Oh, my mistake /pol/cel.
read it again
>still "muh /pol"
Why did he join the dancing line? What obligation did he have to do so?
>This absolute fucking delusion
The wall is never going to be built, immigration has been down before he was even President and there is no "foreign policy" win with NK.
Yeah, because you people are usually the most autistic thread shitters here.
>Beto should drop out and run for senator aga-
>halfway through September now
>they're still a nameless, faceless, wimpy, cowardly line of Trump bashers in a conga line behind Biden that ends with Bernie
Looks us racists are gonna make it, boys
>Everything about this screams libtard
Yeah, that's a buzzword mate.
Lmao this guy is retarded
Hillary actually had some (stupid) people excited due to being a woman. Fucking NOBODY is excited for Joe Biden.
How many of these reaction images do you have? Do you think it makes you look cool or something?
thats every zombie simpsons episode for years now
Back to pol with this cringe racist meme
newfag disguising as an oldfag
Where is there literally any hype for a Trump 2020 reelection? Outside of Trumpfags, who gives a shit? I feel like there is extreme apathy and sunk cost misery with all the conservatives I know, that some may even vote Blue
neither does Bernie
Crying about trannies and boogeyman discords is quite literally a newfag behavior.
Every single person who own even a little bit of stock is 100% secretly voting for him this time.
>ballionairs and mullinaires
>fight the corrupt establishment
>now vote for hillary! no refunds!
You're the one who started throwing boogeymen around. Don't start crying when you get them in response. That's the level of discourse you chose.
>The wall is never going to be built
"Wall" as in new fencing. The original proposal was too good to be true, but I guess better something than nothing.
>immigration has been down before he was even President
It's been record high these past few years. I'm also counting legal immigration as a problem ( DACA, hb visas, anchor babies...)
>there is no "foreign policy" win with NK
Maybe, maybe not.
ask me how i know you're a tourist
>He rightly got behind his party's primary pick
So what you are saying is that the picture is correct then.
Yeah haha, taxing Wallstreet speculation and making healthcare a right sure is wacky tabacky am I right? Hahahaha!
>receives check from MetLife and Prudential who then pay for a commercial to air during the debate
Did they really block Gabbard from this debate?
>It's been record high these past few years
It literally hasn't though.
Why don't you "make a meme" about it?
Can't let anyone challenge the military industrial complex. It's amazing how shamelessly they tried to smear her right from the get go.
Somebody has to be cut off because nobody is caring to tell them who they like least, or even best.
/pol/ isn't a fucking boogeyman you zoom zoom tardling. You on the other hand, probably think there are actual trannies here.
Your angst is gay
yes. Gabbard met the funding threshold and was over the 2% polling threshold in more than enough polls, except the democratic party decided that those polls weren't "certified" by them so it wouldn't count. Just 5 days ago it happened again -
>Tulsi Gabbard has announced that, based on one subset of respondents, she got a third qualifying poll this weekend, but the Democratic National Committee has confirmed that it is looking at different set of respondents and the poll will not count for her.
Your cartoonish version of events? No.
Are you guys really that afraid of a spittly old Jewish hunchback?
you are either too old, too young, or haven't been here long enough to know Yea Forums literally pioneered memes. go back to discord, fucking simpleton poser. clearly the faggot saying that to you is what made you pucker your hole and accidentlly cut your sphincter with the barky stick stuck up your ass.
Why are you trying to contact the DNC on Yea Forums?
>Yea Forums pioneered memes
>muh discord
You need to be 18 to post here
Whatever you say.
You know damned well there still wouldn't be enough money to pay for everyone (including all the illegals LET THEM IN)
>make healthcare a right
How senile are these people?
What would you gave preferred he do?
Afraid isn't the word I'd use. It's more like the feeling of pity you have toward someone with dementia.
chan pioneered memes
>>muh discord
so i was right, then
>You need to be 18 to post here
I turned 19 in February. Surely you jest.
Even the mexicans vote with their wallet, Matt.
replied to my own post on accident
>You know damned well there still wouldn't be enough money to pay for everyone
You realize that the privatized system we have now, cost literal billions a year right? Do you even know how much revenue we would produce if we correctly taxed Wallstreet speculation? He has proposed a cost-effective analysis of how to pay for it.
>you are senile if you want healthcare to be a right
I don't understand this logic unless you're just brainwashed; why shouldn't access to medication be a right protected by your government? You know, how every successful democracy in the first world does it?
>faggot commies absolutely seething ITT
>some 19 year old faggot is crying about discord and gatekeeping Yea Forums
Lol oh
>tfw people give so few fucks about any of your candidates everyone sits at the same low figures and you can’t pick a clear loser to cut
>tfw your kike masters inform you it’s Tulsi to go this week
>tfw you’re already reviled for rigging primaries and Tulsi is well known for challenging the party line
How do you not just neck yourself if you’re the DNC chair?
Not a single person even mentioned communism.
They mentioned Bernie, cuck.
Bernie is literally the only consistent candidate with a real platform though.
great non-argument. care to actually respond and not just embarrass yourself and cop out like a complete pussy?
>Bernie is a communist
You're a retarded cuckling.
you know, except for the hundreds of miles of wall. If you ignore reality it makes your narrative much more convenient :^)
We aren't having an argument, zoomer? What am I supposed to argue? What in your mind, are you even trying to say besides crying about discord and imagined trannies?
Ignoring Yang and Gabbard, maybe.
You mean, the wall that was already there? Or the foundations that were put down for photoshoots?
>misinformed adhominem
>willful ignorance of points given
yeah, i'm thinking this is bait
>implying he isn't a communist
No hype for either of them.
>implying flood
>everything is a conspiracy
you can look it up yourself. I won't spoonfeed you facts.
What points??? Literally what? Christ, I really hate zoomers who think they belong here.
Bernie is only advocating for poorly planned social safety nets, not for the government to nationalize all industry under a retarded control economy.
Why try to move goalposts like that?
What's a conspiracy? They literally threw down beams in the ground for photoshoots and then proceeded to build literally nothing. His first term is almost fucking over you dumb faggot, there continues to be no real progress on his dumb wall, even with all the emergency funds he conned out of the Senate, even after he had a pissbaby fit and shut down the government like a toddler
He isn't. How old are you?
There is nothing poorly planned about it. Sometimes I am convinced that people who shill this hard against universal healthcare are actually getting paid
Because what does it matter if there is no real following behind them? They aren't even close to getting the nom
>itt : wishful thinking from commies
Yeah, there's no way you guys could be wrong, surely this will be the end of the Trump campaign
Seems familiar, doesn't it
Go ahead and explain how Bernie's plan is remotely feasable. You don't need to be an anti-healthcare shill to recognize a dumbass pie-in-the-sky scheme when you see it.
>Why yes, I want my medical well-being to be at the mercy and whims of private insurance companies. Nah, that's okay I can't pay for a visit, guess I'll just die then. I don't want to be a libcuck communist after all!
Because they're canidates and they're consistent. You could have just stopped responding instead of playing semantics like a dipshit.
How can America possibly not vote for somebody who's only political platform is "I PROMISE NOT TO BE ONE BIT RACIST"
Because a dozen other countries already do it with half the budget we have? We tax Wallstreet speculation, close tax loopholes and incentivize keeping jobs in the US, reduce our military budget and cut out the fat from it, reallocate those funds into a public option, make it illegal for private companies to jack up important drugs and medicines to absurd degrees...there are a number of ways that the richest nation on earth can fund it.
No, you're right. The *rate* of immigration (legal and illegal) has been somewhat steady when you add these two up
It's the share of immigrant population I was thinking about (pic related). Things need to change significantly in overall immigration to reverse this trend (and I don't mean doubling legal immigration as Democrats have been proposing in the very last debate).
They aren't as consistent to my knowledge.
I have a theory polling already told the DNC Trump is a shoo-in, so they're just market testing all their craziest ideas, gun confiscation, Green New Deal, etc. to gauge public reaction. It's all just market research, they know none of them have a chance in hell.
No refunds
I'm not sure what your argument even is now. No immigration at all? Closed borders?
I repeat: tell me how BERNIE'S plan is remotely feasible. I'm not asking for possibilities, I'm asking for this candidate to prove he has a working head on his shoulders.
You know it's almost 2020, right?
"By your knowledge" is a pretty poor metric.
Reducing overall immigration (legal and illegal) to the point where the trend reverses is the ideal.
The newer data agrees with the predictions. It's irrelevant which I post.
You take the ridiculous revenue stream from Wallstreet speculation and put it towards building the framework for a public option so as to compete with private insurances, which should bring prices down due to competition. How do you think the rest of the world does it? Do you think everyone is just lying about their universal healthcare working? Your health shouldn't be a market to begin with, but a first step is to just build the bridge to a decent public option.