Fincher is a good dire-

>fincher is a good dire-

Attached: benjamim_button.jpg (960x540, 405K)

was it that bad?

It was the writing that was uninspired. It was still directed well

goddamn that movie was so terrible

the premise is so stupid I wonder if it was made on a dare

Is that supposed to be Joe Biden?

Is this movie worth watching? I remember a bit of hype behind it and just forgot to watch it. The trailers for it seemed to spoil it.

Most people don't realize F Scott Fitzgerald was a hack

I do. A lot of Depression era "greats" were hacks.

It's a pedo allegory.

Attached: pedowood.jpg (255x171, 18K)

how come I can't see your post?
oh right the filter

i saw it christmas day when it came out. I thought it was alright, haven't seen it since though

Benjamin Button is Fincher's worst movie by far.. Bland, bland, bland.

It's a less interesting Forrest Gump WITH A TWIST he ages in reverse.

One of the most dull movies I've ever seen.

goo back to pol fag

Alien >> Alien 3 >> Aliens >>>>> Alien Resurrection

Attached: Aliens.webm (1280x692, 1.44M)

Allien > Aliens >> Alien 3 >> Alien: Isolation >>> Alien: Resurrection

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It was okay.

So this is the power of the coomer

They need to have a Benjamin Button movie but with a female

This shit was done better in Hyperion

Whoa, slow down doc. Tell me why, and give it to me slow and simple.

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fuck, he directed that? fight club is kino and I've always thought aliencubed didn't deserve all the hate it got but congrats user you've just changed my mind, the guy is a hack


is this her actual bio from aliens!?


Attached: aliens-3.webm (1280x688, 1.59M)

>he dislikes Panic Room

Attached: copper_panic_room1.jpg (410x205, 33K)