/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Nicole
Noms: Holly/Jackson
Veto: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


autism free edition

wow look at this pretty girl!!!!

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Shut the FUCK up retard

cliff trying so hard to cover his bases its gonna hurt him badly, even jackson is noticing it

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yeah fuck this shitlord

almost but 59 seconds later.

wow look at those sunflowers! they're almost as pretty as her!!!

wow look at that pretty girl!

Get over it, Kemi got evicted cause she sucked

>using my cap for a thread that won't survive the night


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I do not like negroes

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how come there is no game talk in these threads? even though it's obvious what each player will do at this point, even for people with double digit iq. why do i keep making these threads. please give me (You)

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^ fuck off, I’d rather give the fag below me a (You)

bruh look at the top of her head

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>how come there is no game talk in these threads?
>it's obvious what each player will do
think you answered your own question r-tard

please don't trigger aggro


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No queers allowed

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what did I miss?

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Nicole posting was the absolute worst thing about this season even though it kept the threads alive.

wow look at this dumb boomer

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based marky is killing it on ex on the beach

just a couple autists responding to themselves

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it honestly didn't even keep the threads alive, I did most of the work on that.

and the easier to block nicolefag probably just gave me a (you)

>tfw you realize you have to see Christie again

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BB21 Player Rankings

1. Jackson
2. Cliff
3. Christie
4. Nick
5. Anal

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>5. Anal

1. Quarky
2. Quarky
3. Quarky
4. Quarky
5. Quarky

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she would have won

switch nick and christie and my 5 would be quarky

you might be dumber than her

I’ve barely gotten into it with anyone this season. I’ve been trying to be less annoying

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quarky bringing up the topic of who the jury wants to see walk through those doors. holly saying everyone will be sad to see him except bimbo.

jackson getting paranoid he is missing out on game talk


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jackson and holly telling everyone will be upset on a game level that tommy went home. this is going to confirm to quarky that she probably made the wrong move

bog cut her tongue

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kek good post

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okay this is based

Rage Fag

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>we shook you know

cliff has been worried all week lol

I kind of wish that was his actual memory wall photo

he should be. this convo with jackson isnt going to comfort him at all i dont think.

wow look at that pretty girl

everyone spam qute quarkies

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don't twist my arm, geez

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It would be funny if houseguests took 2 photos, one for before and after eviction

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fresh and hot off the press

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based choccy milk time

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quarky been popping off

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nobody cares about your autist shit


i know. but thanks for the (You)

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Only if the F3 comp included 'prettiest face to cum on' and 'quickest to make a man cum using only her anus'.

hogg and jackson in the kitchen.
>hogg: if I win the veto i take you. if YOU win the veto you take me

/ourguy/ getting prime time air time. all the while eavesdropping this kitchen convo

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Thank you based Hogg for sacrificing your game to give us a deserving winner

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so where did hogg go wrong with jackson? would jacksons ire be this strong if hogg held a strong front with him and holly last week?

Ummm.... bros......

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get some help for your facial blindness and porn addiction.

Cliff fucked up not strong arming Nicole during the double to take out Jackson giving him time in the jury to cool down. Now that he waited this long, he’s losing jackson’s Vote no matter what

Hogg sided with Quarky when she wanted to take out Holly. Jackson said that he was going to take Hogg to final 3 before Hogg betrayed them

it's literally her before surgery and weight loss

cliff sacrificed his game to side with nicole
could have told them he was keeping holly no matter what and force nicole to vote out tommy

kek good post

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wow no wonder she called cliff her dad

i'm so sad we didn't get to watch the fight on the feeds

it always sucks seeing these, they almost always look better pre-op

hogg winning veto leads to best feeds. prove me wrong.

>jackson: you should have stayed loyal cliff
>nicole crying in the bathroom and yelling at jackson
>cliff about to have a heart attack and telling reddit to drag him
>jackson and holly fucking in the rv room

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>Hogg wins veto
>Hogg wins final HoH
>Sorry Nicole, I'm a man of my word, you're evicted

The absolute state of Shitcole losers here and on twitter.

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was thinking more along the lines of holly dropping the bomb on hogg that jackson eaves dropped the whole convo with tommy and used that info to lie to keep me (holly) here.
>and if you want to keep jackson here and he is sitting final 2. he has my vote, along with everyone else in the jury when i tell them how he played both you and nicole so hard to keep me in F4.
can bog actually pull it off? and then this forces jackson to turn up the mist on hogg to 1000%

or is this completely retarded

I think bogg is too retarded to think for herself

nicole will only be a good winner if she beats the showmance in the final 3 and avenge cliff by evicting jackson

i would rather sperm qute quarky

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cliff is in full paranoid mode

Jackson will win the game.

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holly count of regretting throwing HOH up to atleast 4 or 5 today

it is???? sorry for being a fag, i had no idea she looked that different.

Cliff needs to win Veto

holly seething about quarky walking around on her high horse and how everyone is saying she earned this HOH

holly saying quarky bullied her into a corner with this HOH deal.

cliff is still misted and thinks holly and or jackson will take him to F3.

jackson did a great job loudly talking like they gonna evict each other so cliff can hear it

>i'm pretty. i'm pretty. i'm pretty.

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really sounds like cliff is gonna throw it and let nicole win it

Does it even matter? It's the same result whether cliff or nicole wins

*heavy breathing*

was getting flashbacks

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more chances for holly or jackson

holly misting the retards. never thought id see it

>holly and jackson saying they gonna vote each other out
>cliff and nicole believing it

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imagine having to apply all of that shit on your face every single day for the rest of your life because you're so insecure you bogged up your whole fucking face at like thirty years old
sucks to be bog desu

god i hope nicole and cliff get convinced to throw the veto

seeing hogg and quarky btfo would be entertaining. ngl

Throwing F4 veto is one of those things where it's actually too dumb to be true and I'm not gonna believe anyone is thinking about it, no matter what the evidence is

I'm gonna enjoy the mental gymnastics that redditors/twitterfags will have to use to say that those two losers were playing an excellent """Under the Radar""" game.

imagine anal doing this gametalk lol

would've been cute. but she might have held her own. holly has done pretty good convincing them

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I agree with you but they're also usually set up for us to think that way. definitely right in this case but who knows about others where we can't watch them for days

nicole saying she cant believe holly threw it

>tfw not living in the alternate timeline where bimbo and jackson never broke up and dominated the game together in a way no showmance has done since rob and ambuh

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even quarky cant believe how retarded holly is

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So cliff needs holly as F2 to win at this point right? I think Nicole could beat cliff.

Cliff probably beats Nicole.

nicole feeling guilty about the hoh
>i owe her
might evict jackson for it

i think so.
Quarky>cliff holly

nah, she knows holly would probably take her to F2 over cliff

jackson cumming about holly telling him they believe it

shitcole rationalizing her shitty game and saying if you just make it to the end you deserve to win and thats that lol.

cliff jackson good convo

are you a pre-jury boot? yikes

i guess all nicoles play the same

>before and after photo
>your after photo is something noteworthy you did
>houseguests are forced by gunpoint to do a Survivoresque look back at all the big moments of the season and discuss all the cray and hilar shit that happened

Could be kino

jackson saving holly from eviction went from 25% to 75% chance of staying

all 2.5 of you are still watching. no need to keep updating each other on whats happening in real time

nicole wants to win the veto

dont pee in my cheerios and tell me its raining ok? thanks

hogg completely lost in the mist

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jackson gets a boner getting evicted by his own gf

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Just tell me Jackson is safe no matter what. That's all I want to hear.

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Why is she allied with Cliff then.

awwwwwww look at that pretty happy girl :))))

>they trusting the guy who randomly made a rogue vote against nicole

look at that pretty girl!

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this is probably the most alpha showmance in big brother history that they want to be evicted by their lovers

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How? She doesn't vote.

fuck i miss her
please dump her folder



misted lol

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god i want to perform anal love to bogs anus, i want that skinny little ass to rip apart, shit smeared everywhere, the room smelling like rectum for months

wow look at her!

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jackson and holly L O L 'ing at Boss Hogg and Quarky for believing they would take cliff

jackson and holly trying to find a way to tell cliff to throw it

jackson and holly plan on misting hogg tomorrow right before veto to throw it so jackson and bog can battle it out vs each other.
>holly: i dont want to over sell it though

jackson and holly doing a great job telling each other to not overpush it or oversell it

holly wants a redo on the HOH
>i shouldnt of thrown it
>that was the easiest thing ive done
apparently jackson was telling her to throw while she was up there too

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damn jackson knows the faces

hes a beast. he knows all the days too. the veto is a lock

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jackson has holly completely misted with this honor game they are playing. i doubt she turns against him and drops the whole lie about tommy if quarky/hogg win veto.

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isn't it great that everyone loves christie now
she's 100% coming back and i'm already ready for it

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hogg convinced that he will make finale. believes jackson and holly wont break their word

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hope this happens
>jackson wins HoH
>evicts cliff
>jackson wins HoH1
>Nicole wins HoH2
>Nicole wins HoH3
>takes holly F2
>nicole wins 5-4, with christie, tommy, nick, jack, and cliff

hell yeah

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Cliff Hogg. What went wrong?

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lol. i knew the move to boot tommy would start the decline of quarky. my sister hated that nicole did that.

cliff actually went to nicole and said jackson and holly were gonna evict each other and nicole believed it

>Jack somehow 5th place

The rankings should stabilize by midday but it's pretty amusing.

>Posting this 1 hour after the poll resets

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>nicole will be a good winner
lol no.
there is nothing saving that piece of shit, lol

truth be told i would rather fuck any one of the men in this cast before nicole.
so fucking hideous

didnt know actual faggots were itt.

based incel user up late Friday night bragging about who he wouldn't have sex with

only cliff and nick out of the people you listed would vote for her.
+ probably the fatso.
nobody else respects her for a second

fucking and sucking a male is less gay than looking at retardcole

you keep using that word, but i don't believe you know what it means

please incel, enlighten us on incels


sleep tight /bb/

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You'd put Nick above Christie after she did that brilliant play to stay, against all odds, by having everyone turn on him?

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>not including the coolest dude in the house in the grand frere pic

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truth be told, the only thing you have and ever will fuck is your hand

you sound mad

Do we know what comp the veto will be?

sprint comp

hope they don't wake up today

did the nicolefag change their pronouns again?

>want Jackson to win the veto
>also want to see if he would be able to mist retards into keeping him

i am as wishy washy as Nicole

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As much as I like Jackson, I’m still rooting for Nicole and Cliff.
I’m sorry, but underdogs winning just makes for better tv

Watermelon eating contest

Which outcome provides for maximum lolz?
Cliff winning POV and keeping Jackson?

>Nicole wins veto
>Jackson comes over
>”hey I heard Cliff’s been working with Holly”
>Nicole uses veto on Jackson
>Cliff goes home

and if Nicole/Cliff actually think for a second and decide to cut Jackson it might provide some sad chadkino like BBCAN7

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WIOW look at that pretty girl!!!

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Who gives a fuck what twitter randos have to say

>Mic Chucking

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>Watermelon Man Bad...
>Must Impeach Jackson

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lel, fucking Gnat - "She just accidentally dropped her mic, production..."

it’s hilarious that nicole gets sarcastically joked about being pretty, when this fucking ogre is in the house.
I want to vomit every time she gets posted unless she’s slathered under 30 layers of makeup


>sarcastically joked about being pretty
Who's joking?

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ask her how is jackson racist

either way, holly is disgusting and makes nicole look like a 10/10 by comparison.

when she is directly facing the camera you can’t see the extent of her beak

alpha male is the underdog in BB. the autist nerdy super fan that coasts most of the game always wins.

I’m at the point where I’d rather hear Melissa say stupid shit and get shot down rather than suffer thru Taran doing a solo update with stupid impressions

Dr. Will could take care of that easy.

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Taran has picked up some swagger since he hooked up with Aura.

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reminder that the goblin on the left is somehow several years younger than taran

I heard bbo hooked up with him after that rhap live show

God every RHAP show shes on she craters

You sound like a virgin

nicole autists aren't good at insults

o baby ur mad

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Same fag

you're really going to be this annoying of a nigger again today? call your mom and ask for forgiveness on how much of a complete loser you are and say you want to get a job bagging groceries like a good little autist

i laff at u

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i heard bbo let taran hit it raw...

this. tommys boypussy is more feminine than shitcoles wack ass.

Huh. You learn something new everyday.

As a gay man, I agree I’d hit Tommy’s fat ass

taran's impressions have made it unwatchable.

i don't want to see him do his big brother larping. the housewives who fawn over him and buy his merch love it though.

the first one was okay, but after that there has been a significant decline in the quality of her appearances

turns out that hiring someone who doesn’t watch bb lowers the quality of your bb podcast

the first one is the only one I watched. she facetimed with the negroes during it. if they're somehow worse than that now I'd be amazed. also you're a retard

fish, they are being woken up
>Cliff is sleep deprived
>Bog is retarded
>Cliff promised to Nicole if she wins POV he will evict Jackson

today is Nicole vs Jackson showdown

Where would cliff throwing the F4 veto to holly fall on the Worst Move Ever scale? Definitely way below angie rockstar, that was just verbal diarrhea

I love how mad you are over a person on TV

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yikes showfag phone poster waifu autist. sudoku is your only option

Why didn't Cliff just go to sleep yesterday?

he was afraid that he won't wake up

Jackson will be the first unanimous winner since BB10 Dan. Pretty cool if you ask me.

u are the mad person in the exchange my mad friend

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there was that nigger (forgive me devin) winner of bbceleb2 who was such a bad winner that she got bbceleb bbcancelled

Jackson won’t even make it to F2

I don't count BBCeleb but its pretty cool that it got cancelled. They should do BB Proper during Winter again or bring back BBOTT.

So mad

We are getting a Bog/Quarky F2. I can feel it in my bones.Bog is gonna win too.

I would encourage another OTT except it brings some ultra bad posters to our humble abode

u r the mad 1

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leave my friend alone!!

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it’s time to stop

OTT with a proper CBS show would be good for the winter.

Tamar was a decent winner. Like an even more based retard version of jasinski. Marisa or melissa or whatever her name was in celeb s1 followed the josh/kc "just be in an alliance lol" strategy, way worse

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Did she slap that poor girl's pussy?

just need to handicap the retarded bb twatter fanbase and OTT could be something

This is where Jackson's game was kicked into overdrive.

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Just take away the viewer's nom and vote to make OTT great. The fan votes are what got the fanbases all riled up against each other.

If OTT used BB proper rules, who wins?
>Morgan still wins.

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good morning niggas

It's hard for me to imagine OTT without it being the greek tragedy of jason roy. I think a normal season with that format would just be a bunch of people mugging for the camera

Whitney prob wins tbqhwy

am i the only one who liked jason?

Kryssie, Danielle and Jason would be pre-jury boots without America's influence
Morgan is still a small target and probably makes an endgame but not sure if the jury would vote for her, i remember her struggling to make a coherent case for herself (although it doesn't really matter those days)

Jackson is using every psychological trick in the book on both Nicole, and Cliff to make them overly self-conscious, and over think their every move. Don't know if it'll work, but both Nicole, and Cliff haven't slept well before the veto competition today.
Seriously Jackson is a persistent mad man, and I admire his efforts.

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about 40% of the fan base did

Shut the fuck up retard

We type here, we never actually speak, so shutting up is not needed, but try to make me. You cannot.

this is the bad type of autism that makes people hate you

one is just a retard floater that didn't do shit whole game until she got handed some wins and the other one is a coward.
they are not underdogs. they are pitiful morons. jackson is the underdog. people tried to get him out for half the game and he's still in it.

NEET fights

Scott would have won if it was a proper format.

he would get fucked over by sister twist unless you are implying that it wouldn't be in the game either

OTT was in 2015 and is never coming back. shut the fuck up

Veto winner
Melon man slayer

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I’ve posted 3 pictures and 4 words so far today. I am not the problem.

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Why do autists love this show so much.

Never seen it in my life but my gf's autistic brother obsesses.

Also I hide your threads every time.

imagine wanting another ott when the fanbase got 5 times more 'woke'

Really? I do not care. I unlike you, I came here to discuss Big Brother, not bother with angry people who like YOU have nothing but insults. Perhaps wasting your time with insults no one really cares about is what you SHOULD think about. I am done with you. Anything other than Big Brother I will not respond.
You seem angry, perhaps in need of sex.

This. OTT was a diamond-in-the-rough that should only be watched while it was live. It will never, could never, and should never be replicated.

I said shut the fuck up

Big Brother 21 winner

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i'm very sad cliff wasn't the won to win the hoh.
it's a real travesty, that a pile of shit like nicole will get to finish third....
this show is really garbage these days...

inshallah brother

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If Jackson doesn’t win we got a sad season on our hands

if he gets to f2 and still doesn't win, i'm seriously never watching again

True. Jackson is at least bringing back the spirit of competing head on to win, which is something BB has lacked for a long time.

new thread.


I agree with you one hundo p

OTT haters are literally the worst posters ITTs. they are just bitter they didnt watch and dont understand its not about the fan vote, its about the 24/7 live kino. when it comes back the fanbase wont have as much power, its inevitable and the future evolution of the game. dont count on this staying on CBS proper for much longer. its destined for online only

>(You) in the back

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nobody hates it I just want you to move on. It was years ago you complete loser

plus only stupid niggers say kino so fuck you

fuck off newfag

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I was in grad school when OTT was on so I had more time than anyone except NEETs to watch feeds and I still shit on the OTTfags

these fucking guys talk about kaysar, devin, dan and ian still and you want me to move on?

thats good

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>ywn crawl on the ground and tickle quarky's feet and scare her from slumber
why even live?

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cope lol.

nobody actually talks about them they just make one post. meanwhile you autists are doing retarded what if scenarios and trying to fix something that is never coming back

I’m still sad that I missed OTT /bb/.

but only in a meme way because I don’t actually care at all

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That face, that's the stuff of true horror, and nightmares

Wasn’t OTT completely dominated by women?

totes this
a real bone-chilling gut-churning atmospheric slow burning horror

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the greatest womens alliance of all time sans shitney

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it was completely dominated by jason roy's personality disorder. A "villain" performance that ages waaaaaaay better than i ever thought it would.

Dude came into the house with front-to-back knowledge of fucking bbuk and the format, then he fucks it up for himself just by being an asshole

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new thread scott...