Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maher of course, he's the only partially sane faggot left
>there are people that still refuse to believe that Maher is Jewish, even with that shnoz.
fats are disgusting, get /fit or die
I can't decide who i hate more, fat fucks or kikes
for a leftist why is Maher so based?? he seems like a cool alt right dude at heart, he just seems to reasonable and sane in most of his opinions its almost like he a classic alt right nazi
Can't they both just die?
t. fat "men"
The one that involves them both dying for our entertainment
Damn, why did no one tell me he was in the Sopranos prequel?
I hate both but I will side with Maher.
Fat people today are treated like slaves were in pre-Civil War South. Someday fat shamers will be as hated as slave owners and racists.
shaming people for things out of their control isn't cool
Get some knowledge
maher needs to lose weight in his nose, look at that thing
based joey
based maher
he sounds neurotic
he is half Irish’s dm half jewish, that’s a fact
fuck you, id kill for a beautiful bulbous nose like that!
Didn't Corden throw a big hissy fit when Letterman called him chubby. It was Dave's last few episodes and he had to apologize and backpedal cause CBS was afraid of losing their fat tub of lard they paid so much for.
Maher is a huge faggot holy shit have you never watched his show? How can you be so Jewish and so unfunny? He has all the classic hateful fuel of a Jew but none of the comedic charm
james, go to bed you fat faggot haha
The side that lets me coooooooooooom
>muh hateful jews make fun of me for being big-boned!!!
Corden is so fat, EVERYONE is on his side.
>I will delete comments referring to diet or exercise
I got through at least 4 paragraphs of pseudo-intellectual reviewscrew tier vomit just for him to throw up an everything-proof shield at the end?
Fuck this planet
Haha... ?
All these people are rich so they should all be gulaged
>weight battle
>the joos
>the joos!
media controlled opposition
he’s a puppet
He's not exactly a leftist as much as he is a deconstructionist. He knows the world isn't adapting. Most people put change and updating as a "left" issue, as the the "right" generally wants to maintain and grow without limits. Really though, wanting paper records of votes in case of voter fraud shouldn't be a party issue. It's allowing the use of technology but having the old system in place in case of an audit.
Being fat has impractical repercussions and makes for difficulties when trying to have a society for people to live in. There's no argument that works in favor of being fat, it's not a party issue either.
Absolutely Maher.
bill maher is clearly a spaniard yes
There's never anything wrong with shaming someone for something that's their own fault. Only when it's something that they can't change is it kind of cruel to make fun of.
But fat shaming is a win-win. Either they finally motivate themselves to lose the weight, or they kill themselves. Either way you end up with fewer fat people.
what does it matter what he is? if you aren't a room temperature IQ, try listening to what is being said, rather than only paying attention to who is talking. Evaluate ideas, not people, stereotypes, and crazed conspiracy theory.
Man, Bill Maher really is an ugly old Jew. He’s fucking repulsive to look at.
You should definitely kys
I'm on the "Fatties need to put the cheetos and mountain dew down and grow a fucking thick skin" side. "Fat shaming", go fuck yourself, fatty.
>malfunctioning fat cells
They seem to functioning very well bud
>"He’s fucking repulsive to look at"
>400 pound incel with backne, grease beard, and a ball sack you can smell in passing
CoCo only has to say the word.
Which word is that?
Fat shaming was the only thing that worked for me. Those fat activists just want to have special treatment.
Maher looks like a fuckin skeksis
> We fit shame.
Fucking nailed it.
Only correct opinion
based lesswrong bayesian overthinking autism
he's right though
shut it, lardo
>diet coke
this should of happed to her.
Biggest fat shaming BULLY on tv, why hasn’t he been cancelled yet!???
Lose weight, porky. It's not hard.
i hope they ruin each other so i dont have to hear from either ever again
I’m fat, and I agree. Being fat is not a quirk, it’s not beautiful, it is a flaw. It should not be normalized. I work a stressful job, I medicate by eating. I shouldn’t, but it’s a weakness. It’s a hard thing to battle with, it’s not as simple as just telling people to eat less and go to the gym, if people did that, they wouldn’t be fat in the first place, but it’s possible. I have lost a lot of weight before, I gained it back after my divorce due to depression. I need to do it again. It’s not healthy, and telling people that fat is beautiful and healthy is irresponsible and dangerous.
It is a flaw, it is gross, it is unhealthy. Stop this fat acceptance nonsense.
Those are 0 calorie diet cokes. Explain that atheists.
>Whose side are you on?
I'm not picking the side of a fucking celebrity you fucking shill
its mental illness. you literally build a wall of fat to keep people from getting close enough to hurt you. its faggy and pathetic as fuck, but its true.
Based self aware fatty. Now put down the doritos and give me 20 you fat useless fuck
Imagine being a jew and having an online legion of useful idiots who defend you because they have no ability to critically think.
>weight battle
>sorry out of order
>evaluate ideas not people
>not weighing personal motives based upon personal interests
Quit posting your retarded thought processes
I agree. I probably should be seeing a therapist, maybe be on medication. Hell, honestly, I should probably quit this fucking job and fix my lifestyle so I don’t feel compelled to eat all the time. What I should not do is just continue to be fat and expect everyone else to kiss my ass.
>honestly thinks his deranged conspiracy theories constitute "personal motives"
I think it's adorable how you're a half-retard human wasteland, and don't care who knows it.
How can we have universal healthcare if somebody just indulges and abuses their body.
My BMI is 18.5, he can make fun of all the fat faggots he wants while I’m malnourished, he’s just not funny and his asshole schtick has no redeeming value when he just spews empty rhetoric that is somewhat contrary to modern progressivism at times, to studi queues for clapping and laughing. If his ego isn’t stroked enough he resorts to berating his audience or guests. He’s just an unfunny political pundit who should’ve been left in the 80s and 90s as one of the worst comedians of all time
The push for fat 'acceptance' is an entirely female devised, female pushed agenda, one that could only be made by women, a creature so lacking in self-reflection and humility that their own flaws and failures are turned outwards and are now ours to deal with. 'It's not our fault we couldn't stop stuffing our faces with twinkies and white wine for 24 hours, it's men's for not wanting to fuck us.' I despise fat women, but I despise the females that push this agenda despite not being fat themselves even more, pushing it all solely for the sake of virtue signaling to all their friends on social media so that they won't get ostracized by other women for engaging in wrongspeak.
Fat shaming is the last tolerable form of racism today.
>when your nose is the size of a small car
fuck dagos
I've always liked Maher even though I disagree with some of his gheyer opinions. Not only does fat acceptance need to be put to an end, but clothing designers/outlet stores also need to stop enabling people to dress like overgrown children. This country is a fucking freak show.
As someone who has never been truly skinny, Corden is a faggot.
As long as you aren't being actively targeted in real life for your weight (which doesn't happen outside of schools) then its your fault for letting the words hurt you.
Being fat isn't a race, orientation or identity. It's just a state of being.
Like being dirty or being fit it's completely temporary and up to you whether you extend it longer or not.
Even being fat this guy stil has a better face and hairline then Maher, so I mean
>having in-race/ethnicity/tribe preferences is a crazy conspiracy theory
Oh honey. Oh sweety pie. Oh sugar tits.
it's literally thermodynamics
consume less calories (which are units of energy) than you spend
over time you will lose weight
>that clip of him blending doritos to make a smoothie
Maher's demeanor reminds me of Trump but he isn't as funny for some reason. I think it's the holier than thou attitude which a lot of the political talk show hosts seem to have
bro cognitive bias and ethnic bias are just conspiracy theories bro, maybe watch some bill Maher? He’s pretty smart, let’s the smart man set you right. Don’t you hear? everyone is laughing
>I better go broke from six figure cancer treatment but I won't pay for those fatasses at least
Americans, everyone.
I thought Jews have high IQs?
Thinner and in better shape than you nigger.
And you still need to kys. You contribute nothing to society. You’re a drain. Kys.
fuck off with your broscience you heartless dick
It's not a mental illness. That implies it's not fixable. It's a habit and a life style. Corporations pump out cheap unhealthy food and sell it for a high profit margin. America runs on these exchanges. Yea pizza taste good, they work really hard to make pizza taste good cause it's relatively cheap. All the ingredients store well. Things that are healthy for you spoil. This all has to be taught. It's not the same as being Bi-polar and stealing cause your brain isn't registering the concept of ownership. It's hammered into peoples brains to want fried chicken and ice cream and continue the industries.
It’s called smug liberalism, and it comes out in the comedy a lot, especially in observational condescension comedy. You have it on the right with their ecelebs too. It’s annoying on both sides. It is the default form for them, the least good leftist political comic was Jon Stewart on the DS, and Colbert to some extent, but right now is as divisive as ever and more annoying than ever. Maher has always been insufferable to me though, and it’s not for comedy, it’s just for more center left people to feel smug, maybe get a single laugh at a dig at trump, but just to have their views affirmed. Confirmation bias that they are indeed rational and grounded, with the bill Maher seal of intellectual approval. Though bill of course has said some good things and some terrible things. He is not an intellectual in my opinion, and he is not a good comic. He is not as bad as the far far left, but his entire persona is unbearable. Samantha bee is another ones of these smug comedians, even more unfunny than Maher, for obvious reasons
smokers pay more for insurance, so why not fatties.
Mad fatties
mental illness doesnt mean its permanent. you can make yourself crazy, and you can unfuck yourself with some strength of will and character
the fat dude on the left is probably the same height as Maher's nose
>one guy believes in fat-shaming
>isn't fat
>other guy doesn't believe in fat-shaming
>is fat
There's something really ass backwards about how leftists pretend weight loss doesn't exist and yet promote gender reassignment surgery. It's actually mind boggling.
Normalizing trannies brings them one step closer to adding a "P" to ""LGBTQ+". Discussing lard, and how to shed it, doesn't do shit for them.
Way to miss the point.
Isn't that 100% by definition?
James Cordon is an unlikable cunt, he's bottom of the barrel humour to appeal to actual retards. So of course he'd make it massive in the US. Hopefully he dies of a coronary soon.
Anyone who's a "lifecoach" is a 100% certified piece of shit
Diet soda actually fucks with your metabolism because your body can't process it properly. It's like putting unleaded in a diesel engine.
I mean, yeah, it technically produces no net calorie gain, but your body *tries* to process it and fails. That's not good. Zero calorie sweeteners are an abomination.
The real reason diet sodas are bad is because artificial sweeteners fuck up your hormones even worse than pure sugar, they also kill gut bacteria which ruins your digestion - a single diet soda can kill 50% of the good bacteria in your gut, and diet sodas with caffeine cause long term brain damage in a way that normal caffeinated sodas don't.
>everyone's laughing
appealing to the masses doesn't make it right
What is this, a cunt convention? They're all insufferable.
>Yea Forums science from underage redditors
>Bongistanians chortle endlessly about Americans being fat
>Move to America and get paid in American shekels
>Get into a fight because one of our jews called him fat
All I'm consuming from now on is Salmon, broccoli, sweet potatoes flavored with olive oil, and pomegranate juice.
Any side Uncle Joey is on, I'm on it dawg
He rails against establishment, occasionally that's the Democrats. But he basically says one centrist thing every 5 months and people call him based.
>It's an uneducated moron pretends he knows science episode
>People who drink diet sodas daily have three times the risk of stroke and dementia compared to people who rarely drink them
>They may also cause changes in hormone levels or gut bacteria, both of which play a role in weight and insulin management. For example, a study published in the journal Nature in 2014 found that artificial sweeteners altered the gut bacteria in people and mice, increasing their risk of glucose intolerance, a condition often preceding diabetes.
>consumer reports
He knows that it’s about quantity right? Like a woman can eat one burger a day and be way skinnier than a dude who constantly stuffs his face with cheese
>thinks nbc and consumer reports did the scientific studies
How stupid are you? Are you drinking a lot of diet coke?
>thinks nbc and consumer reports don't look for suspect-but-clickbaitey """studies"""
Fat shaming is necessary. The entire exercise industry is based on shame, not on health.
is that cadey mercury?
Why do fatties hate each other so much?
this is that high schooler who thought he was a genius, was a C-student, dropped out of college, and still wants everybody to know how smart he is.
Maher's a gigantic shitter but I agree with him on that to a degree. Outright fat shaming is bullshit, but too much "Fat acceptance" is too. People shouldn't try to paint it as healthy/beautiful/good since it is just strictly bad for your body. The question is if fat shaming would cause more harm from mentally fucking people up than it would potentially help people by maybe lighting a fire under someone's ass to lose weight.
I appreciate that Joey Diaz as being a fat fuck at least has the self-awareness to recognize reality.
>The Swan was a 2004 American reality television program broadcast on Fox in which women who were judged to be ugly were given "extreme makeovers" that included several forms of plastic surgery. The title of the series refers to the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling, in which a homely bird matures into a swan.
Its hard to believe this was mainstream TV just 15 years ago
>Like a woman can eat one burger a day and be way skinnier than a dude who constantly stuffs his face with cheese
Only if she pukes it up later in the toilet
cindy and marnie were already cute, they just needed better styling.
That's not Cadey Mercury. Speaking of fat people, that bitch has been putting on weight. No longer in her prime. Such a shame.
Def her, and yea shes gettin fat
with long hair? And asian?
>cool alt right dude
Looks like a Batman villan
My gf eats junk and she's 5ft6 110 pounds at 24. I'm 5ft11, 140 pounds (in b4 "rattle me bones memes"). I eat cheese, meat, and cheetos/potato chips/pop corn everyday. One or two 24 pack of beer a week. Fried food, soda often. My blood must be BBQ sauce. But you know what's the secret?
Cocaine and smokes.
inflammatory and indigestable
>sweet potatoes
inflammatory carbs that spike insulin
>pomegranate juice
more garbage sugar
We need more fat shaming, the amount we're doing now is obviously woefully ineffective.
Considering that being fat literally destroys their brains, fat shaming can only be good for mental health.
He's wrong btw. That's a carnitard, basically an obese zealot that refuses to give up butter.
Honestly, shit like this just proves feminine "beauty" is just a product of makeup, hairstylists and lighting.
If you told me that bottom pic was a bunch of trannies I'd believe it and fap to it
Fat Hate Thread?
Fat Hate Thread
James Corden is the mouthpiece of ignorant overweight single mothers.
Did James Corden get exported out of UK for being too fat?
I refuse to believe anyone is actually okay with being fat
They’re both rather dumb and not entertaining honestly. So either. Although Cordon is obviously a total bitch lol
he's not fat, he's a warrior
yeah companies spend billions testing and retesting every single molecule of ingredients just to get past regulators, they can't sell something that kills the customer.
yep. Drink regular as god intended.
Kelly looks like she'd be kinky for some reason. Sarina looks like she would never voluntarily touch a penis.
I can tell you've never been to tumblr.
How do people even get that fat? I have a lousy diet and I'm a raging alcoholic yet I've never come close to that. Do you have to guzzle Coca Cola all day?
Thanks fren
>How do people even get that fat?
by living in america.
They eat all day. The "snack food" industry was created entirely for them. They wanted something to eat when they weren't eating meals.
The other answers in this thread are good, but genes unironically matter sometimes. Some people are just born disgusting.
>Fat faggot vs Jew
Is that the dude waiting in front of the blacked sign?
Yeah someone figured out who he is and there's been several coomer threads but jannie keeps deleting them
this guy seems actually crazy instead of just a delusional fatass
hes actually smart, hes not n our side though
fpbp maher is the only half decent one
and they do it for free, even lower than jannies
Yep, someone found his Twitter so now we have dozens of photos of him. He looks slightly less pathetic in the other photos though, which is a shame. The original photo of him is what started me on nofap because I had bad skin just like him.
This. Any ugly chick deserves ridicule because it means she doesn't even fucking try.
I'm not sure that nofap works.
It does according to democracy
snoo spitting fax though
doesn't weight battle mean exercise?
Body positivity isn't about promoting obesity, anorexia, etc. It's about loving yourself no matter what stage you are in with your body. Whether obese, whether having lost weight or recovering from an eating disorder. It's celebrating diversity with love and acceptance, to help others take better care of themselves, to love themselves as they never had before. Not to mention there ARE medical conditions. I have PCOS and it makes it damn near impossible to lose weight, it can take me months to lose a couple of pounds along with a ton of other symptoms. There's mental illness, there is insecurity, there's low self esteem and slew of other reasons. The point is, you don't know someone's journey/struggles, but you can opt to be supportive and encouraging without shaming someone because it doesn't do any good!
I fucking hate both of these assholes but somehow Corden is so much more grating.
Isn't it for people who have purple blotches on their face or chicken wing arms? I don't think it was originally an excuse for fat people.
As one bro to another, you can cope with more than food. Treat food as a craft you need to spend time perfecting so you accept less preprocessed slop and more salads. Make a pet or an exercise your new coping tool.
>James Corden posting in the comments
Of course
>Cool alt right dude
>It's about loving yourself no matter what stage you are in with your body.
>metabolic disprivelege
>Not Stacy vs Becky.webm
Chad and Virgin are male only famalam
Drug addiction positivity isn't about promoting drug use, overdosing, etc. It's about loving yourself no matter what stage you are in with your addiction. Whether a casual user, whether having ODed several times or recovering from an addiction. It's celebrating diversity with love and acceptance, to help others take better care of themselves, to love themselves as they never had before. Not to mention there ARE medical conditions. I have addictive personality disorder and it makes it damn near impossible to stop doing drugs, it can take me months to stop smoking crack. There's mental illness, there is insecurity, there's low self esteem and slew of other reasons. The point is, you don't know someone's journey/struggles, but you can opt to be supportive and encouraging without shaming someone because it doesn't do any good!
Not if he has insurance through his employer like most Americans.
We shall never forget the sacrifice he made storming the beaches at Tastee Freez
>phoneposting t_donald refugee
>g-guys am I fitting in yet?
hi reddo
>you don't know someone's journey/struggles
This is the biggest explanation for never improving and I'm hearing it more and more as years go by. Its honestly sad, these people never lose weight or change their bad habits but they talk about it like they're on a 'journey' and doing something about it when they aren't. Just totally full of shit.
>he is a deconstructionist.
Based and Derridapilled
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
God damn.
Is Maher's nose getting bigger, or is the rest of his face just shrinking?
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
I get the nose but why are his lips so flat?
Fuck 'em all cocksucka! It's Saturday, it's time to polish that helmet and spark a joint full of that shit that killed Epstein!!
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
Lol did you forget what your disinfo squad posted here? Chop chop before shariahblue fires you!
Literally no one has refused to believe he’s Jewish. He’s an atheist now. Jewish by blood though.
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
Craig's of course. I couldn't give a shit about Corden or Maher.
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
Why would I side with anyone who wanted the economy to crash purely to spite Trump?
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
I hate how accurate this is.
>wanted the economy to crash purely to spite Trump
Jesus, is *that* what you people tell yourselves these days?
Can't I root for both of them to fail?
No-one anywhere, neither in generations past nor those yet to come, was ever afraid of the Trump subreddit.
your tranny shill PAC is, that's why you've been running gay ops for 4 years now
The man said it himself. By "you people" I just assume you mean "at least mildly informed."
>cool alt right dude
>scared of the trump subreddit
>your tranny shill PAC
You're a fucking mess, guy. Like a madwoman's shit.
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
why is CTR dumping their anti-trump shill package and why are you gaslighting against it
lol seething
why are you scared of the trump subreddit, libtard
If you're rich/famous and still fat, you only got yourself to blame. Just hire a personnel trainer and a dietitian, you unfunny fat British faggot.
why can you never say "jews"
is it against your programming
Have you ever counted your calories? You should try it for a week for science.
pretty sure this is the same free mason on pol.
goddamn once we started putting jews = free masons they have been everywhere now.
>aspartame fucks up your metabolism
t. Biochem degree
Kys faggot
Man this post really shows the lack of political understanding the average person who talks about left/right actually has.
actually it was high school he dropped out of, but everything else is accurate
source: he's a redditfamous meme scientist and i've seen pics of his before
Fuck I hate that fat piece of shit like you wouldn’t believe.
Hate bill maher cause he is pretty much a redditor
>dude weed lmao
>bro these SJWs bro!111
Hate Corden cause he ruined the Late Late Show
Craig shouldn't have left.
So fuck them both. No sides.
It's not like people have a fat illness that just gives them fat for no reason. They have a condition where they gain a lot of weight by little. Take some fucking responsibility. Diabetics have to, allergics have to, any number of other illnesses have to. Just because your thing doesn't kill you immedietely doesn't mean you have any less responsibility.
You are allowed an opinion when your source links starts with "ncbi".
>correlation between drinking diet coke and heart disease
Who drinks sugar free soda? Fat people.
>Maher of course, he's the only partially sane faggot left
LMAO at you kike
>he thinks that nbc/consumer report didn't selectively choose studies that agreee with their stance instead of applying proper protocol to choosing eligible studies
What's were their selection criteria? What assessment took was used on the studies? Which databases were you? Who performed the searches?
>I will delete comments referring to diet or exercise
I wish I had the pic of the trainer from that talk show looking shell shocked saved.
Stacy vs Tanisha more like
Bill hanging out with fellow pedo Hugh Hefner
did anyone see that kike Bari Weiss on last night's episode?
Some people react well to negative reenforcement and some people don't. You can shame some people into losing weight but others will double down due to mental issues into eating more and becoming unhealthy. Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz have discussed this.
However. Corben is a rich fuck and a softy bitch. . He doesn't need a dad diet or to struggle with it. He doesn't even need to excercise like made just have someone around to handle his food. He is too lazy and getting called out is fucking painful for his bitch ass.
Jonha Hill lost weight. The dude from Superbad lost a shitload of weight.
Why doesn't he admit he has a weight problem and suggest we all work together to fight the obesity epidemic? Is he just too lazy?
Why should I care? Maher is an atheist not a practicing Jew afaik.
Anyway ridiculing, offending and attacking people is FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Deal with it fatties.
He's a liberal, not a leftist
Maher seems more Euro liberal than American liberal.
Bill Maher doesn't have a weight problem because he is a heavy coke snorter. That prevents you from taking weight. If he were to stop coke, he would resemble to Harvey Weinstein.
Who cares, enemy of America and European man it is and always was.
>gotta fit in, my job depends on my popularity
There is a substance for all you fattories that uncouples one of the aspects of oxphos so that ues you can sit on your lard ass and burn energy. Too bad its got a very narrow therapeutic index so you cant get it. Youre stuck with not eating shit.
Looks like he has some sympathy in the altright for being pro Israel and islamophobic. He also uses the word niggers when it pleases him.
High verbal iq
Maher, James Corden is insufferable.
if shaming fat people is only okay if you can shame druggies, alcoholics, compulsive gamblers, smokers, etc. because it's essentially food addiction that comes from having less of an ability to resist temptation and delay satisfaction. and this is often a genetic thing. they are often just genetically fucked and prone to addiction, and if it wasn't food it could easily be smoking, drinking, gambling or hard drugs. it often requires them more than the average person to resist
I'm not saying it's wrong. just need to be consistent. all such addictions should be shamed or none of them should be
thats pretty embarrassing. Size was all she had and it accomplished nothing.
Team Corden.
Bill Maher is a horrible person.
There are no words adequate to describe the hatred I have for that awful, criminal slob Joey Diaz.
James Corden is a nice person and being fat and trying to lose weight is difficult battle.
If you “battle with your weight”, you are too Rich.
He ha so hilarious so epic bro just a gamer chair moment you know haha just a little gamer ER run
In other words, I don’t want to eat less or exercise.
As an Englishman, I will always stand Against that unfunny lardo.
the trick is not controlling your food, it's controlling your money
if you write up a sensible shopping list for groceries and food to cook at home and NEVER buy anything that's not in it, you will lose weight without lifting a finger
also never carry hard cash with you so you never buy garbage snack foods
i remember being obsessed with lesswrong shit until i saw one of their actual live person conferences and it was just a bunch of hunched over balding goofs rationalising away their failures
Could this sack of shit be any more subhuman?
well it's very accessible and easy to buy into, and they were putting that stuff out there relatively early in the internet so it's had a huge amount of readership. it's funny to think of elon musk's meeting his waifu as a direct result of this guy's overwhelming tism
I hope you will make it user
Don’t hate yourself
Maher is an elitist champagne liberal to the fucking core.
Reminder that he literally said he wanted the economy to crash and start a recession so long as it meant getting trump out the office and he said "sorry guys it has to be done!" With a shit eating grin on his face. He and all those on the left know how great trump is for the economy and as long as he keeps at least that up he stays in office. Pic related.
We do need more fat shamers. I was at a house party last December and I made fun one of my friends for drinking white claw. Before anyone knew what it was. He said in front of everyone I was a fat ass and should be drinking them too instead of beer. I got pissed but it was true. I gained weight after getting strep in college.
I changed my lifestyle and started keto dieting. I’m down 30 lbs in 9 months or so and below my high school weight when I was an athlete. If you aren’t a pathetic and lazy slob, the truth will push you to improve yourself. These losers make every excuse even when they’re wealthy enough to hire trainers. You can do it too, user.
shelly is so fucking hot aaaaahhhhhhhhh
Doesn't Maher want to kill children?
Vicki Chase, faceblinds
Jews are a race of people, not a religion. Did you think they all morphed to look similar through prayer?
You don't have to stop eating or change your diet, just don't take as large portions as normally. And, you know you don't have to eat a whole pizza, right? Save half of it for the next day.
>"h-he's atheist!!"
Sure, just ignore the fact that Religulous makes fun of every major religion except judaism
I had never even heard of Corden until I saw that stupid Drop the Mic show advertise.
They're both faggots but Corden is a bigger faggot plus he's fat so I'll side with Bill.
Medicate by eating is the most retarded thing I’ve heard. Stop it.
Also I’m glad Corden is finally getting flak, I’ve hated him for years
Always has, and always will be, an unfunny, fat cunt.
It was something written in the 80's or 90's I believe, not sure of the name but I think it was by Maher.
>weight battle
if you're rich enough to hire personal trainers and buy all the gym gear you want to put in the personal gym room in your mansion and you don't have to arrange your diet and exercise regime around a 9-5 workday and you're SITLL fat that's not a battle, you have already surrendered
Establishment Jew is hardly what I would call a sane faggot
>Alt right
He's an establishment neo con that calls himself a lefty. Are faggots who larp outside of /pol/ always this low IQ?
Limit your diet to some eggs and fruit in the morning, veg and noodles at lunch, and a dinner of chicken (get loads of spice and seasoning), loads of veg, and rice for dinner, maybe some fruit as a snack later in the evening. Do 30 minutes of high intensity walking/jogging a day, do 30 minutes of weights (squats, hammer curls, and bench presses) every other day, and you'll burn fat off fast. Give yourself a treat every couple of days, something you like to eat and a cheat meal day once a week.
>has own show on american television that people watch for some reason
>also star in movies somehow
>get paid huge sums of money
>money, as we know, that can be exchanged for goods and services
>muh weight battle
Pay people to cook for you.
Pay people to train you.
Then fucking kill yourself, fatty.
You are retarded. Kill yourself.
I'm on James' side. I don't want him coming back to the UK. The burden is yours America
why do burgers love corden? No-one in the UK likes him beyond one show he did
it’s widely accepted on all sides of the political spectrum that bill maher sucks dick lmao
your body
you do whatever the fuck you want
if you want to be an obese wallmart dweller that weights 900 pounds you are free to do so
if you want to run marathons and eat healthy you are free to do so
If you see a fat person on the streets just pretend is a homeless man a look the other way
I think they both should be deported.
Bill maher is easily the top mind in political media.
Hes been consistent and on the right side of basically every issue for decades.
He attacks the far left constantly.
He attacks stupidity on the right constantly.
He invites guests he disagrees with on constantly.
He makes fun of everyone.
And all of you baby pussy fags who only have to say "Jewish shill" prove you havent really watched him.
Having said that, Corden had a nice little response in this occasion, so theyre both right.
Hes so fucking cringe tho
No, its John Stewart's "America" book from like 2005
Look up Bobby Clarke from the 1970's Philadelphia Flyers, or Max Domi from the actual Montreal Canadiens. Somi gets blood tested after each period. Both have become high-end athletes while struggling with diabetes. If they can do this, there are zero excuse for an obese person to be that way.
America by Jon Stewart
>production company called kidlove
>isn't a jewish pedo
pick one, and wake the fuck up retard
Can you imagine if that was how it worked? Like saying a southern baptist prayer made you a fat white football fan or doing enough buddhist meditation made you look like the last airbender.
He's as establishment as it gets. The only renegade shit he does is he doesn't pretend that the Democrats have reelection in the bag. He never talks about ideas, it's just trying to hype up Democrats.
You guys just see the Twitter outrage over him since roasties don't like him since he only bangs college girls. His show is not about making fun of Marvel fans and fat people.
Lol jesus christ you trump supporters are such dumb conspiracy eating pussies
Maher talks shit about pedos and related shit like rkelly all the time. He famously bangs black chicks.
Dawg did i ever tell you about how i used to steal coke in the 80s
As someone who watches his show, he attacks the left and the Democrats all the time when theyre on some dumb shit.
Hes just a straight up logical guy not beholdent to any ideologies telling people theyre being stupid
imagine actually listening to ((Eliezer Yudkowsky))
What if American highschools serve cocaine at the cafeteria? Hell academic results might improve.
I will always be against fat people even if I have to side with a jew.
Heres some harsh truths
Being fat is a lifestyle addiction
Same as being someone who leaves fhe wrok force and sits at home for 7 years and cant get out of the rut.
Same as drug addiction, gambling addiction, porn addiction.
We all have our own addictions, some have more than others.
Yes genetics make a difference, but lifestyle is taught to you as a baby.
Also this.
Bill is based as fuck
I honestly don't care about Jews, I'm on team smug liberal. Religion or race are irrelevant outmoded constructs. Its 2019 sweety.
that doesnt even look like coke
eat less do more
fatty needs to shut their cornhole with another hostess
thats the fiber part fuck wit
yeah being fat is an illness. A mental illness. STOP EATING SO MUCH, FATTIES. aw, fatty want a cupcake? Have a cigarette and stop eating.
Anyone who is against that fat limey cunt is a friend of mine, that's for replacing based Craig Ferguson.
>Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, an antioxidant that fights inflammation by reducing your levels of cytokines and NF-kB, which drive inflammation
Really? People question it? I always assumed he was Jewish. He loves Israel and always defends it. Doesn't this video state him being Jewish??
All addiction is the same thing. Were creatures of habits. Lifestyle changes arent the easiest things to make.
holy shit lads look at the size of that nose, must take up at least a third of maher's face
No shit heads. Everyone knows one of his parents are jewish. What is more important is his rheotric.
Hes anti PC, completely anti race bating politics, he asks why were not allowed to criticize the state of Israel, and he made fun of jews plenty in religlulous.
I used to do the same but then simply switched to an all ribeye-eggs-smoked salmon-pork belly diet with some occasional other meats. Still medicate with yummy ribeyes and pork bellies whenever I want and lost 30 pounds in 2 months.
Carnivore diet will make you lose weight like nothing else and you can still eat delicious food as much as you want as long as you love steaks
I’m fat and I agree with Maher
wtf how did he do that to his fat ass from a little fall
John Stewart, that's it. I had that in my mind for some reason but I wasn't sure enough to type it.
what a doomed nation
Yeah how about stop fucking eating like there's no tomorrow and eat like a human being you consumerist piece of shit
>100% of people who breath will eventually die
He always whines about SJWs on college campuses and muh freezepeach, I don't know why people here hate him so much even though he agrees with them.
>black dildo to the right of his gigantic fat arse
Maher is a piece of shit. But he's in the right here
I used to weigh 19-20 stone, I change my diet and dropped 7 stone in a year, its made me hate fat people as I know just how easy it is to make a small change
patrick stewarts side
if this guy spent half the time he spent looking up words in a thesaurus to make this post rather than just exercising, he'd never have a weight problem.
I am not on either side. They're both sub-humans and leftists.
What I think is that people have to be more honest with fatties and people who know the truth have to speak up. Losing fat is easy and we know why people are fat. ''Fat shaming'' is jewish nonsense that relies on emotions and not facts. Shaming someone into being ashamed of themselves is just emotional manipulation. I don't need to shame fatties, I can just tell them to lose the weight, and if they get mad saying that they can't lose the weight or call you a fatphobe, they need get punched in the face.
These people have a problem, we know the solution to the problem. I don't want to shame them, I want them to lose their fucking weight already.
>I'm not fat, my cells are metabolically disprivileged
>sperging out this hard over a simple comment about jew noses
You have mental issues, not him.
He's not a leftist though. He's a libertarian. He has views that might be considered left, but he has views that might also be considered right.
>Stop shovelling shit in your mouth
Die fatty
i hate fat people
Women shame fats plenty by not having sex with them.
i quit my stressful job that was the source of my weight gain. I have since left & have lost 50 lbs too. I'm not young either, low 40's so it's very possible to lose weight. High 240's to 188. weight loss is very possible, if one wants to do it.
How low does your testosterone have to be to not have any body hair?
Unfunny kike vs unfunny fat fuck, why should anyone here have a horse in this race?
None of my friends have chest hair as far as I know
Then there's me with a hairy chest, back, shoulders and arse.
Also 6'3
look up BakBlade on amazon, best money i ever spent
corden is a sweetheart