What's the first episode that comes to mind when you hear "The Simpons"?

What's the first episode that comes to mind when you hear "The Simpons"?

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dental plan
lisa needs braces

Worst episode ever



the tomacco one

Homer at The Bat.

The one where Homer challenges people to duels by slapping them in the face with a glove

Thank god its Doomsday

Dead meme

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: sneed poster.jpg (989x1495, 62K)

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Is that your answer to the OP, moeposter? Sad...

Attached: D57EF5D7-1F17-4B6F-9E72-E695C1CA7D05.gif (1100x450, 788K)

The one where Homer becomes an astronaut. It's pure unadulterated kino.

KEK moeposter btfo yet again
I wonder what image he'll switch to now

BTFO yet again

Attached: GTA.png (309x437, 195K)


Attached: sneed poster.jpg (619x1062, 188K)

Wait how are those images blowing him out

The moeposter is pathologically afraid of someone posting the "I

That one Steamed Hams skit.

Attached: 220px-The_Simpsons-Jeff_Albertson.png (220x325, 56K)

Last exit to springfield

The road trip episode where they drive to a wig store


E-I-E-I (annoyed grunt)

The 2001 a space odyssey episdoe, i think it was a tree house of horror, but i saw it before the actual movie and it fucked me up!

The turnip juice one

The tomacco one

Attached: sneed.png (640x480, 222K)

Attached: 200px-Th14Cirno.png (200x314, 55K)


The one were they get Santa's little helper, also the one were the dog gets sick then runs away and taken in by mr burns